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LebensRäume (Living Spaces)
‘LebensRäume’ is an opinion poll conducted by the Federal Institute for Research on Building, Urban Affairs and Spatial Development (BBSR) collecting attitudes, opinions and knowledge bases of the resident population in their region. The survey is carried out every year since 1985 with the aim of allowing spatial analysis of subjective indicators of housing conditions and living surroundings. People living in different regions express themselves with regard to their spatial context i.e. in terms of urban-rural differences, life in inner centre or in the periphery, and the social stratification of their quarter. Accordingly the survey data are spatially referenced and evaluable according to different types of regional data.
Time Series Graph for variable "Weshalb denken Sie daran wegzuziehen? Was ist der Hauptgrund?" Study ZA5611 Living Spaces - Population Survey of the BBSR 2000-2011

The survey includes a sample of about 3.500 adults annually. The representative cross-sectional samples of the resident population in private households were surveyed since 1985 in Western Germany and West-Berlin. Due to reunification the population has been extended since 1990 and includes both western and eastern federal states. Between 1990 and 2005 two independent household samples of approximately equal size were interviewed face-to-face (PAPI/ CAPI) and by telephone (CATI) in western and eastern federal states. Since 2006 a household-representative sample is drawn annually by stratified random sampling and interviewed face-to-face (CAPI). A constant questionnaire core ensures long-term comparative observation of social developments from the perspective of interviewed citizens.
Study Topics
Themes of the survey are residential area in the city or municipality, housing and living conditions in the home environment, demographic data, basic data of employment and economic situation of households, satisfaction with housing conditions, environment and life in general, residential mobility and rental fees. Additionally, varying topics (for example supply with nearby infrastructure) are examined in-depth alternating in three-year-cycles. Also current political issues regarding the field of housing and living conditions are continuously incorporated in the questionnaire.
Organizational structure
The Federal Institute for Research on Building, Urban Affairs and Spatial Development (BBSR) within the Federal Office for Building and Regional Planning (BBR) is a departmental research institution under the portfolio of the Federal Ministry of Transport, Building and Urban Development (BMVBS). It advices the Federal Government with sectoral scientific consultation in the political fields of spatial planning, urban development, housing and building. One task is the operation of a spatial information system for current observation and evaluation of spatial and city development as well as running a data basis for a continuous reporting about spatial development. Within this system the survey ‘LebensRäume’ covers the subjective views of the residential population in Germany.
Access to data
Data and documentation of the Living Spaces - Population Survey of the BBSR can be downloaded from the GESIS data catalogue free of charge after registration. Additionally, ZACAT offers encompassing online documentation on study and variable level as well as basic analysis features. An interesting feature is the creation of a time series graph for variables (see above).