
The many faces of GESIS


Joss Rossmann received a Ph.D. in social sciences (Dr. rer. soc.) from the University of Mannheim in 2015 (Thesis: "Satisficing in Befragungen: Theorie, Messung und Erklärung" [Satisficing in Surveys: Theory, Measurement, and Explanation]). He studied sociology and political science at the Technische Universität Dresden (TU Dresden) where he obtained a Master of Arts (Magister Artium). His master’s thesis, entitled: "The determinants of criminal behaviour. An empirical examination of the general theory of crime, the theory of expected utility, and the influence of social norms” (Determinanten kriminellen Handelns. Ein empirischer Test der General Theory of Crime, der Werterwartungstheorie und des Einflusses von Normen) was awarded with the graduate award of the faculty of philosophy.


  • Deputy head of the team National Election Studies (NES)
  • Project manager for the panels surveys of the German Longitudinal Election Study (GLES)
  • Analyses of data quality and innovating survey design
  • Data protection


  • Survey methodology
    • Total survey error and data quality
    • Survey and questionnaire design
    • Survey satisficing and inattentive response
    • Nonresponse and attrition biases
    • Collection and analysis of paradata in survey research
  • Political sociology
    • Survey design and data collection for electoral research
    • Social media use by candidates in election campaigns


Journal article

Daikeler, Jessica, Joss Roßmann, David Bretschi, Tobias Gummer, and Henning Silber. 2024. "Instructed Response Item Attention Checks in Mixed-Mode Questionnaires: Evidence from a Probability-Based Mail and Online Panel." Field Methods. doi:

Gummer, Tobias, Jan Karem Höhne, Tobias Rettig, Joss Roßmann, and Mirjan Kummerow. 2023. "Is there a growing use of mobile devices in web surveys? Evidence from 128 web surveys in Germany." Quality & Quantity 57 (6): 5333-5353. doi:

Neuert, Cornelia, Joss Roßmann, and Henning Silber. 2023. "Using eye-tracking methodology to study grid question designs in web surveys." Journal of Official Statistics 39 (1): 79-101. doi:

Roßmann, Joss. 2022. "Data Brief: Die German Longitudinal Election Study (GLES) zur Bundestagswahl 2021." easy_social_sciences (67): 72-77. doi:

Roßmann, Joss, L. Constantin Wurthmann, Frauke Riebe, Lukas Hetzer, and Manuela S. Blumenberg. 2022. "Einführung - Die Bundestagswahl 2021: Eine außergewöhnliche Wahl in ungewöhnlichen Zeiten." easy_social_sciences (67): 4-8. doi:

Silber, Henning, Joss Roßmann, and Tobias Gummer. 2022. "The Issue of Non-Compliance in Attention Check Questions: False-Positives in Instructed Response Items." Field Methods 34 (4): 346-360. doi:

Silber, Henning, Joss Roßmann, Tobias Gummer, Stefan Zins, and Kai Willem Weyandt. 2021. "The Effects of Question, Respondent, and Interviewer Characteristics on Two Types of Item Nonresponse." Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series A (Statistics in Society) 184 (3): 1052-1069. doi:

Gummer, Tobias, Joss Roßmann, and Henning Silber. 2021. "Using instructed response items as attention checks in web surveys: Properties and implementation." Sociological Methods & Research 50 (1): 238-264. doi:

Schmidt, Katharina, Tobias Gummer, and Joss Roßmann. 2020. "Effects of Respondent and Survey Characteristics on the Response Quality of an Open-Ended Attitude Question in Web Surveys." methods, data, analyses 14 (1): 3-34. doi:

Gummer, Tobias, Vera Vogel, Tanja Kunz, and Joss Roßmann. 2020. "Let’s put a smile on that scale: Findings from three web survey experiments." International Journal of Market Research 62 (1): 18–26. doi:

Roßmann, Joss, Tobias Gummer, and Lars Kaczmirek. 2020. "Working with User Agent Strings in Stata: The parseuas Command." Journal of Statistical Software 92 (February 2020): 16. doi:

Gummer, Tobias, Franziska Quoß, and Joss Roßmann. 2019. "Does increasing mobile device coverage reduce heterogeneity in completing web surveys on smartphones?" Social Science Computer Review 37 (3): 371-384. doi:

Gummer, Tobias, Manuela S. Blumenberg, and Joss Roßmann. 2019. "Learning effects in coders and their implications for managing content analyses." International Journal of Social Research Methodology. doi:

Gummer, Tobias, and Joss Roßmann. 2019. "The effects of propensity score weighting on attrition biases in attitudinal, behavioral, and socio-demographic variables in a short-term web-based panel survey." International Journal of Social Research Methodology. doi:

Roßmann, Joss, Tobias Gummer, and Henning Silber. 2018. "Mitigating Satisficing in Cognitively Demanding Grid Questions: Evidence from Two Web-Based Experiments." Journal of Survey Statistics and Methodology 6 (3): 376-400. doi:

Silber, Henning, Joss Roßmann, and Tobias Gummer. 2018. "When Near Means Related: Evidence from Three Web Survey Experiments on Inter-Item Correlations in Grid Questions." International Journal of Social Research Methodology 21 (3): 275-288. doi:

Quinlan, Stephen, Tobias Gummer, Joss Roßmann, and Christof Wolf. 2018. "‘Show me the money and the party!’ – variation in Facebook and Twitter adoption by politicians." Information, Communication & Society 21 (8): 1031-1049. doi:

Roßmann, Joss, and Tobias Gummer. 2016. "Using Paradata to Predict and Correct for Panel Attrition." Social Science Computer Review 34 (3): 312-332. doi:

Gummer, Tobias, and Joss Roßmann. 2015. "Explaining Interview Duration in Web Surveys: A Multilevel Approach." Social Science Computer Review 33 (2): 217-234. doi:

Roßmann, Joss, Jan Eric Blumenstiel, and Markus Steinbrecher. 2015. "Why Do Respondents Break Off Web Surveys and Does It Matter? Results From Four Follow-up Surveys." International Journal of Public Opinion Research 27 (2): 289-302. doi:

Gummer, Tobias, and Joss Roßmann. 2013. "Good Questions, Bad Questions? A Post-survey Evaluation Strategy Based on Item Nonresponse." Survey Methods : Insights from the Field August.

Chapter in an edited book

Roßmann, Joss, and Henning Silber. 2020. "Satisficing and measurement error." In SAGE research methods foundations, edited by Paul A. Atkinson, Sara Delamont, Alexandru Cernat, Joseph W. Sakshaug, and Richard A. Williams, online first. Thousand Oaks: Sage Publications. doi:

Bauer, Irina, and Joss Roßmann. 2019. "Wirtschaftliche Entwicklung." In Zwischen Polarisierung und Beharrung : die Bundestagswahl 2017, edited by Sigrid Roßteutscher, Rüdiger Schmitt-Beck, Harald Schoen, Bernhard Weßels, and Christof Wolf, Wahlen in Deutschland 3, 263-278. Baden-Baden: Nomos. doi:

Roßmann, Joss, Manuela S. Blumenberg, and Tobias Gummer. 2017. "Einleitung." In Bericht zur Datenqualität der GLES 2013, edited by Joss Roßmann, Manuela S. Blumenberg, and Tobias Gummer, GESIS Papers 2017/13, 11-15. doi:

Gummer, Tobias, and Joss Roßmann. 2017. "Item-Nonresponse." In Bericht zur Datenqualität der GLES 2013, edited by Joss Roßmann, Manuela S. Blumenberg, and Tobias Gummer, GESIS Papers 2017/13, 85-112. doi:

Roßmann, Joss. 2017. "Outcome Rates." In Bericht zur Datenqualität der GLES 2013, edited by Joss Roßmann, Manuela S. Blumenberg, and Tobias Gummer, GESIS Papers 2017/13, 16-24. Köln: GESIS. doi:

Roßmann, Joss, Tobias Gummer, and Christof Wolf. 2014. "Twitter im Wahlkampf." In Zwischen Fragmentierung und Konzentration: Die Bundestagswahl 2013, edited by Rüdiger Schmitt-Beck, Hans Rattinger, Sigrid Roßteutscher, Bernhard Weßels, and Christof Wolf, Wahlen in Deutschland 2, 61-72. Baden-Baden: Nomos. doi:

Roßmann, Joss, Manuela S. Blumenberg, and Tobias Gummer. 2013. "Einleitung." In Bericht zur Datenqualität der GLES 2009, edited by Manuela S. Blumenberg, Joss Roßmann, and Tobias Gummer, GESIS - Technical Reports 2013/14, 12-13.

Gummer, Tobias, and Joss Roßmann. 2013. "Item-nonresponse." In Bericht zur Datenqualität der GLES 2009, edited by Manuela S. Blumenberg, Joss Roßmann, and Tobias Gummer, GESIS - Technical Reports 2013/14, 40-132.

