gesis report 09/23

Liebe Leser*innen,

mit der September-Ausgabe des gesis reports läuten wir die Herbstzeit ein. Wir stellen neue Publikationen vor, erinnern noch einmal an die angelaufene neue Staffel unserer Vortragsreihe "Meet the Experts" und gratulieren Frau Prof. Dr. Beatrice Rammstedt zum Alfred-Binet-Preis.

Wir wünschen Ihnen viel Freude bei der Lektüre!

Ihre Redaktion

Dear readers,

the September issue of gesis report heralds the start of the fall season. We present new publications, remind you of the new season of our lecture series "Meet the Experts", and congratulate Prof. Dr. Beatrice Rammstedt on her Alfred Binet Award.

We hope you enjoy reading it!

Your editorial team

Meet the Experts – New talks on "Data Services, Data Archiving, and Research Data Management"

  • 12.10.2023, Dr. Alexander Jedinger, Community Data Collection
  • 26.10.2023, Wolfgang Zenk-Möltgen, Dr. Jan Schwalbach, Kokila Jamwal, What do you know about your data? Metadata and PIDS at the GESIS Data Archive
  • 09.11.2023, Dr. Alexander Jedinger, Marlene Hilgenstock, Pascal Kolkwitz-Anstötz, Introduction to domain-specific data infrastructures: DP-R|EX 
  • 23.11.2023, Sebastian Netscher & Dr. Anja Perry, Research Data Management and RDM-Training at GESIS 
  • 07.12.2023, Jara Kampmann & Dr. Deborah Wiltshire, Managing the risks of the different access routes for sensitive data

After a presentation, our experts will be available for further discussion and to answer questions.

Further information & registration

Meet-the-Data @Bildungsforschung

In der KonsortSWD-Reihe Meet-the-Data werden ausgewählte Datenbestände vorgestellt und Fragen zum Datenzugang und zur Datennutzung beantwortet.
Start am 19. Oktober, 13:15-14:00, mit GESIS-Kollegin Dr. Débora Maehler und PIAAC.

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GESIS Training Workshops in December 2023

Going Cross-Lingual: Computational Methods for Multilingual Text Analysis

07-08/12 & 14-15/12
Introduction to Event History Analysis

Causal Mediation Analysis

Introduction to Stata

Check out our other workshops!

Save the date:

CHOC2023 - Conference on Harmful Online Communication, Cologne / online, November 16–17, 2023



Neu erschienen: Mauk & Grömping: Online Disinformation Predicts Inaccurate Beliefs About Election Fairness Among Both Winners and Losers

Mauk, M., & Grömping, M. (2023). Online Disinformation Predicts Inaccurate Beliefs About Election Fairness Among Both Winners and Losers. Comparative Political Studies, 0(0).

In diesem Artikel untersuchen die Autor*innen die Triebkräfte der öffentlichen Wahrnehmung und Fehlwahrnehmung der Fairness von Wahlen.

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Out now: Mauk & Grömping: Online Disinformation Predicts Inaccurate Beliefs About Election Fairness Among Both Winners and Losers

Mauk, M., & Grömping, M. (2023). Online Disinformation Predicts Inaccurate Beliefs About Election Fairness Among Both Winners and Losers. Comparative Political Studies, 0(0).

In this article, the authors investigate the drivers of public perceptions and misperceptions of election fairness.


Neuer Beitrag im GESIS Blog: Dr. Kristi Winters schreibt über den Zusammenhang von Umweltnachteilen, dem Einkommen einer Person und Migration

Dr. Kristi Winters: ​Germany’s Environmental Inequalities Linked to Lower Incomes and Migration Backgrounds​, DOI: 10.34879/gesisblog.2023.70

In Deutschland geborene Personen und Migrant*innen mit höherem Einkommen haben weniger Umweltnachteile, während Migrant*innen mit niedrigem Einkommen deutlich höhere Nachteile haben. Jünger, Geodatenspezialist bei GESIS, kombinierte Befragungsdaten aus der Allgemeinen Bevölkerungsumfrage der Sozialwissenschaften (ALLBUS) mit kleinräumigen Daten. Seine Ergebnisse dürften für kommunale Planung und politische Entscheidungen von Interesse sein, wenn Städte und Gemeinden mehr Naherholungsgebiete schaffen wollen, um die negativen Auswirkungen anderer Flächennutzungen zu kompensieren.

