
Die vielen Gesichter von GESIS


I am a Communication Researcher at the Department of Computational Social Science. I serve as team leader for the team Designed Digital Data. We are currently building a mobile infrastructure for social scientists to conduct mobile assessments (mobile surveys and sensing).

My research focuses on methods of communication research, political communication, and media psychology. More precisely, I am investigating effects of digital political communication. I am furthermore interested in methods of communication research, e.g., modeling intensive longitudinal data.

My work was published in e.g., Communication Methods & MeasuresCommunication Research, Communication Theory, Digital Journalism, Political Communication, Journal of Communication, Journal of Media Psychology, New Media & Society.



Vliegenthart, Rens, Jade Vrielink, Rachel Gibson, Kate Dommett, Esmeralda Bon, Xiaotong Chu, Claes de Vreese, Sophie Lecheler, Jörg Matthes, Sophie Minihold, Lukas Otto, Marlis Stubenvoll, and Sanne Kruikemeier. 2024. "Citizens' Acceptance of Data-Driven Political Campaigning: A 25-Country Cross-National Vignette Study." Social Science Computer Review online first. doi:

Chu, Xiaotong, Rens Vliegenthart, Lukas Otto, Sophie Lecheler, Claes de Vreese, and Sanne Kruikemeier. 2024. "Do Online Ads Sway Voters? Understanding the Persuasiveness of Online Political Ads." Political Communication 41 (2): 290-314. doi:

Schmidt, Felix, Sebastian Stier, and Lukas Otto. 2024. "Incivility in comparison: how context, content and personal characteristics predict exposure to uncivil content." Social Science Computer Review online first. doi:

Otto, Lukas, Felicia Loecherbach, and Rens Vliegenthart. 2024. "Linkage analysis revised - Linking digital traces and survey data." Communication Methods & Measures 18 (2): 186-204. doi:

Chu, Xiaotong, Lukas Otto, Rens Vliegenthart, Sophie Lecheler, Claes de Vreese, and Sanne Kruikemeier. 2024. "On or off topic? Understanding the effects of issue-related political targeted ads." Information Communication & Society 27 (7): 1378-1404. doi:

Maier, Jürgen, Isabella Glogger, Lukas Otto, and Jennifer Bast. 2023. "Is there a visual bias in televised debates? Evidence from Germany, 2002-2017." Visual Communication 22 (2): 221–242. doi:

Mangold, Frank, Mareike Wieland, Sebastian Stier, and Lukas Otto. 2023. "Neue Infrastrukturen für die Messung digitaler Mediennutzung." Publizistik 68 263–280. doi:

Otto, Lukas, and Sanne Kruikemeier. 2023. "The Smartphone as a Tool for mobile communication research: Assessing mobile campaign perceptions and effects with experience sampling." New Media & Society 25 (4): 795-815. doi:

Otto, Lukas, Fabian Thomas, Isabella Glogger, and Claes de Vreese. 2022. "Linking media content and survey data in a dynamic and digital media environment: Mobile longitudinal linkage analysis." Digital Journalism 10 (1): 200-215. doi:

Matthes, Jörg, Melanie Hirsch, Marlis Stubenvoll, Alice Binder, Sanne Kruikemeier, Sophie Lecheler, and Lukas Otto. 2022. "Understanding the democratic role of perceived online political micro-targeting: longitudinal effects on trust in democracy and political interest." Journal of Information Technology & Politics 19 (4): 435-448. doi:

Thomas, Fabian, Adam Shehata, Lukas Otto, Judith Moeller, and Elisabeth Prestele. 2021. "How to capture reciprocal communication dynamics: Comparing longitudinal statistical approaches in order to analyze within- and between-person effects." Journal of Communication 71 (2): 187–219. doi:

Thomas, Fabian, Lukas Otto, Charlotte Ottenstein, and Michaela Maier. 2021. "Measuring reciprocal dynamics between communication processes and effects in distinct growth sequences." Communication Methods & Measures 15 (1): 17-42. doi:

Nai, Alessandro, and Lukas Otto. 2021. "When they go low, we gloat: How trait and state Schadenfreude moderate the perception and effect of negative political messages." Journal of Media Psychology 33 (2): 82-93. doi:

Otto, Lukas, and Isabella Glogger. 2020. "Expanding the Methodological Toolbox: Factorial Surveys in Journalism Research." Journalism Studies 21 (7): 947-965.