Roßmann, Joss. 2013. "Response rates." In Bericht zur Datenqualität der GLES 2009, edited by Manuela S. Blumenberg, Joss Roßmann, and Tobias Gummer, GESIS - Technical Reports 2013/14, 14-21.

Roßmann, Joss. 2008. "Sozialer Zusammenhalt und medienvermittelte Kommunikation: Wie verändern moderne Medien ehrenamtliches Engagement?" In Unterstützung und Ausgrenzung durch sozialen Zusammenhalt: Human- und Sozialkapital in der empirischen soziologischen Forschung, edited by Guido Mehlkop, and Peter Graeff, Dresdner Beiträge zur Soziologie 3, 61-89. Münster: Monsenstein u. Vannerdat.


Roßmann, Joss. 2017. Satisficing in Befragungen: Theorie, Messung und Erklärung. Schriftenreihe der ASI – Arbeitsgemeinschaft Sozialwissenschaftlicher Institute. Wiesbaden: Springer VS. doi:

Working and discussion paper

Kunz, Tanja, Christoph Beuthner, Patricia Hadler, Joss Roßmann, and Ines Schaurer. 2020. Informing about web paradata collection and use. GESIS Survey Guidelines. Mannheim: GESIS - Leibniz institute for the Social Sciences. doi:

Roßmann, Joss, Manuela S. Blumenberg, and Tobias Gummer. 2017. Bericht zur Datenqualität der GLES 2013. GESIS Papers 2017/13. Köln: GESIS. doi:

Blumenberg, Manuela S., Joss Roßmann, and Tobias Gummer. 2013. Bericht zur Datenqualität der GLES 2009. GESIS - Technical Reports 2013/14.

Steinbrecher, Markus, Joss Roßmann, and Michael Bergmann. 2013. Das Wahlkampf-Panel der German Longitudinal Election Study 2009: Konzeption, Durchführung, Aufbereitung und Archivierung. GESIS-Technical Reports 2013/17. Köln: GESIS.

Steinbrecher, Markus, Joss Roßmann, and Michael Bergmann. 2013. The short-term campaign panel of the German Longitudinal Election Study 2009: design, implementation, data preparation, and archiving. GESIS -Technical Reports 2013/20. Köln: GESIS.


Glinitzer, Konstantin, Tobias Gummer, Nils Jungmann, Malte Kaukal, and Joss Roßmann. 2021. PLZTOWKNR: Stata module to translate German zip codes into electoral districts: (Version: 2.0) [Computer Software]. Chestnut Hill, MA: Boston College.

Roßmann, Joss, and Tobias Gummer. 2020. PARSEUAS: Stata Module to Extract Detailed Information From User Agent Strings (Version: 1.4): [Computer Software]. Chestnut Hill, MA: Boston College.

Roßmann, Joss. 2017. RESPDIFF: Stata module for generating response differentiation indices (Version 1.0): [Computer Software]. Chestnut Hill, MA: Boston College.

Roßmann, Joss. 2015. RSPEEDINDEX: Stata module to compute a response speed index and perform outlier identification (Version: 0.4) [Computer Software]. Chestnut Hill, MA: Boston College.

Roßmann, Joss. 2015. SPEEDERGLES: Stata module to compute the GLES response speed index (Version: 1.0): Computer Software: Chestnut Hill, MA: Boston College.

Presentation at a conference

Roßmann, Joss, Sebastian Lundmark, Henning Silber, and Tobias Gummer. 2024. "Comparing Various Types of Attention Checks in Web-Based Questionnaires: Experimental Evidence from the German Internet Panel and the Swedish Citizen Panel." General Online Research Conference 2024 (GOR 24), Rheinische Fachhochschule Köln, Köln, 2024-02-22.

Lundmark, Sebastian, Henning Silber, Joss Roßmann, and Tobias Gummer. 2023. "Comparing Different Types of Respondents' Attentiveness Measures: Experimental Evidence from the German Internet Panel and the Swedish Citizen Panel." 10th conference of the European Survey Research Association (ESRA), Milan, Italy, 2023-07-17.

Schanze, Jan-Lucas, Michael Blohm, Tobias Gummer, Pablo Christmann, Joss Roßmann, Christof Wolf, and Achim Koch. 2023. "Effects of Different Incentive Strategies on Response, Sample Composition, and Costs in Self-Completion Surveys." ESRA 2023 Conference, University of Milan-Bicocca, 2023-07-20.

