
The many faces of GESIS


David Schoch is the team lead for "Transparent Social Analytics" in the Department Computational Social Science at GESIS in Cologne. Before joining GESIS, David was a Presidential Fellow in the Department of Sociology at the University of Manchester, affiliated with the "Mitchell Centre for Social Network Analysis". He has a PhD in Computer Science from the University of Konstanz and a Diploma in Businessmathematics from the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology. David is (co)-author of 14 R packages which have been downloaded more than one million times.

More information and and a full publication list can be found here.


My main research interests lie in the field of Social Network Analysis and Disinformation on Social Media


Journal article

Schoch, David, and Termeh Shafie. 2024. "The interplay of structural features and observed dissimilarities among centrality indices." Social Networks 78 (July 2024): 54-64. doi:

Schoch, David. 2023. "graphlayouts: Layout algorithms for network visualizations in R." Journal of Open Source Software 8 (84): 5238. doi:

Chan, Chung-hong, and David Schoch. 2023. "rang: Reconstructing reproducible R computational environments." PLoS ONE 16 (6): e0286761. doi:

Schoch, David, and Chung-hong Chan. 2023. "Rtoot: Collecting and Analyzing Mastodon Data." Mobile Media & Communication 11 (3): 575–578. doi:

Schoch, David. 2023. "signnet: An R package for analyzing signed networks." Journal of Open Source Software 8 (81): 4987. doi:

Everett, Martin, and David Schoch. 2022. "An extended family of measures for directed networks." Social Networks 70 (July 2022): 334-340. doi:

Schoch, David, Franziska B Keller, Sebastian Stier, and JungHwan Yang. 2022. "Coordination patterns reveal online political astroturfing across the world." Scientific Reports 2022 (12): 4572. doi:

Schoch, David. 2022. "netrankr: An R package for total, partial, and probabilistic rankings in networks." Journal of Open Source Software 7 (77): 4563. doi:

Chapter in an edited book

Jaidka, Kokil, Eni Mustafaraj, David Schoch, and Kenny Joseph. 2023. "Disrupt, Ally, Resist, Embrace (DARE): Action Items for Computational Social Scientists in a Changing World." In Workshop Proceedings of the 17th International AAAI Conference on Web and Social Media , edited by Styliani Kleanthous, Minsu Park, and Oren Tsur, doi:

Working and discussion paper

Schoch, David, Chung-hong Chan, Claudia Wagner, and Arnim Bleier. 2023. Computational Reproducibility in Computational Social Science. ArXiV Preprint. doi:

Vollmer, Silvan, David Schoch, and Ulrik Brandes. 2023. Penalty shootouts are tough, but the alternating order is fair. ArXiV Preprint. doi:


Schoch, David, and Chung-hong Chan. 2023. adaR: A Fast 'WHATWG' Compliant URL Parser.

Schoch, David. 2023. domainator: Classify Domains using Webservices and Lists.

Schoch, David. 2023. PSAWR: Pushshift API Wrapper for 'Reddit' Submission and Comment Search.

Chan, Chung-hong, and David Schoch. 2023. rang: Reconstructing Reproducible R Computational Environments .

Schoch, David. 2023. Rtumblr: Collecting and Analyzing 'Tumblr' Data.

Schoch, David. 2023. signnet: Methods to Analyse Signed Networks.

Schoch, David, and Chung-hong Chan. 2023. webbotparseR: Parse html files containing search engine results.

Schoch, David, Bernhard Clemm von Hohenberg, Frank Mangold, and Sebastian Stier. 2023. webtrackR: Preprocessing and Analyzing Web Tracking Data.

Schoch, David, and Chung-hong Chan. 2022. rtoot: Collecting and Analyzing Mastodon Data.

Presentation at a conference

Mangold, Frank, David Schoch, and Sebastian Stier. 2023. "More than meets the eye: How ideological selectivity plays out in digital high-choice media environments." 73rd Conference of the International Communication Association (ICA), Toronto, Canada, 2023-05-29.

Ehrungen und Preise

Mangold, Frank, David Schoch, and Sebastian Stier. 2023. "Best Paper Award ICA Political Communication Division: How ideological selectivity plays out in high-choice media environments."

Schoch, David. 2023. "William D. Richards, Jr. Software Award ."

Schoch, David, Franziska B Keller, Sebastian Stier, and JungHwan Yang. 2019. "Best Paper Award ICA Computational Methods Interest Group: Coordination patterns reveal online political astroturfing across the world."