
Die vielen Gesichter von GESIS


  • Ph.D. in Government, University of Essex (2009)


  • GLES Coordinator for On-Site/Remote Secure Data


  • Project Leader, PUSH*BACK*LASH



Winters, Kristi, and Inga Brentel. 2021. "The Longitudinal IntermediaPlus (2014-2016): A case study in structuring unstructured big data." Research Data Journal for the Humanities and Social Sciences 6 (1): 1-16. doi:

Winters, Kristi. 2017. "The 2015 Qualitative Election Study of Britain." Research Data Journal for the Humanities and Social Sciences (Band2: Ausgabe1 ). doi:

Winters, Kristi, and Sebastian Netscher. 2016. "Proposed Standards for Variable Harmonization Documentation and Referencing: A Case Study Using QuickCharmStats 1.1." PLoS ONE 11 (2). doi:

Carvalho, Edzia, and Kristi Winters. 2014. "‘I went with what I always do... : a qualitative analysis of ‘Cleggmania’ and vote choice in the 2010 British General Election." Parliamentary Affairs online first. doi:

Winters, Kristi, and Edzia Carvalho. 2013. "2010 British General Election leader evaluations: replicating electoral focus group research." The Qualitative Report Jg. 18, H. 45 1-21.

Johns, Robert, Kristi Winters, and Rosie Campbell. 2011. "My heart says one thing but my head says another? Men, women, and the psychology of partisanship in Britain." Politics & Gender Jg. 7, H. 2 193-222. doi:

Campbell, Rosie, and Kristi Winters. 2008. "Understanding men’s and women’s political interests: evidence from a study of gendered political attitudes." Journal of Elections, Public Opinion & Parties Jg. 18 H. 1 53-74. doi:

Beitrag im Sammelwerk

Carvalho, Edzia, and Kristi Winters. 2013. "The grounded theory method: popular perceptions of party leaders during the 2010 British General Election." In SAGE Cases in Methodology, edited by Patrick Brindle, London: Sage. doi:

Winters, Kristi, and Edzia Carvalho. 2013. "The qualitative election study of Britain: qualitative research using focus groups." In SAGE Cases in Methodology, edited by Patrick Brindle, London: Sage.

Winters, Kristi, and Rosie Campbell. 2007. "Hearts or minds: men, women and leader evaluations in the 2005 general election." In Political communications: the general election campaign of 2005, edited by Dominic Wring, Jane Green, and Simon Atkins, 184-202. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. doi:

Campbell, Rosie, and Kristi Winters. 2006. "The British general election." In Gender and the vote in Britain: beyond the gender gap, edited by Rosie Campbell, 115–127. Colchester: ECPR Press.


Winters, Kristi, ed. 2022. Lights! Camera! Action! Teach! A handbook for making educational videos. Bergen: CESSDA. doi:

Arbeits- und Diskussionspapier

Winters, Kristi. 2015. The CharmStats Program for Survey Data Harmonization. 1, 2.

Variable Report

GESIS - Leibniz-Institut für Sozialwissenschaften, ed. 2016. 2015 Pre-election Qualitative Election Study of Britain focus group transcripts.

Sonstiger Artikel

Winters, Kristi. 2019. "Using narrative analysis on qualitative data to identify types of voters." In SAGE Research Methods Cases, Los Angeles u.a.: Sage. doi:

Winters, Kristi. 2019. "“No religious affiliation” in the United States." In Religion and political conflict, Oxford University Press. doi:

Winters, Kristi. 2016. "Publication: New Standards Proposed for Documenting Variable Harmonizations." In Harmonization: Newsletter on Survey Data Harmonization in the Social Sciences,


Winters, Kristi, and Inga Brentel. 2018. "A case study in large scale variable harmonization." General Online Research (GOR 18), 28.02.-02.03.2018, 2018-03-01.

Winters, Kristi, Edzia Carvalho, and Thom Oliver. 2018. "Evaluating the Concept of Political Leadership Using Focus Group Data from Two UK General Elections ." Political Studies Conference 2018.

Winters, Kristi. 2018. "Rise of the Nones." Political Studies Conference 2018.

Winters, Kristi, Edzia Carvalho, and Thom Oliver. 2017. "Are Partisan Voters Just like Loyal Sports Fans? An Exploration of Voters’ Associations of Partisanship." 2017 Political Studies Conference.

Winters, Kristi, Edzia Carvalho, and Thomas Zinner. 2017. "Popular leader evaluations across two UK general elections: A qualitative analysis of focus group data using Crowdflower." Elections, Public Opinion and Parties (EPOP) 2017 Conference.

Winters, Kristi, and Edzia Carvalho. 2017. "‘Just Not Relevant to Us’: The Role of Devolution in the 2010 British General Election Campaign ." 2017 Political Studies Conference.

Winters, Kristi, Peter Allen, and David Cutts. 2016. "Are we doing sex wrong? Using non-binary gendered measures to study British men and women’s partisanship and vote choice." American Political Science Association Annual Conference 2016.

