
The many faces of GESIS


Academic background:

  • 1999-2005: Student of translation studies at the University of Mainz (Germersheim), University of Heidelberg, Trinity College Dublin (TCD) and Institut Supérieur d’Interprétation et de Traduction (ISIT, Paris). Graduation with a degree in Translation Studies (English, French, Economics) from the University of Heidelberg in May 2005.
  • Since 2006, researcher at GESIS.
  • 2009: Doctorate in Translation Studies from the University of Mainz.

Key projects:


  • Consultancy and training with regard to questionnaire translation and web probing for scientific research projects.
  • April 2015 – March 2016: Interim professor for Applied translation studies at the Magdeburg-Stendal University of Applied Sciences.
  • Since 2016: Team leader of the ‘Cross-cultural survey methods’ team in the department ‘Survey design and methodology’


Consulting and training as regards questionnaire translation and web probing


Questionnaire translation and adaptation, translation assessment methods, comparability of international survey data (qualitative testing), web probing


Journal article

Behr, Dorothée, Michael Braun, and Luisa Aiglstorfer. 2024. "Showcasing the usefulness of web probing: Do Subtle Variations in Questionnaire Translation Lead to Different Survey Responding?" Quality & Quantity online first. doi:

Zavala-Rojas, Diana, Dorothée Behr, Brita Dorer, Danielly Sorato, and Veronika Keck. 2024. "Using Machine Translation and Post-editing in the TRAPD approach: effects on the quality of translated survey texts." Public Opinion Quarterly 88 (1): 123-148.

Behr, Dorothée, and Michael Braun. 2023. "How does back translation fare against team translation? An experimental case study in the language combination English-German." Journal of Survey Statistics and Methodology 11 (2): 285-315. doi:

Leitgöb, Heinz, Daniel Seddig, Tihomir Asparouhov, Dorothée Behr, Eldad Davidov, Kim De Roover, Suzanne Jak, Katharina Meitinger, Natalja Menold, Bengt Muthén, Maksim Rudnev, Peter Schmidt, and Rens van de Schoot. 2023. "Measurement Invariance in the Social Sciences: Historical Development, Methodological Challenges, State of the Art, and Future Perspectives." Social Science Research 110 (February 2023): 102805. doi:

Neuert, Cornelia, Katharina Meitinger, and Dorothée Behr. 2023. "Open-ended versus closed probes: Assessing different formats of web probing." Sociological Methods & Research 52 (4): 1981-2015. doi:

Neuert, Cornelia, Katharina Meitinger, Dorothée Behr, and Matthias Schonlau. 2021. "The use of open-ended questions in surveys: Editorial." mda: methods, data, analyses 2021 (15): 3-6.

Meitinger, Katharina, Dorothée Behr, and Michael Braun. 2021. "Using apples and oranges to judge quality? Selection of appropriate cross-national indicators of response quality in open-ended questions." Social Science Computer Review 39 (3): 434-455.

Braun, Michael, Katharina Meitinger, and Dorothée Behr. 2020. "Combining Quantitative Experimental Data with Web Probing: The Case of Individual Solutions for the Division of Labor Between Both Genders." mda : methods, data, analyses 14 (2): 215-240.

Lee, Sunghee, Colleen Mcclain, Dorothée Behr, and Katharina Meitinger. 2020. "Exploring mental models behind self-rated health and subjective life expectancy through web probing." Field Methods 32 (3): 309-326. doi:

Behr, Dorothée, and Anouk Zabal. 2019. "A Meeting Report: OECD-GESIS Seminar on Translating and Adapting Instruments in Large-Scale Assessments (2018)." Measurement Instruments for the Social Sciences (1): 10. doi:

Braun, Michael, Dorothée Behr, Katharina Meitinger, Klara Raiber, and Lydia Repke. 2019. "Using Web Probing to Elucidate Respondents' Understanding of 'Minorities' in Cross-Cultural Comparative Research." ASK: Research and Methods 28 (1): 3-20.

Meitinger, Katharina, Michael Braun, and Dorothée Behr. 2018. "Sequence matters in online probing: The impact of the order of probes on response quality, motivation of respondents, and answer content." Survey Research Methods 12 (2): 103-120. doi:

Behr, Dorothée. 2018. "Translating questionnaires for cross-national surveys – a description of a genre and its particularities based on the ISO 17100 categorization of translator competences." Translation & Interpreting 10 (2): 5-20.

