The Future of Europe, Transborder Purchases in the European Union, and Family Planning
Special Topics
- The Future of Europe
- Internal Market (transborder purchases): Consumer protection
- Internal Market (transborder purchases): Opinions and experiences
- Family planning
Documents and Data
- Original data set and documentation supplied by TNS Opinion&Social
- Standard trend questions not included
- In the remaining accession and candidate countries the FAMILY PLANNING module (QC) was surveyed in the framework of Eurobarometer 65.3 (ZA4507).
- Current archive dataset version / update: v1.0.1 (2012)
- TNS Opinion & Social: Special Eurobarometer 251 / Wave 65.1: The Future of Europe. Survey requested and coordinated by Directorate General Press and Communication (European Commission). Brussels, May 2006.
- European Commission, Directorate-General Communication: The future of Europe. Brussels, May 2006. (Qualitative study)
- TNS Opinion & Social: Special Eurobarometer 252 / Wave 65.1: Consumer Protection in the Internal Market. Survey requested by Directorate General SANCO and coordinated by Directorate General Press and Communication (European Commission). Brussels, September 2006.
- TNS Opinion & Social: Special Eurobarometer 254 / Wave 65.1: Internal Market - Opinions and experiences of citizens in EU 25. Survey requested by Directorate General Internal Market and Services and coordinated by Directorate General Press and Communication (European Commission). Brussels, October 2006.
- TNS Opinion & Social / Maria Rita Testa, Vienna Institute of Demography, Austrian Academy of Sciences: Special Eurobarometer 253 / Wave 65.1: Childbearing preferences and family issues in Europe. July 2006. [based on Eurobarometer waves 65.1 (member countries) and 65.3 (accession and candidate countries)]
- Angelika Scheuer, Jörg Dittmann: Berufstätigkeit von Müttern bleibt kontrovers. In: Informationsdienst Soziale Indikatoren (ISI). Ausgabe 38. Juli 2007. GESIS, Mannheim.