
Die vielen Gesichter von GESIS


David hat seinen Bachelor-Abschluss an der Universität Mannheim (2016-2020) in Psychologie und seinen Master-Abschluss an der Universität Heidelberg (2020-2022) in Organizational Behavior and Adaptive Cognition gemacht. Seit 2021 bzw. 2022 ist David auch Vorsitzender des Science Boards bei Prosocial Design Network (PDN) und Lead Scientist bei one sec.


David pflegt und entwickelt zusammen mit Isabelle Schmidt und Julian Urban das offen zugängliche Repository für Messinstrumente der Sozialwissenschaften bei GESIS.

In dieser Funktion entwickelt und dokumentiert er neue Messinstrumente, überprüft und koordiniert die Veröffentlichung von Instrumenten im Repositorium und entwickelt neue Funktionen des Repositoriums.


Davids Forschung bei GESIS hat zwei Schwerpunkte. Zum einen befasst er sich mit Verzerrungen bei Selbstauskünften (z. B. Zustimmung, umgekehrte Items und soziale Erwünschtheit) und allgemeiner mit der grundlegenden Theorie der Persönlichkeitsbeurteilung (z. B. "Können Befragte ihre Persönlichkeit überhaupt richtig darstellen?"). Darüber hinaus erforscht David kognitionsbezogene Persönlichkeitskonstrukte und sozial-emotionale Kompetenzen (z. B. intellektuelle und epistemische Neugier, NfC, TIE, Growth Mindset, etc.).



Grüning, David J., Julia Kamin, Folco Panizza, Matthew Katsaros, and Philipp Lorenz-Spreen. 2024. "A framework for promoting online prosocial behavior via digital interventions." Communications Psychology 2 (11 January 2024): 6. doi:

Haliburton, Luke, David J. Grüning, Frederik Riedel, Albrecht Schmidt, and Nađa Terzimehić. 2024. "A longitudinal in-the-wild investigation of design frictions to prevent smartphone overuse." Proceedings of the CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems.

Grüning, David J., and Joachim Krueger. 2024. "Peace in other primates." Behavioral and Brain Sciences 47 e10. doi:

Grüning, David J.. 2023. "Advanced testing of the LoT hypothesis by social reasoning." Behavioral and Brain Sciences online first e276. doi:

Blötner, Christian, and David J. Grüning. 2023. "An examination of the role of inverted Dark Tetrad items on structural properties and construct validity." European Journal of Psychological Assessment online first. doi:

Grüning, David J., Clemens Lechner, Gael Le Mens, Matthias Bluemke, and Klaus Fiedler. 2023. "Asymmetric sampling of personality (ASP): Understanding validity limits of personality assessment with Brunswik's lens model." The Brunswik Society Newsletter.

Grüning, David J.. 2023. "Digital nudges: A reflection of challenges and improvements inspired by the Gloria Adherence Subproject." Journal of Trial and Error.

Grüning, David J., Frederik Riedel, and Philipp Lorenz-Spreen. 2023. "Directing smartphone use through the self-nudge app one sec." Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (120, 8): e2213114120.

Grüning, David J., Beatrice Rammstedt, and Clemens Lechner. 2023. "Fixed is not the Opposite of Growth: Item Keying Matters for Measuring Mindsets." Social Psychology of Education online first. doi:

Grüning, David J.. 2023. "Free will determines the limits of psychological foresight." Futures & Foresight Science e149.

Grüning, David J., Annalena Loose, and Joachim Krueger. 2023. "Hard feelings? Predicting attitudes toward former romantic partners." Current Research in Social Psychology (10): 48-58.

Grüning, David J., and Joachim Krueger. 2023. "Indeterminism belief protects against uncertainty: First empirical findiings." Discover Psychology (3, 26).

Bluemke, Matthias, Lukas Engel, David J. Grüning, and Clemens Lechner. 2023. "Measuring intellectual curiosity across cultures: Validity and comparability of a new scale in six languages." Journal of Personality Assessment online first. doi:

Grüning, David J., and Joachim I. Krueger. 2023. "More than two intuitions." Behavioral and Brain Sciences online first e124. doi:

Grüning, David J., and Maximilian Frank. 2023. "Open Science events: A best practice overview." Psychology Teaching Review (29, 2): 19-24.

Grüning, David J., Hans Alves, André Mata, and Klaus Fiedler. 2023. "Reversing the cumulative redundancy bias to demonstrate metacognitive flexibility in cue utilization." Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 107 (July 2023): 104471. doi:

Grüning, David J., and Joachim Krueger. 2023. "Similarity and the coordination of ownership." Behavioral and Brain Sciences (46): e337.

Grüning, David J., Frederik Riedel, and Philipp Lorenz-Spreen. 2023. "Smartphone-Nutzung reduzieren durch "one sec"." Kinderärztliche Praxis - Soziale Pädiatrie und Jugendmedizin.

Alves, Hans, Tobias Vogel, David J. Grüning, and André Mata. 2023. "Why leading is (almost) as important as winning." Cognition (230): 105282.

Krueger, Joachim, and David J. Grüning. 2022. "Big data, small mind." American Journal of Psychology (136, 3): 334-337.