Braun, Michael, Dorothée Behr, and Juan Díez Medrano. 2018. "What do respondents mean when they report to be "citizens of the world"? Using probing questions to elucidate international differences in cosmopolitanism." Quality & Quantity 52 (3): 1121-1135. doi:

Behr, Dorothée. 2017. "Assessing the use of back translation: the shortcomings of back translation as a quality testing method." International Journal of Social Research Methodology 20 (6): 573-584. doi:

Meitinger, Katharina, and Dorothée Behr. 2016. "Comparing Cognitive Interviewing and Online Probing: Do They Find Similar Results?" Field Methods 28 (4): 363 - 380. doi:

Behr, Dorothée. 2015. "Translating answers to open-ended survey questions in cross-cultural research: a case study on the interplay between translation, coding, and analysis." Field Methods 27 (3): 248-299. doi:

Behr, Dorothée, Wolfgang Bandilla, Lars Kaczmirek, and Michael Braun. 2014. "Cognitive probes in web surveys: on the effect of different text box size and probing exposure on response quality." Social Science Computer Review 32 (4): 524-533. doi:

Behr, Dorothée, Michael Braun, Lars Kaczmirek, and Wolfgang Bandilla. 2014. "Item comparability in cross-national surveys: results from asking probing questions in cross-national web surveys about attitudes towards civil disobedience." Quality & Quantity 48 (1): 127-148. doi:

Braun, Michael, Dorothée Behr, and Lars Kaczmirek. 2013. "Assessing cross-national equivalence of measures of xenophobia: evidence from probing in web surveys." International Journal of Public Opinion Research 25 (3): 383-395. doi:

Behr, Dorothée, Michael Braun, Lars Kaczmirek, and Wolfgang Bandilla. 2013. "Testing the validity of gender ideology items by implementing probing questions in web surveys." Field Methods 25 (2): 124-141. doi:

Behr, Dorothée, Lars Kaczmirek, Wolfgang Bandilla, and Michael Braun. 2012. "Asking probing questions in web surveys: which factors have an impact on the quality of responses?" Social Science Computer Review 30 (4): 487-498. doi:

Behr, Dorothée, and Evi Scholz. 2011. "Questionnaire Translation in Cross-National Survey Research: on the Types and Value of Annotations." mda : Methoden, Daten, Analysen 5 (2): 157-179.

Chapter in an edited book

Meitinger, Katharina, Cornelia Neuert, and Dorothée Behr. 2024 (Forthcoming). "Cross-cultural web probing." Online first. In International Handbook of Behavioral Health Assessment, edited by Christian U. Krägeloh, Oleg N. Medvedev, and Mohsen Alyami, Springer Cham. doi:

Behr, Dorothée. 2023. "Translating Questionnaires." online first. In International Handbook of Behavioral Health Assessment, edited by Christian U. Krägeloh, Mohsen Alyami, and Oleg N. Medvedev, Cham: Springer. doi:

Behr, Dorothée. 2022. "Computer-assisted Migration Research: What We Can Learn about Source Questionnaire Design and Translation from the Software Localization Field ." In Migration Research in a Digitized World: Using Innovative Technology to Tackle Methodological Challenges, edited by Steffen Pötzschke, and Sebastian Rinken, IMISCOE Research Series, 79-99. Cham: Springer.

de Jong, Julie, Kristen Cibelli Hibben, Jennifer Kelley, and Dorothée Behr. 2020. "Afterword: Future directions in multinational, multiregional, and multicultural (3MC) survey research." In The essential role of language in survey research, edited by Mandy Sha, and Tim Gabel, 243-256. RTI Press. doi:

Behr, Dorothée, Katharina Meitinger, Michael Braun, and Lars Kaczmirek. 2020. "Cross-national web probing: an overview of its methodology and its use in cross-national studies." 1. In Advances in Questionnaire Design, Development, Evaluation and Testing, edited by Paul C. Beatty, Debbie Collins, Lyn Kaye, Jose Luis Padilla, Gordon Willis, and Amanda Wilmot, 521-544. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley.

Maehler, Débora B., Dorothée Behr, and Silke L. Schneider. 2020. "Kultursensitive Befragungen und Diagnostik: Gestaltung und Anwendung von Verfahren im interkulturellen Setting." In Handbuch Stress und Kultur: Interkulturelle und kulturvergleichende Perspektiven, edited by Tobias Ringeisen, Petia Genkova, and Frederick T. L Leong, online first. Wiesbaden: Springer Fachmedien. doi:

Behr, Dorothée, Steve Dept, and Elica Krajĉeva. 2018. "Documenting the Survey Translation and Monitoring Process." In Advances in Comparative Survey Methods: Multinational, Multiregional and Multicultural Contexts (3MC), edited by Timothy P. Johnson, Beth-Ellen Pennell, Ineke Stoop, and Brita Dorer, 341-356. New York: John Wiley & Sons.

Behr, Dorothée, Patrick Brzoska, and Alisú Schoua-Glusberg. 2018. "Linguistic and Cultural Aspects in Migrant Surveys: Introduction and Overview." In Surveying the Migrant Population: Consideration of Linguistic and Cultural Issues, edited by Dorothée Behr, GESIS-Schriftenreihe 19, 5-12.