Winters, Kristi. 2016. "Introduction to QuickCharmStats workshop." IASSIST 2016 conference , 2016-05-31.

Winters, Kristi. 2016. "Introduction to the QESB Data Workshop: Qualitative Research Methods EPOP Workshop." Elections, Public Opinion and Parties Specialist Group Annual Conference 2016.

Winters, Kristi. 2016. "Leader Evaluations across Two UK General Elections: A Qualitative Analysis of Focus Group Data." ECPR 2016: Joint Session of Workshops.

Winters, Kristi, Edzia Carvalho, and Thom Oliver. 2016. "Popular Leader Evaluations across three UK General Elections." UK Political Studies Association Annual Conference Brighton.

Winters, Kristi, and Edzia Carvalho. 2016. "Replicating Focus Group Research for Electoral Studies." UK Political Studies Association Annual Conference Brighton, 2016-03-23.

Winters, Kristi, Edzia Carvalho, and Thom Oliver. 2015. "Designing qualitative research for replication and secondary analysis : A case study using the Qualitative Election Study of Britain." From Transparency to Replication in Qualitative Inference: Guidelines and Tools Research Workshop University of Essex, 2016-05-23.

Winters, Kristi. 2015. "Harmonizing longitudinal data using CharmStats." European Survey Research Association conferences, 2015-07-14.

Winters, Kristi. 2015. "Increasing transparency and data replicability in the social sciences." ESRA 2015: 6th Conference of the European Survey Research Association, 2015-07-14.

Winters, Kristi, and Edzia Carvalho. 2015. "PSA Paper "‘Just not relevant to us’: Devolution, Scottish, Welsh and English focus group participants and the 2010 British general election"." UK Political Studies Association Annual Conference, 2015-04-01.

Winters, Kristi, and Edzia Carvalho. 2015. "The 2014 Scottish Independence Referendum: a Prologue to 2015." Elections, Public Opinion and Parties Specialist Group Annual Conference, 2015-09-12.

Winters, Kristi, and Edzia Carvalho. 2015. "The Role of Devolution in the 2010 British General Election Campaign." European Political Science Association Annual Conferences, 2015-06-25.

Winters, Kristi, Martin Friedrichs, and Alexia Katsanidou. 2014. "The case of CharmStats or how the process of harmonization can document itself using the right tool." IASSIST 2014 - 40th Annual Conference "Aligning Data and Research Infrastructure".

Beitrag nicht auf Konferenz

Winters, Kristi, and Edzia Carvalho. 2015. "Final Report: Referendum Stories: From Polls to the Personal, University of Dundee Public Engagement Project ." University of Dundee Public Engagement Project , 2016-04-11.

Winters, Kristi, and Edzia Carvalho. 2014. "Evaluating popular perceptions of British political party leaders | NVivo eSeminar."

Winters, Kristi. 2014. "QESB Scotland 2014 ." Public Engagement Project .


Winters, Kristi, and Edzia Carvalho. 2017. "SN 8117 – Qualitative Election Study of Britain, 2015."

Winters, Kristi, and Edzia Carvalho. 2016. "2015 Pre-election focus group transcripts: Funded by British Academy and Leverhulme Trust Small Grant SG142740 and supported by Carnegie Corporation of New York, GESIS-Leibniz Institute (Cologne) and University of Dundee ."

Winters, Kristi. 2016. "CharmStats Pro Advanced User Manual."

Winters, Kristi. 2015. "2015 QESB International Co-investigator."

Winters, Kristi. 2015. "Quick CharmStats 1.1 Manual."


Winters, Kristi. 2018. "International Political Science Review." Anzahl: 1.

Winters, Kristi. 2017. "GESIS Panel: Invitation to review a study proposal." Anzahl: 1.

Winters, Kristi. 2017. "Journal of Elections, Public Opinion & Parties." Anzahl: 1.

Winters, Kristi. 2017. "Political Studies." Anzahl: 1.

Winters, Kristi. 2017. "The British Journal of Politics and International Relations." Anzahl: 1.

Winters, Kristi. 2016. "Electoral Studies." Anzahl: 1.

Winters, Kristi. 2016. "Journal of Elections, Public Opinion & Parties.." Anzahl: 1.

Winters, Kristi. 2016. "Political Studies." Anzahl: 1.

Winters, Kristi. 2016. "Web Science 2016." Anzahl: 2.

Winters, Kristi. 2015. "International Journal of Geo-Information ." Anzahl: 1.

Winters, Kristi. 2015. "Political Studies." Anzahl: 1.

Winters, Kristi. 2014. "Political Psychology." Anzahl: 1.

Winters, Kristi. 2014. "Political Studies." Anzahl: 1.

Winters, Kristi. 2014. "Representation." Anzahl: 1.


Winters, Kristi. 2016. "Co Convenor Qualitative Research Methods Specialist Group." 2016-01-01.

Winters, Kristi. 2013. "Co Convenor Women and Politics Specialist Group." 2010-05-01 - 2013-05-01.