
The many faces of GESIS


Anke Lipinsky is senior researcher, Team CEWS. She holds a PhD in Comparative Cultural Studies. Anke carried out several mappings of gender equality policies in public research in the EU and policy environment analyses (2012 -2014). She chaired an EC-expert group which implemented an ex-ante impact assessment study to strengthen the role of structural change policies in the ERA. Anke currently is and was member of the advisory boards of SMARTmaps (2015-2018), GenderNetz (2017-2020) and NORDICORE (2017-2021); Visiting Researcher at Northeastern University, Department of Sociology & Anthropology, Boston (US) in Autumn 2018; member of two Horizon 2020 advisory groups "Gender" and "Science with and for Society" and member of the EC expert group "Gendered Innovations 2.0"; advised the Lithuanian and Italian EU-presidencies in the field of Gender Equality; member of the International Advisory Board of the 7th, 8th, 9th,10th, and 11th European Conference on Gender Equality in Higher Education in Bergen 2012, Wien 2014, Paris 2016, Dublin 2018, and Madrid 2021; co-speaker of DeGEval working group on gender mainstreaming (2020-2023). Anke is member of the international Women in Higher Education Management Network WHEM.


Conceptual development of tools for evaluating and implementing gender equality in higher education and research
Content development in the field of interventions against gender-based violence and sexual harassment in academia
Cooperation in international and European projects in the field of gender equality as well as policy advice at EU level
participation in EU-funded projects in FP6, FP7, Horizon 2020, and Horizon Europe: ENCOUWOMSCI, PLATWOMSCIGenPORT (2013-2017); INTEGER (2011-2015), and GEECCO (2017-2021), and INSPIRE (2022-2026); research-based transfer on gender-based violence in academia.
Evaluation of gender equality policies and practices in universities and research organisations


Anke's research focuses on impact assessments, evaluation and analysis of policy styles and their implementation in the field of gender and research including research funding in the European Union. She has extensive expertise in policy analysis, evaluation and efficacy assessments in the field of gender and research as well as on the application of qualitative and quantitative social science methods in this thematic area. She evaluated gender equality plans of universities and research organizations in several countries. Anke is PI on the online prevalence survey in the Horizon 2020-funded research project UniSAFE (2021-2024).


Journal article

Pilinkaite Sotirovic, Vilana, Anke Lipinsky, Katarzyna Struzińska, and Beatriz Ranea Triviño. 2024. ""You can knock on the doors and windows of the university, but nobody will care”: How universities benefit from network silence around gender-based violence." Social Sciences 13 (4): 199. doi:

Humbert, Anne Laure, Sofia Strid, Jagriti Tanwar, Anke Lipinsky, and Claudia Schredl. 2024. "The role of intersectionality and context in measuring gender-based violence in universities and research performing organisations in Europe for the development of inclusive structural interventions." Violence Against Women online first. doi:

Löther, Andrea, Nina Steinweg, Anke Lipinsky, and Hannah Meyer. 2021. "Gut oder unzureichend? Wirkung und Wirkungsmessung von gleichstellungspolitischen Maßnahmen." Forschung & Lehre (3): 188-189.

Lipinsky, Anke, and Jennifer Dahmen-Adkins. 2020. "Neues Netzwerk deutscher EU-Projekte mit Genderbezug." Journal Netzwerk Frauen- und Geschlechterforschung NRW (47): 19 ff..

Lipinsky, Anke, Shira Ayal, Heike Mauer, Lisa Mense, Michela Petrini, and Christian Brouder. 2020. "Who rocks the boat? Policy responses to gender-based violence and sexual harassment in academia." CEWSjournal (121): 38-45.

Wroblewski, Angela, and Anke Lipinsky. 2018. "Steering by Evaluation in Times of Impact Orientation and Monitoring?" fteval: Journal for Research and Technology Policy Evaluation (45): 22-27. urn:

Lipinsky, Anke. 2015. "Geschlechtergerechtigkeit in der europäischen Wissenschaftspolitik – Einführung, Konsolidierung und neuere Entwicklungen." Femina Politica. Zeitschrift für Feministische Politikwissenschaft 24 (2): 140-145.

