
The many faces of GESIS


Translation studies (English, French, Italian) at the Faculty of Translation Studies, Linguistics and Cultural Studies (FTSK) of the University of Mainz in Germersheim (Germany) and at the ETI / University of Geneva (Switzerland). Diploma in “Interfacultative Studies of France” (IFS) at the University of Freiburg im Breisgau (Germany) with stays abroad in Paris and Brussels. Doctorate in translation studies from FTSK Germersheim / University of Mainz on “Advance Translation as a Means of Improving Source Questionnaire Translatability? Findings from a Think-Aloud Study for French and German". 1997-1999, Lecturer for German (contract position) at Marc Bloch University, Strasbourg (France). 1999-2010, various freelance lectureships for English and French at the Foreign Language Institute, Karlsruhe University of Applied Sciences (Germany) and at the FTSK / University of Mainz in Germersheim (Germany). 1997-2023, freelance translator (English, French, Italian, German) in various fields, for public and private clients and international institutions (mainly European Central Bank), amongst others, in the field of questionnaire translation. Since November 2009, senior researcher at GESIS in the field of questionnaire translation. Since 2018/2019, lecturer at the online doctoral school Research Methods in TI Studies (ReMeTIS) of the Faculty of Translation and Interpreting (FTI), University of Geneva. Since 2023, member of the Executive Committee of the International Workshop on Comparative Survey Design and Implementation (CSDI).

Main research projects:

  • European Social Survey (ESS): Head of ESS Translation Team (2009-2019); Head of Workpackage 5 "Questionnaire Translation" (2019-today); member of the Core Scientific Team of the ESS: Translation | European Social Survey 
  • Head of Workpackage 3 "Maximising equivalence through translation" of the EU-funded cluster project Synergies for Europe’s Research Infrastructures in the Social Sciences (SERISS), WP3: Maximising equivalence through translation - SERISS, 2015-2019 (project closed)


Head of Workpackage 5 "Questionnaire Translation" of the European Social Survey (ESS) (member of the Core Scientific Team of the ESS): 
Translation | European Social Survey

Consultancy on questionnaire translation and translatability of source questionnaires for multilingual survey projects.


Questionnaire translation and adaptation; translatability of source questionnaires - advance translations; adaptation versus close translation; translation process research / translation and cognition; machine translation used in survey translation; translating answers to open-ended questions.    


Journal article

Zavala-Rojas, Diana, Dorothée Behr, Brita Dorer, Danielly Sorato, and Veronika Keck. 2024. "Using Machine Translation and Post-editing in the TRAPD approach: effects on the quality of translated survey texts." Public Opinion Quarterly 88 (1): 123-148.

Dorer, Brita. 2023. "Advance translation: The remedy to improve translatability of source questionnaires? Results of a think-aloud study." Field Methods 35 (1): 33–47. doi:

Scholz, Evi, Brita Dorer, and Cornelia Züll. 2022. "Coding issues of open-ended questions in a cross-cultural context." International Journal of Sociology 52 (1): 78-96. doi:

Dorer, Brita. 2022. "How useful? How important? How difficult? : Triangulating factors to determine expertise in English-to-French questionnaire translation difficulty." Translation, Cognition & Behavior 2022 (5:1): 144-164. doi:

Repke, Lydia, and Brita Dorer. 2021. "Translate wisely! An evaluation of close and adaptive translation procedures in an experiment involving questionnaire translation." International Journal of Sociology 51 (2): 135-162. doi:

Dorer, Brita. 2021. "Translating answers to open-ended questions in a multilingual survey context - Challenges and recommendations." trans-kom 14 (2): 226–256.

Chapter in an edited book

Dorer, Brita, Anna Kuznik, David Orrego-Carmona, and Cornelia Zwischenberger. 2024 (Forthcoming). "Chapter 3: Surveys and interviews." In Data collection methods in Cognitive Translation and Interpreting Studies, edited by Ana Maria Rojo López, and Ricardo Munoz, John Benjamins.

