
Die vielen Gesichter von GESIS


Daniel Hienert is a postdoctoral researcher at the GESIS department Knowledge Technologies for the Social Sciences. He joined GESIS in 2007 after his graduation in computer science at the University of Koblenz and further studies of Italian and business studies at the Humboldt University Berlin. He worked in a number of projects at GESIS such as vascoda-TB5, IREON, Sowiport and GESIS-Search. In 2013 he finished his PhD on interactive visualizations for information search and linking. From 10/2013 to 03/2014 he was an acting lead of the team GESIS-Architecture. From 04/2014 to 03/2017 he held a postdoc position in information retrieval. Since 04/2017 he is a postdoctoral research associate with interests in Interactive Information Retrieval, Information Visualization and Information Systems.



Pardi, Georg, Daniel Hienert, and Yvonne Kammerer. 2022. "Examining the Use of Text and Video Resources During Web-Search Based Learning: A New Methodological Approach." New Review of Hypermedia and Multimedia 28 (1-2): 39-67. doi:

Backes, Tobias, Daniel Hienert, and Stefan Dietze. 2022. "Towards Hierarchical Affiliation Resolution: Framework, Baselines, Dataset." International Journal on Digital Libraries 23 (3): 267-288. doi:

Zloch, Matthäus, Maribel Acosta, Daniel Hienert, Stefan Conrad, and Stefan Dietze. 2021. "Characterizing RDF graphs through graph-based measures – framework and assessment." Semantic Web 12 (5): 789-812. doi:

Hienert, Daniel, Frank Sawitzki, and Philipp Mayr. 2015. "Digital Library Research in Action – Supporting Information Retrieval in Sowiport." D-Lib Magazine 21 (3/4). doi:

Hienert, Daniel. 2014. "A model for the integration of interactive visualizations into the process of information searching and linking on the web." HSR : Historical Social Research 39 (3): 179-192. doi:

Hienert, Daniel. 2014. "Grundlagen der Informationssuche, Informationsvisualisierung und Informationsverarbeitung für die Integration von interaktiven Visualisierungen in die Websuche." HSR : Historical Social Research 39 (3): 193-285. doi:

Beitrag im Sammelwerk

Hienert, Daniel, Heiko Schmidt, Thomas Krämer, and Dagmar Kern. 2024. "EyeLiveMetrics: Real-time Analysis of Online Reading with Eye Tracking." In ETRA '24: Proceedings of the 2024 Symposium on Eye Tracking Research and Applications, edited by Mohamed Khamis, Yusuke Sugano, and Ludwig Sidenmark, 81, 1-7. New York: ACM. doi:

Schott, Kevin, Andrea Papenmeier, Daniel Hienert, and Dagmar Kern. 2024 (Forthcoming). "What Did I Say Again? Relating User Needs to Search Outcomes in Conversational Commerce." In Proceedings of Mensch Und Computer 2024, 129–139. New York: Association for Computing Machinery. doi:

Papenmeier, Andrea, Daniel Hienert, Yvonne Kammerer, Christin Seifert, and Dagmar Kern. 2023. "Know What Not To Know: Users' Perception of Abstaining Classifiers." In DIS '23 Companion: Companion Publication of the 2023 ACM Designing Interactive Systems Conference, edited by Daragh Byrne, Nikolas Martelaro, Andy Boucher, David Chatting, Sarah Fdili Alaoui, Sarah Fox, Iohanna Nicenboim, and Cayley MacArthur, 169–172. New York: Association for Computing Machinery. doi:

Rokicki, Markus, Ran Yu, and Daniel Hienert. 2023. "Learning to Rank for Knowledge Gain." In INRA + IWILDS 2022: News Recommendation and Analytics + Investigating Learning During Web Search 2022, edited by Özlem Özgöbek, Andreas Lommatzsch, Benjamin Kille, Peng Liu, Edward C. Malthouse, Jon Atle Gulla, Anett Hoppe, Ran Yu, and Jiqun Liu, CEUR Workshop Proceedings 3411, 60-68. Aachen: RWTH.

