
The many faces of GESIS


Jara Kampmann works in the Secure Data Center which provides researchers with access to data requiring special protection.


For her dissertation she analyzes "Atheists' Role in the Value Changes of European Societies".


Chapter in an edited book

Balaban, Ebru, Dafina Kurti, and Jara Kampmann. 2018. "Comparing Sibling Ties in Inter-ethnic and Intra-ethnic Families in Germany." In Making Multicultural Families in Europe: Gender and Intergenerational Relations, edited by Isabella Crespi, Laura Merla, and Stefania Giada Meda, London: Palgrave Macmillan. doi:

Behringer, Friederike, Jara Kampmann, and Bernd Käpplinger. 2009. "Theoretische Erklärungsansätze zur betrieblichen Weiterbildungsbeteiligung." In Betriebliche Weiterbildung – der Continuing Vocational Training Survey (CVTS) im Spiegel nationaler und europäischer Perspektiven, edited by Friederike Behringer, Bernd Käpplinger, and G. Pätzold, Zeitschrift für Berufs- und Wirtschaftspädagogik / Beihefte 22, 35-53.

Working and discussion paper

Kampmann, Jara, Karoline Harzenetter, Pamela Wronski, Evelyn Brislinger, and Ivet Solanes Ros. 2014. Data Processing Toolkit: Help, Tools and Features.

Brislinger, Evelyn, Emile de Nijs Bik, Karoline Harzenetter, Kristina Hauser, Jara Kampmann, Dafina Kurti, Ruud Luijk, Verena Ortmanns, Josja Rokven, Inge Sieben, Ivet Solanes Ros, Kirsten Stam, Steve van de Weijer, Eva van Vlimmeren, and Wolfgang Zenk-Möltgen. 2011. European Values Study 2008: project and data management. GESIS Technical Reports 2011/14. Mannheim: GESIS.

Behringer, Friederike, Jara Kampmann, Bernd Käpplinger, R. Descamps, and R. Angotti. 2010. Final Report - Evaluation and interpretation of the third European Continuing Vocational Training Survey (CVTS3). EU-Project “Evaluation and interpretation of the third European Continuing Vocational Training Survey (CVTS3)" by order of European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training (CEDEFOP).

Behringer, Friederike, Jara Kampmann, Bernd Käpplinger, R. Descamps, and R. Angotti. 2009. Interim Report - Evaluation and interpretation of the third European Continuing Vocational Training Survey (CVTS3). EU-Project “Evaluation and interpretation of the third European Continuing Vocational Training Survey (CVTS3)" by order of European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training (CEDEFOP).

Kampmann, Jara. 2007. Does Czech Civil Society Converge with Western Models? - Democratic Heritage versus Communist Heritage. EU-Project: “The Role of Organized Civil Society for the Transition to Democracy in the Czech Republic (CISOCICZ)”. Centre for Social and Economic Strategies (CESES), Department of Public and Social Policies, Charles University Prague, Czech Republic.

Grote, Jürgen, and Jara Kampmann. 2007. General Monitoring Report – Germany. SCSPN Research Network on Social Capital coordinated by ESOC Laboratory (London School of Economics and Political Science). Centre for Social and Economic Strategies (CESES), Department of Public and Social Policies, Charles University Prague, Czech Republic.

Grote, Jürgen, and Jara Kampmann. 2007. Migration and Migration Policies – German Country Report. SCSPN Research Network on Social Capital coordinated by ESOC Laboratory (London School of Economics and Political Science). Centre for Social and Economic Strategies (CESES), Department of Public and Social Policies, Charles University Prague, Czech Republic.

Variable Report

European Values Study, and GESIS, ed. 2016. EVS 2008 - Variable Report Integrated Dataset: Documentation release 2016/04/15, Related to the Integrated Datasets,GESIS Study-No. ZA4800, Version: 4.0.0, doi:10.4232/1.12458 and GESIS Study-No. ZA4799, Version: 1.0.0, doi:10.4232/1.12483. Variable Reports 2016|2. Cologne: GESIS .

European Values Study, and GESIS, ed. 2015. EVS 1981-2008 Variable Report Longitudinal data Files: Documentation release 2015/12/21, Related to the Longitudinal data Files, GESIS-Study-No. ZA4804, Version: 3.0.0, doi: 10.4232/1.12253 and GESIS-Study-No. ZA5174, Version: 1.0.0, doi:10.4232/1.5174. Variable Reports 2015|29. Cologne: GESIS .