Dorer, Brita, Cornelia Neuert, and Dorothée Behr. 2024. "Kognitive Pretests und Empirie: Methodik, Zielgruppenspezifik und Nutzungsverhalten." In Orthographie in Wissenschaft und Gesellschaft. Schriftsystem - Norm - Sprachgebrauch, edited by Sabine Krome, Mechthild Habermann, Henning Lobin, and Angelika Wöllstein, Jahrbuch des Instituts für Deutsche Sprache 2023. de Gruyter. doi:

Jong, Julie de, Brita Dorer, Sunghee Lee, Ting Yan, and Ana Villar. 2018. "Overview of Questionnaire Design and Testing." In Advances in Comparative Survey Methods: Multinational, Multiregional and Multicultural Contexts (3MC) , edited by Timothy Johnson, Beth-Ellen Pennell, Ineke Stoop, and Brita Dorer, Wiley Series in Survey Methodology . New York: John Wiley & Sons.

Dorer, Brita, Ana Villar, and Lydia Repke. 2018. "Translation experiment." In Documentation of experimental testing implemented in the CROss-National Online Survey (CRONOS) Panel, edited by Ana Villar, Elena Sommer, Nejc Berzelak, and Gianmaria Bottoni,

Dorer, Brita. 2016. "(Co-author of different chapters under 'Translation' and 'Adaptation')." In Guidelines for Best Practice in Cross-Cultural Surveys, MI: Survey Research Center, Institute for Social Research, University of Michigan.

Dorer, Brita. 2015. "Carrying out ‘advance translations’ to detect comprehensibility problems in a source questionnaire of a cross-national survey." In Translation and Comprehensibility, edited by Karin Maksymski, Silke Gutermuth, and Silvia Hansen-Schirra, TransÜD 72, 77-112. Berlin: Frank & Timme.

Dorer, Brita. 2012. "Advance translation in the European social survey: enhancing the translatability of a source questionnaire in a cross-cultural survey." In Tagungsband - Übersetzen in die Zukunft 2012: 2. Internationale Fachkonferenz des BDÜ, 28.-30. September 2012, edited by Wolfram Baur, Brigitte Eichner, Sylvia Kalina, and Felix Mayer, 634-643.


Johnson, Timothy P., Beth-Ellen Pennell, Ineke Stoop, and Brita Dorer, ed. 2018. Advances in Comparative Survey Methods: Multinational, Multiregional and Multicultural Contexts (3MC). Wiley Series in Survey Methodology. John Wiley & Sons. New York. Wiley Series in Survey Methodology. New York: John Wiley & Sons.


Dorer, Brita. 2020. Advance translation as a means of improving source questionnaire translatability? Findings from a think-aloud study for French and German. Berlin: Frank & Timme.

Working and discussion paper

Zavala-Rojas, Diana, Brita Dorer, Danielly Sorato, Veronika Keck, and Dorothée Behr. 2023. Deliverable 4.10: Report on the Machine Translation (MT) pilot study. Social sciences & humanities open cloud. Social sciences & humanities open cloud.

Kessler, Georg, Niccolò Ghirelli, Peter Lynn, Brita Dorer, Joost Kappelhof, Jannine van de Maat, Roberto Briceno-Rosas, and Linn-Merethe Rød. 2022. Overall Fieldwork and Data Quality Report for the European Social Survey, Round 9. Mannheim: GESIS.

Keck, Veronika, Dorothée Behr, and Brita Dorer. 2021. D4.9 - Guidelines on the use of translation memories in survey translation. Social sciences & humanities open cloud. doi:

Zavala-Rojas, Diana, Veronika Keck, Danielly Sorato, Dorothée Behr, and Brita Dorer. 2020. MS17 open source CAT TM software selected. Social sciences & humanities open cloud. doi:

Behr, Dorothée, Michael Braun, and Brita Dorer. 2016. Measurement Instruments in Cross-National Surveys. GESIS Survey Guidelines. Mannheim: GESIS - Leibniz institute for the Social Sciences. doi:

Behr, Dorothée, Michael Braun, and Brita Dorer. 2015. Messinstrumente in internationalen Studien (Measurement instruments in international studies). GESIS Survey Guidelines. Mannheim: GESIS - Leibniz institute for the Social Sciences. doi:

Dorer, Brita. 2011. Advance translation in the 5th round of the European Social Survey (ESS). FORS Working Paper Series 2011-4. Lausanne: FORS. doi:

Other article

Zavala-Rojas, Diana, Veronika Keck, Danielly Sorato, Dorothée Behr, and Brita Dorer. 2020. "MS17 Open source CAT TM software selected (Version v1.0). ."

