Standard European Union Trend Questions and Sport
Special Topics
- Trust in national, international and European Union institutions
- The international (political) situation (incl. attitudes towards the USA)
- European, national and regional identity
- Attitudes towards education through sport
Documents and Data
- Original data set and documentation supplied by TNS Opinion&Social
- In addition to the ten new member countries, this survey has also been conducted in the four candidate countries (Bulgaria, Romania, Croatia, Turkey) and in the Northern part of Cyprus
- Current archive dataset version / update: v1.1.0 (2012)
- TNS Opinion & Social: Standard Eurobarometer 62. Public Opinion in the European Union. Survey requested and coordinated by the Directorate General Press and Communication (European Commission). Brussels, May 2005.
- Heinz-Herbert Noll, Angelika Scheuer: Kein Herz für Europa? Komparative Indikatoren und Analysen zur europäischen Identität der Bürger. In: Informationsdienst Soziale Indikatoren (ZUMA Publikation), Ausgabe 35, Januar 2006 (ISI 35), p. 1-5.
- TNS Opinion & Social: Special Eurobarometer 213 / Wave 62.0. The Citizens of the European Union and Sport. Survey requested by the Directorate General Education and Culture and coordinated by the Directorate General Press and Communication (European Commission). Brussels, November 2004.