European Values Study, and GESIS, ed. 2014. EVS 1981 - 2008 Variable Report Longitudinal Data File: Documentation release 2013/09/30, Related to the Longitudinal Data File, GESIS Study-No. ZA4804, Version: 2.0.0, doi:10.4232/1.11005. Variable Reports 2014|11. Cologne: GESIS .

European Values Study, and GESIS, ed. 2013. EVS 1981 - Variable Report Integrated Dataset: Documentation release 2013/09/30, Related to the Integrated Dataset GESIS Study-No. ZA4438, Version: 3.0.0, doi: 10.4232/1.10791. Variable Reports 2013|24. Cologne: GESIS .

European Values Study, and GESIS, ed. 2013. EVS 1990 - Variable Report Integrated Dataset: Documentation release 2013/09/30, Related to the Integrated Dataset, GESIS Study-No. ZA4460, Version: 3.0.0, doi: 10.4232/1.10790. Variable Reports 2013|25. Cologne: GESIS .

European Values Study, and GESIS, ed. 2013. EVS 1999 - Variable Report Integrated Dataset: Documentation release 2013/09/30, Related to the Integrated Dataset GESIS Study-No. ZA3811, Version: 3.0.0, doi: 10.4232/1.10789. Variable Reports 2013|26. Cologne: GESIS .

European Values Study, and GESIS, ed. 2013. EVS 2008 - Variable Report Integrated Dataset: Documentation release 2013/09/30, related to the integrated dataset GESIS Study-No. ZA4800, version: 3.0.0, doi: 10.4232/1.11004. Variable Reports 2013|27. Cologne: GESIS .

European Values Study, and GESIS, ed. 2011. EVS 1981 - Variable Report Integrated Dataset: Documentation release 2011/12/20, Related to the Integrated Dataset, GESIS Study No. ZA4438, Version: 3.0.0, doi: 10.4232/1.10791. Variable Reports 2011|06. Cologne: GESIS .

European Values Study, and GESIS, ed. 2011. EVS 1981-2008 Variable Report Longitudinal Data File: Documentation of the data: pre release 30/04/11, Related to the Longitudinal Data File Archive-Study-No. ZA4804, Version: 1.0.0, doi:10.4232/1.4804. Variable Reports 2011|01. Cologne: GESIS .

European Values Study, and GESIS, ed. 2011. EVS 1999 - Variable Report Integrated Dataset: Documentation of the data release 2011/12/20, Related to the Integrated Dataset Archive-Study-No. ZA3811, Version: 3.0.0, doi: 10.4232/1.10789. Variable Reports 2011|08. Cologne: GESIS .

European Values Study, and GESIS, ed. 2010. EVS 2008 - Variable Report Integrated Dataset: Documentation of the first data release in June 2010, Related to the Integrated Dataset Archive-Study-No. ZA4800, Version: 1.0.0, doi: 10.4232/1.10059. Variable Reports 2010|01. Cologne: GESIS .

European Values Study, and GESIS, ed. 2010. EVS 2008 - Variable Report Integrated Dataset: Documentation of the full data release 30/11/10, Related to the Integrated Dataset Archive-Study-No. ZA4800, Version: 2.0.0, doi:10.4232/1.10188. Variable Reports 2010|129. Cologne: GESIS .


Kampmann, Jara. 2017. Syntax Files: Multicultural Families in Germany: The Role of Culture in Sibling Relationships (Chapter 15): GESIS Data Archive. doi:

Other article

Kampmann, Jara, Thorsten Kempf, and Sofia Schuster. 2008. "Vorbericht zur Kommunalwahl am 2. März 2008." Abteilung Statistik und Stadtforschung, Stadt Erlangen, Statistik aktuell Bericht 1/2008.

Kampmann, Jara. 2006. "Are The ‘Velvet’ Revolutions Completed? – Determinants of value orientations in former communist countries." In Master thesis for ‘Sociology and Social Research’ masterprogram, Utrecht University, Netherlands,

Presentation at a conference

Kampmann, Jara. 2019. "Does Atheism Matter? Atheists’ attitudes towards homosexuality in Europe." International Society for Sociology of Religion 35th Conference, Barcelona (Spain), 09.-12.07.2019, 2019-07-09.

