
The many faces of GESIS


Axel Burger studied Psychology at the University of Tübingen (Germany) and the Universidade Federal Fluminense (UFF) in Niterói (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil). He received his doctoral degree in 2013 from the Graduate School of Economic and Social Sciences (GESS) of the University of Mannheim and received his Habilitation in 2024 from the School of Social Sciences of the University of Mannheim. Before joining GESIS, he worked as a researcher and lecturer at the department of Microsociology and Social Psychology of the University of Mannheim (2010-2019) and as a senior researcher at the Fraunhofer Institute for Systems- and Innovation Research (ISI) in Karlsruhe, Germany (2019-2020). Since 2020 he works in the team of the German Longitudinal Election Study (GLES) at the Department Data and Research on Society (DRS) of GESIS.


  • GLES Rolling Cross-Section
  • GLES Candidate Study
  • GLES Nomination Study

  • Research

    • Political Psychology
    • Psychological bases of economic policy preferences
    • Situational influences on political attitudes
    • Environmental Attitudes and Behavior
    • Influences of feelings on judgments and decisions


    Journal article

    Hepper, Erica G., Constantine Sedikides, Tim Wildschut, Wing Yee Cheung, Georgios Abakoumkin, Gizem Arikan, Mark Aveyard, Einar B. Baldursson, Olga Bialobrzeska, Sana Bouamama, Imed Bouzaouech, Marco Brambilla, Axel Burger, Sylvia Xiaohua Chen, Sylwia Cisek, Didier Demassosso, Lucia Estevan-Reina, Roberto González Gutiérrez, Li Gu, Rita Guerra, Nina Hansen, Shanmukh Kamble, Takashi Kusumi, Camille Mangelinckx, Veronika V. Nourkova, R. F. Élena Pinna, Aino Rantasila, Timothy D. Ritchie, Albina B. Salikhova, Elena Stephan, Mihaela Sterian, Yuk-yue Tong, Suzanne Van Even, Normando José Queiroz Viana, Ad Vingerhoets, Courtney von Hippel, Artem S. Zatsepin, and Bettina Zengel. 2024. "Pancultural Nostalgia in Action: Prevalence, Triggers, and Psychological Functions of Nostalgia Across Cultures." Journal of Experimental Psychology: General 153 (3): 754-778. doi:

    Burger, Axel. 2024. "Political ideology and attitudinal ambivalence: Investigating the role of ideological extremity." Social Psychological and Personality Science online first. doi:

    Jedinger, Alexander, Lena Masch, and Axel Burger. 2023. "Cognitive reflection and endorsement of the “Great Replacement” conspiracy theory." Social Psychological Bulletin 18 (23. June 2023): 1-12. doi:

    Bucher, Hannah, Anne-Kathrin Stroppe, Axel Burger, Thorsten Faas, Harald Schoen, Marc Debus, Sigrid Roßteutscher, Denis Cohen, Robert A. Huber, Michael Jankowski, Melvin John, Jan Menzner, Christian H. Schimpf, Christian Schnaudt, Nils D. Steiner, Richard Traunmüller, Fabienne Unkelbach, Vera Vogel, Carsten Wegscheider, Robert Welz, and Alexander Wuttke. 2023. "Special Issue Conclusion: The GLES Open Science Challenge 2021 in Hindsight: Experiences Gained and Lessons Learned." Politische Vierteljahresschrift (64): 207–219. doi:

    Bucher, Hannah, Anne-Kathrin Stroppe, Axel Burger, Thorsten Faas, Harald Schoen, Marc Debus, and Sigrid Roßteutscher. 2023. "Special Issue Introduction: The GLES Open Science Challenge 2021: A Pilot Project on the Applicability of Registered Reports in Quantitative Political Science." Politische Vierteljahresschrift (64): 1–17. doi:

    Jedinger, Alexander, and Axel Burger. 2022. "Do smarter people have more conservative economic attitudes? Assessing the relationship between cognitive ability and economic ideology." Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 48 (11): 1548–1565. doi:

    Burger, Axel, Johannes Schuler, and Elisabeth Eberling. 2022. "Guilty pleasures: Moral licensing in climate-related behavior." Global Environmental Change 72 102415. doi:

    Dippel, Alina, Lukas Hetzer, and Axel Burger. 2022. "Links oder rechts? Die ideologische Selbstverortung von Wähler:innen und ihre Wahrnehmung von Parteien in Deutschland." easy_social_sciences (67): 19-29. doi:

    Schuler, Johannes, Axel Burger, and Nadine Walikewitz. 2021. "Moral Licensing: Evidenz für psychologische Ursachen von Rebound-Effekten." Ökologisches Wirtschaften 36 (1): 14-16. doi:

    Yang, Vivien, Niklas Schliesmeier, and Axel Burger. 2020. "Die gefilterte Realität - Welchen Anteil haben wir selbst an der Entstehung von Echo-Kammern?" The Inquisitive Mind 2020 (4).

