Special Topics
- Europeans in 2019 (QA)
- The General Data Protection Regulation / Awareness of the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union (QB)
- Europeans’ attitudes towards vaccination (QC)
Documents and Data
- Original data set and documentation supplied by Kantar Public
- Question module QA ‘Europeans in 2019’ partly replicates questions formerly asked in the framework of Eurobarometer 90.3 (ZA7489) and Eurobarometer 90.2 (ZA7488).
- Question module QB ‘Awareness of the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union’ partly replicates questions formerly asked in the framework of Eurobarometer 83.1 (ZA5964) and Flash Eurobarometer 416 (ZA6286).
- Question module QC ‘Europeans’ attitudes towards vaccination’ was newly introduced.
- Current dataset version: archive pre-release, v1.0.0 as of 2019-08-29, doi:10.4232/1.13318
- European Commission: Special Eurobarometer 486. Europeans in 2019.
Conducted by Kantar Public at the request of Directorate-General for Communication. Survey co-ordinated by the Directorate-General for Communication (DG COMM ‘Media monitoring and Eurobarometer’ Unit). Brussels, March 2019. dx.doi.org/10.2775/754937 - European Commission: Special Eurobarometer 487a. The General Data Protection Regulation.
Conducted by Kantar Public at the request of Directorate-General for Communication. Survey co-ordinated by the Directorate-General for Communication (DG COMM ‘Media monitoring and Eurobarometer’ Unit). Brussels, June 2019. dx.doi.org/10.2838/579882 - European Commission: Special Eurobarometer 487b. Awareness of the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union.
Conducted by Kantar Public at the request of Directorate-General for Communication. Survey co-ordinated by the Directorate-General for Communication (DG COMM ‘Media monitoring and Eurobarometer’ Unit). Brussels, June 2019. dx.doi.org/10.2838/753949 - European Commission: Special Eurobarometer 488. Europeans’ attitudes towards vaccination.
Conducted by Kantar Public at the request of Directorate-General for Communication. Survey co-ordinated by the Directorate-General for Communication (DG COMM ‘Media monitoring and Eurobarometer’ Unit). Brussels, April 2019. dx.doi.org/10.2875/685461