Schulz, Sonja, Katharina Meitinger, Michael Braun, and Dorothée Behr. 2018. "Who’s bad? Eine Analyse zur internationalen Vergleichbarkeit von Maßen krimineller Einstellungen mittels des Web-Probing Ansatzes." In Kriminologische Welt in Bewegung, edited by Klaus Boers, and Marcus Schaerff, Neue Kriminologische Schriftenreihe 117, 406-417. Forum Verlag Godesberg.

Wolf, Christof, Silke L. Schneider, Dorothée Behr, and Dominique Joye. 2016. "Harmonizing Survey Questions Between Cultures and Over Time." In The SAGE Handbook of Survey Methodology, edited by Christof Wolf, Dominique Joye, Tom W. Smith, and Yang-chi Fu, 502-524. London: Sage.

Behr, Dorothée, and Kuniaki Shishido. 2016. "The translation of measurement instruments for cross-cultural surveys." In The SAGE Handbook of Survey Methodology, edited by Christof Wolf, Dominique Joye, Tom W. Smith, and Yang-chi Fu, 269-287. London: Sage.

Martin, Silke, Débora B. Maehler, Dorothée Behr, and Steffen Pötzschke. 2015. "Methodische Grundlagen der quantitativen Migrationsforschung." In Methoden der Migrationsforschung: ein interdisziplinärer Forschungsleitfaden, edited by Débora B. Maehler, and Ulrich Brinkmann, 17-59. Wiesbaden: Springer VS.

Behr, Dorothée, and Michael Braun. 2015. "Satisfaction with the way democracy works: How respondents across countries understand the question." In Hopes and anxieties. Six waves of the European Social Survey , edited by P. B. Sztabinski, H. Domanski, and F. Sztabinski, 121-138. Frankfurt am Main: Lang.

Braun, Michael, Dorothée Behr, Lars Kaczmirek, and Wolfgang Bandilla. 2014. "Evaluating cross-national item equivalence with probing questions in web surveys." In Improving survey methods : lessons from recent research, edited by Uwe Engel, Ben Jann, Peter Lynn, Annette Scherpenzeel, and Patrick Sturgis, 184-200. New York: Routledge.

Ferrari, Andrea, Laura Wayrynen, Dorothée Behr, and Anouk Zabal. 2013. "Translation, Adaptation, and Verification of Test and Survey Materials." In Technical Report of the Survey of Adult Skills (PIAAC) 2013, S. 1-28, section 1, chapter 4.

Behr, Dorothée. 2012. "The team translation approach in questionnaire translation: a special form of expert collaboration." In Übersetzen in die Zukunft 2012: Tagungsband der 2. Internationalen Fachkonferenz des BDÜ, 28.-30. September 2012, edited by Wolfram Baur, Brigitte Eichner, Sylvia Kalina, and Felix Mayer, Bundesverband der Dolmetscher und Übersetzer: Schriften des BDÜ 32, 644-651. Berlin: BDÜ Fachverlag.

Harkness, Janet, Nicole Schoebi, Peter Ph. Mohler, Timo Faaß, Dominique Joye, and Dorothée Behr. 2008. "Oral Translation in Telephone Surveys." In Advances in Telephone Survey Methodology, edited by James M. Lepkowski, Clyde Tucker, J. Michael Brick, Edith De Leeuw, Lilli Japec, Paul J. Lavrakas, Michael W. Link, and Roberta L. Sangster, 231-249. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley.


Neuert, Cornelia, Katharina Meitinger, Dorothée Behr, and Matthias Schonlau, ed. 2021. The use of open-ended questions in surveys . Methods, Data, Analyses 15, 1. Mannheim: GESIS - Leibniz institute for the Social Sciences.

Behr, Dorothée, and Mandy Sha, ed. 2018. Guest editor for special issue in Translation & Interpreting.

Behr, Dorothée, ed. 2018. Surveying the migrant population: Consideration of cultural and linguistic issues. GESIS-Schriftenreihe 19.


Behr, Dorothée. 2009. Translationswissenschaft und international vergleichende Umfrageforschung: Qualitätssicherung bei Fragebogenübersetzungen als Gegenstand einer Prozessanalyse. GESIS-Schriftenreihe 2. Bonn: GESIS.