Schiffers, Ricardo, Dagmar Kern, and Daniel Hienert. 2022. "Evaluation of Word Embeddings for the Social Sciences." In Proceedings of the 6th Joint SIGHUM Workshop on Computational Linguistics for Cultural Heritage, Social Sciences, Humanities and Literature, edited by Stefania Degaetano, Anna Kazantseva, Nils Reiter, and Stan Szpakowicz, 1-6. Gyeongju: Association for Computational Linguistics.

Papenmeier, Andrea, Dagmar Kern, Daniel Hienert, Yvonne Kammerer, and Christin Seifert. 2022. "How Accurate Does It Feel? Human Perception of Different Types of Classification Mistakes ." In CHI '22: Proceedings of the 2021 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, edited by Simone Barbosa, Cliff Lampe, Caroline Appert, David A. Shamma, Steven Drucker, Julie Williamson, and Koji Yatani, 180. New York: ACM. doi:

Breuer, Timo, Narges Tavakolpoursaleh, Johann Schaible, Daniel Hienert, Philipp Schaer, and Leyla Jael Castro. 2022. "Online information retrieval evaluation using the STELLA framework." In Information Retrieval Meeting (IRM 2022), Düsseldorf: German Medical Science GMS Publishing House. doi:

Otto, Christian, Markus Rokicki, Georg Pardi, Wolfgang Gritz, Daniel Hienert, Ran Yu, Johannes von Hoyer, Anett Hoppe, Stefan Dietze, Peter Holtz, Yvonne Kammerer, and Ralph Ewerth. 2022. "SaL-Lightning Dataset: Search and Eye Gaze Behavior, Resource Interactions and Knowledge Gain during Web Search." In CHIIR '22: ACM SIGIR Conference on Human Information Interaction and Retrieval , edited by David Elsweiler, Udo Kruschwitz, and Bernd Ludwig, 347–352. New York: ACM. doi:

Papenmeier, Andrea, Daniel Hienert, Firas Sabbah, Norbert Fuhr, and Dagmar Kern. 2022. "UNDR: User-Needs-Driven Ranking of Products in E-Commerce." In Proceedings of the SIGIR 2022 eCom workshop,

Papenmeier, Andrea, Alfred Sliwa, Dagmar Kern, Daniel Hienert, Ahmet Aker, and Norbert Fuhr. 2021. "Dataset of Natural Language Queries for E-Commerce." In CHIIR '21: Proceedings of the 2021 Conference on Human Information Interaction and Retrieval, edited by Falk Scholer, Paul Thomas, David Elsweiler, Hideo Joho, Noriko Kando, and Catherine Smith, 307–311. New York: Association for Computing Machinery. doi:

Papenmeier, Andrea, Thomas Krämer, Tanja Friedrich, Daniel Hienert, and Dagmar Kern. 2021. "Genuine information needs of social scientists looking for data." In Proceedings of the association for information science and technology, 58 1, 292-302. doi:

Papenmeier, Andrea, Alfred Sliwa, Dagmar Kern, Daniel Hienert, Ahmet Aker, and Norbert Fuhr. 2021. "Starting Conversations with Search Engines - Interfaces that Elicit Natural Language Queries." In CHIIR '21: Proceedings of the 2021 Conference on Human Information Interaction and Retrieval, edited by Falk Scholer, Paul Thomas, David Elsweiler, Hideo Joho, Noriko Kando, and Catherine Smith, 261–265. New York: ACM. doi:

Papenmeier, Andrea, Alfred Sliwa, Dagmar Kern, Daniel Hienert, Ahmet Aker, and Norbert Fuhr. 2020. "'A modern up-to-date laptop' - vagueness in natural language queries for product search." In DIS '20: Proceedings of the 2020 conference on designing interactive systems, edited by Ron Wakkary, Kristina Andersen, Will Odom, Audrey Desjardins, and Marianne Graves Petersen, 2077–2089. New York: ACM. doi:

Davari, Masoud, Daniel Hienert, Dagmar Kern, and Stefan Dietze. 2020. "The Role of Word-Eye-Fixations for Query Term Prediction." In CHIIR '20 Proceedings of the 2020 Conference on Human Information Interaction and Retrieval, edited by Heather O'Brien, Luanne Freund, Ioannis Arapakis, Orland Hoeber, and Irene Lopatovska, 422–426. New York: ACM. doi:

Hienert, Daniel, Dagmar Kern, Katarina Boland, Benjamin Zapilko, and Peter Mutschke. 2019. "A digital library for research data and related information in the social sciences." In Proceedings of 2019 ACM/IEEE Joint Conference on Digital Libraries (JCDL), 148-157. Piscataway, NJ: IEEE. doi:

Zloch, Matthäus, Maribel Acosta, Daniel Hienert, Stefan Dietze, and Stefan Conrad. 2019. "A Software Framework and Datasets for the Analysis of Graph Measures on RDF Graphs." In The Semantic Web: 16th International Conference, ESWC 2019, Portorož, Slovenia, June 2–6, 2019, Proceedings, edited by Pascal Hitzler, Miriam Fernandez, and Krzysztof Janowicz, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 11503, 523-539. Cham: Springer.

Kern, Dagmar, Daniel Hienert, Katrin Angerbauer, Tilman Dingler, and Pia Borlund. 2019. "Lessons Learned from Users Reading Highlighted Abstracts in a Digital Library." In Proceedings of CHIIR2019, edited by Leif Azzopardi, Martin Halvey, Ian Ruthven, Hideo Joho, Vanessa Murdock, and Pernilla Qvarfordt, doi:

Hienert, Daniel, Dagmar Kern, Matthew Mitsui, Chirag Shah, and Nicholas J. Belkin. 2019. "Reading Protocol: Understanding what has been read in Interactive Information Retrieval Tasks." In Proceedings of CHIIR2019, edited by Leif Azzopardi, Martin Halvey, Ian Ruthven, Hideo Joho, Vanessa Murdock, and Pernilla Qvarfordt, doi:

Hienert, Daniel, and Dagmar Kern. 2019. "Recognizing topic change in search sessions of digital libraries based on thesaurus and classification system." In Proceedings of 2019 ACM/IEEE Joint Conference on Digital Libraries (JCDL), 297-300. Piscataway, NJ: IEEE. doi:

Kern, Dagmar, Wilko van Hoek, and Daniel Hienert. 2018. "Evaluation of a Search Interface for Preference-Based Ranking - Measuring User Satisfaction and System Performance." In NordiCHI '18 Proceedings of the 10th Nordic Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, 184-194. New York: ACM. doi:

Hienert, Daniel, Matthew Mitsui, Philipp Mayr, Chirag Shah, and Nicholas J. Belkin. 2018. "The role of the task topic in web search of different task types." In CHIIR '18 Proceedings of the 2018 Conference on Human Information Interaction & Retrieval, edited by Chirag Shah, and Nicholas J. Belkin, 72-81. New York: ACM. doi:

Kern, Dagmar, and Daniel Hienert. 2018. "Understanding the Information needs of Social Scientists in Germany." In Proceedings of Association for Information Science and Technology (asis&t 2018), doi:

Belkin, Nicholas J., Daniel Hienert, Philipp Mayr, and Chirag Shah. 2017. "Data Requirements for Evaluation of Personalization of Information Retrieval. A Position Paper." In Working Notes of CLEF 2017 - Conference and Labs of the Evaluation forum, edited by Linda Cappellato, Nicola Ferro, Lorraine Goeuriot, and Thomas Mandl, CEUR Workshop Proceedings 1866, 1-7. urn: urn:nbn:de:0074-1866-8.

Hienert, Daniel, and Dagmar Kern. 2017. "Term-Mouse-Fixations as an Additional Indicator for Topical User Interests in Domain-Specific Search." In ICTIR '17 Proceedings of the ACM SIGIR International Conference on Theory of Information Retrieval, 249-252. New York: ACM. doi:

Zloch, Matthäus, Daniel Hienert, and Stefan Conrad. 2017. "Towards a Use Case Driven Evaluation of Database Systems for RDF Data Storage - A Case Study for Statistical Data." In Joint Proceedings of BLINK2017: 2nd International Workshop on Benchmarking Linked Data and NLIWoD3: Natural Language Interfaces for the Web of Data co-located with 16th International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC 2017), edited by Axel-Cyrille Ngonga Ngomo, Anastasia Krithara, and Irini Fundulaki, 1932. Vienna: CEUR Workshop Proceedings.