Kunadt, Susann, Anke Lipinsky, Andrea Löther, Nina Steinweg, and Lina Vollmer. 2014. "Gender in der Hochschulforschung : Status Quo und Perspektiven." Die Hochschule : Journal für Wissenschaft und Bildung 23 (1): 93-104. doi: urn:

Chapter in an edited book

Lipinsky, Anke. 2024 (Forthcoming). "Wie Prävalenzstudien die Prävention von geschlechtsbezogener Gewalt in der Wissenschaft begünstigen ." In #MeToo in Science , edited by Claudia Mahs, Antje Langer, Birgit Riegraf, Katja Sabisch, Beate von Miquel, and Irmgard Pilgrim, Geschlecht & Gesellschaft. Wiesbaden: Springer VS.

Lipinsky, Anke, and Claudia Schredl. 2023. "International vergleichende Forschung über Formen geschlechtsbezogener Gewalt in Wissenschaftsorganisationen." In Sexualisierte Belästigung, Diskriminierung und Gewalt im Hochschulkontext, edited by Heike Pantelmann, and Sabine Blackmore, 43-54. Wiesbaden: Springer Gabler. doi:

Lipinsky, Anke, and Angela Wroblewski. 2021. "Re-visiting gender equality policy and the role of university top management." In Gender and power in higher education in a globalised world: Where to now?, edited by Pat O'Connor, and Kate White, Palgrave Studies in Gender and Education, 163-186. Palgrave Macmillan. doi:

Lipinsky, Anke. 2017. "Gleichstellungsziele im deutschen Wissenschaftssystem zwischen Frauenförderung, Gender Mainstreaming, Anti-Diskriminierung, Diversität und Intersektionalität." In Soziale Geschlechtergerechtigkeit in Wissenschaft und Forschung, edited by Jennifer Dahmen, and Anita Thaler, 23-38. Leverkusen Opladen: Budrich.

Lipinsky, Anke, and Andrea Löther. 2016. "Geschlecht und Gleichstellung in der Wissenschaft im europäischen Vergleich – Policies und statistische Daten." In Chancengleichheit in Wissenschaft und Forschung, edited by GWK Gemeinsame Wissenschaftskonferenz, Chancengleichheit in Wissenschaft und Forschung 20. Fortschreibung.

Lipinsky, Anke, and Maria Schäfer. 2015. "Evaluation von Gleichstellungsplänen in Europa - Indikatoren im Praxistest." In Gender- und Diversity-Management in der Forschung: Stuttgart, 7. und 8. Mai 2015, Konferenzband, edited by Michaela Klemisch, Anne Spitzley, and Jürgen Wilke, 81-91. Stuttgart: Fraunhofer Verlag.

Lipinsky, Anke. 2014. "Geschlechtergerechtigkeit im Europäischen Forschungsraum – Die Europäische Charta und der Verhaltenskodex auf dem Prüfstand." In Aufstieg oder Ausstieg? Wissenschaft zwischen Promotion und Professur, GEW-Materialien aus Hochschule und Forschung 122, 89-94.

Lipinsky, Anke. 2012. "Transitioning to professorship - career decisions on mobility at the postdoc level." In The scientific and technological careers for women and men : private temporalities, professional temporalities; public and corporate policies, edited by André Béraud, and Yvonne Pourrat, 137-147. Paris: Sense Publ..

Lipinsky, Anke, and Silke Tölle. 2009. "Appointment-related career promotion at the European level: the European project 'Encouragement to advance - training seminars for women scientists'." In Encouragement to advance - supporting women in European scientific careers, edited by Anke Lipinsky, 47-57. Bielefeld: Kleine.

