Eurobarometer 68.1    September-November 2007     ZA No.  4565

Standard EU Trend Questions, the European Parliament, and Media Coverage

Special Topics

  • Standard EU trends and attitudes towards European integration  
  • The national economic situation
  • Trust in institutions
  • The European Parliament  
  • Media use

Documents and Data


  • Original data set and documentation supplied by TNS Opinion&Social
  • First Archive release as of July 14, 2008


  • TNS Opinion & Social: Standard Eurobarometer 68. Public Opinion in the European Union. Survey requested and coordinated by the Directorate General Press and Communication (European Commission). Brussels, May 2008 (full report).
  • TNS Opinion & Social: Special Eurobarometer 288 / Wave 68.1: The European Parliament. Survey commissioned by the Directorate-General Communication of the European Commission on behalf of the European Parliament. Brussels, March 2008.