Repke, Lydia, Brita Dorer, Elena Sommer, and Yuri Pettinicchi. 2019. "Report on empirical findings from applying both translation methods: Deliverable 3.3 of the SERISS project funded under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme GA No: 654221. Available at:"

Presentation at a conference

Dorer, Brita. 2024. "Advance translation - a method to enhance source questionnaire’s translatability and cross-cultural portability." Conference of the International Test Commission (ITC), Granada (Spain) , 2024-07-04.

Dorer, Brita, Dorothée Behr, Diana Zavala-Rojas, and Danielly Sorato. 2024. "The impact of machine translation on the Review discussion in a questionnaire translation project – an experiment for English-to-German translation ." 5th International European Social Survey (ESS) Conference - Addressing grand societal challenges cross-nationally: Investigation, innovation and insights from 20 years of data, ICS (University of Lisbon) and ISCTE (University Institute of Lisbon), Lisbon (Portugal), 2024-07-08.

Dorer, Brita, Dorothée Behr, Diana Zavala-Rojas, and Danielly Sorato. 2024. "The impact of machine translation on the Review step in a questionnaire translation project – an experiment for English-to-German translation." Comparative Survey Design Initiative (CSDI) Workshop , SHARE BERLIN Institute GmbH, Berlin, 2024-03-19.

Dorer, Brita. 2023. "Comparing questionnaire translation approaches." 2023 International Workshop on Comparative Survey Design and Implementation, Universidad de Granada, 2023-04-21.

Dorer, Brita, Ruxandra Comanaru, and Daniela Negoita. 2023. "Harmonising survey data resulting from different translation approaches: risk or enrichment? ." ESRA 2023 Conference, University of Milan-Bicocca, Milano, 2023-07-18.

Behr, Dorothée, Brita Dorer, Diana Zavala-Rojas, and Danielly Sorato. 2023. "Survey instruments in cross-national research: how do social scientists vs. professional translators translate these?" ESRA Conference Milano, 2023-07-20.

Dorer, Brita, Dorothée Behr, Diana Zavala-Rojas, and Danielly Sorato. 2023. "The impact of machine translation on the Review step in a questionnaire translation project: an experiment for English-to-German translation." ESRA 2023 Conference, 2023-07-20.

Dorer, Brita. 2022. "How useful? How important? How difficult? English-to-French translation difficulty studied in a triangulation approach.." European Society for Translation Studies - 10th Congress - Advancing Translation Studies, Oslo Metropolitan University & University of Oslo, Oslo, 2022-06-22.

Dorer, Brita. 2022. "How useful? How important? How difficult? English-to-French translation difficulty studied in a triangulation approach." CSDI - 2022 International Workshop on Comparative Survey Design and Implementation Program, CDSP, the Center for Data and Methods of Sciences Po , Paris, 2022-04-04.

Behr, Dorothée, Diana Zavalo-Rojas, Danielly Sorato, Brita Dorer, and Veronika Keck. 2022. "Questionnaire translation 4.0: On the impact of post-edited translations on final review output." CSDI: International Workshop on Comparative Survey Design and Implementation, Paris, France, Paris, 2022-04-04.

Goerman, Patricia, Mikelyn Meyers, Brita Dorer, Elyzabeth Gaumer, and Caitlin Waikman. 2021. "Advance Translation at a Large Survey Organization: Navigating the Potential Obstacles." International Workshop on Comparative Survey Design and Implementation (CSDI), Online, 2021-04-01.

Sorato, Danielly, Diana Zavala-Rojas, Veronika Keck, Dorothée Behr, and Brita Dorer. 2021. "Assessment of machine translations of survey questions and response scales." 9th conference of the European Survey Research Association, Online, 2021-07-09.

Dorer, Brita, Evi Scholz, and Cornelia Züll. 2021. "Coding and translation issues of open-ended questions in a cross-cultural context." International Workshop on Comparative Survey Design and Implementation (CSDI), Virtual, Munich, 2021-04-01.