Lipinsky, Anke. 2009. "Championing women in Europe's science?:: Evaluation of the European career support program 'Encouragement to advance - supporting women in European scientific careers'." In Encouragement to advance - supporting women in European scientific careers, edited by Anke Lipinsky, 73-100. Bielefeld: Kleine.


Lipinsky, Anke, ed. 2009. Encouragement to advance - supporting women in European scientific careers. CEWS Beiträge Frauen in Wissenschaft und Forschung 5. Bielefeld: Kleine.


Schiebinger, Londa, Ineke Klinge, Mathias Wullum Nielsen, Anke Lipinsky, Petr Pavlik, Sabine Oertelt-Prigione, Carole Clair, Edwin Mariman, Cara Tannenbaum, Meike Spitzner, Robert P. Ellis, Inés Sánchez de Madariaga, Barbara Lenz, Doris Damyanovic, Anat Katz-Arotchas, Lorena Fernández Álvarez, Sophia Ivarsson, Roger Andre Søraa, Åsa Gunnarsson, and Linda Marie Rustad. 2020. Gendered Innovations 2: How inclusive analysis contributes to research and innovation: policy review. Brussels: European Commission. doi:

Lipinsky, Anke. 2015. Richtig rauchen: zur medikalen Logik und kulturellen Praxis des Zigarettenrauchens. Regensburger Schriften zur Volkskunde/Vergleichenden Kulturwissenschaft 27. Münster: Waxmann.

Lipinsky, Anke. 2014. Gender Equality Policies in Public Research. European Union Publications Office. doi:

Lipinsky, Anke, and Kathrin Samjeske. 2012. Berücksichtigung von Gleichstellungsaspekten bei EU-geförderten Forschungsvorhaben aus Deutschland: Abschlussbericht. CEWS-Projektberichte 2012/04. Mannheim: GESIS.

Working and discussion paper

Schredl, Claudia, Anke Lipinsky, Horst Baumann, Anne Laure Humbert, Jagriti Tanwar, and Sophia Häuser. 2023. Codebook of the UniSAFE Survey. doi:

Schredl, Claudia, Anke Lipinsky, Horst Baumann, Anne Laure Humbert, Jagriti Tanwar, Fredrik Bondestam, Frederike Freund, Vera Lomazzi, and Sophia Häuser. 2023. Method Report of the UniSAFE Survey. GESIS Papers, 2023|08.

Lipinsky, Anke, Claudia Schredl, Horst Baumann, Vera Lomazzi, Frederike Freund, Anne Laure Humbert, Jagriti Tanwar, Fredrik Bondestam, Frederike Kreßner, and Monica Perez. 2023. UniSAFE-Survey Questionnaire. Language Version: German..

Lipinsky, Anke, and Frederike Freund. 2022. Case Study final report, Germany, UniSAFE: Gender-based violence and institutional responses: Building a knowledge base and operational tools to make universities and research organisations safe.

Lipinsky, Anke, and Frederike Freund. 2022. Case Study final report, United Kingdom, UniSAFE: Gender-based violence and institutional responses: Building a knowledge base and operational tools to make universities and research organisations safe.

Lipinsky, Anke, Claudia Schredl, Horst Baumann, Anne Laure Humbert, and Jagriti Tanwar. 2022. Gender-based violence and its consequences in European Academia: First results from the UniSAFE survey.

Löther, Andrea, Frederike Freund, and Anke Lipinsky. 2022. Zugänge, Barrieren und Potentiale für die internationale Mobilität von Wissenschaftlerinnen: Eine Untersuchung im Auftrag der Alexander von Humboldt-Stiftung. cews.publilk 25. GESIS - Leibniz-Institut für Sozialwissenschaften.

Lipinsky, Anke, and Claudia Schredl. 2021. Final evaluation report. GEECCO: Gender equality in engineering through communication and commitment (H2020 project).