    Jedinger, Alexander, and Axel Burger. 2020. "The ideological foundations of economic protectionism: Authoritarianism, social dominance orientation, and the moderating role of political involvement." Political Psychology 41 (2): 403-424. doi:

    Burger, Axel, Stefan Pfattheicher, and Melissa Jauch. 2020. "The role of motivation in the association of political ideology with cognitive performance." Cognition 195 104124. doi:

    Jedinger, Alexander, and Axel Burger. 2019. "The Role of Right-wing Authoritarianism and Political Sophistication in Shaping Attitudes Toward Redistribution." European Journal of Social Psychology 49 (3): 560-573. doi:

    Burger, Axel, Siegfried Preiser, and Constanze Beierlein. 2018. "Die psychologische Relevanz politischer Ideologien – Editorial zur Themenausgabe „Politische Ideologien“." Politische Psychologie 7 (1): 3-7.

    Burger, Axel, and Herbert Bless. 2017. "Cognitive Consequences of Formal Clothing: The Effects of Clothing versus Thinking of Clothing." Comprehensive Results in Social Psychology 2 228-252. doi:

    Bless, Herbert, and Axel Burger. 2017. "Mood and the Regulation of Mental Abstraction." Current Directions in Psychological Science 26 (2): 159-164. doi:

    Bless, Herbert, and Axel Burger. 2016. "A Closer Look at Social Psychologists' Silver Bullet: Inevitable and Evitable Side Effects of the Experimental Approach." Perspectives on Psychological Science 11 (2): 296-308. doi:

    Burger, Axel, and Herbert Bless. 2016. "Affect and the Weight of Idealistic and Pragmatic Concerns in Decision Situations." European Journal of Social Psychology 46 (3): 323-340. doi:

    Bless, Herbert, and Axel Burger. 2016. "Assimilation and Contrast in Social Priming." Current Opinion in Psychology 12 26-31. doi:

    Ziegler, René, and Axel Burger. 2011. "Mood and the Impact of Individuating Information on the Evaluation of Ingroup and Outgroup Members: The Role of Mood-based Expectancies." Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 47 (5): 1000-1006. doi:

    Chapter in an edited book

    Faas, Thorsten, and Axel Burger. 2024. "Der Dreierwahlkampf um das Kanzleramt 2021: Analysen kognitiver und affektiver Bewertungen der Kandidat:innen und ihrer Folgen." In Wahlen und Wähler: Analysen zur Bundestagswahl 2021, edited by Harald Schoen, and Bernhard Weßels, 257-280. Wiesbaden: Springer VS. doi:

    Beierlein, Constanze, and Axel Burger. 2020. "Prozesse der Beschaffung und Verarbeitung politischer Informationen." In Politikwissenschaftliche Einstellungs- und Verhaltensforschung: Handbuch für Wissenschaft und Studium, edited by Thorsten Faas, Oscar W. Gabriel, and Jürgen Maier, 91-120. Baden-Baden: Nomos. doi:

    Bless, Herbert, and Axel Burger. 2018. "Using Information: Controlled and Automatic Processing of Information." In Social Cognition: How Individuals Construct Social Reality, edited by Rainer Greifeneder, Herbert Bless, and Klaus Fiedler, 82-104.

    Burger, Axel, and Herbert Bless. 2016. "Stimmung und Informationsverarbeitung." In Enzyklopädie der Psychologie: Sozialpsychologie, Band 2: Soziale Motive und soziale Einstellungen, 653-674.

    Alves, Julius, Axel Burger, Jaqueline Flack, and Sarah Mayer. 2009. "Kulturelles Gedächtnis - Eine Interdisziplinäre Annäherung." In Wahrnehmung und Identität : Ich, Flow, Lügen, Raum, kulturelles Gedächtnis, edited by Dirk Evers, and Niels Weidtmann, Interdisziplinäre Forschungsarbeiten am Forum Scientiarum. Berlin: Lit-Verl.


    Bucher, Hannah, Anne-Kathrin Stroppe, Axel Burger, Thorsten Faas, Harald Schoen, Marc Debus, and Sigrid Roßteutscher, ed. 2022. Special Issue on the GLES Open Science Challenge 2021. Politische Vierteljahresschrift.

    Burger, Axel, Siegfried Preiser, and Constanze Beierlein, ed. 2018. Themenheft „Politische Ideologien“ der Zeitschrift Politische Psychologie.

    Working and discussion paper

    Bucher, Hannah, Anne-Kathrin Stroppe, Axel Burger, and Tobias Heycke. 2021. GLES Open Science Strategie. GESIS Papers 2021/03. Köln: GESIS - Leibniz-Institut für Sozialwissenschaften. doi:

    Kraus, Konstantin, Aline Scherrer, Uta Burghard, Axel Burger, and Claus Doll. 2020. Sharing Economy in der Mobilität - Potenzielle Nutzung und Akzeptanz geteilter Mobilitätsdienste in urbanen Räumen in Deutschland.

    Other article

    Burger, Axel, Joscha Bäuerle, and Marc Debus. 2024. "Ist der Weg zur Wahlkreiskandidatur für manche Personen steiniger als für andere? – Erkenntnisse aus der GLES Nominierungsstudie 2021." GESIS Blog. doi:

    Burger, Axel, Joscha Bäuerle, Alina Dippel, and Marc Debus. 2023. "Die Kandidierendenbefragung der Deutschen Wahlstudie zur Bundestagswahl 2021: Ein Kurzbericht." doi:

    Schuler, Johannes, Elisabeth Dütschke, and Axel Burger. 2019. "Wenn Ökostrom zu mehr Energiebedarf führt." Erneuerbare Energien 5/2019, 26-27.