Documentation GESIS Panel.pop

Here you can access all important information and documentation about the GESIS Panel.pop Population Sample.

Longitudinal Core Studies

Click here for information about our longitudinal Core Studies and for our Core Studies questionnaires.

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Wave plan and wave reports

Click here for the wave reports of all waves published so far.

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GESIS Panel.pop Cheatsheet

Here you get data structure, wave and variable descriptions at a glance.

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Study descriptions

Click here for the study descriptions of all waves published so far.

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Click here for the questionnaires of all waves published so far.

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Questionnaires Covid-19

Click here for the Covid-19 related questionnaires of the GESIS Panel (2020-2023).

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Click here for the codebook of all waves published so far.

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Data Manual

Click here for the data manual.

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GESIS Panel Bibliography

Click here for publications that use GESIS Panel data. Send us your publication to

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Throughout the recruitment process, the GESIS Panel.pop followed state-of-the-art recommendations for building a probability based online access panel. The reference population for the GESIS Panel.pop is the German speaking population aged between 18 and 70 years and permanently resident in Germany. By the end of the recruitment phase in February 2014, the GESIS Panel.pop (at that time “GESIS Panel”) comprised around 4900 panelists. All panelists were recruited from a random sample drawn from municipal population registers. 

All persons in the sample were interviewed in personal house visits with a computer-aided personal interview (CAPI) (in German only) and asked to participate in the GESIS Panel.pop. Mail questionnaires were sent to those participants who were unable or unwilling to participate in online surveys. Each interviewed person was given an incentive to participate in the recruitment interview; participation in all subsequent waves was also incentivized.

Further details of the recruitment process can be found in the Executive Summary: Recruitment for the GESIS Panel.pop and the GESIS Panel.pop reference paper (Bosnjak et al., 2018). The executive summary of the recruitment process is based on the comprehensive report authored by TNS Infratest. Further details can be found in that report and in its appendix (in German only).

In order to compensate for panel attrition, refreshment samples were drawn from the German General Social Survey (ALLBUS) in 2016 and 2018. In 2021, another refreshment sample was drawn from the German study of the International Social Survey Programme (ISSP). Below, you find the respective recruitment reports.

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