Working and discussion paper

Behr, Dorothée. 2023. What to consider and look out for in questionnaire translation. GESIS Survey Guideline. Mannheim: GESIS. doi:

Keck, Veronika, Dorothée Behr, and Brita Dorer. 2021. D4.9 - Guidelines on the use of translation memories in survey translation. Social sciences & humanities open cloud. doi:

Behr, Dorothée, and Anouk Zabal. 2020. Documenting survey translation. GESIS - Survey Guidelines. Mannheim: GESIS – Leibniz-Institute for the Social Sciences. doi:

Zavala-Rojas, Diana, Veronika Keck, Danielly Sorato, Dorothée Behr, and Brita Dorer. 2020. MS17 open source CAT TM software selected. Social sciences & humanities open cloud. doi:

Kaczmirek, Lars, Katharina Meitinger, and Dorothée Behr. 2017. Higher data quality in web probing with EvalAnswer: a tool for identifying and reducing nonresponse in open-ended questions. GESIS Papers 2017/01. Köln: GESIS - Leibniz-Institut für Sozialwissenschaften. urn:

Behr, Dorothée, Katharina Meitinger, Michael Braun, and Lars Kaczmirek. 2017. Web probing – implementing probing techniques from cognitive interviewing in web surveys with the goal to assess the validity of survey questions. GESIS – Survey Guidelines. GESIS – Leibniz-Institute for the Social Sciences . doi:

Behr, Dorothée, Michael Braun, and Brita Dorer. 2016. Measurement Instruments in Cross-National Surveys. GESIS Survey Guidelines. Mannheim: GESIS - Leibniz institute for the Social Sciences. doi:

Behr, Dorothée, Michael Braun, and Brita Dorer. 2015. Messinstrumente in internationalen Studien (Measurement instruments in international studies). GESIS Survey Guidelines. Mannheim: GESIS - Leibniz institute for the Social Sciences. doi:

Other article

Lyberg, Lars, Beth-Ellen Pennell, Kristen Cibelli Hibben, Julie de Jong, Dorothée Behr, Jamie Burnett, Rory Fitzgerald, Peter Granda, Linda Luz Guerrero, Hayk Gyuzalyan, Tim Johnson, Jibum Kim, Zeina Mneimneh, Patrick Moynihan, Michael Robbins, Alisú Schoua-Glusberg, Mandy Sha, Tom W. Smith, Ineke Stoop, Irina Tomescu-Dubrow, Diana Zaval-Rojas, and Elisabeth J. Zechmeister. 2021. "AAPOR/WAPOR task force report in comparative surveys."

Presentation at a conference

Efu Nkong, Ulrike, and Dorothée Behr. 2024. "Questionnaire translators, their background and relevant competencies: Insights from a Survey among National Teams from Large-Scale Cross-National Studies ." CSDI - International Workshop on Comparative Survey Design and Implementation, SHARE Berlin Institute GmbH, 2024-03-18.

Behr, Dorothée, and Ulrike Efu Nkong. 2024. "Support Material, Instructions, and Translation Tools in Questionnaire Translation: Insights from a Survey among National Teams from Large-Scale Cross-National Studies ." CSDI - International Workshop on Comparative Survey Design and Implementation, SHARE Berlin Institute GmbH, 2024-03-18.

Behr, Dorothée, and Ulrike Efu Nkong. 2023. "Questionnaire Translation Methodology: Zooming in on the Initial Translation Step and Staff in Questionnaire Translation." CSDI: International Workshop on Comparative Survey Design and Implementation, Granada, Spain, 2023-04-19.

Behr, Dorothée, Brita Dorer, Diana Zavala-Rojas, and Danielly Sorato. 2023. "Survey instruments in cross-national research: how do social scientists vs. professional translators translate these?" ESRA Conference Milano, 2023-07-20.

Behr, Dorothée, Diana Zavalo-Rojas, Danielly Sorato, Brita Dorer, and Veronika Keck. 2022. "Questionnaire translation 4.0: On the impact of post-edited translations on final review output." CSDI: International Workshop on Comparative Survey Design and Implementation, Paris, France, Paris, 2022-04-04.

Sorato, Danielly, Diana Zavala-Rojas, Veronika Keck, Dorothée Behr, and Brita Dorer. 2021. "Assessment of machine translations of survey questions and response scales." 9th conference of the European Survey Research Association, Online, 2021-07-09.

Neuert, Cornelia, Katharina Meitinger, and Dorothée Behr. 2021. "Closed-ended vs open-ended: Evaluating the potential of targeted embedded probes." RC33 International Conference on Social Science Methodology, Online, 2021-09-07.

Behr, Dorothée, and Michael Braun. 2021. "How does back translation fare against team translation? An experimental case study in the language combination English-German ." AAPOR Conference 2021, Online, 2021-05-12.

Meitinger, Katharina, Cornelia Neuert, and Dorothée Behr. 2021. "How does the scale affect subjective health ratings? Insights from Web probing." RC33 International Conference on Social Science Methodology, Online, 2021-09-07.

Zavala-Rojas, Diana, Veronika Keck, Brita Dorer, Dorothée Behr, and Danielly Sorato. 2021. "Investigating the effects of Machine Translation and Post-editing in the TRAPD: experimental design and methodological considerations." 9th conference of the European Survey Research Association, Online, 2021-07-09.

