
Die vielen Gesichter von GESIS


Dr. Bernd Weiß is team leader of the GESIS Panel and deputy head of the department Survey Design and Methodology at GESIS Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences in Mannheim, Germany. The GESIS Panel is a probabilistic omnibus access panel for the social sciences. 
From April 2015 to December 2016 he was a visiting professor for research methods at the University of Duisburg-Essen.  

My complete CV can be found at my website at



Daikeler, Jessica, Leon Fröhling, Indira Sen, Lukas Birkenmaier, Tobias Gummer, Jan Schwalbach, Henning Silber, Bernd Weiß, Katrin Weller, and Clemens Lechner. 2024. "Assessing Data Quality in the Age of Digital Social Research: A Systematic Review." Social Science Computer Review online first. doi:

Reinl, Ann-Kathrin, Bernd Weiß, Alexia Katsanidou, and Steffen Pötzschke. 2024. "Crossing the border: EU membership assessment by Ukrainian refugees in early 2022." Political Research Exchange (PRX). doi:

Kraemer, Fabienne, Henning Silber, Bella Struminskaya, Matthias Sand, Michael Bosnjak, Joanna Koßmann, and Bernd Weiß. 2024. "Panel Conditioning in a Probability-Based Longitudinal Study: A Comparison of Respondents with Different Levels of Survey Experience." Journal of Survey Statistics and Methodology online first.

Beuthner, Christoph, Bernd Weiß, Henning Silber, Florian Keusch, and Jette Schröder. 2023. "Consent to data linkage for different data domains: The role of question order, question wording, and incentives." International Journal of Social Research Methodology online first. doi:

Bretschi, David, and Bernd Weiß. 2023. "How Do Internet-Related Characteristics Affect Whether Members of a German Mixed-Mode Panel Switch from the Mail to the Web Mode?" Social Science Computer Review 41 (2): 674–701. doi:

Kern, Christoph, Bernd Weiß, and Jan-Philipp Kolb. 2023. "Predicting nonresponse in future waves of a probability-based mixed-mode panel with machine learning." Journal of Survey Statistics and Methodology 11 (1): 100-123. doi:

Kraemer, Fabienne, Henning Silber, Bella Struminskaya, Matthias Sand, Michael Bosnjak, Joanna Koßmann, and Bernd Weiß. 2023. "Satisficing Response Behavior Across Time: Assessing Negative Panel Conditioning Using an Experimental Design with Six Repetitions." Survey Research Methods 17 (3): 269-300.

Weiß, Bernd, and Sven Stadtmüller. 2023. "Using the probability-based GESIS Panel for longitudinal psychological research on the COVID-19 outbreak in Germany." Journal of Open Psychology Data 11 (1): 1-12. doi:

Kotzur, Patrick F., Maria-Therese Friehs, Peter Schmidt, Ulrich Wagner, Steffen Pötzschke, and Bernd Weiß. 2022. "Attitudes towards refugees: Introducing a short three-dimensional scale." British Journal of Social Psychology 61 (4): 1305-1331. doi:

Rammstedt, Beatrice, Clemens Lechner, and Bernd Weiß. 2022. "Does personality predict responses to the COVID-19 crisis? Evidence from A prospective large-scale study." European Journal of Personality (36 (1)): 47-60. doi:

Silber, Henning, Johannes Breuer, Christoph Beuthner, Tobias Gummer, Florian Keusch, Pascal Siegers, Sebastian Stier, and Bernd Weiß. 2022. "Linking surveys and digital trace data: Insights from two studies on determinants of data sharing behavior." Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series A (Statistics in Society) 185 (S2): S387-S407. doi:

Haensch, Anna-Carolina, Jonathan Bartlett, and Bernd Weiß. 2022. "Multiple imputation of partially observed covariates in discrete-time survival analysis." Sociological Methods & Research online first. doi:

Minderop, Isabella, and Bernd Weiß. 2022. "Now, Later, or Never? Using Response-Time Patterns to Predict Panel Attrition." International Journal of Social Research Methodology online first. doi:

Stier, Sebastian, Bernd Weiß, Timo Hartmann, Fabian Flöck, Johannes Breuer, Schaurer Ines, and Mirjan Kummerow. 2022. "The role of the information environment during the first COVID-19 wave in Germany." Political Research Exchange 4 (1): 2135451. doi:

Haensch, Anna-Carolina, Bernd Weiß, Patricia Steins, Priscilla Chyrva, and Katja Bitz. 2022. "The semi-automatic classification of an open-ended question on panel survey motivation and its application in attrition analysis." Frontiers in Big Data 5 (11. August 2022). doi:

Schmidt, Peter, Galit Gordoni, Icek Ajzen, Christoph Beuthner, Eldad Davidov, Henning Silber, Holger Steinmetz, and Bernd Weiß. 2022. "Twitter Users’ Privacy Behavior: A Reasoned Action Approach." Social Media + Society online first.

Sen, Indira, Fabian Flöck, Katrin Weller, Bernd Weiß, and Claudia Wagner. 2021. "A Total Error Framework for Digital Traces of Human Behavior on Online Platforms." Public Opinion Quarterly 85 (S1): 399–422. doi:

Schwarz, Hannah, Wiebke Weber, Isabella Minderop, and Bernd Weiß. 2021. "In Search of the Best Response Scale in a Mixed-mode Survey (Web and Mail). Evidence from MTMM Experiments in the GESIS Panel." mda : methods, data, analyses 15 (2): 161-190. doi:

Pötzschke, Steffen, and Bernd Weiß. 2020. "Die Nutzung des GESIS Panel als offene Umfrageinfrastruktur für innovative Forschungsprojekte." Informationsdienst Soziale Indikatoren (ISI) (65): 34-38. doi:

Schaurer, Ines, and Bernd Weiß. 2020. "Investigating selection bias of online surveys on coronavirus-related behavioral outcomes." Survey Research Methods 14 (2): 103-108. doi:

Wagner, Michael, Clara H. Mulder, Bernd Weiß, and Sandra Krapf. 2019. "The transition from living apart together to a coresidential partnership." Advances in Life Course Research 39 77-86. doi:

Silber, Henning, Bernd Weiß, Bella Struminskaya, and Gabriele Durrant. 2018. "Onlinebefragungen auf mobilen Endgeräten: Potentiale und Herausforderungen." Psychotherapie, Psychosomatik und Medizinische Psychologie. doi:

Riese, Christoph, Bernd Weiß, Uirassu Borges, Anja Beylich, Robert Dengler, Kerstin Hermes-Moll, Manfred Welslau, and Walter Baumann. 2017. "Effectiveness of a standardized patient education program on therapy-related side effects and unplanned therapy interruptions in oral cancer therapy: a cluster-randomized controlled trial." Supportive Care in Cancer 25 (11): 3475–3483. doi:

Beitrag im Sammelwerk

Weiß, Bernd, Sonja Schulz, Lisa Schmid, Sebastian Sterl, and Anna-Carolina Haensch. 2023. "Harmonizing and Synthesizing Partnership Histories from Different German Survey Infrastructures." 1. In Survey Data Harmonization in the Social Sciences, edited by Irina Tomescu-Dubrow, Christof Wolf, Kazimierz M. Slomczynski, and J. Craig Jenkins, 249-268. Wiley.

Sen, Indira, Fabian Flöck, Katrin Weller, Bernd Weiß, and Claudia Wagner. 2022. "Applying a total error framework for digital traces to social media research." In Handbook of Computational Social Science. Volume 2: Data science, statistical modelling, and machine learning methods, edited by Uwe Engel, Anabel Quan-Haase, Sunny Xun Liu, and Lars Lyberg, 127-139. Routledge.

Weiß, Bernd, and Michael Wagner. 2022. "Meta-Analyse." In Handbuch Methoden der empirischen Sozialforschung, edited by Baur Nina, and Jörg Blasius, 861–872. Wiesbaden: Springer VS. doi:

Weiß, Bernd, Henning Silber, Bella Struminskaya, and Gabriele Durrant. 2022. "Mobile Befragungen." In Handbuch Methoden der empirischen Sozialforschung, edited by Baur Nina, and Jörg Blasius, 1067–1080. Wiesbaden: Springer VS. doi:

Sen, Indira, Fabian Flöck, Katrin Weller, Bernd Weiß, and Claudia Wagner. 2020. "From the total survey error framework to an error framework for digital traces of humans: translation tutorial." In FAT* '20: Proceedings of the 2020 conference on fairness, accountability, and transparency, edited by Mireille Hildebrandt, Carlos Castillo, Elisa Celis, Salvatore Ruggieri, Linnet Taylor, and Gabriela Zanfir-Fortuna, 701. New York: ACM. doi:

Weiß, Bernd, Marcel Das, Arie Kapteyn, Michael Bosnjak, and Ines Schaurer. 2020. "Open Probability-based Panels." edited by Narayanaswamy Balakrishnan, Theodore Colton, Brian Everitt, Wilhelm Pigorsch, Fabrizio Ruggeri, and Jef L. Teugels, Wiley StatsRef: Statistics Reference Online. New York: Wiley. doi:

Weiß, Bernd, and Michael Wagner. 2019. "Meta-Analyse." In Handbuch Methoden der empirischen Sozialforschung, edited by Baur Nina, and Blasius Jörg, doi:

Weiß, Bernd, Henning Silber, Bella Struminskaya, and Gabriele Durrant. 2019. "Mobile Befragungen." In Handbuch Methoden der empirischen Sozialforschung, edited by Baur Nina, and Blasius Jörg, doi:


Weiß, Bernd, Matthias Bluemke, and Elmar Schlüter, ed. 2019. Measurement Instruments in the GESIS Panel. Special Issue of Measurement Instruments for the Social Sciences. Springer / BMC.

Arbeits- und Diskussionspapier

Pötzschke, Steffen, Bernd Weiß, Jessica Daikeler, Henning Silber, and Christoph Beuthner. 2023. A guideline on how to recruit respondents for online surveys using Facebook and Instagram: Using hard-to-reach health workers as an example. Mannheim: GESIS. doi:

Nießen, Désirée, Jessica Daikeler, Henning Silber, Bernd Weiß, Caroline Poppa, and David Richter. 2023. Opening the file drawer: Assessing and understanding publication bias in the social, economic, and behavioral sciences by utilizing two German academic probabilistic panels. OSF. doi:

Kolb, Jan-Philipp, Christian Bruch, Matthias Sand, Ingo Konradt, Bernd Weiß, and Kai Weyandt. 2022. GESIS Panel Data Manual: related to ZA5664 and ZA5665, updated with Wave ia, Version 43-0-0.

Schulz, Sonja, Bernd Weiß, Sebastian Sterl, Anna-Carolina Haensch, Lisa Schmid, and Antonia May. 2021. HaSpaD - Data Manual. GESIS Papers 2021/12. Cologne: GESIS - Leibniz-Institute for the Social Sciences. doi:

Schulz, Sonja, Bernd Weiß, Sebastian Sterl, Anna-Carolina Haensch, Lisa Schmid, and Antonia May. 2021. HaSpaD - Datenhandbuch. GESIS Papers 2021/13. Cologne: GESIS - Leibniz-Institute for the Social Sciences. doi:

Pötzschke, Steffen, and Bernd Weiß. 2021. Realizing a global survey of emigrants through Facebook and Instagram. doi:

Pötzschke, Steffen, and Bernd Weiß. 2020. Employing social networking sites in migration research: Preliminary findings of the German emigrants overseas online survey. doi:

Blandinières, Florence, Daniela Steinbrenner, and Bernd Weiß. 2020. Which Design Works? A Meta-Regression Analysis of the Impacts of R&D Tax Incentives. ZEW - Centre for European Economic Research Discussion Paper 20-010. SSRN.