Dorer, Brita. 2021. "How useful? How important? How difficult? English-to-French translation difficulty studied in a triangulation approach." 3rd International Conference on Translation, Interpreting & Cognition, MC2 Lab, Dipartimento di Interpretazione e Traduzione Università di Bologna, Forlì, 2021-11-03.

Zavala-Rojas, Diana, Veronika Keck, Brita Dorer, Dorothée Behr, and Danielly Sorato. 2021. "Investigating the effects of Machine Translation and Post-editing in the TRAPD: experimental design and methodological considerations." 9th conference of the European Survey Research Association, Online, 2021-07-09.

Dorer, Brita, Diana Zavala-Rojas, Danielly Sorato, Veronika Keck, and Dorothée Behr. 2021. "On the Impact of Machine Translation on the Quality of the final Review outputs." 9th conference of the European Survey Research Association, Online, 2021-07-09.

Keck, Veronika, Dorothée Behr, Brita Dorer, Diana Zavala-Rojas, and Danielly Sorato. 2021. "Survey Translation 4.0." International Workshop on Comparative Survey Design and Implementation (CSDI), Online, 2021-04-01.

Behr, Dorothée, Brita Dorer, Veronika Keck, Diana Zavala-Rojas, and Danielly Sorato. 2021. "Survey translation according to the team approach: On the impact of post-edited translations on final review output." 9th conference of the European Survey Research Association, Online, 2021-07-09.

Dorer, Brita, Veronika Keck, Maurice Martens, and Sebastiaan Pennings. 2021. "TranslationCTRL (TC) – managing translation processes in the European Social Survey (ESS)." 9th Conference of the European Research Association (ESRA), Online, 2021-07-16.

Keck, Veronika, Dorothée Behr, Brita Dorer, Diana Zavala-Rojas, and Danielly Sorato. 2021. "Usability of neural machine translation application for translation of measurement instruments." 9th conference of the European Survey Research Association, Online, 2021-07-09.

Dorer, Brita. 2019. "Advance Translation as a Means of Improving Source Questionnaire Translatability? Findings from a Think-Aloud Study for French and German." 2nd International Congress on Translation, Interpreting and Cognition Interdisciplinarity: the Way out of the Box, Faculty of Translation Studies, Linguistics and Cultural Studies - University of Mainz, 2019-07-04.

Dorer, Brita. 2019. "Advance Translation as a Means of Improving Source Questionnaire Translatability? Findings from a Think-Aloud Study for French and German." 2nd International Congress on Translation, Interpreting and Cognition, Interdisciplinarity: the Way out of the Box; FTSK, University of Mainz in Germersheim (Germany) , Faculty of Translation Studies, Linguistics and Cultural Studies - University of Mainz, 2019-07-05.

Dorer, Brita. 2019. "Advance Translation as a Means of Improving Source Questionnaire Translatability? Findings from a Think-Aloud Study for French and German." ESRA 2019 : 8th Conference of the European Survey Research Association, Zagreb (Croatia), 2019-07-17.

Dorer, Brita. 2019. "Advance Translation as a Means of Improving Source Questionnaire Translatability? Findings from a Think- Aloud Study for French and German." 9th Congress of the European Society for Translation Studies. Stellenbosch, South Africa, 2019-09-10.

Dorer, Brita. 2019. "Advance translation as a means of improving source questionnaire translatability? Findings from a think-aloud study for French and German." Conference "Translation in Transition 4", 19-20 September 2019, Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona, Spain, 2019-09-19.

Dorer, Brita. 2019. "Advance Translations Used to Enhance the Translatability of the Source Questionnaire in the ESS: Confirmation of the Usefulness in a Think-Aloud Study into French and German." 2019 International Workshop on Comparative Survey Design and Implementation, Warsaw (Poland), Institute of Philosophy and Sociology of the Polish Academy of Sciences Warsaw, Poland, 2019-03-18.

Repke, Lydia, and Brita Dorer. 2019. "Close or adaptive? A language- and culture-specific question for questionnaire translation in a cross-country context." 8th Conference of the European Survey Research Association (ESRA). Zagreb, Croatia, 2019-07-15.