Dorer, Brita, Diana Zavala-Rojas, Danielly Sorato, Veronika Keck, and Dorothée Behr. 2021. "On the Impact of Machine Translation on the Quality of the final Review outputs." 9th conference of the European Survey Research Association, Online, 2021-07-09.

Neuert, Cornelia, Katharina Meitinger, and Dorothée Behr. 2021. "Open-ended versus Closed Probes: Assessing different formats of web probing." 9th conference of the European Survey Research Association, Online, 2021-07-02.

Neuert, Cornelia, Katharina Meitinger, and Dorothée Behr. 2021. "Open-ended vs. closed: Evaluating different probing formats in web probing." AAPOR 76th Annual Conference, Online, 2021-05-11.

Jong, Julie de, Johnson Timothy, Michael Robbins, Zeina Mneimneh, and Dorothée Behr. 2021. "Results of the joint AAPOR/WAPOR task force report in comparative surveys." WAPOR 74th Annual Conference, Online, 2021-11-03.

Keck, Veronika, Dorothée Behr, Brita Dorer, Diana Zavala-Rojas, and Danielly Sorato. 2021. "Survey Translation 4.0." International Workshop on Comparative Survey Design and Implementation (CSDI), Online, 2021-04-01.

Behr, Dorothée, Brita Dorer, Veronika Keck, Diana Zavala-Rojas, and Danielly Sorato. 2021. "Survey translation according to the team approach: On the impact of post-edited translations on final review output." 9th conference of the European Survey Research Association, Online, 2021-07-09.

Behr, Dorothée. 2021. "Translation research meets survey methodology: Transferring principles from software localization to technical instrument design and translation." 2021 Virtual CSDI Workshop (Comparative Survey Design and Implementation) , Online, 2021-03-22.

Keck, Veronika, Dorothée Behr, Brita Dorer, Diana Zavala-Rojas, and Danielly Sorato. 2021. "Usability of neural machine translation application for translation of measurement instruments." 9th conference of the European Survey Research Association, Online, 2021-07-09.

Behr, Dorothée. 2019. "Assessment of Questionnaire Translations: Comparing Back Translation & TRAPD." ESRA 2019 : 8th Conference of the European Survey Research Association, Zagreb (Croatia), 2019-07-17.

Behr, Dorothée. 2018. "Translating questionnaires for cross-national surveys - a text genre and its particularities." International Workshop on "Comparative Survey Design and Implementation" (CSDI), 2018-06-07.

Behr, Dorothée. 2018. "Translation and adaptation guidelines in large-scale studies – what they should, can, and cannot achieve." OECD-GESIS Seminar on Translating and Adapting Instruments in Large Scale Assessments.

Braun, Michael, Katharina Meitinger, and Dorothée Behr. 2017. ""Individual solutions" for the division of labor between men and women." ESRA 2017: 7th Conference of the European Survey Research Association, 2017-07-20.

Behr, Dorothée. 2017. "Assessing the impact of different German-language translations of ESS Round 3 items on the resulting data." International Workshop on "Comparative Survey Design and Implementation" (CSDI).

Behr, Dorothée. 2017. "Assessing the impact of different German-language translations of ESS Round 3 items on the resulting data." ESRA 2017: 7th Conference of the European Survey Research Association, 2017-07-17.

Giustinelli, Pamela, Sunghee Lee, Michelle Tran, Erica Dawson, Colleen Mcclain, Dorothée Behr, Katharina Meitinger, and Gabor Kezdi. 2017. "Examining Response Processes underneath Numerical Reports of Subjective Longevity Expectations: Evidence from Simple Probing Questions." ESRA 2017: 7th Conference of the European Survey Research Association, Lisbon.

Behr, Dorothée. 2017. "Striving for evidence – research on effects of different translation variants on data." 1st SERISS Symposium on synergies between survey translation and developments in translation sciences.

Meitinger, Katharina, Dorothée Behr, and Michael Braun. 2017. "The longer, the better? Selection of appropriate cross-national indicators of response quality in open - ended questions." International Workshop on "Comparative Survey Design and Implementation" (CSDI), 2017-03-18.

Behr, Dorothée. 2017. "The role of questionnaire translation for ensuring equivalence - where are we (heading)?" Advances in Scale Development in the Social Sciences: Issues of Comparability, 2017-11-14.

Behr, Dorothée. 2017. "Translating and adapting questionnaires into migrant languages: On the interplay between upstream and downstream work." IMISCOE Annual Conference, 2017-06-28.

Behr, Dorothée. 2017. "Using cross-national web probing to assess equivalence of the “satisfaction with democracy” item." Big Data Workshop – Opportunities and Challenges in Contemporary Social and Political Research, 2017-02-23.