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New blog post: Dr. Kristi Winters writes about links between living in areas with environmental disadvantages, a person’s income, and migration

Dr. Kristi Winters: ​Germany’s Environmental Inequalities Linked to Lower Incomes and Migration Backgrounds​, DOI: 10.34879/gesisblog.2023.70

Native-born Germans and higher-income migrants experienced fewer environmental disadvantages while low-income migrants mainly experienced significantly higher disadvantages. Jünger, a geo-data specialist at GESIS, combined survey data from the German General Social Survey (ALLBUS) with small-scale spatial data. His conclusions should interest local planners and policymakers when cities, towns, and other municipalities want to enhance the number of recreational areas to compensate for the deleterious effects of other land use.


Beatrice Rammstedt erhält den renommierten „Alfred-Binet-Preis"

Prof. Dr. Beatrice Rammstedt erhält den Preis für ihre Forschung im Bereich der psychologischen Diagnostik sowie für die Etablierung diagnostischer Verfahren zur Erfassung psychischer Merkmale in weiteren sozialwissenschaftlichen Disziplinen.

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Beatrice Rammstedt receives the prestigious "Alfred Binet Prize"

Prof. Dr. Beatrice Rammstedt receives the award for her research in the field of psychological diagnostics as well as for establishing diagnostic procedures for recording psychological traits in other social science disciplines.


Neue Publikation: May & Czymara: Careless whisper: Political elite discourses activate national identities for far-right voting preferences

May, A. C., & Czymara, C. S. (2023). Careless whisper: Political elite discourses activate national identities for far-right voting preferences. Nations and Nationalism, 1–20.

Obwohl ausgrenzende nationale Identitäten in Europa weit verbreitet sind, wählen in den meisten Ländern relativ wenige Menschen die extreme Rechte. Daher führt eine ausgrenzende Identität in vielen Fällen nicht dazu, dass solche Parteien gewählt werden. Die Autor*innen zeigen, dass diese nationalen Identitäten aktiviert werden müssen, um verhaltensrelevant zu werden.

Mehr lesen...

Out now: May & Czymara: Careless whisper: Political elite discourses activate national identities for far-right voting preferences

May, A. C., & Czymara, C. S. (2023). Careless whisper: Political elite discourses activate national identities for far-right voting preferences. Nations and Nationalism, 1–20.

While exclusionary national identities are widespread among Europeans, relatively few people vote for the far right in most countries. Thus, an exclusionary identity in many cases does not lead to voting for the most nativist types of parties. The authors explain this empirical puzzle by showing that these identities need to be activated to become behaviourally relevant.


Jetzt verfügbar: Qualitativer Datensatz "Open Access, Preprints and Research Impact (OASE): Transcripts from Focus Group Interviews" & Studienreport

Biesenbender, Kristin; Mayr, Philipp; Peters, Isabella (2023): Open Access, Preprints and Research Impact (OASE): Transcripts from Focus Group Interviews. Qualiservice, PANGAEA,

Der aus 3 Fokusgruppen-Interviews bestehende Datensatz wurde im Rahmen des Projekts "Open Access Effects – The influence of structural and author-specific factors on the impact of open access publications from various disciplines" (OASE) erhoben.

Biesenbender, Kristin; Mayr, Philipp; Peters, Isabella (2023): Study report: "Open Access Effects" (OASE) - The influence of structural and author-specific factors on the impact of open access publications from various disciplines. Bremen: FDZ Qualiservice, 15,

Dieser englischsprachige Studienbericht beschreibt den qualitativen Teil des vom BMBF geförderten Forschungsprojekts "Open Access-Effekte – Strukturelle und autorspezifische Einflussfaktoren auf den Impact von OA-Publikationen diverser Fachdisziplinen“ (OASE).