Dorer, Brita, and Lydia Repke. 2019. "Mechanisms of close versus free questionnaire translation: Qualitative findings from an experiment in Estonian and Slovene." 2019 International Workshop on Comparative Survey Design and Implementation, Warsaw, Poland, Institute of Philosophy and Sociology of the Polish Academy of Sciences Warsaw, Poland, 2019-03-18.

Dorer, Brita, and Maurice Martens. 2019. "The Translation Management Tool (TMT) – Lessons Learned from its Use in ESS Rounds 8 and 9." ESRA 2019 : 8th Conference of the European Survey Research Association, Zagreb (Croatia), 2019-07-17.

Dorer, Brita, Lydia Repke, and Ana Villar. 2018. "SERISS experiment for testing close versus more adaptive questionnaire translation approaches: First results from the translation sessions and from the field." 2018 International Workshop on Comparative Survey Design and Implementation Program (CSDI), Limerick, Ireland, 2018-03-26.

Dorer, Brita, and Ana Villar. 2017. "Experiment for testing questionnaire translation methods in the European Social Survey (ESS): close versus more adaptive approaches." ESRA 2017: 7th conference of the European Survey Research Association (ESRA). Lisbon (Portugal), 2017-07-17.

Dorer, Brita, and Ana Villar. 2017. "Experiment for testing questionnaire translation methods in the European Social Survey (ESS): “Ask the same question” (close) versus more adaptive approaches." CSDI Workshop 2017. Mannheim, 2017-03-16.

Dorer, Brita, and Maurice Martens. 2017. "The Translation Management Tool (TMT) used for a survey applying the TRAPD model: The example of the European Social Survey (ESS), Round 8." CSDI Workshop 2017. Mannheim, 2017-03-17.

Dorer, Brita, Maurice Martens, and Sebastiaan Pennings. 2017. "The Translation Management Tool (TMT) used for a survey applying the TRAPD model: the example of the European Social Survey (ESS), Round 8." ESRA 2017: 7th conference of the European Survey Research Association (ESRA). Lisbon (Portugal), 2017-07-17.

Villar, Ana, and Brita Dorer. 2016. "Advances in empirical research on testing methods." Second International Conference on Survey Methods in Multinational, Multiregional and Multicultural Contexts (3MC 2016), 25-29 July 2016. Chicago (USA).

Dorer, Brita. 2016. "Can advance translation contribute to identifying source questionnaire problems at the concept level?" Second International Conference on Survey Methods in Multinational, Multiregional and Multicultural Contexts (3MC 2016), 25-29 July 2016. Chicago (USA).

Dorer, Brita. 2016. "Experiment for testing questionnaire translation methods in the European Social Survey (ESS): Ask the same question versus more adaptive approaches." Q2016 - European Conference on Quality in Official Statistics. Madrid (Spain), 2016-06-02.

Dorer, Brita. 2016. "Experiment for testing questionnaire translation methods in the European Social Survey (ESS): “Ask the same question” versus more adaptive approaches." Second International Conference on Survey Methods in Multinational, Multiregional and Multicultural Contexts (3MC 2016), 25-29 July 2016. Chicago (USA).

Dorer, Brita, and Maurice Martens. 2016. "The Translation Management Tool (TMT) – a single online platform for translating cross-cultural survey instruments." Second International Conference on Survey Methods in Multinational, Multiregional and Multicultural Contexts (3MC 2016), 25-29 July 2016, Chicago (USA), 2016-07-27.

Orten, Hilde, Knut Kalgraff Skjåk, Taina Jääskeläinen, Brita Dorer, and Joachim Wackerow. 2015. "Metadata across the survey lifecycle: a common metadata understanding for the three DASISH survey tools." 2015 International Workshop on Comparative Survey Design and Implementation (CSDI), City University London (UK)., 2015-03-26.

Dorer, Brita, and Maurice Martens. 2015. "The DASISH Translation Management Tool (TMT)." 2015 International Workshop on Comparative Survey Design and Implementation (CSDI), City University London (UK)., 2015-03-26.