Schulz, Sonja, Katharina Meitinger, Michael Braun, and Dorothée Behr. 2017. "Who’s bad? Eine Analyse zur internationalen Vergleichbarkeit von Maßen krimineller Einstellungen mittels des Online-Probing Ansatzes." 15. Wissenschaftliche Tagung der Kriminologischen Gesellschaft, 2017-09-29.

Behr, Dorothée, Steve Dept, and Elica Krajĉeva. 2016. "Advantages and limitations of documentation of a sophisticated survey translation and adaptation." Second International Conference on Survey Methods in Multinational, Multiregional and Multicultural Contexts (3MC 2016) .

Behr, Dorothée. 2016. "Cross-cultural web probing and how it can enhance equivalence in cross-cultural studies ." International Conference on Questionnaire Design, Development, Evaluation, and Testing (QDET2), 2016-11-09.

Meitinger, Katharina, Michael Braun, and Dorothée Behr. 2016. "Sequence matters: The impact of the order of probes on response quality, motivation of respondents, and answer content." Second International Conference on Survey Methods in Multinational, Multiregional and Multicultural Contexts (3MC 2016).

Lee, Sunghee, Colleen Mcclain, Dorothée Behr, and Katharina Meitinger. 2015. "Cognitive probing in a cross-national survey: What can we learn about measurement context?" 6th Conference of the European Survey Research Association (ESRA).

Kaczmirek, Lars, Katharina Meitinger, and Dorothée Behr. 2015. "Item nonresponse in open-ended questions: Identification and reduction in web surveys." ESRA 2015: 6th Conference of the European Survey Research Association.

Braun, Michael, and Dorothée Behr. 2015. "What do respondents mean when they indicate to be “citizens of the world”? Using probing questions to elucidate international differences in cosmopolitanism." CSDI Conference , 2015-03-26.

Meitinger, Katharina, Michael Braun, Wolfgang Bandilla, Lars Kaczmirek, and Dorothée Behr. 2014. "Aspects of measuring national identity: insights from online probing." XVIII ISA World Congress of Sociology.

Braun, Michael, and Dorothée Behr. 2014. "Satisfaction with democracy: How do respondents understand the question." ESS Dissemination Conference: Poland and Europe. Continuity and Change.

Behr, Dorothée, and Beatrice Rammstedt. 2014. "Übersetzung von Fragebögen und Testverfahren – moderne Alternativen zur Back Translation." 49. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie.

Meitinger, Katharina, Michael Braun, Wolfgang Bandilla, Lars Kaczmirek, and Dorothée Behr. 2014. "Ways to uncover cognitive processes: a comparison of cognitive interviewing and online probing." XVIII ISA World Congress of Sociology.

Behr, Dorothée, and Michael Braun. 2014. "What does the ‘satisfaction with democracy’ measure mean to respondents in different countries? how cross-national web probing can contribute to answering this question." AAPOR 2014: 69th Annual Conference "Measurement and the Role of Public Opinion in a Democracy".

Behr, Dorothée, Wolfgang Bandilla, Lars Kaczmirek, and Michael Braun. 2013. "Cognitive probes in web surveys: how the text box size can affect response quality." 66th Annual Conference of the World Association of Public Opinion Research (WAPOR).

Behr, Dorothée. 2013. "Different probing scenarios: a typology with a special focus on probing in cross-cultural contexts." International Workshop on "Comparative Survey Design and Implementation" (CSDI).

Meitinger, Katharina, Michael Braun, Wolfgang Bandilla, Lars Kaczmirek, and Dorothée Behr. 2013. "Lessons learned: probing in cross-national web surveys." 11th ESA Conference.

Behr, Dorothée. 2013. "On the different uses and users of the term adaptation." AAPOR 2013: 68th Annual Conference "Asking Critical Questions: Toward a Sustainable Future for Public Opinion and Social Research".

Behr, Dorothée. 2013. "On the different uses and users of the term adaptation. What specific types of adaptation are there?" International Workshop on "Comparative Survey Design and Implementation" (CSDI).

Behr, Dorothée. 2013. "Probing in cross-cultural survey research. Status quo and outlook." ESRA 2013: 5th Conference of the European Survey Research Association.

Behr, Dorothée, Katharina Meitinger, Michael Braun, Wolfgang Bandilla, and Lars Kaczmirek. 2013. "Using web probing to assess equivalence in cross-national surveys." 3rd International Conference "Survey Methods in Future Research" (PPSM, DFG).

Braun, Michael, and Dorothée Behr. 2013. "What do respondents mean when they indicate to be “citizens of the world”? Using probing questions to elucidate international differences in cosmopolitanism." ESRA 2013: 5th Conference of the European Survey Research Association.