Bucher, Hannah, and Joss Roßmann. 2023. "Enhancing Model-Based Adjustments of Non- probability Surveys: Selecting Auxiliary Variables Based on Theoretical Assumptions about their Association with Survey Participation and Variables of Interest." 10th conference of the European Survey Research Association (ESRA), Milan, Italy, 2023-07-17.

Roßmann, Joss. 2023. "Promises and Perils of Using Quick Response Codes in Probability-Based Web Panel Surveys." General Online Research (GOR) 2023, Universität Kassel, Kassel, 2023-09-21.

Roßmann, Joss. 2023. "The Effects of Using Sample Tranches and Delayed Conditional Incentives on Survey Response and Data Quality in the Self-Completion Mixed-Mode Pre-Election Survey of the GLES 2021." 10th conference of the European Survey Research Association (ESRA), Milan, Italy, 2023-07-17.

Silber, Henning, Joss Roßmann, and Tobias Gummer. 2022. "Comparing four different types of respondents’ attentiveness measures: Experimental evidence from the probability-based German Internet Panel." World Association for Public Opinion Research (WAPOR) Conference, Dubai, United Arab Emirates, 2022-11-13.

Roßmann, Joss, Axel Burger, Tobias Gummer, and Henning Silber. 2022. "Noncompliance with Attention Checks in Web Surveys: Can We Train False Positives to Become Compliant?" GOR22 : General Online Research Conference , HTW Berlin, Berlin, 2022-09-07.

Daikeler, Jessica, Joss Roßmann, Tobias Gummer, David Bretschi, and Henning Silber. 2021. "Does Failing an Attention Check Relate to Survey Mode and Representativeness?" 76th American Association for Public Opinion Research (AAPOR) Conference, Virtual, Munich, 2021-05-13.

Silber, Henning, Joss Roßmann, and Tobias Gummer. 2019. "Attention checks in web surveys: The issue of false positives due to non-compliance." GOR 19 : General Online Research Conference, 2019-03-11.

Roßmann, Joss. 2019. "Effects of survey design and smartphone use on response quality: Evidence from a web survey experiment." GOR 19 : General Online Research Conference, 2019-03-06.

Roßmann, Joss, Tobias Gummer, David Bretschi, and Jessica Daikeler. 2019. "Using Attention Checks in Mail Questionnaires and Probability-Based Samples: Initial Evidence from a Mixed-Mode Survey Experiment." ESRA 2019 : 8th Conference of the European Survey Research Association, Zagreb (Croatia), 2019-07-16.

Roßmann, Joss, Cornelia Neuert, and Henning Silber. 2019. "Using Eye-Tracking to Study the Effects of Three Different Grid Question Designs on Response Burden in Web Surveys." ESRA 2019: 8th Conference of the European Survey Research Association. Zagreb (Croatia), 2019-07-15.

Bucher, Hannah, Marie Kühn, and Joss Roßmann. 2018. "Coverage Bias in Election Research Using Data From Social Media." BigSurv18, 2018-10-26.

Roßmann, Joss, and Tobias Gummer. 2018. "Do modifications to the traditional grid question design reduce the respondents’ burden and increase response quality?" General Online Research (GOR18), 2018-02-28.

Gummer, Tobias, Joss Roßmann, and Henning Silber. 2017. "Does the Exposure to an Instructed Response Item Attention Check Affect Response Behavior?" General Online Research Conference (GOR 2017).

Roßmann, Joss. 2017. "How Stable is Satisficing in Online Panel Surveys?" General Online Research (GOR17), 2017-03-15.

Silber, Henning, Tobias Gummer, and Joss Roßmann. 2017. "Question Characteristics and Response Behavior." ESRA 2017: 7th Conference of the European Survey Research Association.

Schmidt, Katharina, Tobias Gummer, and Joss Roßmann. 2017. "What Characteristics Affect the Response Quality of Open-ended Attitude Questions? A Study on Respondent and Survey Level Factors in Web Surveys." ESRA 2017: 7th Conference of the European Survey Research Association, 2017-07-17.

Gummer, Tobias, Joss Roßmann, and Henning Silber. 2017. "Who fails and who passes instructed response item attention checks in web surveys?" ESRA 2017: 7th Conference of the European Survey Research Association.

Roßmann, Joss. 2017. "Within-Respondent Variation in Satisficing across Waves of a Panel Survey." ESRA 2017: 7th Conference of the European Survey Research Association, 2017-07-17.