Martens, Maurice, and Brita Dorer. 2015. "Translation Management Tool (TMT)." ESRA 2015: 6th Conference of the European Survey Research Association (ESRA), Reykjavik (Iceland).

Dorer, Brita. 2015. "‘Advance Translation’: A Method Applied to Tackle Comprehensibility and Translatability Problems in the Source Questionnaire of a Cross-National Survey." 2nd International Conference on Eyetracking and Applied Linguistics. Warsaw (Poland), 2015-09-21.

Orten, Hilde, Taina Jääskeläinen, Edwin de Vet, and Brita Dorer. 2014. "A common metadata understanding for the three DASISH survey tools." EDDI14: 6th Annual European DDI User Conference, University of London (UK).

Martens, Maurice, Brita Dorer, and Taina Jääskeläinen. 2014. "The DASISH translation management tool: adapting existing software to DDI." EDDI14: 6th Annual European DDI User Conference, University of London (UK).

Dorer, Brita. 2013. "Advance translation as a means of improving the translatability of a source questionnaire in a cross-national social science survey: poster presented at the 7th Congress of the European Society for Translation Studies (EST), 29 August – 1 September 2013, Germersheim (Germany)." 7th Congress of the European Society for Translation Studies (EST).

Dorer, Brita. 2013. "Enhancing the translatability of the source questionnaire in the European Social Survey (ESS): does advance translation help?" 68th Annual Conference of the American Association for Public Opinion Research AAPOR. Boston (USA).

Dorer, Brita, and Maurice Martens. 2013. "The online translation tool ‘LMU’: adapted to the needs of the European Social Survey (ESS)." 11th CSDI Workshop. Stockholm (Sweden).

Widdop, Sally, Brita Dorer, and Rory Fitzgerald. 2013. "Translation verification in the ESS: a reliable means of assessing translation quality?" 11th CSDI Workshop. Stockholm (Sweden).

Dorer, Brita, Sally Widdop, and Rory Fitzgerald. 2013. "Translation verification in the ESS: a means for achieving equivalent translations in a cross-national survey?" 5th Conference of the European Survey Research Association (ESRA). Ljubljana (Slovenia).

Dorer, Brita. 2012. "Advance translation in the European Social Survey (ESS) Rounds 5 and 6 - next steps." 10th International Workshop on Comparative Survey Design and Implementation, CSDI 2012, Gallup World Headquarters, Washington D.C. (USA)..

Dorer, Brita. 2011. "Advance Translation in the European Social Survey (ESS) Round 5, 2010." CSDI 2011 - 8th International Workshop on Comparative Survey Design and Implementation (CSDI). City University of London.

Dorer, Brita. 2011. "Advance Translation in the European Social Survey (ESS) Round 5, 2010." 4th Conference of the European Survey Research Association (ESRA). Lausanne (Switzerland).

Dorer, Brita. 2011. "Advance Translation in the European Social Survey (ESS) Round 5, 2010." 10th Conference of the European Sociological Association (ESA). Geneva (Switzerland).

Widdop, Sally, Brita Dorer, and Rory Fitzgerald. 2011. "Translation Verification in the European Social Survey (ESS)." 8th CSDI Workshop. City University London.

Widdop, Sally, Brita Dorer, and Rory Fitzgerald. 2011. "Translation Verification in the European Social Survey – help or hindrance?" 4th Conference of the European Survey Research Association (ESRA). Lausanne (Switzerland).

Presentation not at a conference

Dorer, Brita, Cornelia Neuert, and Dorothée Behr. 2023. "Kognitive Pretests und Empirie: Methodik – Zielgruppenspezifik – Nutzungsverhalten: Poster." 59. Jahrestagung des Leibniz-Instituts für Deutsche Sprache - Orthographie in Wissenschaft und Gesellschaft, 2023-01-01.

Dorer, Brita. 2023. "Questionnaire translation in 3mc surveys." Capacity Building Workshop (Government of India); Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation (MoSPI) - Webinar on Questionnaire Translation, 2023-11-22.

Dorer, Brita. 2020. "Translating questionnaires in cross-cultural surveys." International Symposium, Center for Social Research and Data Archives, Institute of Social Science, The University of Tokyo, Tokyo, 2020-01-23.

