Data and Documentation

On the following pages, you will find detailed additional information on each module, such as the Source Questionnaire, Codebooks and Study Monitoring Reports with direct links to the data and documentation.

In addition, for each module there is information on the participating countries, their sample sizes and field periods, access to national questionnaires, and documentation on the ISSP background variables (from 2004 on). The News section on each module page provides information on current data updates.

ISSP Modules by Topic



Aspects of citizenship like citizen rights and obligations, participation, tolerance, group membership, trust, empowerment, political interest, evaluation of institutions, satisfaction with democracy and global vs. national citizenship



Attitudes towards environment related issues, environmental protection, respondents' behavior and respondents' preferences regarding governmental measures on environmental protection

Family and Changing Gender Roles

1988199420022012, 2022

Attitudes towards women’s employment, marriage, children and financial support, household management and partnership

Health and Healthcare

2011, 2021

Health and well-being, experiences with health care, trust in the health care system, importance of various health care fields, conventional vs. alternative medicine, and satisfaction with health care services

Leisure Time and Sports


Leisure time activities, the subjective meaning of leisure time, and its relation to work and other spheres of life, sociological aspects of sports, social determinants, and consequences of leisure

National Identity


Respondents’ global, national or ethnic identification, aspects of national pride and support for their own nation, attitudes towards national and international issues, attitudes towards foreigners and foreign cultures



Religious attitudes and beliefs, religious socialization, past and current religious practices, religion and governmental connections and aspects of secularization

Role of Government


Attitudes towards government responsibilities and government spending, state intervention in the economy, civil liberties, political interest, trust and efficacy

Social Inequality


Attitudes towards income inequality, views on earnings and incomes, legitimation of inequality, career advancement by means of family background and networks, social cleavages and conflict, and current and past social position

Social Networks


Contacts with family members and friends, participation in associations and groups, duties and rights in social networks and social trust

Work Orientations


Employment arrangements, job characteristics, subjective experience of job, outcome of work, work-life balance, work centrality, and solidarity and conflict in work relations

Modules by year

2021    Health and Health Care II
2020    Environment IV
2019    Social Inequality V
2018    Religion IV (-> Non-ISSP countries)
2017    Social Networks and Social Resources
2016    Role of Government V
2015    Work Orientations IV
2014    Citizenship II
2013    National Identity III
2012    Family and Changing Gender Roles IV
2011    Health and Health Care
2010    Environment III
2009    Social Inequality IV
2008    Religion III (-> Non-ISSP countries​​​​​​​)
2007    Leisure Time and Sports
2006    Role of Government IV
2005    Work Orientations III
2004    Citizenship
2003    National Identity II
2002    Family and Changing Gender Roles III
2001    Social Relations and Support Systems
2000    Environment II
1999    Social Inequality III
1998    Religion II
1997    Work Orientations II
1996    Role of Government III
1995    National Identity I
1994    Family and Changing Gender Roles II
1993    Environment I
1992    Social Inequality II
1991    Religion I
1990    Role of Government II
1989    Work Orientations I
1988    Family and Changing Gender Roles I
1987    Social Inequality I
1986    Social Networks and Support Systems
1985    Role of Government I

List of all available ISSP data sets

PDF document with all ISSP data sets published to date

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Module Development

Description of the procedure for developing and processing the annual survey

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Background Variables

Information on ISSP background variables ex-post harmonized according to the specific guidelines

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Overview of publications on research based on ISSP data and the survey program itself

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Contact persons