Kern, Christoph, Bernd Weiß, and Jan-Philipp Kolb. 2019. A Longitudinal Framework for Predicting Nonresponse in Panel Surveys.

Sen, Indira, Fabian Flöck, Katrin Weller, Bernd Weiß, and Claudia Wagner. 2019. A Total Error Framework for Digital Traces of Humans.


Schulz, Sonja, Bernd Weiß, Sebastian Sterl, Anna-Carolina Haensch, Lisa Schmid, and Antonia May. 2021. Harmonizing and synthesizing partnership histories from different research data infrastructures: A model project for linking research data from various infrastructure (HaSpaD). Datenfile Version 1.2. doi:

Weiß, Bernd, Ines Schaurer, and Mirjan Schulz. 2020. GESIS Panel Special Survey on the Coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 Outbreak in Germany.

Weiß, Bernd, Kai Weyandt, Jan-Philipp Kolb, Ines Schaurer, Katharina Schmidt, and David Bretschi. 2018. GESIS Panel ZA5664 und ZA5665 (22-0-0): Welle ec.

Weiß, Bernd, David Bretschi, Jan-Philipp Kolb, Isabella Minderop, Ines Schaurer, Katharina Schmidt, and Kai Weyandt. 2018. GESIS Panel ZA5664 und ZA5665 (23-0-0): Welle ed.

Kolb, Jan-Philipp, Isabella Minderop, Bernd Weiß, Katharina Schmidt, David Bretschi, Schaurer Ines, Mirjan Schulz, and Kai Weyandt. 2018. GESIS Panel ZA5664 und ZA5665 (24-0-0): Welle ee. doi:

Bretschi, David, Jan-Philipp Kolb, Ines Schaurer, Katharina Schmidt, Bernd Weiß, and Kai Weyandt. 2017. GESIS Panel ZA5664 and ZA5665 (21-0-0): Welle eb.

Sonstiger Artikel

Haensch, Anna-Carolina, Sonja Schulz, Sebastian Sterl, and Bernd Weiß. 2019. "The HaSpaD (Harmonizing and Synthesizing Partnership Histories from Different Research Data Infrastructures) Project ." In Harmonization: Newsletter on Survey Data Harmonization in the Social Sciences, edited by Irina Tomescu-Dubrow, and Joshua K. Dubrow, 1 5, 20-21.


Daikeler, Jessica, Leon Fröhling, Lukas Birkenmaier, Tobias Gummer, Clemens Lechner, Jan Schwalbach, Indira Sen, Henning Silber, Bernd Weiß, and Katrin Weller. 2024. "Assessing Data Quality in the Age of Digital Social Research with a focus on sensor data: : A Systematic Review ." WEB DATA OPP, Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona, 2024-03-18.

Weiß, Bernd, Joachim G. Piepenburg, Anna Hebel, Sebastian Stier, Frank Mangold, Judith Gilsbach, and Laura Latocha. 2024. "Comparing Probability- and Nonprobability-based Recruitment Approaches for Survey and Digital Behavioral Data Collections: Preliminary Analyses Among Different Selection Steps." 16. Workshop der Panelsurveys im deutschsprachigen Raum, 2024-04-29.

Daikeler, Jessica, Joachim Piepenburg, and Bernd Weiß. 2024. "Do expensive social media ad groups pay off in the recruitment of a non-probabilistic panel? A feasibility study on coverage indicators and recruitment costs of a non-probabilistic panel." General Online Research (GOR) 2024, Rheinische Fachhochschule Köln, 2024-02-21.

Gilsbach, Judith, Joachim G. Piepenburg, Frank Mangold, Sebastian Stier, and Bernd Weiß. 2024. "The influence of conditional and unconditional incentives on the willingness to participate in web tracking studies." GOR 24: General Online Research Conference, 2024-02-22.

Reinl, Ann-Kathrin, Bernd Weiß, Steffen Pötzschke, and Alexia Katsanidou. 2023. "A Dream dreamt out? Assessment of the EU by refugees from Ukraine in Poland and Germany in early 2022." Workshop on Ukraine and the EU, European University Institute, 2023-05-25.

Silber, Henning, Johannes Breuer, Barbara Felderer, Jessica Daikeler, Frederic Gerdon, Florian Keusch, Patrick Stammann, and Bernd Weiß. 2023. "A vignette study on acceptability norms and personal willingness to share digital trace data." CIPHER 2023, 2023-03-10.

Kraemer, Fabienne, Peter Lugtig, Bella Struminskaya, Henning Silber, Bernd Weiß, Michael Bosnjak, and Matthias Sand. 2023. "Attitudes Over Time - Does Repeated Interviewing Trigger Reflection Processes in Respondents?" ESRA 2023: Conference of the European Survey Research Association, 2023-07-19.

Rohr, Björn, Barbara Felderer, Steffen Pötzschke, Jan Priebe, Henning Silber, and Bernd Weiß. 2023. "Comparing Social Media Samples in Africa against the Demographic Health Survey." General Online Research Conference (GOR) 2023, 2023-07-21.

Pötzschke, Steffen, and Bernd Weiß. 2023. "Do Labels Matter? On the Use of the term "Refugee" in Survey Recruitment Through Social Media Ads." 20th IMISCOE Annual Conference, Center of Migration Research, University of Warsaw , Warsaw, 2023-07-03.

Pötzschke, Steffen, and Bernd Weiß. 2023. "How Shall We Address the Target Population? : On the Use of the "Refugee" Label in Advertisement-Based Survey Recruitment of Refugees Through Social Media." 10th conference of the European Survey Research Association (ESRA), University of Milan, 2023-07-21.

Weiß, Bernd, Joachim G. Piepenburg, Anna Hebel, Sebastian Stier, Frank Mangold, Judith Gilsbach, and Laura Latocha. 2023. "Poster on "The new GESIS Survey data linked with digital behavioral data"." 15. Workshop der Panelsurveys im deutschsprachigen Raum, 2023-03-30.

