
The many faces of GESIS


Claudia Wagner is a full professor (W3) for Applied Computational Social Sciences at RWTH Aachen University and the Scientific Director of the department Computational Social Science at GESIS - Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences. Before that, she was a W1 professor for Data Science at the University Koblenz-Landau and the team lead of team Data Science at GESIS that investigates social phenomena in offline and online social networks and social media. Wagner received her Ph.D. from the Graz University of Technology in 2013. Before that, she conducted several international research internships, among others at HP labs (Social Computation Lab), Xerox PARC (Augmented Social Cognition Lab), and the Open University (Knowledge Media Institute). To date, she has been awarded substantial research funding either as a PI or co-PI, was awarded a DOC-fFORTE fellowship from the Austrian Academy of Sciences, and received four best paper awards at international conferences (SocialCom 2012, ICWSM 2014, WebSci 2015, and ESWC 2010). She has published full papers in top tier conferences (e.g., WWW, ICWSM, Web Science) and high-impact journals (e.g., IEEE Intelligent System Journal, EPJ Data Science).


Wagner organizes interdisciplinary training events for early career researchers (e.g. the CSS methods Summer School) and coordinates the development of new data collection and analysis instruments for digital trace data. Wagner is also an Advisory Board Member of NRW Graduate School Digital Society, a Steering Committee Member of International AAAI Conference on Web and Social Media and a Steering Committee Member of International Conference on Social Networks Analysis, Management and Security.


Wagner's main research interests include (i) methodological challenges that arise when using digital trace data to build models of human behavior and attitudes and (ii) the impact of the digitalization on society. How are algorithms impacting our decision-making process? Under which conditions are minorities put at a disadvantage on digital platforms? And how are minorities presented and perceived online? These and similar questions are investigated in Wagner's work.


Journal article

Pellert, Max, Clemens Lechner, Claudia Wagner, Beatrice Rammstedt, and Markus Strohmaier. 2024. "AI Psychometrics: Assessing the Psychological Profiles of Large Language Models Through Psychometric Inventories." Perspectives on Psychological Science online first. doi:

Lietz, Haiko, Mohsen Jadidi, Daniel Kostic, Milena Tsvetkova, and Claudia Wagner. 2024. "Individual and gender inequality in computer science: A career study of cohorts from 1970 to 2000." Quantitative Science Studies 5 (1): 128–152. doi:

Wagner, Claudia. 2024. "Test."

Birkenmaier, Lukas, Clemens Lechner, and Claudia Wagner. 2023. "The search for solid ground in text as data: A systematic review and practical recommendations for validation." Communication Methods and Measures online first. doi:

Espín Noboa, Lisette, Claudia Wagner, Markus Strohmaier, and Fariba Karimi. 2022. "Inequality and Inequity in Network-based Ranking and Recommendation Algorithms." Nature Scientific Reports 2022 (12, 2012 (2022)). doi:

Beytía, Pablo, and Claudia Wagner. 2022. "Visibility layers: a framework for systematising the gender gap in Wikipedia content." Internet Policy Review 11 (1). doi:

Sen, Indira, Fabian Flöck, Katrin Weller, Bernd Weiß, and Claudia Wagner. 2021. "A Total Error Framework for Digital Traces of Human Behavior on Online Platforms." Public Opinion Quarterly 85 (S1): 399–422. doi:

Espín Noboa, Lisette, Fariba Karimi, Bruno Ribeiro, Kristina Lerman, and Claudia Wagner. 2021. "Explaining classification performance and bias via network structure and sampling technique." Applied Network Science 6 78. doi:

Wagner, Claudia, Markus Strohmaier, Alexandra Olteanu, Emre Kiciman, Noshir Contractor, and Tina Eliassi-Rad. 2021. "Measuring algorithmically infused societies." Nature (595): 197–204. doi:

Kohne, Julian, Bernhard Miller, Markus Strohmaier, Claudia Wagner, and Christof Wolf. 2021. "Unterstützung bei der Analyse Digitaler Gesellschaften." Soziologie : Forum der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Soziologie 50 (4): 440-446.

Ntoutsi, Eirini, Pavlos Fafalios, Ujwal Gadiraju, Vasileios Iosifidis, Wolfgang Nejdl, Maria-Esther Vidal, Salvatore Ruggieri, Franco Turini, Symeon Papadopoulos, Emmanouil Krasanakis, Ioannis Kompatsiaris, Katharina Kinder-Kurlanda, Claudia Wagner, Fariba Karimi, Miriam Fernandez, Harith Alani, Bettina Berendt, Tina Kruegel, Christian Heinze, Klaus Broelemann, Gjergji Kasneci, Thanassis Tiropanis, and Steffen Staab. 2020. "Bias in data-driven artificial intelligence systems: An introductory survey." Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews - Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery 10 (3): e1356. doi:

Lazer, David, Alex Pentland, Duncan Watts, Sinan Aral, Susan Athey, Noshir Contractor, Deen Freelon, Sandra Gonzalez-Bailon, Gary King, Helen Margetts, Alondra Nelson, Matthew Salganik, Markus Strohmaier, Alessandro Vespignani, and Claudia Wagner. 2020. "Computational social science: Obstacles and opportunities." Science 369 (6507): 1060-1062. doi:

Lee, Eun, Fariba Karimi, Claudia Wagner, Hang-Hyun Jo, Markus Strohmaier, and Mirta Galesic. 2019. "Homophily and minority-group size explain perception biases in social networks." Nature Human Behavior 3 (10): 1078–1087. doi:

Calanca, Federica, Luiza Sayfullina, Lara Minkus, Claudia Wagner, and Eric Malmi. 2019. "Responsible team players wanted: an analysis of soft skill requirements in job advertisements." EPJ Data Science 2019 (8): 13. doi:

Jadidi, Mohsen, Fariba Karimi, Haiko Lietz, and Claudia Wagner. 2018. "Gender disparities in science? Dropout, productivity, collaborations and success of male and female computer scientists." Advances in Complex Systems 21 (3-4): 1750011. doi:

Karimi, Fariba, Mathieu Génois, Claudia Wagner, Philipp Singer, and Markus Strohmaier. 2018. "Homophily influences ranking of minorities in social networks." Scientific Reports 2018 (8). doi:

Tsvetkova, Milena, Claudia Wagner, and Andrew Mao. 2018. "The emergence of inequality in social groups: Network structure and institutions affect the distribution of earnings in cooperation games." PLoS ONE 2018 (13 (7)): e0200965. doi:

Wagner, Claudia, Eduardo Graells-Garrido, David Garcia, and Filippo Menczer. 2016. "Women through the glass ceiling: gender asymmetries in Wikipedia." EPJ Data Science 5 (5): 1-24. doi:

Strohmaier, Markus, and Claudia Wagner. 2014. "Computational Social Science for the world wide web." IEEE Intelligent Systems 29 (5): 84-88. doi:

Wagner, Claudia, Markus Strohmaier, and Bernardo A. Huberman. 2014. "Semantic stability and implicit consensus in social tagging streams." IEEE Transactions on Computational Social Systems 1 (1): 108-120. doi:

Wagner, Claudia, Philipp Singer, and Markus Strohmaier. 2014. "The Nature and Evolution of Online Food Preferences." EPJ Data Science 2014. doi:

Chapter in an edited book

Assenmacher, Dennis, Leon Froehling, and Claudia Wagner. 2024. "You are a Bot! - Studying the Development of Bot Accusations on Twitter." In Proceedings of the International AAAI Conference on Web and Social Media, 18, 113-125. doi:

Sen, Indira, Dennis Assenmacher, Mattia Samory, Isabelle Augenstein, Wil van der Aalst, and Claudia Wagner. 2023. "People Make Better Edits: Measuring the Efficacy of LLM-Generated Counterfactually Augmented Data for Harmful Language Detection." 2023. In Proceedings of the 2023 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing, EMNLP, edited by Houda Bouamor, Juan Pino, and Kalika Bali, 10480-10504. Singapore: Association for Computational Linguistics.

Sen, Indira, Fabian Flöck, Katrin Weller, Bernd Weiß, and Claudia Wagner. 2022. "Applying a total error framework for digital traces to social media research." In Handbook of Computational Social Science. Volume 2: Data science, statistical modelling, and machine learning methods, edited by Uwe Engel, Anabel Quan-Haase, Sunny Xun Liu, and Lars Lyberg, 127-139. Routledge.

Sen, Indira, Mattia Samory, Claudia Wagner, and Isabelle Augenstein. 2022. "Counterfactually Augmented Data and Unintended Bias: The Case of Sexism and Hate Speech Detection." In Proceedings of the 2022 Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies, edited by Marine Carpuat, Marie-Catherine de Marneffe, and Ivan Vladimir Meza Ruiz, 4716–4726. Seattle: Association for Computational Linguistics. doi:

Ferrara, Antonio, Lisette Espín Noboa, Fariba Karimi, and Claudia Wagner. 2022. "Link recommendations: Their impact on network structure and minorities." In WebSci '22: 14th ACM Web Science Conference 2022, 228-238. New York: Association for Computing Machinery. doi:

Jadidi, Mohsen, Haiko Lietz, Mattia Samory, and Claudia Wagner. 2022. "The Hipster Paradox in Electronic Dance Music: How musicians trade mainstream success off against alternative status." In Proceedings of the Sixteenth International AAAI Conference on Web and Social Media, edited by Ceren Budak, Meeyoung Cha, and Daniele Quercia, 16, 370-380. Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence. doi:

Samory, Mattia, Indira Sen, Julian Kohne, Fabian Flöck, and Claudia Wagner. 2021. ""Call me sexist, but...": Revisiting sexism detection using psychological scales and adversarial samples." In Proceedings of the fifteenth international AAAI conference on web and social media, 573-584. AAAI Press.

Sen, Indira, Mattia Samory, Fabian Flöck, Claudia Wagner, and Isabelle Augenstein. 2021. "How does counterfactually augmented data impact models for social computing constructs?" In EMNLP: The 2021 conference on empirical methods in natural language processing, edited by Marie-Francine Moens, Xuanjing Huang, Lucia Specia, and Scott Wen-tau Yih, 325–344. Association for Computational Linguistics.