Hienert, Daniel. 2017. "User Interests in German Social Science Literature Search – A Large Scale Log Analysis." In CHIIR '17 Proceedings of the 2017 Conference on Human Information Interaction and Retrieval, 7-16. New York: ACM. doi:

Hienert, Daniel, and Maria Lusky. 2017. "Where Do All These Search Terms Come From? – Two Experiments in Domain-Specific Search." In Advances in Information Retrieval: 39th European Conference on IR Research, ECIR 2017, Aberdeen, UK, April 8-13, 2017, Proceedings, edited by Joemon Jose, Claudia Hauff, and Ismail Sengor Altıngovde, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 10193, 15-26. Cham: Springer. doi:

Hienert, Daniel, and Peter Mutschke. 2016. "A Usefulness-based Approach for Measuring the Local and Global Effect of IIR Services." In CHIIR '16 Proceedings of the 2016 ACM on Conference on Human Information Interaction and Retrieval , 153-162. New York: ACM. doi:

Hienert, Daniel, and Peter Mutschke. 2016. "Challenges for Measuring Usefulness of Interactive IR Systems with Log-based Approaches." In Proceedings of 1st International Workshop on System And User Centered Evaluation Approaches in Interactive Information Retrieval at CHIIR 2016, 1-4.

Hienert, Daniel, and Francesco Luciano. 2015. "Extraction of Historical Events from Wikipedia." In The Semantic Web: ESWC 2012 Satellite Events, edited by E Simperl, B. Norton, D. Mladenic, E. Della Valle, I. Fundulaki, A. Passant, and R. Troncy, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 7540, 16-28. Berlin: Springer. doi:

Hienert, Daniel, Wilko van Hoek, Alina Weber, and Dagmar Kern. 2015. "WHOSE – A Tool for Whole-Session Analysis in IIR." In Advances in Information Retrieval: 37th European Conference on IR Research, ECIR 2015, Vienna, Austria, March 29 - April 2, 2015. Proceedings, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 9022, 172-183. Springer.

Hienert, Daniel, and Wilko van Hoek. 2014. "Introducing a user interface with an entity-strategy-based approach for exploring document collections." In Proceedings of the First Workshop on Knowledge Maps and Information Retrieval co-located with International Conference on Digital Libraries 2014, edited by Peter Mutschke, Philipp Mayr, and Andrea Scharnhorst, CEUR workshop proceedings 1311, 57-60.

Schaefer, Christoph, Daniel Hienert, and Thomas Gottron. 2014. "Normalized relevance distance : a stable metric for computing semantic relatedness over Reference Corpora." In ECAI 2014 : 21st European Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 18-22 August 2014, Prague, Czech Republic : including Prestigious Applications of Artificial Intelligence (PAIS 2014), Systems : proceedings, edited by Torsten Schaub, Gerhard Friedrich, and Barry OSullivan, Frontiers in artificial intelligence and applications 263, 789 - 794. Amsterdam: IOS Press. doi:

Hienert, Daniel, Dennis Wegener, and Siegfried Schomisch. 2013. "Exploring semantically-related concepts from Wikipedia: the case of SeRE." In Classification & visualization : interfaces to knowledge ; proceedings of the International UDC Seminar 24 - 25 October 2013, The Hague, The Netherlands, edited by Aida Slavic, Almila Akdag Salah, and Sylvie Davies, 153-165. Würzburg: Ergon-Verl..

Hienert, Daniel, Dennis Wegener, and Siegfried Schomisch. 2013. "Making sense of Open Data Statistics with information from Wikipedia." In Availability, reliability, and security in information systems and HCI : IFIP 8.4, 8.9, TC 5 International Cross-Domain Conference, CD-ARES 2013, Regensburg, Germany, September 2-6, 2013 ; proceedings, edited by Alfredo Cuzzocrea, Christian Kittl, Dimitris E. Simos, Edgar Weippl, and Lida Xu, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 8127, 329-344. doi:

Hienert, Daniel, Dennis Wegener, and Heiko Paulheim. 2012. "Automatic classification and relationship extraction for multi-lingual and multi-granular events from Wikipedia." In DeRiVE 2012 Detection, Representation, and Exploitation of Events in the Semantic Web : Proceedings of the Workhop on Detection, Representation, and Exploitation of Events in the Semantic Web (DeRiVE 2012) ; Workshop in conjunction with the 11th International Semantic Web Conference 2012 (ISWC 2012), edited by Marieke van Erp, Laura Hollink, Willem Robert van Hage, Raphaël Troncy, and David A. Shamma, 1-10.

