Call for Questions

Thank you for your interest in the GLES Call for Questions! The call is closed. Final decisions on the submissions will be communicated to the submitters in August 2024.

The German Society for Electoral Studies (DGfW) and GESIS – Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences are conducting a Call for Questions for the German Longitudinal Election Study (GLES) and thus offer the opportunity to contribute to the content of the study. This call is aimed at the GLES Tracking survey in fall 2024:

Tracking T59: field start October 9, 2024 (after the state elections in Saxony, Thuringia, and Brandenburg)

The GLES Tracking is a quota-based online survey that has been conducted as part of the GLES since 2009 and is currently conducted up to three times a year with around 1,000 respondents (T59 will include additional 250 respondents each from Saxony, Thuringia, and Brandenburg). The GLES Tracking questionnaire contains numerous standard questions of election research and is therefore ideally suited to collect innovative questions and questions aiming at specific issues. You can find the current questionnaire below.

Around 5 minutes of interview time (corresponding to approximately 30-40 items) is available for submissions. These can be made up of submissions from different applicants. Both single and multiple questions/items, as well as modules, can be submitted. The call is open to all researchers regardless of their career stage. However, we would particularly like to encourage early career researchers (doctoral students and post-docs shortly after completing their PhD) to participate. If we receive more qualified proposals than we can realize, early career researchers' proposals will be prioritized. The Executive Committee of the German Society for Electoral Studies (DGfW) will decide on the consideration of the submissions.

We ask all submitters to provide the following information (see submission form below):

  • Name, position, affiliation, and e-mail address of all submitters
  • Short abstract on the research question, in particular including the current state of research and expected gain in knowledge (max. 300 words)
  • Question template completed fully in German and in accordance with the submission guidelines

We cordially invite you to submit questions to the GLES Tracking T59. Submissions can be sent to the chairperson of the DGfW, Sigrid Roßteutscher, by July 9, 2024: rossteutscher(at)soz.uni-frankfurt(dot)de. Final decisions on submissions will be communicated in August 2024.