Behr, Dorothée. 2013. "What types of adaptation are there in cross-cultural survey research?" ESRA 2013: 5th Conference of the European Survey Research Association.

Braun, Michael, Dorothée Behr, and Alexandra Kireew. 2012. "How should immigrants adapt to their country of destination? Experiences from exporting a question from the German General Social Survey." International Workshop on "Comparative Survey Design and Implementation" (CSDI).

Behr, Dorothée. 2012. "Probing in cross-national web surveys: Challenges of translating probe answers into a common project language." International Workshop on "Comparative Survey Design and Implementation" (CSDI).

Behr, Dorothée. 2012. "Zusammenarbeit von Experten bei der Fragebogenübersetzung." BDÜ-Konferenz Übersetzen in die Zukunft.

Kaczmirek, Lars, Dorothée Behr, and Wolfgang Bandilla. 2011. "Availability of technologies for online surveys: An international comparison." ASA Conference.

Behr, Dorothée, Lars Kaczmirek, Michael Braun, and Wolfgang Bandilla. 2011. "Category selection probing in online access panels (Poster)." AAPOR 2011: 66th Annual Conference "Public Perception & Societal Conflict".

Braun, Michael, Dorothée Behr, and Lars Kaczmirek. 2011. "Establishing cross-national equivalence of measures of xenophobia: evidence from probing in web surveys." Annual Conference of the World Association of Public Opinion Research (WAPOR).

Züll, Cornelia, Evi Scholz, and Dorothée Behr. 2011. "Experiments on the design of the left-right self-assessment scale." ESRA 2011: 4th Conference of the European Survey Research Association.

Braun, Michael, Dorothée Behr, Wolfgang Bandilla, and Lars Kaczmirek. 2011. "Implementing probing in international web surveys: the case of civil disobedience." Priority Programme on Survey Methodology Workshop.

Behr, Dorothée, Michael Braun, Lars Kaczmirek, Wolfgang Bandilla, and Sandra Majer. 2011. "Measuring xenophobia in cross-national survey research: findings based on a web probing study." International Conference of the Priority Programme on Survey Methodology (PPSM).

Behr, Dorothée, Wolfgang Bandilla, Lars Kaczmirek, Michael Braun, and Sandra Majer. 2011. "Probing in web surveys & response burden: first results from an international web survey." International Workshop on "Comparative Survey Design and Implementation" (CSDI).

Behr, Dorothée, Michael Braun, Lars Kaczmirek, and Wolfgang Bandilla. 2011. "Testing the validity of gender ideology items by implementing probing questions in web surveys." MESS-Workshop.

Behr, Dorothée, Michael Braun, Lars Kaczmirek, and Wolfgang Bandilla. 2011. "The use of probing questions in cross-national web surveys: the case of "civil disobedience"." 4th European Survey Research Association Conference (ESRA).

Braun, Michael, and Dorothée Behr. 2011. "Using probing techniques to assess intercultural validity: The case of attitudes towards immigrants." Measurement Invariance: Methods, Problems and Further Directions.

Kaczmirek, Lars, Dorothée Behr, and Wolfgang Bandilla. 2011. "Which technologies do respondents use in online surveys: an international comparison." AAPOR 2011: 66th Annual Conference "Public Perception & Societal Conflict".

Braun, Michael, Dorothée Behr, Wolfgang Bandilla, and Lars Kaczmirek. 2010. "Enhancing the validity of intercultural comparative surveys: the use of supplemental probing techniques in internet surveys." International Workshop on Comparative Survey Design and Implementation (CSDI).

Braun, Michael, Wolfgang Bandilla, Lars Kaczmirek, and Dorothée Behr. 2010. "Enhancing the validity of intercultural comparative surveys: the use of supplemental probing techniques in internet surveys." Arbeitstagung des DFG-Schwerpunktprogramms "Survey Methodology".

Behr, Dorothée, Michael Braun, Wolfgang Bandilla, and Lars Kaczmirek. 2010. "Probing in web surveys." Arbeitstagung des DFG-Schwerpunktprogramms "Survey Methodology".

Behr, Dorothée. 2010. "Qualitätssicherung bei Fragebogenübersetzungen: Prozessanalyse einer Team-Diskussion." LICTRA - IX. Leipziger Internationale Konferenz zu Grundfragen der Translatologie.

Behr, Dorothée. 2010. "Translation evaluation in the team translation approach." International Workshop on Comparative Survey Design and Implementation (CSDI).

Harkness, Janet, Ana Villar, Kathleen Kephart, Dorothée Behr, and Alisú Schoua-Glusberg. 2009. "Research on translation assessment procedures: back translation and expert review." International Workshop on "Comparative Survey Design and Implementation" (CSDI).