Dorer, Brita. 2019. "Fragebogenübersetzung in internationalen Umfragen [Questionnaire translation in international surveys]" (invited talk)." Hamm-Lippstadt University of Applied Sciences , 2019-01-15.

Dorer, Brita. 2019. "Translation of Rating Scales in the European Social Survey (ESS)." GESIS Roundtable “Ex-post Harmonisation of rating scales in national and international surveys” , GESIS-Leibniz Instiute for the Social Sciences, 2019-05-10.

Dorer, Brita. 2018. "Advance Translations in the European Social Survey (ESS) – a means for improving the translatability of source questionnaires for multilingual surveys?" OECD-GESIS Seminar “Translating and Adapting Instruments in Large Scale Assessments”. Paris (France), 2018-06-07.

Dorer, Brita, and Maurice Martens. 2018. "TMT: Questionnaire Translation Management for Large International Studies: Lessons Learned and Challenges Ahead." 2018 International Workshop on Comparative Survey Design and Implementation Program (CSDI), Limerick (Ireland), 2018-03-26.

Dorer, Brita. 2015. "Questionnaire translation in cross-cultural surveys (invited talk). ." Nederlandstalig Platform voor Survey Onderzoek (NPSO). SCP The Hague (Netherlands), 2015-03-24.

Dorer, Brita. 2015. "Recurrent pitfalls and errors detected in ESS translations and how these are to be resolved." Symposium on “Competencies and Knowledge in Questionnaire Translation and Cross-Cultural Questionnaire Development”. Mannheim (Germany), 2015-09-28.


Dorer, Brita. 2023. ""Gendergerechte Sprache in Umfragen - ja, nein, bis zu einem gewissen Grad?": Participation in online panel discussion, Meet the Expert series at GESIS, 07-13-2023."

Dorer, Brita. 2023. "Member of Executive Committee of the International Workshop on Comparative Survey Design and Implementation (CSDI).."

Dorer, Brita. 2013. "Advance translation as a means of improving the translatability of a source questionnaire in a cross-national social science survey: (poster presentation) 7th EST CONGRESS (European Society of Translation Studies). FTSK Germersheim, Johannes-Gutenberg-University of Mainz (Germany).." 7th congress of the European Society for Translation Studies (EST).

Dorer, Brita. 2012. "Advance translation in the European social survey: enhancing the translatability of a source questionnaire in a cross-cultural survey." 2nd International Conference of the Bundesverband der Dolmetscher und Übersetzer e.V. (BDÜ) - 'Interpreting the Future'.


Dorer, Brita, and Ulrike Efu Nkong. 2024. "ESS 12 Meeting with Translation Expert Panel ." ESS12 Meeting with ESS Translation Expert Panel, 2024-06-11 - 2024-06-19.

Dorer, Brita. 2024. "Questionnaire translation and language - basic elements of cross-cultural survey projects (Session organised)." 5th International European Social Survey (ESS) Conference - Addressing grand societal challenges cross-nationally: Investigation, innovation and insights from 20 years of data, ICS (University of Lisbon) and ISCTE (University Institute of Lisbon), Lisbon (Portugal), 2024-07-08 - 2024-07-10.

Dorer, Brita, Dorothée Behr, and Alisú Schoua-Glusberg. 2023. " Questionnaire translation and the global crises: new challenges and opportunities (Session)." ESRA 2023 : 10th Conference of the European Survey Research Association, University of Milan-Bicocca, Milano, 2023-07-20 - 2023-07-20.

Dorer, Brita. 2023. "ESS Round 11 - Meeting with Translation Expert Panel." Virtuell, 2023-05-15 - 2023-05-17.

Borg, Claudine, and Brita Dorer. 2022. "Advancing TS through think-aloud: Showcasing a challenging but unique method ." European Society for Translation Studies 10th Congress Advancing Translation Studies, 2022-06-22.

Dorer, Brita. 2022. "ESS11 Translation Meeting with Adjudicators." Virtuell, 2022-11-16 - 2022-11-17.

Dorer, Brita. 2021. "An integrated tool suite for Round 10 of the European Social Survey (ESS) - session organised at 9th ESRA conference."