Rohr, Björn, Barbara Felderer, Steffen Pötzschke, Jan Priebe, Henning Silber, and Bernd Weiß. 2023. "Sampling a Cross-National Health Survey with Social Media Advertisements: Comparing Selection Bias for Different Targeting Strategies in Three African Countries." European Survey Research Association (ESRA) 2023 Conference, 2023-07-20.

Silber, Henning, Johannes Breuer, Jessica Daikeler, Barbara Felderer, Frederic Gerdon, Florian Keusch, and Bernd Weiß. 2023. "Sharing Digital Traces - Experimental Evidence on the Influence of the Data Type, the Recipient, and a Safe Transmission." European Survey Research Association (ESRA) 2023 Conference, University of Milano-Bicocca, 2023-07-18.

Gilsbach, Judith, Joachim G. Piepenburg, Frank Mangold, Sebastian Stier, and Bernd Weiß. 2023. "The influence of pre- and post-paid incentives on the willingness to participate in web tracking studies." Conference of the European Survey Research Association (ESRA), 2023-07-17.

Breuer, Johannes, Henning Silber, Jessica Daikeler, Barbara Felderer, Frederic Gerdon, Florian Keusch, Patrick Stammann, and Bernd Weiß. 2023. "What Can We Ask for and How Should We Ask? An Experimental Vignette Study on Request and Respondent Characteristics Affecting the Acceptability of and Willingness to Agree to Digital Trace Data Donation." Data Donation Symposium, Universität Zürich, 2023-09-11.

Otto, Lukas, Mareike Wieland, Bernd Weiß, Henning Silber, and Carsten Schwemmer. 2022. "A Total Error Framework for digital sensor data." 3rd MASS (Mobile Apps and Sensors in Surveys) workshop, Utrecht, 2022-06-16.

Daikeler, Jessica, Indira Sen, Lukas Birkenmaier, Leon Froehling, Tobias Gummer, Henning Silber, Clemens Lechner, and Bernd Weiß. 2022. "Assessing Data Quality in the Age of Digital Social Research: a Systematic Review." Midterm Conference ESA Research Network 21 "Quantitative Methods", University of Salamanca, Salamanca, 2022-10-05.

Kluge, Rebekka, Fabienne Kraemer, Henning Silber, Michael Bosnjak, Joanna Koßmann, Bella Struminskaya, and Bernd Weiß. 2022. "Closer Look at Face-Saving Response Options to Reduce Vote Overreporting: Disentangling Social Desirability Bias, Memory Failure, and Response Order Effects." General Online Research Conference (GOR 22), 2022-09-08.

Kraemer, Fabienne, Henning Silber, Bella Struminskaya, Matthias Sand, Michael Bosnjak, Joanna Koßmann, and Bernd Weiß. 2022. "Do Response Effects Change Over Time? Experimental Results From Six Waves of a German Online Panel Survey." AAPOR 2022: 77th Annual Conference, Sheraton Grand Chicago, Chicago, 2022-05-13.

Kraemer, Fabienne, Henning Silber, Bella Struminskaya, Matthias Sand, Michael Bosnjak, Joanna Koßmann, and Bernd Weiß. 2022. "Do Response Effects Change Over Time? Experimental Results from Six Waves of a German Online Panel Survey." General Online Research Conference (GOR) 2022, HTW Berlin, Berlin, 2022-09-09.

Pötzschke, Steffen, Bernd Weiß, Jens Hellmann, and Gerald Echterhoff. 2022. "Indirect yet effective? : Sampling refugees through advertisements on Facebook and Instagram." 19th IMISCOE annual conference, Oslo Metropolitan University, Oslo, 2022-07-01.

Pötzschke, Steffen, Bernd Weiß, Jens Hellmann, and Gerald Echterhoff. 2022. "Sampling (Arabic-speaking) refugees using targeted advertisements on Facebook and Instagram." 4th Conference of the German Network for Forced Migration Studies , TU Chemnitz, online, 2022-09-28.

Pötzschke, Steffen, and Bernd Weiß. 2022. "Surveying recently arrived Ukrainian refugees in Germany and Poland." 25th International Metropolis Conference, Metropolis International, Berlin, 2022-09-06.

Schwerdtfeger, Maikel, Sven Stadtmüller, Bella Struminskaya, and Bernd Weiß. 2022. "Width is the limit: Investigating the response behavior and data quality in a layout experiment within a panel survey." General Online Research Conference (GOR) 2022, HTW Berlin, Berlin, 2022-09-08.

Schwerdtfeger, Maikel, Sven Stadtmüller, Bella Struminskaya, and Bernd Weiß. 2022. "Width is the limit - Investigating response behavior and data quality in a mobile-first layout experiment within a well-established panel survey." Current innovations in probability-based household internet panel research (CIPHER), Virtual Conference, 2022-03-03.

Weiß, Bernd, Indira Sen, Fabian Flöck, Katrin Weller, and Claudia Wagner. 2021. "A total error framework for digital traces of human behavior on online platforms." Geimeinsamer Kongress der DGS und ÖGS, Online, 2021-08-23.

Kraemer, Fabienne, Henning Silber, Bella Struminskaya, Michael Bosnjak, Joanna Koßmann, and Bernd Weiß. 2021. "Assessing Panel Conditioning in a German Probability-based Panel: A Comparison of Respondents with Different Levels of Experience." ESRA 2021: 9th Conference of the European Survey Research Association, Online, 2021-07-16.

Kraemer, Fabienne, Henning Silber, Bella Struminskaya, Michael Bosnjak, Joanna Koßmann, and Bernd Weiß. 2021. "Assessing Panel Conditioning in the GESIS Panel: Comparing Respondents with Different Levels of Experience." Current Innovations in Probability-based Household Internet Panel Research (CIPHER) Conference 2021, Online, 2021-03-04.

Weiß, Bernd, and Ines Schaurer. 2021. "Investigating self-selection bias of online surveys on coronavirus-related outcomes and characteristics." Current innovations in probability-based household internet panel research (CIPHER), Online, 2021-03-04.