Schaer, Philipp, Daniel Hienert, Frank Sawitzki, Andias Wira-Alam, and Thomas Lüke. 2012. "Dealing with sparse document and topic representations: Lab Report for CHiC 2012." In CLEF 2012 Evaluation Labs and Workshop, Online Working Notes, Rome, Italy, September 17-20, 2012, edited by Pamela Forner, Jussi Karlgren, and Christa Womser-Hacker,

Sawitzki, Frank, Philipp Schaer, and Daniel Hienert. 2012. "Extending aggregated search in a social sciences digital library." In Proceedings of Task Based and Aggregated Search Workshop (TBAS), collocated with ECIR 2012, Barcelona, Spain, April 1, 2012., edited by Birger Larsen, Christina Lioma, and Arjen De Vries, 34-35. Copenhagen: Univ. of Copenhagen.

Hienert, Daniel, and Francesco Luciano. 2012. "Extraction of historical events from Wikipedia." In KNOW@LOD 2012 : Proceedings of the First International Workshop on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining Meets Linked Open Data (KNOW@LOD 2012), edited by Johanna Völker, Heiko Paulheim, Jens Lehmann, and Mathias Niepert,

Hienert, Daniel, Frank Sawitzki, Philipp Schaer, and Philipp Mayr. 2012. "Integrating interactive visualizations in the search process of digital libraries and IR systems." In Advances in information retrieval : proceedings / 34th European Conference on IR Research, ECIR 2012, Barcelona, Spain, April 1 - 5, 2012, edited by Ricardo Baeza-Yates, and Arjen P. de Vries, Lecture notes in computer science 7224, 447-450. Berlin: Springer.

Hienert, Daniel, and Philipp Mayr. 2012. "Visualizations in Exploratory Search – A User Study with Stock Market Information." In 12th International Conference on Knowledge Management and Knowledge Technologies, I-KNOW , edited by Stefanie Lindstaedt, and Michael Granitzer, 25:1–25:8. New York: ACM. doi:

Hienert, Daniel, Benjamin Zapilko, Philipp Schaer, and Brigitte Mathiak. 2012. "Vizgr: linking data in visualizations." In Web information systems and technologies : 7th international conference ; revised selected papers, edited by Joaquim Filipe, and José Cordeiro, Lecture notes in business information processing 101, 177-191. Berlin: Springer.

Hienert, Daniel, Philipp Schaer, Johann Schaible, and Philipp Mayr. 2011. "A novel combined term suggestion service for domain-specific digital libraries." In Research and advanced technology for digital libraries: international conference on theory and practice of digital libraries, TPDL 2011, edited by Stefan Gradmann, Francesca Borri, Carlo Meghini, and Heiko Schuldt, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 6966, 192-203. Springer.

Hienert, Daniel, Benjamin Zapilko, Philipp Schaer, and Brigitte Mathiak. 2011. "Vizgr - combining data on a visual level." In WEBIST 2011, Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies, Noordwijkerhout, Netherlands, 6-9 May, 2011, edited by José Cordeiro, and Joaquim Filipe, 202-211.

Hienert, Daniel, Benjamin Zapilko, Philipp Schaer, and Brigitte Mathiak. 2011. "Web-based multi-view visualizations for aggregated statistics." In 2nd International Workshop on Data Visualization and Integration on the Web (DATAVIEW); Proceedings of the 5th International Workshop on Web APIs and Services Mashups Proceedings (Mashups '11), New York: ACM. doi:


Hienert, Daniel. 2013. Interaktive Visualisierungen für den Linking- und Suchprozess von heterogenen Informationen im Web. Koblenz: Universitätsbibliothek Koblenz.