Wagner, Claudia, Ivan Smirnov, Florian Lemmerich, Georg Ahnert, and Markus Strohmaier. 2021. "The FairCeptron: A framework for measuring human perceptions of algorithmic fairness." In UMAP '21: Adjunct Publication of the 29th ACM Conference on User Modeling, Adaptation and Personalization, , edited by Judith Masthoff, Eelco Herder, Nava Tintarev, and Marko Tkalčič, 401-403. Utrecht: ACM. doi:

Kulshrestha, Juhi, Marcos Oliveira, Orkut Karaçalık, Denis Bonnay, and Claudia Wagner. 2021. "Web routineness and limits of predictability: Investigating demographic and behavioral differences using web tracking data." In Proceedings of the fifteenth international AAAI conference on web and social media, 327-338. AAAI Press.

Sen, Indira, Fabian Flöck, Katrin Weller, Bernd Weiß, and Claudia Wagner. 2020. "From the total survey error framework to an error framework for digital traces of humans: translation tutorial." In FAT* '20: Proceedings of the 2020 conference on fairness, accountability, and transparency, edited by Mireille Hildebrandt, Carlos Castillo, Elisa Celis, Salvatore Ruggieri, Linnet Taylor, and Gabriela Zanfir-Fortuna, 701. New York: ACM. doi:

Sen, Indira, Fabian Flöck, and Claudia Wagner. 2020. "On the reliability and validity of detecting approval of political actors in tweets." edited by Bonnie Webber, Trevor Cohn, Yulan He, and Yang Liu, doi:

Wagner, Claudia, Olga Zagovora, Tatiana Sennikova, and Fariba Karimi. 2018. "Collective attention towards scientists and research topics." In Proceedings of the 10th ACM Conference on Web Science (WebSci '18), edited by Hans Akkermans, Kathy Fontaine, Ivar Vermeulen, Geert-Jan Houben, and Matthew S. Weber, 11-15. New York: Association for Computing Machinery. doi:

Espín Noboa, Lisette, Claudia Wagner, Fariba Karimi, and Kristina Lerman. 2018. "Towards quantifying sampling bias in network inference." edited by Pierre-Antoine Champin, Fabien Gandon, Lionel Médini, Mounia Lalmas, and Panagiotis G. Ipeirotis, doi:

Zagovora, Olga, Katrin Weller, Milan Janosov, Claudia Wagner, and Isabella Peters. 2018. "What increases (social) media attention: Research impact, author prominence or title attractiveness?" In Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on Science and Technology Indicators, doi: urn:

Hannak, Aniko, Claudia Wagner, David Garcia, Alan Mislove, Markus Strohmaier, and Christo Wilson. 2017. " Bias in Online Freelance Marketplaces: Evidence from TaskRabbit and Fiverr." In Proceedings of the 2017 ACM Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work and Social Computing (CSCW2017), Portland, OR, USA, February 25 - March 1, 2017, edited by Charlotte P. Lee, Steven E. Poltrock, Louise Barkhuus, Marcos Borges, and Wendy A. Kellogg, 1914-1933. New York: ACM.

Zagovora, Olga, Fabian Flöck, and Claudia Wagner. 2017. ""(Weitergeleitet von Journalistin)": The Gendered Presentation of Professions on Wikipedia." In WebSci '17 Proceedings of the 2017 ACM on Web Science Conference, edited by Peter Fox, Deborah L. McGuinness, Lindsay Poirer, Paolo Boldi, and Katharina E. Kinder-Kurlanda, 83-92. New York: ACM. doi:

Wagner, Claudia, Philipp Singer, Fariba Karimi, Jürgen Pfeffer, and Markus Strohmaier. 2017. "Sampling from social networks with attributes." In Proceedings of the 26th International Conference on World Wide Web, WWW 2017, Perth, Australia, April 3-7, 2017, edited by Rick Barrett, Rick Cummings, Eugene Agichtein, and Evgeniy Gabrilovich, 1181-1190. New York: ACM. doi:

Hannak, Aniko, Claudia Wagner, David Garcia, Markus Strohmaier, and Christo Wilson. 2016. "Bias in Online Freelance Marketplaces: Evidence from TaskRabbit." In Proceedings of the Workshop on Data and Algorithm Transparency,

Weber, Ingmar, Claudia Wagner, Markus Strohmaier, and Luca Maria Aiello. 2016. "Computational Social Science for the World Wide Web (CSSW3): Tutorial." In Proceedings of the 25th International Conference on World Wide Web, WWW 2016, Montreal, Canada, April 11-15, 2016, edited by Jacqueline Bourdeau, Jim Hendler, Roger Nkambou, Ian Horrocks, and Ben Y. Zhao, ACM 2016 Companion Volume, 1037-1038. New York: ACM.