Weiß, Bernd. 2021. "Investigating self-selection bias of online surveys on COVID-19 pandemic-related outcomes and health characteristics." General Online Research 2021, Online, 2021-09-08.

Silber, Henning, Bella Struminskaya, Matthias Sand, Michael Bosnjak, Joanna Koßmann, Fabienne Kraemer, and Bernd Weiß. 2021. "Methodological Aspects of Measuring Stability and Change in Personal Culture: Testing the Models of Settled Dispositions and Active Updating Using a Randomized Experiment." ESRA 2021: 9th Conference of the European Survey Research Association, Online, 2021-07-16.

Pötzschke, Steffen, and Bernd Weiß. 2021. "Reaching small and dispersed target populations through social networking sites." 28. Wissenschaftlicher Kongress der Deutschen Vereinigung für Politikwissenschaft (DVPW), Online, 2021-09-15.

Pötzschke, Steffen, and Bernd Weiß. 2021. "Sampling emigrants on a global scale through advertisements on Facebook and Instagram." 18th IMISCOE Annual Conference, Online, 2021-07-08.

Kraemer, Fabienne, Henning Silber, Bella Struminskaya, Michael Bosnjak, Joanna Koßmann, and Bernd Weiß. 2021. "Satisficing Behavior across Time: Assessing Negative Panel Conditioning Using a Randomized Experiment." GOR 21: General Online Research, Online, 2021-09-10.

Kraemer, Fabienne, Henning Silber, Bella Struminskaya, Michael Bosnjak, Joanna Koßmann, and Bernd Weiß. 2021. "Satisficing im Zeitverlauf: Eine Analyse von negativer Panel-Konditionierung unter Verwendung eines experimentellen Designs mit sechs Panelwellen." Gemeinsame Tagung der ASI und der DGS-Sektion „Methoden der empirischen Sozialforschung“ - Paneldaten: Methodische Qualitätsansprüche, praktische Datenanforderungen und politische Informationsbedarfe, Online, 2021-11-19.

Pötzschke, Steffen, and Bernd Weiß. 2021. "Using social networking sites in cross-national research on a global scale: First insights from the German emigrants overseas online survey." ESRA 2021: 9th Conference of the European Survey Research Association, Online, 2021-07-02.

Sen, Indira, Fabian Flöck, Katrin Weller, Bernd Weiß, and Claudia Wagner. 2020. "From the Total Survey Error Framework to an Error Framework for Digital Traces of Humans." ACM FAT* Conference 2020, 2020-01-27.

Schulz, Mirjan, Bernd Weiß, Aigul Mavletova, and Mick P. Couper. 2020. "Layout and Device Effects on Breakoff Rates in Smartphone Surveys: A Systematic Review and a Meta-Analysis." Virtual: General Online Research (GOR) 2020, 2020-09-11.

Schulz, Mirjan, Bernd Weiß, Aigul Mavletova, and Mick P. Couper. 2020. "Layout Effects on Breakoff rates in Smartphone Surveys: A Systematic Review and a Meta-Analysis." WAPOR Annual Conference 2020, Virtuell, 2020-10-06.

Silber, Henning, Johannes Breuer, Christoph Beuthner, Pascal Siegers, Bernd Weiß, Sebastian Stier, Florian Keusch, and Gummer Tobias. 2020. "Linking surveys and digital trace data: Experiences from two pilot studies on factors influencing informed consent." BigSurv20: Big Data meets Survey Science, Virtuell, 2020-11-20.

Minderop, Isabella, and Bernd Weiß. 2020. "Now, later or never? Using response time patterns to predict panel attrition." General Online Research 2020, Virtuell, 2020-09-11.

Kraemer, Fabienne, Joanna Koßmann, Michael Bosnjak, Henning Silber, Bella Struminskaya, and Bernd Weiß. 2020. "Poster on Panel Conditioning in a Mixed-Mode Probability Panel: Comparing Novice and Experienced Respondents." General Online Research Conference (GOR 2020), Online, 2020-09-10.

Bretschi, David, and Bernd Weiß. 2020. "Predictors of Mode Choice in a Probability-based Mixed-Mode Panel." General Online Research (GOR) 2020, Virtuell, 2020-09-11.

Bretschi, David, and Bernd Weiß. 2020. "Predictors of mode switch in a probability-based mixed-mode panel." International workshop on household survey nonresponse, Virtuell, 2020-08-27.

Haensch, Anna-Carolina, Katja Bitz, and Bernd Weiß. 2020. "Using supervised classification for categorizing answers to an open-ended question on panel participation motivation." BigSurv20: Big Data meets Survey Science., Virtuell, 2020-11-06.

Schwarz, Hannah, Wiebke Weber, Isabella Minderop, and Bernd Weiß. 2020. "What is the measurement quality of questions on environmental attitudes and supernatural beliefs in the GESIS Panel?" General Online Research 2020, Virtuell, 2020-09-10.

Kern, Christoph, Bernd Weiß, and Jan-Philipp Kolb. 2019. "A Longitudinal Framework for Predicting Nonresponse in Panel Surveys." ESRA 2019 : 8th Conference of the European Survey Research Association. Zagreb (Croatia), 2019-07-18.

Schaurer, Ines, Bernd Weiß, Kai Willem Weyandt, and Michael Blohm. 2019. "Exclusive Recruitment Interview vs. Piggybacking: Comparison of Two Recruitment Strategies for a Probability-Based Self-Administered Panel." ESRA 2019 : 8th Conference of the European Survey Research Association, Zagreb (Croatia), 2019-07-18.

Dardha, Sonila, Jessica Daikeler, Kathrin Thomas, and Bernd Weiß. 2019. "Gender-of-Interviewer Effects on Survey Responses: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis." ESRA 2019 : 8th Conference of the European Survey Research Association, Zagreb (Croatia), 2019-07-16.

