Search & Data Access

For finding easy and quick Eurobarometer data that fits your research question, we have created overview pages from different perspectives. On the Topics page, we have compiled the Eurobarometer data on specific topics over time. Under "EB trends & trend files" you will find overviews of repeatedly included questions as well as various data sets with already cumulated and harmonized items.

Access to Eurobarometer primary data

Eurobarometer primary data and related documentation (questionnaires, codebooks, etc.) are made available by GESIS, ICPSR and through the Social Science Data Archive networks. Adequate use of these data presupposes at least basic knowledge in data analysis methodology and experience in the use of statistical software packages (information on Eurobarometer weighting variables should also be noticed).

Some topical modules may be subject to temporary embargo provisions and may not be part of the dataset distributed by the archive(s) at any one time during the duration of the embargo.

Data Catalogue Download - free of charge download of microdata analysis files (SPSS or Stata) and questionnaires via the data catalogue entry (study description). All Eurobarometer data catalogue entries are also listed by groups:

For accessing data through the data catalogue you need to sign in with user name (your e-mail address) and password. New users have to register first.

The Eurobarometer variables currently can be searched only via the GESIS search for variables. Please note that the search for specific variable contents is limited to the variable and value labels contained in the datasets in the case of the Standard & Special Eurobarometer pre‐releases, since these do not yet include the full question and answer texts.

On request of the European Commission information and questions for surveys or modules under embargo are not included. Eurobarometer questionnaires are reproduced with the licence granted by the European Commission, DG Communication, 200 rue da le Loi, B-1049 Brussels (© European Communities).

The original collectors of the data and the codebook producers (ICPSR, GESIS, SSD) bear no responsibility for the interpretation of the data.

Bibliographic citation of Eurobarometer primary data is required, whenever analysis results are used for publications. All necessary information can be looked up in the respective GESIS Data Catalogue entry (study description). A typical example for a correct citation of Eurobarometer micro data would be:

  • European Commission, Brussels (2020):
    Eurobarometer 92.4 (2019).
    Kantar Public [producer].
    GESIS Data Archive, Cologne. ZA7602 Data file Version 1.0.0.

Alternatively the YEAR OF PUBLICATION of the respective dataset version can be inserted after the author statement. The YEAR OF FIELDWORK should always be part of the Eurobarometer title statement

The correct citation using digital object identifiers helps to track datasets and their usage. This is important for quality control and efficiency in the research process as well as for giving credits to the author (principal investigator).

The general regulations on usage of GESIS Data Catalogue resources apply.

Please note that users are requested to provide bibliographic information on each completed publication involving the use of archive resources, in particular the analysis of primary data.  

We are interested in bibliographic information on all types of publication: books, articles, reports, conference papers, student thesis or dissertations etc. Please include information on the data set(s) which were used in the research. Send your citations to the eurobarometer-dataservice (eurobarometer-dataservice(at)gesis(dot)org)

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