Karimi, Fariba, Claudia Wagner, Florian Lemmerich, Mohsen Jadidi, and Markus Strohmaier. 2016. "Poster on Inferring Gender from Names on the Web: A Comparative Evaluation of Gender Detection Methods." In Proceedings of the 25th International Conference on World Wide Web, WWW 2016, Montreal, Canada, April 11-15, 2016, edited by Jacqueline Bourdeau, Jim Hendler, Roger Nkambou, Ian Horrocks, and Ben Y. Zhao, ACM 2016 Companion Volume, 53-54. New York: ACM. doi:

Wagner, Claudia, David Garcia, Mohsen Jadidi, and Markus Strohmaier. 2015. "It's a Man's Wikipedia? Assessing Gender Inequality in an Online Encyclopedia." In Proceedings of the Ninth International AAAI Conference on Web and Social Media : 26 - 29 May 2015, University of Oxford, Oxford, UK , 454-463.

Wagner, Claudia, and Luca Maria Aiello. 2015. "Men eat on Mars, Women on Venus? An Empirical Study of Food-Images." In WebSci '15 Proceedings of the ACM Web Science Conference, Article No. 63. New York: ACM. doi:

Laufer, Paul, Claudia Wagner, Fabian Flöck, and Markus Strohmaier. 2015. "Mining Cross-Cultural Relations from Wikipedia – A Study of 31 European Food Cultures." In WebSci '15 Proceedings of the ACM Web Science Conference , 3. doi:

Perl, Julia, Claudia Wagner, Jérôme Kunegis, and Steffen Staab. 2015. "Twitter as a Political Network: Predicting the Following and Unfollowing Behavior of German Politicians." In Proceedings of the ACM Web Science Conference, WebSci 2015, Oxford, United Kingdom, June 28 - July 1, 2015, edited by David De Roure, Pete Burnap, and Susan Halford, 51:1-51:2. New York: ACM. doi:

Wagner, Claudia, Sitaram Asur, and Joshua Hailpern. 2014. "Religious politicians and creative photographers: automatic user categorization in Twitter." In SocialCom 2013 : SocialCom/PASSAT/BigData/EconCom/BioMedCom 2013 : proceedings : 8-14 September, 2013, Washington, D.C., USA), 303-310. Piscataway, NJ: IEEE. doi:

Wagner, Claudia, Markus Strohmaier, and Bernardo A. Huberman. 2014. "Semantic stability in social tagging streams." In Proceedings of the 23rd international conference on World wide web (WWW 2014), 735-746. New York: ACM. doi:

Wagner, Claudia, Philipp Singer, and Markus Strohmaier. 2014. "Spatial and temporal patterns of online food preferences." In 23rd International World Wide Web Conference (WWW2014), Web-Science Track , edited by Chin-Wan Chung, Andrei Z. Broder, Kyuseok Shim, and Torsten Suel, Companion Volume, 553-554. New York: ACM. doi:

Lietz, Haiko, Claudia Wagner, Arnim Bleier, and Markus Strohmaier. 2014. "When politicians talk: Assessing online conversational practices of political parties on Twitter." In Proceedings of the International AAAI Conference on Web and Social Media, 8, 285-294.

Posch, Lisa, Claudia Wagner, Philipp Singer, and Markus Strohmaier. 2013. "Meaning as collective use: predicting semantic hashtag categories on twitter." In 22nd International World Wide Web Conference, WWW '13, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, May 13-17, 2013, Companion Volume, edited by Daniel Schwabe, Virgilio Almeida, Helmut Glaser, Ricardo Baeza-Yates, and Sue Moon, 621-628. Geneva: International World Wide Web Conferences Steering Committee.

Rowe, Matthew, Claudia Wagner, Markus Strohmaier, and Harith Alani. 2013. "Measuring the topical specificity of online communities." In The semantic web: semantics and big data; 10th International Conference, ESWC 2013, Montpellier, France, May 26-30, 2013; Proceedings, edited by P. Cimiano, and O. Corcho, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 7882, 472-486. Berlin: Springer. doi:

Weninger, Felix, Claudia Wagner, Martin Wöllmer, Björn Schuller, and Louis-Philippe Morency. 2013. "Speaker trait characterization in web videos: uniting speech, language, and facial features." In Proceedings of the 38th International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP), 3647 - 3651. Los Alamitos: IEEE. doi:

Rowe, Matthew, and Claudia Wagner. 2013. "The Semantic Evolution of General and Specific Communities." In The Semantic Web: ESWC 2013 Satellite Events, Montpellier, France, May 26-30, 2013, Revised Selected Papers, edited by Philipp Cimiano, Vanessa López, Stefan Schlobach, and Johanna Völker, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 7955, 277-278. Berlin, Heidelberg : Springer .

Schantl, Johannes, Claudia Wagner, René Kaiser, and Markus Strohmaier. 2013. "The utility of social and topical factors in anticipating repliers in Twitter conversations." In WebSci '13: Proceedings of the 3rd Annual ACM Web Science Conference, edited by Hugh Davies, 376-385. New York: ACM. doi:

Wagner, Claudia, Philipp Singer, Lisa Posch, and Markus Strohmaier. 2013. "The wisdom of the audience: an empirical study of social semantics in Twitter streams." In The semantic web: semantics and big data; 10th International Conference, ESWC 2013, Montpellier, France, May 26-30, 2013; Proceedings, edited by P. Cimiano, and O. Corcho, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 7882, 502-516. Berlin: Springer. doi:


Nissim, Malvina, Viviana Patti, Barbara Plank, and Claudia Wagner, ed. 2018. Proceedings of the Second Workshop on Computational Modeling of People's Opinions, Personality, and Emotions in Social Media, PEOPLES@NAACL-HTL 2018, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA, June 6, 2018. Association for Computational Linguistics 2018.