Hienert, Daniel, Heiko Schmidt, Thomas Krämer, and Dagmar Kern. 2024. "EyeLiveMetrics: Real-time Analysis of Online Reading with Eye Tracking." MultiplEYE Workshop at ETRA2024, Grosvenor Hotel, Glasgow, 2024-06-04.

Papenmeier, Andrea, Daniel Hienert, Yvonne Kammerer, Christin Seifert, and Dagmar Kern. 2023. "Poster on Know What Not To Know: Users' Perception of Abstaining Classifiers." ACM Designing Interactive Systems Conference (DIS), Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA, USA, 2023-07-12.

Papenmeier, Andrea, Dagmar Kern, Daniel Hienert, Yvonne Kammerer, and Christin Seifert. 2022. "How Accurate Does It Feel? Human Perception of Different Types of Classification Mistakes." Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI 2022), 2022-05-03.

Hienert, Daniel. 2022. "Information gathering, holding, and re-use in the Social Sciences - Lessons for IIR?" Third Workshop on Building towards Information Interaction and Retrieval Resources Re-use @ CHIIR 2022, 2022-03-14.

Rokicki, Markus, Ran Yu, and Daniel Hienert. 2022. "Learning to Rank for Knowledge Gain." Third International Workshop on Investigating Learning During Web Search (IWILDS‘22) at SIGIR 2022, 2022-07-15.

Breuer, Timo, Narges Tavakolpoursaleh, Johann Schaible, Daniel Hienert, Philipp Schaer, and Leyla Jael Castro. 2022. "Online information retrieval evaluation using the STELLA framework." Information Retrieval Meeting (IRM 2022), 2022-06-11.

Otto, Christian, Markus Rokicki, Georg Pardi, W. Gritz, Daniel Hienert, Ran Yu, Johannes von Hoyer, Anett Hoppe, Stefan Dietze, Peter Holtz, Yvonne Kammerer, and Ralph Ewerth. 2022. "SaL-Lightning Dataset: Search and Eye Gaze Behavior, Resource Interactions and Knowledge Gain during Web Search." ACM SIGIR Conference on Human Information Interaction and Retrieval (CHIIR2022), Online, 2022-03-15.

Papenmeier, Andrea, Daniel Hienert, Firas Sabbah, Norbert Fuhr, and Dagmar Kern. 2022. "UNDR: User-Needs-Driven Ranking of Products in E-Commerce." The 2022 SIGIR Workshop On eCommerce (eCom'22), 2022-07-15.

Papenmeier, Andrea, Thomas Krämer, Tanja Friedrich, Daniel Hienert, and Dagmar Kern. 2021. "Genuine information needs of social scientists looking for data." 84th Annual Meeting of the Association for Information Science and Technology (ASIS&T 2021), 2021-11-02.

Papenmeier, Andrea, Alfred Sliwa, Dagmar Kern, Daniel Hienert, Ahmet Aker, and Norbert Fuhr. 2021. "Poster on Dataset of Natural Language Queries for E-Commerce." Conference on Human Information Interaction and Retrieval (CHIIR2021), 2021-03-17.

Papenmeier, Andrea, Alfred Sliwa, Dagmar Kern, Daniel Hienert, Ahmet Aker, and Norbert Fuhr. 2021. "Poster on Starting Conversations with Search Engines - Interfaces that Elicit Natural Language Queries." Conference on Human Information Interaction and Retrieval (CHIIR 2021), 2021-03-17.

Papenmeier, Andrea, Alfred Sliwa, Dagmar Kern, Daniel Hienert, Ahmet Aker, and Norbert Fuhr. 2020. ""A modern up-to-date laptop" - vagueness in natural language queries for product search." Conference on Designing Interactive Systems (DIS 2020), 2020-07-06.

Davari, Masoud, Daniel Hienert, Dagmar Kern, and Stefan Dietze. 2020. "Poster on The Role of Word-Eye-Fixations for Query Term Prediction." Conference on Human Information Interaction and Retrieval (CHIIR 2020), 2020-03-15.

Hienert, Daniel, Dagmar Kern, Katarina Boland, Benjamin Zapilko, and Peter Mutschke. 2019. "A digital library for research data and related information in the social sciences." 2019 ACM/IEEE Joint Conference on Digital Libraries (JCDL), 2019-06-04.