Kampmann, Jara. 2019. "Does Atheism Matter? Atheists’ attitudes towards homosexuality in Europe – EVS Data Revisited." First International Workshop of EVS 2017, Tbilisi (Georgia), 09.-10.10.2019, 2019-10-10.

Kampmann, Jara. 2017. "Measurement of Atheism: An Evaluation of Measures in European Context." International Society for Sociology of Religion 34th Conference, Lausanne (Switzerland) 03.-07.07.2017.

Kampmann, Jara. 2016. "Does Atheism Matter? Atheists’ attitudes towards homosexuality in Europe." Religion and non-religion in contemporary societies - Theoretical, Empirical and Methodological Challenges for Research in Central and Eastern Europe and Beyond -12th ISORECEA conference & ESA RN34 mid-term conference, Zadar (Croatia), 21.-24.4.2016.

Kampmann, Jara. 2016. "Does Atheism matter? Atheism's influence on homophobia in Europe." Annual Meeting of Society for the Scientific Study of Religion/ Religious Research Association 2016, Atlanta (USA), 28.-30.10.2016.

Kampmann, Jara. 2016. "Measurement of Atheism." Religion and non-religion in contemporary societies - Theoretical, Empirical and Methodological Challenges for Research in Central and Eastern Europe and Beyond -12th ISORECEA conference & ESA RN34 mid-term conference, Zadar (Croatia), 21.-24.04.2016.

Kampmann, Jara. 2015. "Homophobia and Atheism." ESRA 2015: 6th Conference of the European Survey Research Association, Reykjavik (Iceland), 13.-17.07.2015.

Kampmann, Jara. 2013. "Measurement of Atheism." ESRA 2013: 5th Conference of the European Survey Research Association, Ljubljana (Slovenia), 15.-19.07.2013.

Kampmann, Jara. 2011. European Values Study - international conference on the Value(s) of Europe, Tilburg (Netherlands), 23.-25.11.2011.

Kampmann, Jara. 2011. "Atheists’ Role in Societies’ Value Shifts in Europe Part I – ‘Atheist-Proportion-Development’-Typology – Generation of a Cross-European Typology based on APC and Cluster Analysis." ESRA 2011: 4th Conference of the European Survey Research Association, Lausanne (Switzerland), 18.-22.07.2011.

Kampmann, Jara. 2007. ESRA 2007: 2nd Conference of the European Survey Research Association, Prague (Czech Republic), 25.-29.07.2007.

Presentation not at a conference

Kampmann, Jara. 2022. "Secure Data Center." Economic and Social Sciences goINg FAIR Implementation Network (EcoSoc) - Workshop: Remote Access, 2022-02-17.

Silberman, Roxane, Jara Kampmann, Maurice Brandt, Eric Debonnel, Katharina E. Kinder-Kurlanda, Mathias Zenke, Philippe Donnay, and Kamel Gadouche. 2015. "Proof of Concept for a European Network of Secure Remote Access Systems: Presentation and demonstration." Data without Boundaries, European Data Access Forum 2015, Luxembourg (Luxembourg), 24.-25.03.2015.

Harzenetter, Karoline, and Jara Kampmann. 2010. "Life Satisfaction - Women in the Stress Field between Modernization and Personal Gender Role Attitudes." Third European Values Study (EVS) Workshop, Bilbao (Spain), 18.-22.10.2010.

Kampmann, Jara. 2008. "Data Anonymization and NACE Standardization." European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training (CEDEFOP), Thessaloniki (Greece), 10.-11.09.2008.

Kampmann, Jara, and Jürgen Grote. 2007. First Social Capital and Social Policy Network Project (SCSPN) 2007 Project Kick-Off-Meeting, 2007-02-03.

Kampmann, Jara. 2007. "National Presentation – Germany." Second Social Capital and Social Policy Network Project (SCSPN) 2007 Project Meeting, Prague (Czech Republic), 2007-06-21.


Kampmann, Jara. 2014. "Computerunterstützte Datenanalyse mit SPSS." WS 2013/2014: 2 SWS.

Expert report

Kampmann, Jara. 2020. "Tomáš Bubík, Atko Remmel and David Václavík (eds.) Freethought and Atheism in Central and Eastern Europe - The Development of Secularity and Non-Religion London: Routledge, 2020. 346 pages. ISBN: 9780367226312 (hardback)." Anzahl: 1.


Kampmann, Jara. 2010. "First European Values Study (EVS) Workshop." Cologne, 2010-01-11 - 2010-01-15.