Strohmaier, Markus, Krishna P. Gummadi, Eric Gilbert, Michael Macy, and Claudia Wagner, ed. 2016. Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Web and Social Media. Palo Alto, California: The AAAI Press.


Wagner, Claudia. 2013. Emergent structure, semantics and usage of social streams. Graz: Techn. Univ. Graz.

Working and discussion paper

Schoch, David, Chung-hong Chan, Claudia Wagner, and Arnim Bleier. 2023. Computational Reproducibility in Computational Social Science. ArXiV Preprint. doi:

Birkenmaier, Lukas, Clemens Lechner, and Claudia Wagner. 2023. ValiTex - a unified validation framework for computational text based measures of social science constructs. CoRR July 2023. Arxiv. doi:

Sen, Indira, Fabian Flöck, Katrin Weller, Bernd Weiß, and Claudia Wagner. 2019. A Total Error Framework for Digital Traces of Humans.

Calanca, Federica, Luiza Sayfullina, Lara Minkus, Claudia Wagner, and Eric Malmi. 2018. Responsible team players wanted: an analysis of soft skill requirements in job advertisements.

Lee, Eun, Fariba Karimi, Hang-Hyun Jo, Markus Strohmaier, and Claudia Wagner. 2017. Homophily explains perception biases in social networks.

Karimi, Fariba, Mathieu Génois, Claudia Wagner, Philipp Singer, and Markus Strohmaier. 2017. Visibility of minorities in social networks.

Körner, Martin, Tatiana Sennikova, Florian Windhäuser, Claudia Wagner, and Fabian Flöck. 2016. Wikiwhere: An interactive tool for studying the geographical provenance of Wikipedia references.

Mitter, Silvia, Claudia Wagner, and Markus Strohmaier. 2013. A categorization scheme for socialbot attacks in online social networks: Paper für ACM WebSci '13: Proceedings of the 3rd Annual ACM Web Science Conference.


Sen, Indira, Mattia Samory, Claudia Wagner, and Isabelle Augenstein. 2022. Counterfactually Augmented Data and Unintended Bias: The Case of Sexism and Hate Speech Detection.

Samory, Mattia, Indira Sen, Julian Kohne, Fabian Flöck, and Claudia Wagner. 2021. The "Call me sexist but" dataset. doi:

Calanca, Federica, Luiza Sayfullina, Lara Minkus, Eric Malmi, and Claudia Wagner. 2019. Soft Skills list. doi:

Tsvetkova, Milena, Claudia Wagner, and Andrew Mao. 2018. Inequality in network cooperation games. doi:

Jadidi, Mohsen, Fariba Karimi, Claudia Wagner, and Haiko Lietz. 2017. Collaborations of computer scientists between 1970 and 2016. doi:

Presentation at a conference

Wagner, Claudia. 2024. "Research Infrastructures for the Study of Algorithmically Infused Societies." Machine+Behavior Conference 2024, Max-Planck-Institut für Bildungsforschung, Berlin, 2024-04-29.

Assenmacher, Dennis, Indira Sen, Leon Froehling, and Claudia Wagner. 2023. "The End of the Rehydration Era: The Problem of Sharing Harmful Twitter Research Data." 2nd Workshop on Novel Evaluation Approaches for Text Classification Systems on Social Media (NEATCLasS): Co-located with ICWSM 2023, 5 June 2023, Limassol, Cyprus, St. Raphael Resort and Marina, Limassol, 2023-06-05.

Assenmacher, Dennis, Leon Froehling, and Claudia Wagner. 2023. "You are a Bot! - Studying the Development of Bot Accusations on Twitter." 9th International Conference on Computational Social Science, University of Copenhagen, 2023-07-19.

Wagner, Claudia. 2022. "Counterfactually Augmented Data and Unintended Bias: The Case of Sexism and Hate Speech Detection." Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies, NAACL 2022, Hybrid, 2022-07-10.

Ferrara, Antonio, Lisette Espín Noboa, Fariba Karimi, and Claudia Wagner. 2022. "Link recommendations: Their impact on network structure and minorities." WebSci '22: 14th ACM Web Science Conference 2022, Hybrid, 2022-06-26. doi:

Wagner, Claudia. 2022. "The Role of Algorithms in Computational Social Science." General Online Research Conference (GOR) 2022, Berlin, 2022-09-09.

Weiß, Bernd, Indira Sen, Fabian Flöck, Katrin Weller, and Claudia Wagner. 2021. "A total error framework for digital traces of human behavior on online platforms." Geimeinsamer Kongress der DGS und ÖGS, Online, 2021-08-23.

Jadidi, Mohsen, Haiko Lietz, and Claudia Wagner. 2021. "Erfolg im Feld der elektronischen Tanzmusik: Ein Netzwerkansatz." Netzwerke zwischen Kreativität und Innovation, Tagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Netzwerkforschung, Universität Bayreuth, Bayreuth, 2021-09-06.