Zloch, Matthäus, Maribel Acosta, Daniel Hienert, Stefan Dietze, and Stefan Conrad. 2019. "A Software Framework and Datasets for the Analysis of Graph Measures on RDF Graphs." 16th Extended Semantic Web Conference (ESWC2019), 2019-06-02.

Kern, Dagmar, Daniel Hienert, Katrin Angerbauer, Tilman Dingler, and Pia Borlund. 2019. "Lessons Learned from Users Reading Highlighted Abstracts in a Digital Library." Conference on Human Information Interaction and Retrieval (CHIIR2019), 2019-03-11.

Hienert, Daniel, Dagmar Kern, Matthew Mitsui, Chirag Shah, and Nicholas J. Belkin. 2019. "Reading Protocol: Understanding what has been Read in Interactive Information Retrieval Tasks." 4th ACM SIGIR Conference on Human Information Interaction and Retrieval, CHIIR 2019, 2019-03-11.

Hienert, Daniel, and Dagmar Kern. 2019. "Recognizing topic change in search sessions of digital libraries based on thesaurus and classification system." 2019 ACM/IEEE Joint Conference on Digital Libraries (JCDL), 2019-06-04.

Kern, Dagmar, Wilko van Hoek, and Daniel Hienert. 2018. "Evaluation of a Search Interface for Preference-Based Ranking - Measuring User Satisfaction and System Performance." NordiCHI '18 10th Nordic Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, 2018-10-01.

Hienert, Daniel, Matthew Mitsui, Philipp Mayr, Chirag Shah, and Nicholas J. Belkin. 2018. "The Role of the Task Topic in Web Search of Different Task Types." 3rd ACM SIGIR Conference on Human Information Interaction and Retrieval, CHIIR 2018, 1018-03-13.

Kern, Dagmar, and Daniel Hienert. 2018. "Understanding the Information needs of Social Scientists in Germany." ASIS&T 2018 Association for Information Science & Technology Anual Meeting, 2018-11-12.

Hienert, Daniel, and Dagmar Kern. 2017. "Poster on Term-Mouse-Fixations as an Additional Indicator for Topical User Interests in Domain-Specific Search." ACM SIGIR International Conference on Theory of Information Retrieval (ICTIR 2017), 2017-10-03.

Zloch, Matthäus, Daniel Hienert, and Stefan Conrad. 2017. "Towards a Use Case Driven Evaluation of Database Systems for RDF Data Storage - A Case Study for Statistical Data." Workshop on Benchmarking Linked Data (BLINK) at ISWC 2017, 1017-10-21.

Hienert, Daniel. 2017. "User Interests in German Social Science Literature Search – A Large Scale Log Analysis." 2nd ACM SIGIR Conference on Human Information Interaction and Retrieval, CHIIR 2017, 2017-03-08.

Hienert, Daniel. 2017. "Visualizing the Complexity of the Social Sciences." Fourth Annual Knowescape Conference, 2017-02-22.

Hienert, Daniel, and Maria Lusky. 2017. "Where Do All These Search Terms Come From? – Two Experiments in Domain-Specific Search." 39th European Conference on Information Retrieval (ECIR 2017), 2017-04-10.

Hienert, Daniel, and Peter Mutschke. 2016. "A Usefulness-based Approach for Measuring the Local and Global Effect of IIR Services." 1st ACM SIGIR Conference on Human Information Interaction and Retrieval, CHIIR 2016, 2016-03-16.

Hienert, Daniel, and Peter Mutschke. 2016. "­­­­­Challenges for Measuring Usefulness of Interactive IR Systems with Log-based Approaches." System and User Centered Evaluation Approaches in Interactive Information Retrieval (SAUCE 2016) @ CHIIR 2016, 2016-03-17.

Hienert, Daniel, Wilko van Hoek, Alina Weber, and Dagmar Kern. 2015. "WHOSE – A Tool for Whole-Session Analysis in IIR." 37th European Conference on IR Research, ECIR 2015, 2015-03-30.

Hienert, Daniel, and Wilko van Hoek. 2014. "Introducing a user interface with an entity-strategy-based approach for exploring document collections." Knowledge Maps and Information Retrieval (KMIR) Workshop @ DL 2014, 2014-09-11.