Lipinsky, Anke, Claudia Schredl, Horst Baumann, Vera Lomazzi, Frederike Freund, Anne Laure Humbert, Jagriti Tanwar, and Fredrik Bondestam. 2021. UniSAFE D4.1 Final UniSAFE-Survey Questionnaire..

Lipinsky, Anke, Gesine Ahlzweig, Laura Getz, and Nina Steinweg. 2015. Analysis of Policy Environments.

Lipinsky, Anke, Maria Schäfer, and Gesine Ahlzweig. 2015. Final Evaluation Report for Siauliai University. CEWS Project Report 2015-02.

Lipinsky, Anke, Maria Schäfer, and Gesine Ahlzweig. 2015. Final Evaluation Report for the Centre National de la Recherche Scinetifique (CNRS). CEWS Project Reports 2015-01.

Lipinsky, Anke, Maria Schäfer, and Gesine Ahlzweig. 2015. Final Evaluation Report for Trinity College Dublin. CEWS Project Report 2015-03.

Lipinsky, Anke, Jutta Dalhoff, Andrea Löther, and Nina Steinweg. 2015. Wissenschaftskultur und Wissenschaftspolitik. Eine Bestandsaufnahme im Herbst 2015. CEWSJournal 100.

Lipinsky, Anke, Andrea Löther, and Maria Schäfer. 2014. Central Evaluation Report for Trinity College Dublin: Institutional Transformation for Effecting Gender Equality in Research. CEWS Project Reports 2014-02.

Lipinsky, Anke, and Kathrin Samjeske. 2012. Consideration of gender aspects in EU-funded research projects in Germany: Final report. CEWS project report ; 2012 / 4. Köln: GESIS.


Lipinsky, Anke, Claudia Schredl, Horst Baumann, Anne Laure Humbert, Jagriti Tanwar, Fredrik Bondestam, Frederike Freund, and Vera Lomazzi. 2022. UniSAFE Survey - Gender-based violence and institutional responses. GESIS Datenarchiv, Cologne. Datenfile Version 1.0.0. doi:

Other article

Lipinsky, Anke. 2022. "The UniSAFE survey: Evidence for taking action – instead of looking the other way: Blog Text."

Lipinsky, Anke. 2021. "Es mangelt an Verbindlichkeit: Chancengleichheit bleibt eine Herausforderung für deutsche Hochschulen. Anke Lipinsky erklärt, wie andere europäische Länder vorgehen." In Interview Forschung und Lehre (online): Interview von K. Schmermund,

Schredl, Claudia, and Anke Lipinsky. 2021. "Wenn ..., dann ..., und dann würde das dazu führen, dass ...": Evaluation von Gleichstellungsplänen von vier MINT-Universitäten im Rahmen des EU-Projektes GEECCO." In CEWS-Journal , 31-34.

Lipinsky, Anke, Alice Farneti, and Heike Pantelmann. 2019. "Gender-based violence in academia - from practical interventions to research and back." CEWSJournal 120, 31-36.

Lipinsky, Anke, Jack Stilgoe, John Goddard, Claudia Neubauer, and Wolfgang Mackiewicz. 2014. "Rome Declaration on Responsible Research and Innovation in Europe."

Presentation at a conference

Pilinkaite Sotirovic, Vilana, and Anke Lipinsky. 2024. "Intersectional Approaches to Gender-Based Violence in Higher Education. Insights from Survivor and Bystander Experiences." European Conference on Politics and Gender 2024, University of Ghent, 2024-07-08.

Lipinsky, Anke. 2024. "Minoritized groups and sexual harassment policies in academia – a feminist institutionalist re-reading of findings of a large-scale survey study." European Conference on Politics and Gender 2024, University of Ghent, 2024-07-08.

Lipinsky, Anke. 2023. "Evidence on the Size, Scope, and Consequences of Gender-based Violence in Universities and Research Organisations." II. Conference on Ending Gender-Based Violence in Academia (Spanish EU-Council Presidency), Bilbao, 2023-10-23.