Sen, Indira, Fabian Flöck, and Claudia Wagner. 2021. "On the Validity and Reliability of Measuring Political Approval from Tweets." IC2S2 2021.

Sen, Indira, Fabian Flöck, Katrin Weller, Bernd Weiss, and Claudia Wagner. 2021. "TED-On: An Error Framework for Digital Traces of Human on Online Platforms." IC2S2 2021.

Sen, Indira, Fabian Flöck, Katrin Weller, Bernd Weiß, and Claudia Wagner. 2020. "From the Total Survey Error Framework to an Error Framework for Digital Traces of Humans." ACM FAT* Conference 2020, 2020-01-27.

Wagner, Claudia. 2019. "Digital Manifestations of Gender Bias." 2nd Conference on Digital Societies, Universität Konstanz, Konstanz, 2019-09-27.

Wagner, Claudia. 2019. "Gender Bias and Sexism in Language." Invited talk at the first Knowledge Base Construction Conference (AKBC), University of Massachusetts , 2019-05-20.

Wagner, Claudia. 2019. "Perceptions of minorities in Social Networks." Conference on Complex Systems 2019 , 2019-10-01.

Wagner, Claudia, Daniel Kostic, Haiko Lietz, and Mohsen Jadidi. 2019. "The predictability of success and dropouts in computer science." NetSci 2019, University of Vermont, Burlington, VT, 2019-05-29.

Wagner, Claudia. 2019. "The Visibility of Minorities in Social Networks." Fifth International Conference on Computational Social Science (IC2S2), 2019-07-19.

Sen, Indira, Fabian Flöck, Katrin Weller, and Claudia Wagner. 2019. "Towards an Error Framework for Digital Trace Data." Demography Workshop at ICWSM 2019, 2019-06-11.

Wagner, Claudia, Olga Zagovora, Tatiana Sennikova, and Fariba Karimi. 2018. "Collective attention towards scientists and research topics." The 10th ACM Conference on Web Science, WebSci 2018, 2018-05-28.

Wagner, Claudia. 2018. "Inequalities in Social Networks and Socio-technical Systems." Fifth International Conference on Social Networks Analysis, Management and Security (SNAMS), 2018-10-15.

Wagner, Claudia. 2018. "Inequality in Social Networks." International School and Conference on Network Science (NetSci), 2018-06-15.

Wagner, Claudia. 2018. "Inequality in Social Networks." 5th European Conference on Data Analysis, 2018-07-05.

Karimi, Fariba, Mathieu Génois, Claudia Wagner, Philipp Singer, and Markus Strohmaier. 2018. "Ranking of minorities in social networks." DPG Frühjahrstagung, 2018-03-15.

Espín Noboa, Lisette, Claudia Wagner, Fariba Karimi, and Kristina Lerman. 2018. "Towards Quantifying Sampling Bias in Network Inference." International workshop on Mining Attributed Networks MATNet@WWW2018, The Web Conference 2018, 2018-04-23.

Zagovora, Olga, Katrin Weller, Milan Janosov, Claudia Wagner, and Isabella Peters. 2018. "What increases (social) media attention: Research impact, author prominence or title attractiveness?" 23rd International Conference on Science and Technology Indicators (STI 2018) "Science, Technology and Innovation indicators in transition", Leiden University, 2018-09-12.

Lietz, Haiko, Julian Kohne, and Claudia Wagner. 2018. "Zur Rolle der Netzwerkforschung in der Computational Social Science." Tagung der Sektion Soziologische Netzwerkforschung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Soziologie, Oldenburg, 2018-03-01.

Lee, Eun, Fariba Karimi, Hang-Hyun Jo, Markus Strohmaier, and Claudia Wagner. 2017. " Poster on Homophily Explains Perception Biases in Social Networks." The 1st European Symposium on Societal Challenges in Computational Social Science, 2017: Inequality and Imbalance, European Symposium Series on Societal Challenges in Computational Social Science, 2017-11-16.

Zagovora, Olga, Fabian Flöck, and Claudia Wagner. 2017. "(Weitergeleitet von Journalistin): The Gendered Presentation of Professions on Wikipedia." The 9th International ACM Web Science Conference 2017, 2017-06-26. doi:

Jadidi, Mohsen, Fariba Karimi, Haiko Lietz, and Claudia Wagner. 2017. "Gender disparities in science? Dropout, productivity, collaborations and success of male and female computer scientists." 1st European Symposium on Societal Challenges in Computational Social Science, London, 2017-11-17.

Tsvetkova, Milena, Claudia Wagner, and Andrew Mao. 2017. "Poster on Inequality is Higher in Fixed Clustered Networks with Punishment Institutions." The 1st European Symposium on Societal Challenges in Computational Social Science, 2017: Inequality and Imbalance, European Symposium Series on Societal Challenges in Computational Social Science, 2017-11-16.

Wagner, Claudia, Philipp Singer, Fariba Karimi, Jürgen Pfeffer, and Markus Strohmaier. 2017. "Sampling from Social Networks with Attributes." The 26th International Conference on World Wide Web, 2017-04-03.

