Data Access

Access to the data is subject to terms of use that regulate, among other things, various access categories. These range from basically open access for all to restrictive access for scientists on-site in our Secure Data Center. In addition, more restrictive access is usually subject to a fee. 

Terms of use

The use of the data is subject to certain terms of use. These may stipulate that the data may only be used for specific projects and may not be passed on to third parties: 

Archiving BASIS Archiving PLUS / PREMIUM
Terms of use Usage regulations (264 kB)

Access categories

Archiving BASIS Archiving PLUS / PREMIUM  
Free access (without registration): The research data are accessible to all users without further restriction, subject to the terms of use.  Category 0 Data and documents are released for everyone. 
Free access (with registration): The research data are accessible to all registered users without further restriction, subject to the terms of use.  Category A Data and documents are released for academic research and teaching. 

Restricted access: The research data is only available on a restricted basis. If users wish to access research data with this access category, they must obtain the consent of the data depositor.
SowiDataNet|datorium facilitates this process: when attempting to download, a mail form is generated to request data use from a curator. After consultation with the data depositor, the curator arranges for the research data to be released to the person making the request. 

Category C Data and documents are only accessible for academic research and teaching with the written permission of the data depositor. The data archive obtains written permission for this purpose, stating the user and the purpose of the analysis. 
Embargo period: Data depositors do not wish to make their research data available to third parties for the time being. For this purpose, the data can be embargoed for a maximum of two years and published at a later date. However, the metadata entered for the research data will be published immediately in any case. After the embargo period has expired, the uploaded files are automatically published either with free or restricted availability.    (The agreement of an embargo is also possible within the scope of an Archiving PLUS or PREMIUM).

Data Access


Most data are available for direct download (with or without registration). Only in the case of restricted access, we provide data on a secure server or activate them separately. 

Secure Data Center

Data requiring special access restrictions can be made available via the Secure Data Center (SecDC). Data analysis is performed on-site at a guest workstation in the Safe Room in Cologne. For this use, an appointment must be made, and a user agreement must be signed. Technical and organizational measures to ensure data protection must also be observed. 

Data Access Costs

Archiving BASIS Archiving PLUS / PREMIUM
The data can be downloaded directly and free of charge.  In the case of studies in access categories 0 and A, the data can be downloaded directly and free of charge after registration via the GESIS search. 
  Studies in access categories B and C (i.e., data is only passed on after approval by the data depositor) can be ordered for a fee after registration (price list (73 kB)).