Eurobarometer 42     November-December 1994     ZA No.  2563

The First Year of the 'New European Union'

Special Topics

  • European Parliament and future elections
  • Attitudes towards the European Unification and the image of Italy
  • Attitudes towards other EU countries (trustworthy...)
  • Dietary habits and the risk of cancer
  • Awareness of ECHO (European Community Humanitarian Office)
  • National and political identity
  • Attitudes towards male and female roles in the family
  • Attitudes towards immigrants
  • Consumer behavior with respect to (Cola) soft drinks (France only)

Documents and Data


  • See also special release: European Election Study 1994
  • Data on vote intention (D4) and voting behaviour (D5) are not available for new member countries Austria and Sweden, although (at least) the national field questionnaire for Austria does include both.   
  • Current archive dataset version / update: v1.0.1 (2012)
  • Errata
    • RELIGIOUS DENOMINATION is documented as "Orthodox" for code '3' in the original Eurobarometer codebooks and basic questionnaires starting with survey number 32. This is not correct in the case of the NETHERLANDS. Dutch respondents have been asked for the Protestant section "Gereformeerd" in the place of "Orthodox". Corrected in the ZA codebooks for deliveries after March 16, 1999.


  • European Commission: EUROBAROMETER 42. Public Opinion in the European Community. Brussels, Spring 1995. (Also available in German).
  • INRA (Europe) pour la Commission Européenne, et le European Community Humanitarian Office: Les Européens et ECHO - European Community Humanitarian Office. Bruxelles, février 1995.