Dorer, Brita. 2021. "ESS 10 meeting with Translation Expert Panel." ESS 10 meeting with Translation Expert Panel, Online, 2021-04-19 - 2021-04-22.

Dorer, Brita. 2020. "ESS Round 10 Translation meeting with adjudicators." Virtual meeting, 2020-04-21.

Dorer, Brita. 2019. "ESS Translation Expert Panel meeting." Mannheim, 2019-06-27 - 2019-06-28.

Dorer, Brita, and Alisú Schoua-Glusberg. 2019. "Questionnaire Translation: Achievements and New Challenges Ahead." ESRA 2019: 8th Conference of the European Survey Research Association. Zagreb (Croatia), 2019-07-14 - 2019-07-19.

Dorer, Brita, and Alisú Schoua-Glusberg. 2019. "Questionnaire Translation and Language Issues in Survey Research: Detecting Problems and Suggesting Solutions (Session)." 2019 International Workshop on Comparative Survey Design and Implementation, Warsaw (Poland), Institute of Philosophy and Sociology of the Polish Academy of Sciences Warsaw, Poland, 2019-03-18 - 2019-03-20.

Dorer, Brita. 2018. "ESS 9 Translation Meeting with Adjudicators. Paris (France)." 2018-04-17.

Dorer, Brita. 2018. "Questionnaire translation in theory and practice: Challenges, solutions - and new ideas? (Session)." 2018 International Workshop on Comparative Survey Design and Implementation Program (CSDI). Limerick (Ireland), 2018-03-26 - 2018-03-28.

Dorer, Brita. 2017. "ESS Translation Expert Panel meeting." Mannheim, 2017-05-08 - 2017-05-09.

Behr, Dorothée, Brita Dorer, and Alisú Schoua-Glusberg. 2017. "Questionnaire translation in theory and practice: achievements, challenges, and innovations: Session." ESRA 2017: 7th conference of the European Survey Research Association. Lisbon (Portugal), 2017-07-17 - 2017-07-21.

Behr, Dorothée, Brita Dorer, and Alisú Schoua-Glusberg. 2017. "Session (co-)convener: Questionnaire translation in theory and practice: achievements, challenges and innovations." ESRA 2017: 7th conference of the European Survey Research Association, Lisbon.

Dorer, Brita. 2016. "ESS Round 8 Translation Meeting: Meeting with Adjudicators of all ESS language versions. Vienna (Austria)." 2016-04-25 - 2016-04-25.

Dorer, Brita. 2016. "Questionnaire Translation Methods and Approaches: Session." Second International Conference on Survey Methods in Multinational, Multiregional and Multicultural Contexts (3MC 2016), Chicago (USA), 2016-07-25 - 2016-07-29.

Dorer, Brita. 2016. "TRAPD and Translation Assessment: Session ." Second International Conference on Survey Methods in Multinational, Multiregional and Multicultural Contexts (3MC 2016) , Chicago (USA), 2016-07-25 - 2016-07-29.

Dorer, Brita. 2015. "ESS Translation Expert Task Group Meeting." Mannheim, 2015-02-24 - 2015-02-25.

Behr, Dorothée, Alisú Schoua-Glusberg, and Brita Dorer. 2015. "Session co-(convenor): What does it mean to produce equivalent questionnaire translations?" ESRA 2015: 6th Conference of the European Survey Research Association, Reykjavik.

Dorer, Brita. 2013. "ESS Translation Expert Task Group Meeting." Mannheim, 2013-06-13 - 2013-06-14.

Behr, Dorothée, Brita Dorer, and Gijs Van Houten. 2013. "Session (co)-convenor "advancing the field of questionnaire translation: identifying problems, discussing methods, pushing the research agenda." 5th Conference of the European Survey Research Association (ESRA), Ljubljana.

Dorer, Brita. 2011. "ESS Translation Expert Task Group Meeting." Mannheim, 2011-10-27 - 2011-10-28.

Behr, Dorothée, and Brita Dorer. 2011. "Session (co-)convenor. Pioneering survey translation: Frontier research in questionnaire translation and multilingual measurement instruments I and II (Session)." 4th European Survey Research Association (ESRA) Conference, Lausanne.