
The many faces of GESIS


Journal article

Bruch, Christian, and Barbara Felderer. 2023. "Applying Multilevel Regression Weighting When Only Population Margins Are Available." Communications in Statistics - Simulation and Computation 2023 (52 (11)): 5401 - 5422. doi:

Bruch, Christian. 2022. "Applying the rescaling bootstrap under imputation for a multistage sampling design." Computational Statistics 37 (3): 1461–1494 . doi:

Axenfeld, Julian, Christian Bruch, and Christof Wolf. 2022. "General-purpose imputation of planned missing data in social surveys: Different strategies and their effect on correlations." Statistics Surveys 16 182-209. doi:

Bruch, Christian, and Barbara Felderer. 2022. "Prior Choice for the Variance Parameter in the Multilevel and Poststratification Approach for Highly Selective Data: A Monte Carlo Simulation Study." Austrian Journal of Statistics 51 (4): 76-95. doi:

Axenfeld, Julian, Annelies G. Blom, Christian Bruch, and Christof Wolf. 2022. "Split Questionnaire Designs for Online Surveys: The Impact of Module Construction on Imputation Quality." Journal of Survey Statistics and Methodology 10 (5): 1236–1262.

Felderer, Barbara, Jessica M. E. Herzing, Christian Bruch, Ulrich Krieger, and Annelies G. Blom. 2021. "How does switching a probability-based online panel to a smartphone-optimized design affect response rates and smartphone use?" Survey Methods: Insights from the Field (SMIF) (30/08/21). doi:

Bruch, Christian. 2019. "Applying the rescaling bootstrap under imputation: a simulation study." Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation 89 (4): 641-659. doi:

Münnich, Ralf, Siegfried Gabler, Christian Bruch, Jan-Pablo Burgard, Tobias Enderle, Jan-Philipp Kolb, and Thomas Zimmermann. 2015. "Tabellenauswertungen im Zensus unter Berücksichtigung fehlender Werte." AStA Wirtschafts- und Sozialstatistisches Archiv 9 (3-4): 269-304. doi:

Enderle, Tobias, Ralf Münnich, and Christian Bruch. 2013. "On the impact of response patterns on survey estimates from access panels." Survey Research Methods 2013 (7): 91-101.


Bruch, Christian. 2016. Varianzschätzung unter Imputation und bei komplexen Stichprobendesigns.

Working and discussion paper

Bruch, Christian. 2023. Imputation of missing values in survey data. Mannheim, GESIS - Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences (GESIS- Survey Guidelines). doi:

Felderer, Barbara, Matthias Sand, and Christian Bruch. 2022. Sample Size Calculation For Complex Sampling Designs. GESIS- Survey Guidelines. Mannheim: GESIS.

Bruch, Christian, and Ralf Münnich. 2013. Best Practice Recommendations on Variance Estimation and Small Area Estimation in Business Surveys: Chapter 2 Variance Estimation". . BLUE-Enterprise and Trade Statistics Deliverable 6.2.

Hulliger, Beat, Andreas Alfons, Christian Bruch, Peter Filzmoser, Monique Graf, Jan-Philipp Kolb, Risto Lehtonen, Daniela Lussmann, Angelika Merane, Ralf Münnich, Mikko Myrskylä, Desislava Nedyalkova, Jan Seger, Tobias Schoch, Matthias Templ, Maria Valaste, Ari Veijanen, and Stefan Zins. 2011. Report on the Simulation Results. Research Project Report WP7 - D7.1, FP7-SSH-2007-217322 AMELI.

Graf, Monique, Andreas Alfons, Christian Bruch, Peter Filzmoser, Beat Hulliger, Risto Lehtonen, Bernhard Meind, Ralf Münnich, Tobias Schoch, Matthias Templ, Maria Valaste, Ariane Wenger, and Stefan Zins. 2011. State-of-the-Art of Indicators on Poverty and Social Exclusion - the Laeken Indicators . Research Project Report WP1 - D1.1, FP7-SSH-2007-217322 AMELI.

Bruch, Christian, Ralf Münnich, and Stefan Zins. 2011. Variance Estimation for Complex Surveys. Research Project Report WP3 - D3.1, FP7-SSH-2007-217322 AMELI. .

Variable Report

2020. GESIS Panel Data Manual related to ZA5664 and ZA5665 updated with Wave ge (October/November 2019) Version 36-0-0.

Presentation at a conference

Bruch, Christian, and Barbara Felderer. 2019. "Estimations based on nonprobability samples: A simulation study." Joint Statistical Meetings 2019, Denver, 2019-08-01.

Bruch, Christian. 2018. "Variance estimation under imputation using the rescaling bootstrap." Joint Statistical Meeting 2018, 2018-07-30.

Bruch, Christian, Annelies Blom, Katharina Burgdorf, Melvin John, and Florian Keusch. 2017. "The effect of horizontal and vertical scales on the response behavior when switching to a mobile first design." GOR 2017.

Bruch, Christian, Annelies Blom, Barbara Felderer, and Jessica Herzing. 2017. "The effect of smartphone participation of switching to a mobile-first design." ESRA 2017: 7th Conference of the European Survey Research Association, Lisbon.

Bruch, Christian, Jan-Philipp Kolb, and Tobias Enderle. 2014. "Imputation beim Zensus."

Bruch, Christian, and Ralf Münnich. 2013. "Variance Estimation Methods for EU-SILC under Imputation." ESRA 2013: 5th Conference of the European Survey Research Association, Ljubljana (Slovenia), 15.-19.07.2013.

Bruch, Christian, and Ralf Münnich. 2013. "Variance Estimation under Imputation." Southern European Conference on Survey Methodology (SESM).

Bruch, Christian, Ralf Münnich, and Stefan Zins. 2011. "Vergleich der Effizienz von Varianzschätzmethoden in mehrstufigen Stichprobendesigns." Statistische Woche 2011.

Presentation not at a conference

Bruch, Christian, and Matthias Sand. 2020. "Gewichtung von Erhebungsdaten: Kalibrierung, Anpassungsgewichtung und Imputation." Meet the Experts, Virtuell, 2020-11-26.

Sand, Matthias, and Christian Bruch. 2020. "Komplexe Stichprobendesigns und warum eine Erhebung nicht „repräsentativ“ ist." Meet the Experts, Virtuell, 2020-11-19.

Bruch, Christian, Barbara Felderer, and Annelies Blom. 2018. "Weighting and Estimation Strategies for Probability-Based and Nonprobability Panel Research." Workshop on Probability-Based and Nonprobability Survey Research, 2018-06-26.


Bruch, Christian, and Matthias Sand. 2019. "Handling Missing Data in Sample Surveys."

Bruch, Christian, Matthias Sand, and Barbara Felderer. 2019. "Sampling, Weighting and Estimation." GESIS - Leibniz-Institut für Sozialwissenschaften, Köln.