Lipinsky, Anke. 2023. "Gleichstellungspläne im europäischen Forschungsrahmenprogramm." 26. Jahrestagung der DeGEval - Valide Daten - rationale Entscheidungen - akzeptierte Steuerung?, Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg, 2023-09-14.

Lipinsky, Anke. 2023. "More evidence driving action: collecting data with a survivor-centred approach." From policy to practice: Pathways to end gender-based violence in academia and research, Université de Namur, 2023-11-22.

Lipinsky, Anke, and Claudia Schredl. 2023. "Predictors of crisis? How gender balance in leadership and essentialist beliefs in research affect gender-based violence prevalence among staff." Gender, Work & Organization Conference 2023: Marginalised Gender Identities - How can Intellectual Activism transform Work and Organization, Stellenbosch University, 2023-06-30.

Schredl, Claudia, Anke Lipinsky, and Anne Laure Humbert. 2022. "Measures of Gender-based Violence Under Revision : A Mapping of Existing Measures of Gender-based Violence, its Determinants and Consequences in Higher Education and Research Environments ." European Conference on Politics and Gender 2022, Ljubljana, 2022-07-06.

Lipinsky, Anke, Irene Pimminger, Ursula Mollay, Kirstin Eckstein, and Karin Grasenick. 2022. "„Garbage in – garbage out“. Was macht der Gender Data Gap in Evaluationen?" 25. Jahrestagung der DeGEval: Machtwissen? Evaluation zwischen Evidenz und (Mikro-)Politik, Pädagogischen Hochschule Oberösterreich, Linz, 2022-09-16.

Lipinsky, Anke. 2021. "Ein Blick über den Tellerrand - das Forschungsprojekt UniSAFE und Präventionsansätze aus dem Europäischen Forschungsraum." Tagung #MeToo in Science, Online, 2021-07-01.

Lipinsky, Anke, and Angela Wroblewski. 2021. "Re-visiting gender equality policy and the role of university top management." Gender, Work & Organisation (GWO), Online, 2021-07-02.

Lipinsky, Anke. 2021. "Re-visiting gender equality policy and the role of university top management." XI European Conference on Gender Equality in Higher Education, Online, 2021-09-17.

Lipinsky, Anke, and Angela Wroblewski. 2020. "Voraussetzungen für die Messung von Genderkompetenz ." Vernetzungstreffen aller 70 österreichischen Hochschulen zur Umsetzung von Gender-kompetenz und gleichstellungsorientierter Kulturentwicklung der Hochschulkonferenz HSK, 2020-10-14.

Lipinsky, Anke. 2019. "Gender Equality Policies and Quality Management." Responding to Evolving Challenges: Best Practices for Women Leadership in Academia. 6th EWORA conference, Malmö University, 2019-05-14.

Lipinsky, Anke, and Angela Wroblewski. 2018. "Evaluation of Gender Equality Policy: Its potential Impact in Times of Impact Orientation and Monitoring." 10th European Conference on Gender Equality in Higher Education, 2018-08-21.

Lipinsky, Anke. 2018. "What can Universities do against Implicit Bias? Panel Discussion." Implicit bias in Academia: A Challenge to the meritocratic Principle and to Women's Careers - and what to do about it (Second LERU Gender Conference), 2018-06-15.

Lipinsky, Anke. 2018. "Wirkungssteuerung und Geschlechtergerechtigkeit in der europäischen Wissenschaftspolitik." Wirkungsorientierung und Evaluation. 21. Jahrestagung der DeGEval - Gesellschaft für Evaluation, 2018-09-14.

Getz, Laura, and Anke Lipinsky. 2017. "(Poster) Coordination of Gender Equality Policy Resources on Twitter: A Specific Case for Political Communication." 19th General Online Research Conference by the German Society for Online Research, 2017-03-16.

