easy - An easy insight into the world of social sciences

Current issue: easy (69). Neue Daten und Methoden in der Sozialforschung: digital & transformativ
“Data is the new oil” – this illustrative quote from the advertising industry underlines the boom in the analysis and use of digital data in recent decades. Commercial providers use this data to collect increasingly detailed information about their users and customers in order to develop and personalize their products and services. But digital data cannot only be used to maximize profits. (Social) scientific research is also making increasing use of such data and investigating behavior in a digital context. However, digital research data, just like the proverbial “oil”, comes not only with enormous potentials but also great challenges. This issue continues what was started in easy's last issue (no. 68): We here provide an overview of the diverse disciplinary, methodological, and substantuve approaches to research with and about digital data. In doing do, we aim to underline how these kinds of data can be used to exploit new research opportunities.
Please note: there are three articles in English in this issue. For the other contributions you will find English abstracts in the issue.
- Einführung: Digitalisierungsforschung. Ein Einblick in die Bandbreite der Forschung zu und mit digitalen Daten (Julian Kohne, Josephine B. Schmitt & Johannes Breuer)
- Digitale Methoden in der Politikwissenschaft. Auf dem Weg in virtuelle Welten? (Isabelle Borucki)
- The Dark Web. A Brief Introduction (Felix Soldner)
- Jung, weiblich und extrem rechts. Die narrative Kommunikation weiblicher Akteurinnen auf Instagram (Sandra Kero)
- Periods in the Public Eye. Investigating Risk Perceptions of Data Sharing in Reproductive Health Applications (Annika Deubel & Pauline Heger)
- Making Sense of the Big Data Mess. Why Interdisciplinarity Matters in Smart Cities (Niklas Frechen, Pauline Heger, Christoph Bieber & Mennatullah Hendawy)
Mixed Topics

Who are the Unvaccinated? Determinants of SARS-CoV-2 Vaccinations Among Older Adults Across Europe
(Michael Bergmann, Arne Bethmann, Tessa-Virginia Hannemann & Alexander Tobias Schumacher)
easy (68) - Digitale Gesellschaft(en). Neue Forschungsansätze zur Digitalen Transformation
Digitale Gesellschaft(en). Neue Forschungsansätze zur Digitalen Transformation (2.39 MB)
Digitalization research is an exciting and dynamic field that explores the social, political, economic, cultural and technical implications of digitalization. This issue of easy_social_sciences presents four articles that deal with different aspects of digitization research, from the conception of relevant research questions to the communication of scientific results. This issue highlights the challenges and opportunities that digitalization brings to research, including the organization of research and the handling of new types of data.
- Einführung: Digitalisierungsforschung. Wie wir die digitale Transformation wissenschaftlich erfassen können (Josephine B. Schmitt, Julian Kohne & Johannes Breuer)
- Agile Wissenschaft: Co-Creating Forschung zur digitalen Transformation (Samuel T. Simon & Josephine B. Schmitt)
- Müll rein – Müll raus? Datenqualität im Umgang mit digitalen Verhaltensdaten (Leon Fröhling, Lukas Birkenmaier & Jessica Daikeler)
- Die Verknüpfung von digitalen Verhaltensdaten und Umfragedaten (Julia Weiß & Sebastian Stier)
- Wissenschaftskommunikation in unsicheren, digitalen Zeiten. Eine Interviewstudie mit Kommunikator*innen aus der Digitalisierungsforschung (Matthias Begenat)
easy (67) - Die Bundestagswahl 2021: Perspektiven und Daten aus der deutschen Wahlstudie
Die Bundestagswahl 2021: Perspektiven und Daten aus der deutschen Wahlstudie (4,99 MB)
To what extent do issues such as climate change or place of residence influence voting decisions and attitudes? How do candidates present themselves on Twitter and to what extent do they represent the electorate both in terms of content and socio-demographics? The upcoming issue of easy is dedicated to the 2021 German federal election. Eight articles deal with research questions from the field of electoral research, with a particular focus on data from the German Longitudinal Election Study (GLES).
This issue was published in German.
- Einführung: Die Bundestagswahl 2021: Eine außergewöhnliche Wahl in ungewöhnlichen Zeiten (Joss Roßmann, L. Constantin Wurthmann, Frauke Riebe, Lukas Hetzer & Manuela S. Blumenberg)
- Wie groß war das Vertrauen? Zur Elektoralen Integrität bei der Bundestagswahl 2021 (Maximilian Etzel)
- Links oder rechts? Die ideologische Selbstverortung von Wähler:innen und ihre Wahrnehmung von Parteien in Deutschland Alina S. Dippel, Lukas Hetzer & Axel M. Burger)
- Die Bundestagswahl 2021 auf Twitter (Marius Sältzer & Sebastian Stier)
- Klimawandel & Wahlentscheidung 2021 - eine Frage des Alters? (Frauke Riebe & Jan Marquardt)
- Stadt, Land, Wahl: Welchen Einfluss hat der Wohnort auf die Wahlentscheidung bei der Bundestagswahl 2021? (Anne-Kathrin Stroppe & Nils Jungmann)
- Eine:r von uns? Kandidierende und Wähler:innen zur Bundestagswahl 2021 im Vergleich (L. Constantin Wurthmann & Joscha Bäuerle)
- Data Brief: Die German Longitudinal Election Study (GLES) zur Bundestagswahl 2021 (Joss Roßmann)
easy (66) - Inhalt trifft auf Struktur - Soziale Netzwerkperspektiven
Inhalt trifft auf Struktur - Soziale Netzwerkperspektiven (7,55 MB)
People are embedded in social networks. Who they know (network content) and how the people they know are connected to each other (network structure) influences their identifications, opinions, and behaviors. Bringing together different disciplines, levels of analysis, and data types to explore social networks helps to understand and substantially advance the knowledge on the dynamics and complexity of social interaction. ⇒ Table of Contents, articles (OA)
This issue was also published in German.
- Editorial (Johannes Breuer, Philip Janßen, Lydia Repke & Sophie Zervos)
- Introduction: Network Perspectives – Content Meets Structure (Lydia Repke & Filip Agneessens)
- How Important are Social Networks in Times of Environmental Crises? (Michael Kriegl, Lotta Clara Kluger, Eike Holzkämper, Ben Nagel, Sophia Kochalski & Philipp Gorris)
- High-Resolution Image(s) of Intercultural Contact (Lydia Repke, Elisabeth K. Kraus, Henning Silber, Kamal Kassam, Ipek Bilgen & Timothy P. Johnson)
- Collective Decisions Towards Sustainability (Claire Gauthier & Ana-Maria Bogdan)
- Social Network Analysis with Digital Behavioral Data (Haiko Lietz, Andreas Schmitz & Johann Schaible)