Haensch, Anna-Carolina, and Bernd Weiß. 2019. "IPD Meta-analysis of complex survey data." Research Synthesis 2019, 2019-05-31.

Beuthner, Christoph, Bernd Weiß, Florian Keusch, and Henning Silber. 2019. "Linking Digital Data to Survey Data: Respondents Willingness to Consent and the Potential of Facebook Data." Digital Societies 2019 - Second Conference of the Academy of Sociology, Universität Konstanz, Konstanz, 2019-09-25.

Beuthner, Christoph, Florian Keusch, Natalja Menold, Jette Schröder, Henning Silber, and Bernd Weiß. 2019. "Linking Survey and Social Media Data: Results and Implications of an Exploratory Study with Facebook Data." AAPOR 74th Annual Conference, 2019-05-16.

Kern, Christoph, Bernd Weiß, and Jan-Philipp Kolb. 2019. "Predicting panel nonresponse with machine learning in a longitudinal framework." GESIS Panel User Conference, GESIS - Leibniz-Institut für Sozialwissenschaften, Mannheim, 2019-03-11.

Heycke, Tobias, and Bernd Weiß. 2019. "Preregistration of Secondary Data Analysis." ESRA 2019 : 8th Conference of the European Survey Research Association. Zagreb (Croatia), 2019-07-16.

Beuthner, Christoph, Florian Keusch, Natalja Menold, Jette Schröder, Bernd Weiß, and Henning Silber. 2019. "Respondents Willingness to Share Data from Social Media Accounts: The Influence of Device, Privacy Concerns and Respondent Characteristics." ESRA 2019 : 8th Conference of the European Survey Research Association, Zagreb (Croatia), 2019-07-16.

Beuthner, Christoph, Florian Keusch, Henning Silber, and Bernd Weiß. 2019. "Sind Befragte bereit zu teilen? : Ergebnisse einer explorativen Studie zur Bereitschaft von Befragten Daten aus digitalen Quellen zu teilen." Gemeinsame Tagung der Arbeitsgemeinschaft sozialwissenschaftlicher Institute (ASI) und der DGS-Sektion „Methoden der empirischen Sozialforschung“, GESIS - Leibniz-Institut für Sozialwissenschaften, Köln, 2019-11-15.

Heycke, Tobias, Bernd Weiß, and Jan-Philipp Kolb. 2019. "The GESIS Panel: Heading towards a FAIR Survey Infrastructure." MZES open social science conference, MZES, 2019-01-26.

Minderop, Isabella, and Bernd Weiß. 2019. "Using Response Patterns in a panel survey to explain panel dropout." GESIS Panel User Conference, GESIS - Leibniz-Institut für Sozialwissenschaften, Mannheim, 2019-03-11.

Minderop, Isabella, and Bernd Weiß. 2019. "Using Response Patterns in a panel survey to explain panel dropout." ESRA 2019 : 8th Conference of the European Survey Research Association, Zagreb (Croatia), 2019-07-18.

Beuthner, Christoph, Bernd Weiß, Jette Schröder, Natalja Menold, Henning Silber, and Florian Keusch. 2018. "Does the topic make a difference? An analysis of consent decisions." ESA RN 21 midterm conference, 2018-10-04.

Silber, Henning, Bernd Weiß, Florian Keusch, Christoph Beuthner, and Jette Schröder. 2018. "Framing Consent Questions in Mobile Surveys: Experiments on Question Wording." Big Data Meets Survey Science (BigSurv18), 2018-10-27.

Kolb, Jan-Philipp, and Bernd Weiß. 2018. "Geokodierung und Geodaten." 12. Workshop der Panelsurveys, 2018-02-21.

Haensch, Anna-Carolina, and Bernd Weiß. 2018. "Meta-Analysis of Survey-Based, Non-Experimental Individual Person Data with Heterogeneous Weighting Schemes." 2018 Joint Statistical Meeting, 2018-07-28.

Sterl, Sebastian, Sonja Schulz, Anna-Carolina Haensch, and Bernd Weiß. 2018. "The Whole is More than the Sum of its Parts: Studying Relationship Stability and Social Change by Pooling and Harmonizing Research Data from Various Infrastructures." 6th International pairfam Conference Innovations in Panel Data Methods Munich, June 28-29, 2018 , 2018-06-29.

Weiß, Bernd, Christoph Kern, and Jan-Philipp Kolb. 2018. "Using Predictive Modeling in Survey Methodology to Identify Panel Nonresponse." 2018 Joint Statistical Meeting, 2018-07-28.

Kolb, Jan-Philipp, Bernd Weiß, and Christoph Kern. 2018. "Using Predictive Modelling to Identify Nonresponse." BigSurv18 - Big Data meets Survey Science, 2018-10-25.

Weiß, Bernd, Ariel M. Aloe, Benjamin D. Norris, and Christopher G. Thompson. 2017. "Heteroskedastic Mixed-Effects Meta-Regression." MAER-Net Colloquium, 2017-10-13.

Schaurer, Ines, Kai Willem Weyandt, Robert Bauer, Michael Blohm, and Bernd Weiß. 2017. "Vergleich zweier Rekrutierungsvarianten für das GESIS Panel." 11. Workshop der Panelsurveys in Deutschland, 2017-02-21.


Schulz, Mirjan, Bernd Weiß, Aigul Mavletova, and Mick P. Couper. 2019. "Layout Effects on Breakoff Rates in Smartphone Surveys: A Systematic Review and a Meta-Analysis." GESIS Research Day, Cologne, Germany, 2019-10-10.

Minderop, Isabella, and Bernd Weiß. 2019. "Now, later, or never? Using response time patterns to predict panel attrition." 2nd GESIS Research Day, Cologne, Germany, GESIS - Leibniz-Institut für Sozialwissenschaften, Köln, 2019-10-10.

Kolb, Jan-Philipp, Bernd Weiß, and Christoph Kern. 2019. "Using Predictive Modeling to Identify Panel Dropouts: ISI World Statistics Congress, Kuala Lumpur Malaysia." ISI World Statistics Congress, Kuala Lumpur Malaysia, ISI, 2019-08-18.