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Now available: Qualitative Dataset: "Open Access, Preprints and Research Impact (OASE): Transcripts from Focus Group Interviews" & Study report

Biesenbender, Kristin; Mayr, Philipp; Peters, Isabella (2023): Open Access, Preprints and Research Impact (OASE): Transcripts from Focus Group Interviews. Qualiservice, PANGAEA,

The dataset with 3 focus group interviews presented here was collected within the framework of the project "Open Access Effects – The influence of structural and author-specific factors on the impact of open access publications from various disciplines" (OASE). <div><a class="mail-link text-nowrap wide-icon-link" data-cke-saved-href="" href=""> </div> " data-title="<span>Biesenbender, Kristin<a class="searchlink glyphicon glyphicon-search" target="_blank" rel="nofollow" title="Search PANGAEA for other datasets related to 'Biesenbender, Kristin'..." aria-label="Search PANGAEA for other datasets related to 'Biesenbender, Kristin'" data-cke-saved-href="//" href="//>%22 rel="noreferrer">Biesenbender, Kristin; <div><a class="mail-link text-nowrap wide-icon-link" data-cke-saved-href="" href=""> </div> " data-title="<span>Mayr, Philipp<a class="searchlink glyphicon glyphicon-search" target="_blank" rel="nofollow" title="Search PANGAEA for other datasets related to 'Mayr, Philipp'..." aria-label="Search PANGAEA for other datasets related to 'Mayr, Philipp'" data-cke-saved-href="//" href="//>%22 rel="noreferrer">Mayr, Philipp; <div><a class="web-link text-nowrap wide-icon-link" target="_blank" data-cke-saved-href="" href="">Web Page</a></div> </div> " data-title="<span>Peters, Isabella<a class="searchlink glyphicon glyphicon-search" target="_blank" rel="nofollow" title="Search PANGAEA for other datasets related to 'Peters, Isabella'..." aria-label="Search PANGAEA for other datasets related to 'Peters, Isabella'" data-cke-saved-href="//" href="//>%22 rel="noreferrer">Peters, Isabella (2023): Study report: "Open Access Effects" (OASE) - The influence of structural and author-specific factors on the impact of open access publications from various disciplines. Bremen: FDZ Qualiservice, 15,

This study report in English describes the qualitative part of the BMBF-funded research project "Open Access Effects - Structural and Author-Specific Influencing Factors on the Impact of OA Publications in Diverse Disciplines" (OASE).


Neu erschienen: Dräger, Pforr & Müller: Why Net Worth Misrepresents Wealth Effects and What to Do About It

Citation: Dräger, Jascha, Klaus Pforr, and Nora Müller. 2023. ‘Why Net Worth Misrepresents Wealth Effects and What to Do About It.” Sociological Science 10: 534-558.

Vermögen spielt eine wichtige Rolle bei der sozialen Ungleichheit, aber die Ergebnisse, die bei der Analyse von Vermögen als Einflussfaktor erzielt werden können, hängen von davon ab, wie man den Zusammenhang modelliert. Die Autor*innen stellen fest, dass die Betrachtung des Nettovermögens zu einer falschen Vorhersage führt, welche Kinder sehr gute und sehr schlechte Bildungsaussichten haben.

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Out now: Dräger, Pforr & Müller: Why Net Worth Misrepresents Wealth Effects and What to Do About It 

Citation: Dräger, Jascha, Klaus Pforr, and Nora Müller. 2023. ‘Why Net Worth Misrepresents Wealth Effects and What to Do About It.” Sociological Science 10: 534-558.

Wealth plays an important role in social stratification but the results that can be obtained when analyzing wealth as a predictor variable depend on modeling decisions. The authors show in a simulation study that this approach describes systematic wealth differences in more detail and overfits less to random variation in the data than standard approaches.


News vom Secure Data Center in Köln - Neue Datenzugänge & Co-Vorsitz in einem internationalen Netzwerk

Dank der Projekte IDAN und SSHOC hat das Secure Data Center (SDC) in Köln nun Zugänge zu sensiblen Daten des IAB, CASD (Frankreich) und UK Data Service eingerichtet. Zudem hat das SDC  den Ko-Vorsitz des neuen International Secure Data Access Facilities Professionals Network inne.

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News from the Secure Data Center in Cologne – New added access points & co-chairing an international Network

Thanks to the IDAN and SSHOC projects, the Secure Data Center (SDC) in Cologne has now added access points to sensitive data from the IAB, CASD (France) and UK Data Service. Furthermore the SDC is co-Chairing the new International Secure Data Access Facilities Professionals Network.




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