Board of Trustees

As a supervisory body the Board of Trustees appoints, advises, and supervises the Executive Board and the scientific department heads of GESIS. All affairs and arrangements of fundamental significance that exceed the ordinary course of business require the prior consent of the Board of Trustees.

Chair of the Board of Trustees

Prof. Dr. Marianne Kneuer acts as Chairwoman and Dr. Katharina Pijnenburg as Deputy Chairwoman of the GESIS Board of Trustees.

Members entitled to vote according to §7, section 1, letters a) and b) of the GESIS Statutes

Dr. Katharina Pijnenburg
Representative of the Federal State


Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung (BMBF)
Ref. 426: Sozial- und Geisteswissenschaften 
Heinemannstraße 2
53175 Bonn


Martina Ritter
Representative of the Land

Ministerium für Wissenschaft, Forschung und Kunst
des Landes Baden-Württemberg


Dr. Michael H. Wappelhorst
Representative of the Land North Rhine-Westphalia

Ministerium für Kultur und
Wissenschaft des Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen


Members entitled to vote according to §7, section 1, letter c) of the GESIS Statutes

Prof. Dr. Marianne Kneuer

Chairwoman of the GESIS Board of Trustees

TU Dresden
Institut für Politikwissenschaft
Professur für Politische Systeme und Systemvergleich
Bergstr. 53
01062 Dresden


Prof. Dr. Marc Keuschnigg

Linköping University


Prof. Dr. Udo Kruschwitz Universität Regensburg Website

Members entitles to vote according to §7, section 1, letter d) of the GESIS Statutes

Prof. Dr. Thomas Grund RWTH Aachen University Website
Prof. Dr. Eldad Davidov Universität zu Köln Website
Prof. Dr. Jutta Mata Universität Mannheim Website
Prof. Dr. Annette Schnabel Heinrich Heine Universität Düsseldorf Website

Guests with an advisory capacity according to §7, section 5, letters a)-c) of the GESIS Statutes

Dr. Nina Steinweg
Representative of the General Works Council of GESIS
GESIS Website
Prof. Dr. Marius Busemeyer
Chair of the User Advisory Board
Universität Konstanz Website

Prof. Dr. Bernhard Kittel
Chair of the Scientific Advisory Board

University of Vienna