Harkness, Janet, Ana Villar, Kathleen Kephart, Alisú Schoua-Glusberg, and Dorothée Behr. 2009. "Survey translation evaluation: back translation versus expert review." AAPOR 2009: 64th Annual Conference "Public Choices in Changing Times".

Harkness, Janet, Ana Villar, Beth-Ellen Penell, and Dorothée Behr. 2008. "Assessing quality in survey translations." AAPOR 2008: 63rd Annual Conference "Polls for the Public Good".

Harkness, Janet, and Dorothée Behr. 2008. "How instrument quality affects translation: Insights from a film of a team translation review." ISR RC33 - 7th International Conference on Social Science Methodology.

Presentation not at a conference

Behr, Dorothée. 2023. "Fragebogenübersetzungen in der Sozialforschung - ein unterschätzter Prozess?" Soziologische Vorträge, Universität Wien, Institut für Soziologie, 2023-10-04.

Behr, Dorothée. 2020. "Übersetzung von Fragebögen: Fragebogenentwicklung, Übersetzungsprozesse und Management." Meet-the-Expert-Reihe, GESIS, Virtuell, 2020-12-10.

Behr, Dorothée. 2017. "Technological and Computational Advances in Translation Research and Industry." 1st SERISS Symposium on Synergies Between Survey Translation and Developments in Translation Sciences.


Behr, Dorothée. 2021. "Online Panel: Translated Instruments: Coverage at the cost of Equity? ("

Behr, Dorothée. 2020. "On the interplay between survey translation and survey programming: Contribution to "chez cApStAn"."

Articles or interviews in non-scientific media

Behr, Dorothée. 2022. "The devil sticks in the detail - Übersetzungsqualität in Umfragen." GESIS Podcast - Die Fakten dicke!, 2023-10-21.

Behr, Dorothée. 2022. "The devil sticks in the detail! Übersetzung in der international vergleichenden Forschung." GESIS Podcast - Die Fakten dicke!, 2023-09-08.


Behr, Dorothée. 2023. "Gendergerechte Sprache in Umfragen - ja, nein, bis zu einem gewissen Grad? (Podiumsdiskussion)." Meet-the-Expert-Reihe bei GESIS. Planung und Moderation der Podiumsdiskussion., 2023-07-13 - 2023-07-13.

Zavala-Rojas, Diana, and Dorothée Behr. 2021. "Session (co-)convener: Investigating the effects of machine translation and post-editing in the TRAPD: an experimental approach." 9th conference of the European Survey Research Association, Online, 2021-07-09.

Brzoska, Patrick, Dorothée Behr, and Steffen Pötzschke. 2019. "Session (co-)convener: Adaptation and Administration of Questionnaires in Surveys on Migrants: Challenges and Solutions ." ESRA 2019 : 8th Conference of the European Survey Research Association, Zagreb (Croatia).

Behr, Dorothée, and Anouk Zabal. 2018. "Co-organization of seminar with OECD." OECD-GESIS Seminar on translating and adapting instruments in large-scale assessments, 2018-06-07 - 2018-06-08.

Behr, Dorothée, Brita Dorer, and Alisú Schoua-Glusberg. 2017. "Questionnaire translation in theory and practice: achievements, challenges, and innovations: Session." ESRA 2017: 7th conference of the European Survey Research Association. Lisbon (Portugal), 2017-07-17 - 2017-07-21.

Behr, Dorothée, Brita Dorer, and Alisú Schoua-Glusberg. 2017. "Session (co-)convener: Questionnaire translation in theory and practice: achievements, challenges and innovations." ESRA 2017: 7th conference of the European Survey Research Association, Lisbon.

Behr, Dorothée. 2017. "Symposium on “Surveying the migrant population: Consideration of linguistic and cultural aspects." Mannheim, 2017-03-14 - 2017-03-15.

Behr, Dorothée, Alisú Schoua-Glusberg, and Brita Dorer. 2015. "Session co-(convenor): What does it mean to produce equivalent questionnaire translations?" ESRA 2015: 6th Conference of the European Survey Research Association, Reykjavik.

Behr, Dorothée, Brita Dorer, and Gijs Van Houten. 2013. "Session (co)-convenor "advancing the field of questionnaire translation: identifying problems, discussing methods, pushing the research agenda." 5th Conference of the European Survey Research Association (ESRA), Ljubljana.

Braun, Michael, and Dorothée Behr. 2013. "Session (co-)convenor "the use of probing questions to evaluate items in intercultural research"." ESRA 2013: 5th Conference of the European Survey Research Association, Ljubljana.

Behr, Dorothée, and Brita Dorer. 2011. "Session (co-)convenor. Pioneering survey translation: Frontier research in questionnaire translation and multilingual measurement instruments I and II (Session)." 4th European Survey Research Association (ESRA) Conference, Lausanne.