Eurobarometer 54.1     November-December 2000     ZA No.  3387

Building Europe and the EU, the European Parliament, Public Safety, and Defence Policy

Special Topics

  • Information about the European Union
  • Knowledge about and trust in European institutions
  • European, national and regional identity
  • Attitudes towards the enlargement of the European Union
  • The role of the European Parliament (including vote intention)
  • Public safety issues 
  • Attitudes towards European defence policy  
  • Trust in national and international institutions

Documents and Data


  • The second edition adds Norwegian data to Eurobarometer 54.1. The survey was conducted by NORSK Gallup in parallel to wave 54.2, but the available subset of variables corresponds to wave 54.1. NORWAY is not part of the official Eurobarometer 54.1.
  • Current archive dataset version / update: v1.1.0 (2012)


  • European Commission: EUROBAROMETER 54. Public Opinion in the European Union. Brussels, April 2001
  • Franz Kernic, Jean Callaghan, Philippe Manigart: Public opinion on European security and defence. A survey of European trends and public attitudes toward CFSP and ESDP. Frankfurt/Main 2002. Peter Lang Verlag. ISBN 0934-3687. (also available in French).
  • European Commission, Drugs Co-ordination Unit, Directorate General for Justice and Home Affairs: Drugs and Security. Public opinion regarding security and victimisation in the EU - contact with drug related problems. Eurobarometer surveys no. 44.3 (1996) and 54.1 (2000). Brussels 2002.