Lipinsky, Anke, and Kathrin Zippel. 2017. "Fitting in Diversity and Gender Politics: Empirical Findings from Transformation Plans of German Universities." 112th Annual Meeting, American Sociological Association, 2017-08-14.

Lipinsky, Anke, and Randi Wallmichrath. 2017. "Im Verbund zum Ziel: Europäische Förderung der Gleichstellung an Hochschulen." Grenzgänge. Internationalisierung im Kontext von Hochschule und Geschlechterpolitik, BuKoF Jahrestagung, 2017-09-21.

Lipinsky, Anke, and Andrea Löther. 2016. "Evidence does (not) tell. Behind the scenes of monitoring data." 9th European Conference on Gender Equality in Higher Education and Research, 2016-09-13.

Lipinsky, Anke. 2016. "Gender Equality Policies and Practices in the European Research Area." Gender Equality in STEMM: The Future is Bright, 2016-10-11.

Lipinsky, Anke, and Laura Getz. 2016. "Policy Learning through a Gender Equality Online Platform." Gender Summit Europe, 2016-11-09.

Lipinsky, Anke. 2016. "Promotion of gender equality in European research Policy: Comment." 9th European Conference on Gender Equality in Higher Education and Research, 2016-09-12.

Lipinsky, Anke. 2015. "Histories and Futures of Gender (In)Equalities in European Research Policy-Making." New Challenges for the Evaluation of Science and Research: Political Goals, Theory and Methodological Challenges, 2015-06-11.

Lipinsky, Anke. 2014. "'Transformations' through Gender Equality Policies, Plans and Programmes: Lessons Learned." Science, Innovation and Society: Achieving Responsible Research and Innovation, 2014-11-20.

Pepin, Anne, Jeanne Collin, Maria Teresa Pontois, Eileen Drew, Claire Marshall, Virginija Šidlauskienė, Gintautas Jazdauskas, Anke Lipinsky, Andrea Löther, and Maria Schäfer. 2014. "Fostering gender equality in research institutions through transformational-gender action plans." 8th European Conference on Gender Equality in Higher Education.

Lipinsky, Anke. 2014. "Gender Equality Policies in Public Research - Tools and Trends." Promoting Gender Equality in Research - the Genis-LAB Experience, 2014-12-12.

Lipinsky, Anke. 2014. "The Gendered Organisation as Narrative - Patterns of Appropriation, Justification and Renunciation of Gender Equality Action during Evaluations." 8th European Conference on Gender Equality in Higher Education, 2014-09-05.

Lipinsky, Anke. 2013. "Charta und Code für mehr Geschlechtergerechtigkeit im Europäischen Forschungsraum?" 7. Wissenschaftskonferenz der GEW "Aufstieg oder Ausstieg? Wissenschaft zwischen Doktorhut und Katheder".

Lipinsky, Anke. 2013. "Ergebnisse und Empfehlungen der Studie „Consideration of Gender Aspects in EU-funded Research Projects in Germany“." Chancengleichheit in der EU-Forschungsförderung.

Presentation not at a conference

Lipinsky, Anke. 2024. "Sexualisierte und geschlechtsbezogene Gewalt in der Wissenschaft unter besonderer Berücksichtigung von Vielfalt und Intersektionalität." BMBF-Fachgespräch „Sexismus in der Wissenschaft“ , 2024-06-25.

Lipinsky, Anke. 2023. "Gender-based violence in higher education and research - quantitative and qualitative findings from a multi-site study ." Institute of Sociology, Research Group Gender Studies, Freie Universität Berlin, 2023-11-14.

Lipinsky, Anke. 2023. "Geschlechtsbezogene Gewalt im Kontext von Wissenschaftseinrichtungen." Sexualisierte Gewalt an Hochschulen - in der Lehre und der Organisation (Symposion), Universität Hildesheim, Hildesheim, 2023-06-16.