Beitrag nicht auf Konferenz

Kraemer, Fabienne, Peter Lugtig, Bella Struminskaya, Henning Silber, Bernd Weiß, and Michael Bosnjak. 2024. "Monitoring Attitudes Over Time - Real Change or the Result of Repeated Interviewing?" Panel Survey Methods Workshop 2024, Utrecht University, 2024-07-12.

Repke, Lydia, Theresia Ell, Henning Silber, and Bernd Weiß. 2023. "Entwicklung und Bedeutung sozialer Beziehungen im Kontext der Covid-19-Pandemie (LoneCovid)." Auftaktveranstaltung der vom BMBF geförderten Projekte "Gesellschaftliche Auswirkungen der Corona-Pandemie. Forschung für Integration, Teilhabe und Erneuerung", Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt e. V., Bonn, 2023-11-16.

Pötzschke, Steffen, and Bernd Weiß. 2023. "Familie und Bleibeabsicht: Ein Vergleich von ukrainischen Geflüchteten in Deutschland und Polen." Die Lage geflüchteter ukrainischer Familien in Deutschland, Bundesinstitut für Bevölkerungsforschung & Wissenschaftlicher Beirat für Familienfragen beim Bundesministerium für Familie, Senioren, Frauen und Jugend, Bundesministerium für Familie, Senioren, Frauen und Jugend, Berlin, 2023-11-15.

Pötzschke, Steffen, and Bernd Weiß. 2023. "Family and the Intention to Stay: A Comparison of Ukrainian Refugees in Germany and Poland." Ukraine: 21 months of displacement – What do we know so far?, Institut für Migrationsforschung und Interkulturelle Studien (IMIS), Osnabrück, 2023-11-28.

Kraemer, Fabienne, Henning Silber, Bella Struminskaya, Matthias Sand, Michael Bosnjak, Joanna Koßmann, and Bernd Weiß. 2023. "Satisficing Response Behavior Across Time: Assessing Negative Panel Conditioning Using an Experimental Design With Six Repetitions." RSS event: New evidence in understanding panel conditioning in longitudinal data, 2023-01-19.

Pötzschke, Steffen, and Bernd Weiß. 2022. "Online Survey of Ukrainian Refugees (OSUR): Sampling recently arrived refugees through ads on Facebook and Instagram." Surveying refugees and hard-to-reach populations in Europe and beyond (workshop), Danube University Krems, online, 2022-09-02.

Pötzschke, Steffen, and Bernd Weiß. 2022. "Werbung auf Facebook und Instagram als Werkzeug zur Umfragerekrutierung geflüchteter Personen : The Online Survey of Ukrainian Refugees (OSUR) ." Kolloquium des Bundesamtes für Migration und Flüchtlinge (BAMF), Forschungsabteilung des BAMF, 2022-07-25.

Weiß, Bernd, Mirjan Schulz, and Ines Schaurer. 2021. "Das GESIS Panel: Von der Erhebung eigener Daten bis zur Datenanalyse." Meet the Experts - Best-Practice-Methoden in der Umfrageforschung, GESIS (online), Munich, 2021-03-11.

Weiß, Bernd. 2021. "Eine allgemeine Einführung in das GESIS Panel, ergänzt um einige sozialwissenschaftliche Befunde zur COVID-19-Pandemie." Bachelor-Seminar "Wirtschafts- und Sozialstatistik", Online, 2021-02-11.

Daikeler, Jessica, and Bernd Weiß. 2021. "Techniken und Tools evidenz-basierter Umfrageforschung." Meet the Experts: GESIS online talks on Social Science Methods and Research Data, Online, 2021-04-15.

Weiß, Bernd, Christoph Beuthner, Henning Silber, Florian Keusch, Natalja Menold, and Jette Schröder. 2019. "Consenting to Data Linkage: The Role of Data Domain, Framing, Device, Incentives, and Respondent Characteristics." Mobile Apps and Sensors in Surveys (University of Mannheim and Utrecht University), Universität Mannheim, Mannheim, 2019-03-04.

Haensch, Anna-Carolina, Sebastian Sterl, Bernd Weiß, and Sonja Schulz. 2019. "Project Presentation: Harmonizing and synthesizing partnership histories from different research data infrastructures (HaSpaD)." Ex-post Harmonization of rating scales in national and international surveys, GESIS - Leibniz-Institut für Sozialwissenschaften, Köln, 2019-05-10.

Weiß, Bernd. 2018. ""GESIS Panel: A Probability-Based Mixed-Mode Access Panel for the Social Sciences"." GESIS Panel Roadshow, 2018-11-27.

Weiß, Bernd. 2018. "Meta-Analysis in Social Research: An Overview." Vortrag am Deutschen Institut für Pädagogische Forschung, Berlin, 2018-09-28.

Weiß, Bernd. 2017. "GESIS Panel – A Probability-Based Mixed-Mode Access Panel." Gemeinsame Sitzung von Vertretern des ADM Arbeitskreis Deutscher Markt- und Sozialforschungsinstitute, der Arbeitsgemeinschaft Sozialwissenschaftlicher Institute (ASI) und des Statistischen Bundesamtes, 2017-11-07.

Weiß, Bernd. 2017. "GESIS Panel: A Probability-Based Mixed-Mode Access Panel." GESIS Summer School in Survey Methodology, 2017-08-21.

Weiß, Bernd. 2017. "GESIS Panel: A Probability-Based Mixed-Mode Access Panel for the Social Sciences." GESIS Panel Roadshow, 2017-02-16.

Weiß, Bernd. 2017. "GESIS Panel: A Probability-Based Mixed-Mode Access Panel for the Social Sciences." GESIS Panel Roadshow, 2017-02-23.

Weiß, Bernd. 2017. "GESIS Panel: A Probability-Based Mixed-Mode Access Panel for the Social Sciences." GESIS Panel Roadshow, 2017-03-22.