Zagovora, Olga, Tatiana Sennikova, Claudia Wagner, Fabian Flöck, and Markus Strohmaier. 2016. "Cultural Relation Mining on Wikipedia." Wiki Workshop at the International AAAI Conference on Web and Social Media (ICWSM 2016), 2016-05-17.

Wagner, Claudia. 2016. "Gender Inequalities in Wikipedia." Workshop on Natural Language Processing and CSS at the ACM WebScience conference.

Wagner, Claudia. 2016. "Gender Inequalities in Wikipedia." Wiki Workshop at ICWSM.

Wagner, Claudia, David Garcia, Mohsen Jadidi, and Markus Strohmaier. 2015. " It's a Man's Wikipedia? Assessing Gender Inequality in an Online Encyclopedia." The International Conference on Weblogs and Social Media (ICWSM).

Kaczmirek, Lars, Philipp Mayr, Ravi Vatrapu, Arnim Bleier, Manuela S. Blumenberg, Tobias Gummer, Kjeld Hansen, Abid Hussein, Zeshan Ali Jaffari, Katharina E. Kinder-Kurlanda, Haiko Lietz, Markus Strohmaier, Claudia Wagner, Katrin Weller, Christof Wolf, and Chris James Zimmerman. 2014. "PEP-TF: Social media monitoring of the campaigns for the 2013 German Bundestag elections on Facebook and Twitter." Social Media Communication Workshop, Mannheim, 2014-03-28.

Mitter, Silvia, Claudia Wagner, and Markus Stohmaier. 2013. "A categorization scheme for socialbot attacks in online social networks." ACM Web Science 2013: 5th Annual ACM Web Science Conference.

Mitter, Silvia, Claudia Wagner, and Markus Strohmaier. 2013. "Understanding the impact of socialbot attacks in online social networks." ACM Web Science 2013: 5th Annual ACM Web Science Conference.

Poster presentation

Aggarwal, Anupama, Claudia Wagner, Fabian Flöck, Ali Aghelmaleki, and Julian Kohne. 2019. "Generating a Corpus of Sexist Content through Gamification and Automatic Detection of Sexism." 5th International Conference on Computational Social Science (IC2S2), 2019-07-18.

Wagner, Claudia. 2019. "On the Predictiability of Success and Dropouts in Computer Science." NetSci 2019, University of Vermont Complex Systems Center, 2019-05-27.

Espín Noboa, Lisette, Claudia Wagner, and Fariba Karimi. 2019. "Relational Classification in Homophilic and Heterophilic Networks." NetSci 2019, University of Vermont Complex Systems Center, 2019-05-17.

Samory, Mattia, Claudia Wagner, Anupama Aggarwal, Indira Sen, Fabian Flöck, and Julian Kohne. 2019. "Unsex me here: A Data Collection Strategy for Avoiding Artifacts in Sexist Language Corpora." GESIS Research Day 2019, 2019-10-10.

Presentation not at a conference

Wagner, Claudia. 2024. "CSS Quo Vadis – Research Trends and Infrastructure Developments." Workshop Computational Social Science: Bridging Data and Methods with Theory and Applications, Universität Bielefeld, Bielefeld, 2024-05-06.

Wagner, Claudia. 2022. "Measuring Social Phenomena with Digital Behavioral Data." Leibniz Media Lecture, Online, 2022-03-08.

Wagner, Claudia. 2022. "Studying Perception Biases with Social Network Data." c.o/re "Engineering Practices" Workshop: The Use of Networks in the Humanities and Social Sciences - Model, Metaphor, Method (30.05. - 01.06.2022), RWTH Aachen, Konstanz, 2022-05-30.

Wagner, Claudia. 2019. "Birds of a feather flock together: The influence of social homophily on the visibility of minorities online." CS Talk at TU Graz, Graz University of Technology, 2019-06-17.

Wagner, Claudia. 2019. "Minorities in Social Networks." Gastvortrag im CNRS, 2019-01-28.

Wagner, Claudia. 2018. "Impulsvortrag zum Thema "BIG DATA"." Kolloquium der Bundesanstalt für Arbeitsschutz und Arbeitsmedizin, 2018-09-03.

Wagner, Claudia. 2018. "Inequalities in Science." Data Science Summit 2018, 2018-10-12.

Wagner, Claudia. 2018. "The Emergence of Inequality in Social Networks." Invited talk at Greenwich University, Centre for Business Network Analysis, 2018-06-04.

Wagner, Claudia. 2017. "Gender Disparities in Science." Invited talk at Central European University (CEU), Gendered Creative Teams Workshop, Central European University (CEU), 2017-05-25.

Wagner, Claudia. 2017. "Invited talk about Big Data, Algorithms and Fairness." Elevate festival.

Singer, Philipp, Claudia Wagner, Fariba Karimi, Jürgen Pfeffer, and Markus Strohmaier. 2016. "Poster on Evidence of sampling bias in homophilic and heterophilic networks." 3rd GESIS Computational Social Science Winter Symposium.

Wagner, Claudia. 2015. "Gender Inequality in Wikipedia: Invited Talk at Wikimedia Foundation." Wikimedia Meeting.