Lipinsky, Anke. 2023. "Geschlechtsbezogene Gewalt im Kontext von Wissenschaftseinrichtungen: Erkenntnisse aus dem EU-Projekt UniSAFE - Gender-based violence and institutional responses." bff Vernetzungstag "make it work": Für einen Arbeitsplatz ohne sexuelle Diskriminierung, Belästigung und Gewalt!, 2023-11-09.

Lipinsky, Anke. 2023. "Geschlechtsbezogene Gewalt im Kontext von Wissenschaftseinrichtungen." Sitzung des Beirats Chancengerechtigkeit , Universität zu Köln, Köln, 2023-12-13.

Lipinsky, Anke, and Claudia Schredl. 2022. "Sneak peek into survey results and workflow for sharing the institutional datasets ." UniSAFE Community, online exchange on "Institutional responses to gender-based violence: Presentation of UniSAFE's main findings", 2022-09-26.

Lipinsky, Anke. 2021. "#MeToo in the Academy – An Overview of Selected Studies and Resources." TARGET - Co-Creation Workshop on sexual harassment in academia, Online, 2021-05-20.

Lipinsky, Anke. 2021. "The Monitoring & Evaluation Framework applied to GEPs in the GEECCO project." Evaluation of GEPs and Structural Change in Research Organisations: GEARING-Roles online workshop, GESIS (online), Munich, 2021-01-18.

Lipinsky, Anke. 2019. "Fitting "Diversity" as "Internationalization" into Gender Equality Strategies." Are Internationalization and Excellence Policies Bad for Women? (NORDICORE seminar), Institute for Social Research, 2019-11-07.

Lipinsky, Anke, and Lenna Cumberbatch. 2017. "Explaining Implicit Gender Bias to Evaluators: How to address Implicit Gender Biases in Horizon 2020." Implicit Gender Biases During Evaluations: How to Raise Awareness and Change Attitudes, 2017-05-30.

Lipinsky, Anke, and Kathrin Zippel. 2017. "Fitting Diversity as Internationalization into Gender Equality Plans in German Universities." Doing Science – Doing Excellence – Doing Inequalities? Interrogating the Paradigm of Excellence in Academia, 2017-11-09.

Lipinsky, Anke. 2017. "Geschlecht und Gleichstellung in der europäischen Wissenschaftspolitik." 72. Sitzung der GFMK-AG Frauenförderung im Bereich Wissenschaft.

Articles or interviews in non-scientific media

Lipinsky, Anke. 2023. "Sexuelle Belästigung an Hochschulen keine Ausnahme: Interview von Christopher Onkelbach." Westdeutsche Allgemeine Zeitung, 2023-04-05.

Lipinsky, Anke. 2023. "ZDF Die Spur - Tatort Uni - #Me Too und Machtmissbrauch an Hochschulen : TV Sendereihe des ZDF." ZDF Die Spur, 2023-07-19.

Lipinsky, Anke. 2022. "Das Campusmagazin - BR Podcast: GESIS-Studie zu geschlechterbezogenen Gewalt." Das Campusmagazin, 2022-11-14.

Lipinsky, Anke. 2022. "Geschlechtsbezogene Gewalt erleben zwei von drei Personen an Uni und in der Forschung: Instagram-Post von ZDFheute." 2022-11-18.

Lipinsky, Anke. 2022. "Wo fängt Gewalt an, Frau Lipinsky? Ein Interview von Helene Flachsenberg: Studie zu Übergriffen an Hochschulen." 2022-11-14.

Lipinsky, Anke. 2021. "Ein Blick über den Tellerrand: das Forschungsprojekt UniSAFE und Präventionsansätze aus dem Europäischen Forschungsraum : (Podcast)." #MeToo in Science (MARIE JAHODA CENTER), 2021-06-17.

Lipinsky, Anke. 2021. "»Hörbar sagen, was nicht geduldet wird« Welche Rolle spielt sexualisierte Gewalt in der Wissenschaft – und wie kann man sie eindämmen? : Ein Gespräch mit Anke Lipinsky. Leibniz Magazin"