
The many faces of GESIS


I studied political science and economics at Mannheim University (receiving my BA in 2013) and at the Free University of Berlin (receiving my master's degree in 2015). 

In January 2016, I joined GESIS. I started as a doctoral researcher and worked for the EU-funded SERISS project ("Synergies for Europe’s Research Infrastructures in the Social Sciences") until July 2019. Between August 2018 and January 2021, I worked for the Core Scientific Team of the European Social Survey (ESS), mainly in the areas of fieldwork (preparation and monitoring), quality assessment, and support for a number of participating countries.

Since January 2021, I work as a Postdoc on the national coordination of the European Social Survey in Germany. 


Data collection in face-to-face and self-administered surveys; Quality assurance in data collections; Hard-to-survey populations; Institutionalized populations


Journal article

Schanze, Jan-Lucas. 2023. "Hard-to-Survey and Negligible? The Institutionalized Population in Europe." Survey Research Methods 17 (1): 91-109. doi:

Schanze, Jan-Lucas. 2023. "Response behavior and quality of survey data: Comparing elderly respondents in institutions and private households." Sociological Methods & Research 52 (3): 1519–1555. doi:

Schanze, Jan-Lucas. 2019. "A reply to “Do surveys accurately report voters over 80 years old?”: testing for bias in probability‑based surveys of private households." French Politics 17 (1): 26–44.

Schanze, Jan-Lucas. 2019. "Schwer befragbar und vernachlässigbar? Die Bevölkerung in Gemeinschaftsunterkünften." Informationsdienst Soziale Indikatoren : ISI (62): 13-20. doi:

Schanze, Jan-Lucas, and Stefan Zins. 2019. "Undercoverage of the elderly institutionalized population: The risk of biased estimates and the potentials of weighting." Survey Methods: Insights from the Field.


Schanze, Jan-Lucas. 2021. The institutionalized population and social surveys: Dissertation. Mannheim: Universität Mannheim.

Working and discussion paper

Schanze, Jan-Lucas, Brian Beadle, Stefanie Do, Dalal El Youssoufi, Daniel Felder, Jacob López Gorenflos, Anja Jahn, Emilio Pérez-Bosch Quesada, Tim Rottleb, Fabian Rüter, Anne-Kathrin Stroppe, Sabine Thater, Antoine Verrière, and Meike Weltin. 2020. Being a Doctoral Researcher in the Leibniz Association: 2019 Leibniz PhD Network Survey Report. Leibniz PhD Network.

Schanze, Jan-Lucas, and Task Force on Measuring Older Populations in Institutions by the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE). 2020. Recommendations for measuring older populations in institutions. ECE/CES/STAT/2020/2. Genf: United Nations.

Schanze, Jan-Lucas, Antonio Arcudi, Aida Cumurovic, Christa Gotter, Daniel Graeber, Philippe Joly, Verena Ott, Sabine Thater, Meike Weltin, and Seren Yenikent. 2019. Doctoral Researchers in the Leibniz Association: Final Report of the 2017 Leibniz PhD Survey.

Schanze, Jan-Lucas, and Maayan Levinson. 2019. Surveying the Institutionalized Population: Report on what persons live in institutions and the most relevant institution types they live in, the availability of data to select them and their ability to be reached in practice. SERISS: Deliverable 2.17.

Schanze, Jan-Lucas. 2017. Report on sampling practices for the institutionalized population in social surveys. Deliverable 2.16 of the SERISS project funded under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme GA No: 654221.

Presentation at a conference

Schanze, Jan-Lucas, Caroline Hahn, and Oshrat Hochman. 2024. "Pushing older target persons to the web: Do we still need a paper questionnaire?" General Online Research Conference 2024 (GOR 24), Rheinische Fachhochschule Köln, 2024-02-23.

Schanze, Jan-Lucas, Michael Blohm, Tobias Gummer, Pablo Christmann, Joss Roßmann, Christof Wolf, and Achim Koch. 2023. "Effects of Different Incentive Strategies on Response, Sample Composition, and Costs in Self-Completion Surveys." ESRA 2023 Conference, University of Milan-Bicocca, 2023-07-20.

Hahn, Caroline, Jan-Lucas Schanze, Niklas Donth, and Oshrat Hochman. 2023. "Same, Same, Not So Different? Switching the ESS in Germany From Face-to-Face to Self-Completion and Its Implications for Data Quality and Sample Composition." ESRA 2023 Conference, Milano, Italy, 2023-07-18.

Schanze, Jan-Lucas. 2021. "Response behavior and quality of survey data: Comparing elderly respondents in institutions and private households." RC33 Online conference, 2021-09-10.

Schanze, Jan-Lucas, and Verena Halbherr. 2019. "A brief guide on if and how to survey institutional residents." 4th International ESS Conference, 2019-04-16.

Schanze, Jan-Lucas. 2019. "Institutional Populations: Survey practices on how to reach and interview hard-to-survey respondents." ESRA 2019 : 8th Conference of the European Survey Research Association, Zagreb (Croatia), 2019-07-19.

Schanze, Jan-Lucas, and Stefan Zins. 2017. "The institutionalized population in survey research: Assessing the peril of coverage bias with cross-national survey data." ESRA 2017: 7th Conference of the European Survey Research Association, 2017-07-17.

Schanze, Jan-Lucas. 2016. "Extending the coverage to non-private citizens: Exclusion of the institutional population and the comparability of administrative data in Europe." Conference of European Statistics Stakeholders.

Schanze, Jan-Lucas. 2016. "Extending the coverage to the institutional population : Existing sampling frames and research designs to reach hard-to-survey groups." Frühjahrstagung der Methodensektion der DVPW.

Presentation not at a conference

Schanze, Jan-Lucas. 2019. "Response behavior and data quality in a survey of elderly respondents: Comparing community-dwelling and institutionalized respondents in SHARE." Joint German & Dutch SHARE User Workshop, 2019-05-16.

Schanze, Jan-Lucas. 2018. "A reply to “Do surveys accurately report voters over 80 years old?” – Testing for artefacts in probability-based surveys of private households." ESS Data Workshop, 2018-04-20.

Schanze, Jan-Lucas. 2016. "Population Coverage: Institutional Population." ESS ERIC Field Directors meeting.