Wagner, Claudia. 2015. "Inequalities and Biases in socio-technical systems." Invited Slam at the first Science Slam at the International AAAI Conference on Web and Social Media (ICWSM 2015), May 2015.

Wagner, Claudia. 2014. "Food and Culture." Invited talk at Yahoo Labs.

Wagner, Claudia. 2014. "Food and Culture." Invited Talk at Telefonica I+D.

Wagner, Claudia. 2014. "Food and Culture - CSS Research @GESIS." Invited talk at Indiana University, Network Science Institute.


Wagner, Claudia. 2023. "Introduction to Applied Computational Social Sciences (Angewandte computerbasierte Sozialwissenschaften)." RWTH Aachen, Aachen. Wintersemester 2023/24: 2 SWS.

Wagner, Claudia. 2022. "Introduction to Applied Computational Social Sciences (Angewandte computerbasierte Sozialwissenschaften)." RWTH Aachen, Aachen. Wintersemester 2022/23: 2 SWS.

Lerner, Jürgen, Saskia Kathi Nagel, Astrid Marieke Rosenthal-von der Pütten, and Claudia Wagner. 2022. "Ringvorlesung Introduction Algorithmic Societies (Technik und Individuum)." RWTH Aachen, Aachen. Wintersemester 2022/23: 2 SWS.


Wagner, Claudia. 2024. "Current Topics in Computational Social Sciences." RWTH Aachen, Aachen. Sommersemester 2024: 2 SWS.

Wagner, Claudia. 2023. "Current Topics in Computational Social Sciences." RWTH Aachen, Aachen. Sommersemester 2023: 2 SWS.

Wagner, Claudia. 2022. "Current Topics in Applied Computational Social Sciences." RWTH Aachen, Aachen. SS 2022: 2 SWS.


Lerner, Jürgen, Saskia Kathi Nagel, Astrid Marieke Rosenthal-von der Pütten, and Claudia Wagner. 2022. "Übung Algorithmic Societies (Technik und Individuum)." RWTH Aachen, Aachen. Wintersemester 2022/23: 1 SWS.

Nagel, Saskia Kathi, Astrid Marieke Rosenthal-von der Pütten, Markus Strohmaier, and Claudia Wagner. 2021. "Algorithmic Societies (Technik und Individuum)." RWTH Aachen, Aachen. Herbst-/Wintersemester 2021: 1 SWS.


Wagner, Claudia. 2023. "Research Lab Harmful Online Communication." RWTH Aachen, Aachen. Sommersemester 2023: 4 SWS.

Wagner, Claudia. 2019. "Lecture "Measuring and Modeling Gender Bias and Inequality" : IC2S2 Warm-up school."

Wagner, Claudia. 2018. "Forschungspraktikum/Projektpraktikum CSS." Universität Koblenz-Landau, Koblenz. WS 2017/18: 6 SWS.

Wagner, Claudia. 2016. "Computational Social Science for the World Wide Web: Tutorial at WWW 2016." Montréal.

Wagner, Claudia. 2016. "Computational Social Science Tutorial: Tutorial at WebScience Summer School." Koblenz.

Wagner, Claudia. 2016. "Fundamentals of Data Science: Invited Tutorial at the 6th ESWC Summer School."

Wagner, Claudia. 2014. "Introduction to Data Science: Invited Tutorial at WebScience Summer School."

Ehrungen und Preise

Assenmacher, Dennis, Indira Sen, Leon Froehling, and Claudia Wagner. 2023. "Best Paper Award at the 2nd Workshop on Novel Evaluation Approaches for Text Classification Systems on Social Media for "The End of the Rehydration Era - The Problem of Sharing Harmful Twitter Research Data"."


Wagner, Claudia, Nicola Perra, Emilio Ferrara, Michael Macy, Miu Ting Ho, David Brodesser, and Mattia Samory. 2019. "Third Summer School on Methods for Computational Social Science." Summer School Series on Methods for Computational Social Science, 2019-07-22 - 2019-07-27.

Ferrara, Emilio, Claudia Wagner, Nicola Perra, Michael Macy, Miu Ting Ho, and David Brodesser. 2018. "Second Summer School on Methods for Computational Social Science." Summer School Series on Methods for Computational Social Science, 2018-07-30 - 2018-08-04.

Perra, Nicola, Claudia Wagner, Emilio Ferrara, Michael Macy, David Brodesser, and Miu Ting Ho. 2017. "First Summer School on Methods for Computational Social Science." Summer School Series on Methods for Computational Social Science, Sardinia, 2017-07-24 - 2017-07-29.

Génois, Mathieu, Katrin Weller, Julian Kohne, Claudia Wagner, and Markus Strohmaier. 2017. "Workshop: Addressing Big Societal Challenges with Digital Behavioral Data." The 1st European Symposium on Societal Challenges in Computational Social Science, 2017: Inequality and Imbalance, European Symposium Series on Societal Challenges in Computational Social Science, 2017-11-15 - 2017-11-15.

Strohmaier, Markus, Krishna P. Gummadi, Claudia Wagner, Katrin Weller, and Diana Lindner. 2016. "The 10th International Conference on Web and Social Media." ICWSM-16, Köln, 2016-05-17 - 2016-05-20.