Breuer, Johannes, Bernd Weiß, and Arnim Bleier. 2023. "Workflows for Reproducible Research with R & Git." GESIS - Leibniz-Institut für Sozialwissenschaften, Köln.

Breuer, Johannes, Bernd Weiß, and Arnim Bleier. 2022. "Tools and Workflows for Reproducible Research in the Quantitative Social Sciences." GESIS - Leibniz-Institut für Sozialwissenschaften, Köln.

Weiß, Bernd, Johannes Breuer, and Arnim Bleier. 2021. "Tools and Workflows for Reproducible Research in the Quantitative Social Sciences." GESIS - Leibniz-Institut für Sozialwissenschaften, Köln.

Weiß, Bernd. 2019. "Introduction to Systematic Reviews in International Development." Universität Mannheim, Mannheim.

Weiß, Bernd. 2019. "Meta-Analysis in Social Research: A two-day workshop." Deutsches Jugendinstitut, München.

Daikeler, Jessica, and Bernd Weiß. 2019. "The Meta-Analytical Research Process: A GOR Conference Workshop ." TH Köln, Köln.

Weiß, Bernd. 2018. "Introduction to Systematic Reviews: A Half-day Workshop." Universität Trier, Trier.

Weiß, Bernd, Jessica Wengrzik, and Anna-Carolina Haensch. 2018. "Meta-Analysis in Social Research and Survey Methodology."

Weiß, Bernd, and Tobias Heycke. 2018. "Open Methodology in Practice: Das Textsatzsystem LaTeX und anverwandte Tools."

Weiß, Bernd, and Jessica Wengrzik. 2017. "An Introduction to Meta-Analysis." Köln.

Welch, Vivian, and Bernd Weiß. 2017. "Introduction to Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analysis: A two-day workshop."

Weiß, Bernd. 2017. "Introduction to Systematic Reviews: A Two-day Workshop." Bonn, IZA.

Beiträge oder Interviews in nicht-wissenschaftlichen Medien

Pötzschke, Steffen, Bernd Weiß, Anna Hebel, Joachim G. Piepenburg, and Oleksandra Popek. 2022. "A web survey of Ukrainian refugees in Poland and Germany: Preliminary findings." LSE Blog. doi:

Pötzschke, Steffen, Bernd Weiß, Anna Hebel, Joachim G. Piepenburg, and Oleksandra Popek. 2022. "Geflüchtete aus der Ukraine: Erste deskriptive Ergebnisse einer Onlinebefragung in Deutschland und Polen." GESIS Blog, 2022-05-18. doi:

Priebe, Jan, Henning Silber, Christoph Beuthner, Steffen Pötzschke, Bernd Weiß, and Jessica Daikeler. 2021. "How German health workers’ views on vaccine safety can be swayed by the AstraZeneca controversy." LSE Blog, 2021-06-07.

Priebe, Jan, Henning Silber, Christoph Beuthner, Steffen Pötzschke, Bernd Weiß, and Jessica Daikeler. 2021. "Wie die AstraZeneca-Kontroverse die COVID-19 Impfempfehlungen von medizinischen Fachkräften beeinflusst." GESIS Blog, 2021-08-05. doi:

Pötzschke, Steffen, and Bernd Weiß. 2020. "Preliminary findings of the German Emigrants Overseas Online Survey: What did we learn about the Germans we reached through social networking sites?" GESIS Blog, 2020-12-04. doi:

Pötzschke, Steffen, and Bernd Weiß. 2020. "Using Facebook and Instagram to sample German emigrants on a nearly global scale." GESIS Blog, 2020-11-27. doi:


Weiß, Bernd. 2021. "Journal of Survey Statistics and Methodology." Anzahl: 1.

Weiß, Bernd. 2021. "Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series A ." Anzahl: 1.

Weiß, Bernd. 2021. "Public Opinion Quarterly." Anzahl: 1.

Weiß, Bernd. 2021. "Survey Methods: Insights from the Field." Anzahl: 2.

Weiß, Bernd. 2020. "Survey Methods: Insights from the Field." Anzahl: 1.

Weiß, Bernd. 2020. "Survey Research Methods." Anzahl: 1.

Weiß, Bernd. 2019. "Survey Methods: Insights from the Field." Anzahl: 2.

Weiß, Bernd. 2019. "Survey Research Methods." Anzahl: 1.

Weiß, Bernd. 2018. "Campbell Collaboration Methods Grant." Anzahl: 1.

Weiß, Bernd. 2018. "Research Synthesis Methods." Anzahl: 1.

Weiß, Bernd. 2018. "Social Science Computer Review." Anzahl: 1.

Weiß, Bernd. 2018. "Sociological Methodology." Anzahl: 1.

Weiß, Bernd. 2018. "Zeitschrift für Arbeits- und Organisationspsychologie." Anzahl: 1.

Weiß, Bernd. 2018. "Zeitschrift für Psychology." Anzahl: 1.


Pötzschke, Steffen, Michael Zoorob, and Bernd Weiß. 2023. "Session (co-)convener: Social Media Ads as a tool for targeted survey sampling 1 & 2." 10th conference of the European Survey Research Association (ESRA), University of Milan, Milan, 2023-07-17 - 2023-07-21.

Krieger, Ulrich, Bernd Weiß, and Mirjan Schulz. 2020. "14. Workshop der Panelsurveys im deutschsprachigen Raum." Universität Mannheim, Mannheim, 2020-02-03 - 2020-02-04.

Hiekel, Nicole, Sonja Schulz, Michael Wagner, and Bernd Weiß. 2020. "18th Meeting of the "European Network for the Sociological and Demographic Study of Divorce"." Virtuell, 2020-10-14 - 2020-10-16.

Weiß, Bernd, and Katharina Schmidt. 2019. "1. GESIS Panel User Conference." GESIS Panel User Conference, GESIS - Leibniz-Institut für Sozialwissenschaften, Mannheim, 2019-03-11 - 2019-03-12.