Expectations for the next Year

Eurobarometer 34 to 42 (1990-1994)

And over the next 12 months, how do you think the general economic situation in this country will be? Would you say it will ... ?

And over the next 12 months, do you expect that the financial situation of your household will ... ?

Eurobarometer 84.1 (new)

And would you say that in the coming two years the financial situation of your household will improve a lot, improve somewhat, get somewhat worse or get a lot worse?

Eurobarometer 40 to 42 (1993-1994) in addition

And over the next 12 months, do you think that the employment situation in this country will ... ?

And over the next 12 months, do you think that your job situation will ... ?

  1. get a lot better
  2. get a little better
  3. stay the same
  4. get a little worse
  5. get a lot worse

Eurobarometer 44 ff. (1995-):

What are your expectations for the year to come (the next twelve months): will (...) be better, worse or the same, when it comes to ... ?

  • life in general
  • economic situation in (our country)
  • economic situation in the world [starting with EB 70.1]
  • financial situation of your household
  • employment situation in (our country)
  • your personal job situation situation
  • economic situation in the EU  [starting with EB 67.2]
  • The quality of life in (OUR COUNTRY) [starting with EB 84.3]
  • The quality of life in the EU [starting with EB 84.3]

    Additional items:
  • health care system in (our country) [EB 73.5, 75.4, 77.4]
  • situation of the environment in (our country) [EB 70.1]
  • area you live in [EB 71.2, EB 73.5, 75.4, 77.4]
  • provisions of pensions [EB 71.2, EB 73.5, 75.4, 77.4]
  • unemployment benefits [EB 71.2, EB 73.5, 75.4, 77.4]
  • cost of living [EB 71.2, EB 73.5, 75.4, 77.4]
  • relations between people from different cultural or religious backgrounds or nationalities [EB 71.2, EB 73.5, 75.4, 77.4]
  • way inequalities which might lead to poverty are addressed [EB 71.2, EB 73.5, 75.4, 77.4]
  • affordability of energy [EB 71.2, EB 73.5, 75.4, 77.4]
  • affordability of housing [EB 71.2, EB 73.5, 75.4, 77.4]
  • way public administration runs [EB 71.2, EB 73.5, 75.4, 77.4]
  1. better
  2. worse
  3. same

Eurobarometer 94.2 ff. (2020-):

In one year's time, do you think that each of the following will be better, worse, or the same as today?

  • Your living conditions [EB 94.2, EB 95.3, EB 96.2]
  • The situation of the (NATIONALITY) economy [EB 94.2, EB 95.3, EB 96.2ff.]

See also related trends:

ZA Study Number Eurobarometer Fieldwork Month Fieldwork Year Question Number Variable Name (1)
1960 34.0 10-11 1990 Q.4/Q.6 V20/V22
2081 36 10-11 1991 Q.36/Q.38 V98/V100
2295 38.1 11 1992 Q.5/Q.7 V20/V22
2459 40 10-11 1993 Q.6/Q.8/Q.10/Q.12 V23/V25/V27/V29
2563 42 11-12 1994 Q.6a-d V41-V44
2690 44.1 11-12 1995 Q.2a-e V36-V40
2898 46.0 10-11 1996 Q.4a-e V37-V41
2959 48.0 10-11 1997 Q.4a-e V39-V43
3085 50.0 10-11 1998 Q.5a-e V75-V79
3204 52.0 10-11 1999 Q.8a-e  
3205 52.1 11-12 1999 Q.14b_1 (2)  
3387 54.1 11-12 2000 Q.5a-e  
3627 56.2 10-11 2001 Q.5a-e  
3640 57.2 4-6 2002 Q.5_1 (2)  
3693 58.1 10-11 2002 Q.5  
3938 60.1 10-11 2003 Q.5  
4056 61 2-3 2004 Q.4 (3)  
4229 62.0 10-11 2004 Q.4 (3)  
4411 63.4 5-6 2005 QA4 (3)  
4414 64.2 10-11 2005 QA4 (3)  
4506 65.2 3-5 2006 QA4 (3)  
4526 66.1 9-10 2006 QA4  
4528 66.3 11-12 2006 QA12  
4530 67.2 4-5 2007 QA4 (4)  
4565 68.1 9-11 2007 QA5 (4)  
4744 69.2 3-5 2008 QA4 (4)  
4819 70.1 10-11  2008 QA6 (4)  
4971 71.1 1-2 2009 QA4 (4)  
4972 71.2 5-6 2009 QA3(4)  
4973 71.3 6-7 2009 QA3 (4)  
4975 72.1 8-9 2009 QA38 (5)  
4994 72.4 10-11 2009 QA4 (4)  
5234 73.4 5 2010 QA6 (4)  
5235 73.5 6 2010 QA3(4)  
5449 74.2 11-12 2010 QA5 (4)  
5481 75.3 5 2011 QA6 (6)  
5564 75.4 6 2011 QB3  
5567 76.3 11 2011 QA5  
5612 77.3 5 2012 QA5  
5613 77.4 6 2012 QB3  
5685 78.1 11 2012 QA4  
5689 79.3 5 2013 QA4  
5852 79.4 5-6 2013 QA4 (7)  
5876 80.1 11 2013 QA3 (7)  
5913 81.2 3 2014 QA3 (7)  
5928 81.4 5-6 2014 QA3 (7)  
5929 81.5 6 2014 QA3 (7)  
5932 82.3 11 2014 QA2 (7)  
5998 83.3 5 2015 QA2 (7)  
6596 84.1 9 2015 QP28  
6643 84.3 11 2015 QA2 (7)  
6694 85.2 5 2016 QA2  
6788 86.2 11 2016 QA2  
6863 87.3 5 2017 QA2  
6928 88.3 11 2017 QA2  
6963 89.1 3 2018 QA2  
7489 90.3 11 2018 QA2  
7576 91.5 6-7 2019 QA2  
7601 92.3 11-12 2019 QA2  
7649 93.1 7-8 2020 QA2  
7750 94.2 11-12 2020 SD20  
7780 94.3 2-3 2021 QA2  
7783 95.3 6-7 2021 QA2/SD21  
7847 96.2 11-12 2021 SD20  
7848 96.3 1-2 2022 QA2  
7902 97.5 6-7 2022 QA2  
7953 98.2 1-2 2023 QA2  
7997 99.4 5-6 2023 QA2  
8779 100.2 10-11 2023 QA2  

(1) Please note that the variable names refer to the final ICPSR/ZA codebook editions, if available.

(2) Different question wording and context: And, in two years time, do you think you will be more satisfied, less satisfied or as satisfied as you are today with ...? 1. Your life in general 

(3) Followed by questions about the respondent's present situation compared with five years ago  and in the course of the next five years (improve / same / worse).

(4) For Northern Cyprus the reference to the respective country (OUR COUNTRY) is replaced by "... in the Turkish Cypriote Community".

(5) Single question: "What are your expectations for the next twelve months: will the next twelve months be … when it comes to the financial situation of your household?"

(6) Skips standard items "world economy" and "EU economy".

(7) Skips standard item "world economy".