Grüning, David J., and Thomas Schubert. 2022. "Emotional campaigning in politics: Being moved and ganer in political ads motivate to support candidate and party." Frontiers in Psychology (12): 781851.

Grüning, David J.. 2022. "Extracurricular Open Science: An advancement of the recommendations for action." Psychologische Rundschau (73, 1): 45-47.

Rammstedt, Beatrice, David J. Grüning, and Clemens Lechner. 2022. "Measuring Growth Mindset: Validation of a Three-Item and a Single-Item Scale in Adolescents and Adults." European Journal of Psychological Assessment online first. doi:

Grüning, David J., and Clemens Lechner. 2022. "Measuring Six Facets of Curiosity in Germany and the UK: A German-Language Adaptation of the 5DCR and Its Comparability with the English-Language Source Version." Journal of Personality Assessment. doi:

Grüning, David J.. 2022. "Synthesis of human and artificial intelligence." Futures & Foresight Science e137.

Grüning, David J., Folco Panizza, and Philipp Lorenz-Spreen. 2022. "The importance of informative interventions in a wicked environment." American Journal of Psychology (135, 4): 439-442.

Grüning, David J., and Joachim Krueger. 2022. "Vox peritorum: Capitalizing on confidence and projection to characterize expertise." Journal of Expertise (5, 1).

Fiedler, Klaus, and David J. Grüning. 2021. "A social pychological toolbox for clinical psychology." Zeitschrift für Psychologie.

Grüning, David J., and Karolin Salmen. 2021. "Metacongition as monitoring and control of the cognition-environment fit: A lens model perspective." The Brunswik Society Newsletter.

Schubert, Thomas, and David J. Grüning. 2021. "Proper understanding of grounded procedures of separation needs a dual inheritance approach." Behavioral and Brain Sciences (44): E23.

Krueger, Joachim, and David J. Grüning. 2021. "Strategic thinking: A random walk into the rabbit hole." Collabra: Psychology (7, 1): 24921.

Grüning, David J., and Joachim Krueger. 2021. "The experience heuristic." Journal of Expertise (4, 3).

Boileau, Lucia, David J. Grüning, and Herbert Bless. 2021. "Too good to be liked? When and how prosocial others are disliked." Frontiers in Psychology 3506.

Beitrag im Sammelwerk

Krueger, Joachim, and David J. Grüning. 2024. "Dostoevsky at play: Between risk and uncertainty in Roulettenburg." In Dostoevsky's The Gambler: The Allure of the Wheel, edited by Svetlana Evdokimova, 59-86. Lexington Books.

Krueger, Joachim, David J. Grüning, and Tanushri Sundar. 2022. "Power and sociability." In The Psychology of Sociability, 198-217.

Krueger, Joachim, and David J. Grüning. 2021. "Psychological perversities and populism." In The Psychology of Populism, 125-142.

Arbeits- und Diskussionspapier

Rammstedt, Beatrice, David J. Grüning, and Clemens Lechner. 2024. Drei- und Ein-Item-Skala zur Messung von Growth Mindset. Zusammenstellung sozialwissenschaftlicher Items und Skalen (ZIS).

Grüning, David J., and Clemens Lechner. 2022. Five-dimensional curiosity-scale revised (5DCR). Zusammenstellung sozialwissenschaftlicher Items und Skalen (ZIS). doi:

Grüning, David J., and Clemens Lechner. 2022. Fünfdimensionale revidierte Neugier-Skala (5DCR). Zusammenstellung sozialwissenschaftlicher Items und Skalen (ZIS). doi:


Grüning, David J., Gael Le Mens, Clemens Lechner, and Matthias Bluemke. 2023. "Asymmetric sampling on self-reports: On the example of personality traits." Subjective Probability, Utility, and Decision Making (SPUDM) 2023, WU Institute for Cognition and Behavior, Vienna.

Bluemke, Matthias, Lukas Engel, David J. Grüning, and Clemens Lechner. 2023. "Can Intellectual Curiosity as a Human Universal Be Measured Comparably Across Cultures?" 17. Tagung der Fachgruppe Differentielle Psychologie, Persönlichkeitspsychologie und Psychologische Diagnostik (DPPD), Universität Salzburg, 2023-09-25.

Grüning, David J., and Christian Blötner. 2023. "Development and Investigation of the Dark Social Desirability Inventory (DSDI)." 17. Tagung der Fachgruppe Differentielle Psychology, Persönlichkeitspsychologie und Psychologische Diagnostik (DPPD), Universität Salzburg, Salzburg, 2023-09-25.

Grüning, David J., Matthias Bluemke, and Clemens Lechner. 2023. "Revisiting the theoretical structure of curiosity: A guided return to core concepts." 17. Tagung der Fachgruppe Differentielle Psychologie, Persönlichkeitspsychologie und Psychologische Diagnostik (DPPD), Universität Salzburg, 2023-09-26.

Blötner, Christian, and David J. Grüning. 2023. "What do we know about low levels of darkness? Examining inverted items in a Dart Tetrad measure concerning structural properties and construct validity." 17. Tagung der Fachgruppe Differentielle Psychology, Persönlichkeitspsychologie und Psychologische Diagnostik (DPPD), Universität Salzburg, 2023-09-25.