Gummer, Tobias, and Joss Roßmann. 2016. "Propensity score weighting in a web-based panel survey: Comparing the effects on attrition biases in attitudinal, behavioral, and socio-demographic variables." General Online Research Conference (GOR 2016), 2016-03-02.

Roßmann, Joss, Tobias Gummer, and Stephen Quinlan. 2016. "The effects of using Facebook and Twitter on candidates’ electoral success: The case of the German Federal Election 2013." General Online Research Conference (GOR 2016), 2016-03-02.

Quinlan, Stephen, Tobias Gummer, Joss Roßmann, and Christof Wolf. 2015. "Show me the money and the party: Social media adoption by candidates in the 2013 German elections." EPSA 2015: 5th Annual General Conference of the European Political Science Association, 2015-06-25.

Quinlan, Stephen, Tobias Gummer, Joss Roßmann, and Christof Wolf. 2015. "Social media in election campaigns: Different channels, different patterns?" GOR 15: General Online Research Conference.

Gummer, Tobias, Joss Roßmann, and Christof Wolf. 2014. "Candidates’ Twitter Use in the German Election 2013." GOR 14 : General Online Research Conference.

Roßmann, Joss, and Tobias Gummer. 2014. "Using Paradata to Predict and to Correct for Panel Attrition in a Web-Based Panel Survey." GOR 14 : General Online Research Conference.

Gummer, Tobias, and Joss Roßmann. 2013. "Explaining interview duration in web surveys on political attitudes and behavior: a multilevel approach." 66th Annual Conference of the World Association for Public Opinion Research (WAPOR).

Roßmann, Joss. 2013. "Identifying and mitigating satisficing in web surveys: some experimental evidence." 5th Conference of the European Survey Research Association (ESRA), 2013-07-15.

Roßmann, Joss. 2013. "Identifying satisficing respondents in web surveys: a comparison of different response time-based approaches." 5th Conference of the European Survey Research Association (ESRA), 2013-07-15.

Roßmann, Joss, and Tobias Gummer. 2013. "Interview Duration in Web Surveys: Integrating Different Levels of Explanation." GOR 13 : General Online Research Conference.

Roßmann, Joss, and Jan Eric Blumenstiel. 2012. "Does mode matter? Initial evidence from the German Longitudinal Election Study (GLES)." GOR 12 : General Online Research Conference, 2012-03-05.

Roßmann, Joss, Jan Eric Blumenstiel, and Markus Steinbrecher. 2011. "A new approach to the analysis of survey drop-out: Results from a follow-up survey in the German Longitudinal Election Study (GLES)." GOR 11 : General Online Research Conference.

Roßmann, Joss, Jan Eric Blumenstiel, and Markus Steinbrecher. 2011. "Why do respondents drop-out from online surveys? Results from follow-up surveys in the German Longitudinal Election Study (GLES)." 4th Conference of the European Survey Research Association (ESRA), 2011-07-18.

Blumenstiel, Jan Eric, Joss Roßmann, and Markus Steinbrecher. 2010. "Breakoff in web surveys of the German Longitudinal Election Study (GLES)." GOR 10 : General Online Research Conference, 2010-05-26.

Roßmann, Joss. 2010. "Data quality in web surveys of the German Longitudinal Election Study 2009." 3rd ECPR Graduate Conference.

Presentation not at a conference

Roßmann, Joss. 2024. "Advantages and Disadvantages of Using QR Codes in Web- Based Panel Surveys on Politics and Elections." DACH-Wahlstudientreffen 2024, Universität Wien, Wien, 2024-03-15.

Roßmann, Joss. 2023. "Auswirkungen des Tranchierens der Stichprobe und des Einsatzes zeitverzögerter, bedingter Incentives auf den Rücklauf und die Datenqualität im Vorwahl-Querschnitt der GLES 2021." DACH-Wahlstudientreffen, Goethe-Universität, Frankfurt am Main, 2023-03-02.

Roßmann, Joss, and Jan Marquardt. 2023. "Eine vergleichende Untersuchung zwischen Stichproben und Erhebungsmodi des GLES Panels 2016-2022." 15. Workshop der Panelsurveys im deutschsprachigen Raum, Deutsches Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung, Berlin, 2023-03-30.

Roßmann, Joss, Irina Bauer, Hannah Bucher, and Marie Kühn. 2019. "Die Umsetzung eines Push-to-Web-Ansatzes im Rahmen des Mixed-Mode-Panels der German Longitudinal Election Study (GLES)." 13. Workshop der Panelsurvey im deutschsprachigen Raum , 2019-03-05.