Friedrich, Tanja, Brigitte Hausstein, and Daniel Hienert. 2014. "Introducing da|raSearchNet - the integrated data portal for the social sciences." IASSIST 2014: 40th Annual Conference "Aligning Data and Research Infrastructure".

Hienert, Daniel, Dennis Wegener, and Siegfried Schomisch. 2013. "Exploring semantically-related concepts from Wikipedia: the case of SeRE." International UDC Seminar 2013.

Dimitrov, Dimitar, Daniel Hienert, Katarina Boland, and Dennis Wegener. 2013. "Linking research data and literature: integration of da|ra and sowiport based on link information from InFoLiS." 39th International Association for Social Science Information Services & Technology (IASSIST 2013).

Hienert, Daniel, Dennis Wegener, and Siegfried Schomisch. 2013. "Making sense of Open Data Statistics with Information from Wikipedia." HCI-KDD Special Session @ CD-ARES 2013.

Hienert, Daniel, Dennis Wegener, and Heiko Paulheim. 2012. "Automatic classification and relationship extraction for multi-lingual and multi-granular events from Wikipedia." Detection, Representation, and Exploitation of Events in the Semantic Web (DeRiVE 2012), Workshop at ISWC 2012.

Schaer, Philipp, Daniel Hienert, Frank Sawitzki, Andias Wira-Alam, and Thomas Lüke. 2012. "Dealing with sparse document and topic representations: lab report for CHiC 2012." Cultural Heritage in CLEF (CHiC).

Sawitzki, Frank, Philipp Schaer, and Daniel Hienert. 2012. "Extending aggregated search in a social sciences digital library." Task Based and Aggregated Search Workshop, collacated with ECIR 2012.

Hienert, Daniel, and Francesco Luciano. 2012. "Extraction of historical events from Wikipedia." Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining Meets Linked Open Data (Know@LOD) Workshop at ESWC 2012.

Hienert, Daniel, Frank Sawitzki, Philipp Schaer, and Philipp Mayr. 2012. "Integrating interactive visualizations in the search process of digital libraries and IR systems." ECIR 2012: 34th European Conference on Information Retrieval.

Hienert, Daniel, and Philipp Mayr. 2012. "Visualizations in exploratory search: a user study with stock market information." Theory and Applications of Visual Analytics (TAVA): Special Track at the i-Know Conference (i-Know 2012).

Hienert, Daniel, Philipp Schaer, Johann Schaible, and Philipp Mayr. 2011. "A novel combined term suggestion service for domain-specific digital libraries." TPDL 2011 - International Conference on Theory and Practice of Digital Libraries 2011.

Hienert, Daniel, Benjamin Zapilko, Philipp Schaer, and Brigitte Mathiak. 2011. "Vizgr: combining data on a visual level." 7th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies (WEBIST).

Hienert, Daniel, Benjamin Zapilko, Philipp Schaer, and Brigitte Mathiak. 2011. "Web-based multi-view visualizations for aggregated statistics." 2nd International Workshop on Data Visualization and Integration on the Web (DATAVIEW'11).

Beitrag nicht auf Konferenz

Hienert, Daniel. 2024. "Searching the Social Sciences with GESIS Search." Maths and CS seminar - Searching the Social Sciences, University of Wolverhampton, Wolverhampton, 2024-03-11.

Hienert, Daniel, and Philipp Mayr-Schlegel. 2021. "Dataset discovery: recent developments at GESIS." DANS Research Seminar, Online, 2021-05-18.

Hienert, Daniel. 2018. "Interactive Information Retrieval in den Sozialwissenschaften." Gastvortrag im Rahmen der Vorlesung Suchmaschinentechnologie, Information Retrieval Research Group Prof. Philipp Schaer, TH Köln, 2018-01-11.

Hienert, Daniel. 2008. "Vorschlag für eine einheitliche Gestaltung der Fachportale." Vortrag auf dem Workshop vascoda Themenblocks 5. Wissenstransfer - Angebot und Nutzung der Virtuellen Fachbibliotheken, ZBW Hamburg, 2008-06-08.