Otto, Lukas, Sophie Lecheler, and Andreas Schuck. 2020. "Is context the key? The (non-) differential effects of mediated incivility in three European countries.." Political Communication 37 (1): 88-107. doi:

Otto, Lukas, Fabian Thomas, Michaela Maier, and Charlotte Ottenstein. 2020. "Only one moment in time? Investigating the dynamic relationship of emotions and attention towards political information with mobile experience sampling." Communication Research 47 (8): 1131-1154. doi:

Glogger, Isabella, and Lukas Otto. 2019. "Journalistic Views on Hard and Soft News: Cross-Validating a Popular Concept in a Factorial Survey." Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly 96 (3): 811-829. doi:

Otto, Lukas, Isabella Glogger, and Michaela Maier. 2019. "Personalization 2.0? – Testing the personalization hypothesis in citizens’, journalists’, and politicians’ campaign Twitter communication." Communications - The European Journal of Communication Research 44 (4): 359-381. doi:

Otto, Lukas. 2018. "Beyond simple valence: Discrete emotions as mediators of political communication effects on trust in politicians." Studies in Communication and Media 7 (3): 364-391. doi:

Schneider, Frank M., and Lukas Otto. 2017. "Das ist doch kein Zustand! Zur Messung von States und Traits in der Kommunikationswissenschaft." Medien & Kommunikationswissenschaft : M & K 65 (1): 83-100. doi:

Otto, Lukas, Isabella Glogger, and Mark Boukes. 2017. "The softening of journalistic political communication: A comprehensive framework model of sensationalism, soft news, infotainment, and tabloidization." Communication Theory 27 (2): 136-155. doi:

Otto, Lukas, and Michaela Maier. 2016. "Mediated and moderated effects of personalized political communication on political trust." Communications - The European Journal of Communication Research 41 (1): 21-45. doi:

Otto, Lukas, and Michaela Maier. 2016. "Soft news effects on political cynicism and trust in politicians: An experimental examination." Politische Psychologie 5 (1): 66-91.

Otto, Lukas, Isabella Glogger, and Michaela Maier. 2015. "Image- or issue-orientation? How the presentation modality influences candidate perception in televised debates." Politische Psychologie 4 (2): 215-234.

Retzbach, Joachim, Lukas Otto, and Michaela Maier. 2015. "Measuring the perceived uncertainty of scientific evidence and its relationship to engagement with science." Public Understanding of Science 24 (3). doi:

Maier, Michaela, Tobias Rothmund, Andrea Retzbach, Lukas Otto, and John Besley. 2014. "Informal learning through science media usage." Educational Psyhologist 49 (2): 86-103. doi:

Schneider, Frank M., Lukas Otto, Daniel Alings, and Manfred Schmitt. 2014. "Measuring traits and states in public opinion research: A latent state–trait analysis of political efficacy." International Journal of Public Opinion Research 26 (2): 202-223. doi:

Retzbach, Joachim, Andrea Retzbach, Michaela Maier, Lukas Otto, and Marion Rahnke. 2013. "Effects of repeated exposure to science TV shows on beliefs about scientific evidence and interest in science." Journal of Media Psychology 25 (1): 3-13.

Otto, Lukas, and Patrick Bacherle. 2011. "Politisches Interesse Kurzskala (PIKS) – Entwicklung und Validierung." Politische Psychologie 1 (1): 19-35.

Retzbach, Andrea, Joachim Marschall, Marion Rahnke, Lukas Otto, and Michaela Maier. 2011. "Public understanding of science and the perception of nanotechnology: The roles of interest in science, methodological knowledge, epistemological beliefs, and beliefs about science." Journal of nanoparticle research 13 (12): 6231-6244.

Beitrag im Sammelwerk

Thomas, Fabian, Michaela Maier, Lukas Otto, Felix Schmidt, Sebastian Stier, and Lea Gorski. 2024. "Die Rezeption politischer Informationen während des Bundestagswahlkampfes 2021." In Wahlen und Wähler: Analysen zur Bundestagswahl 2021, edited by Harald Schoen, and Bernhard Weßels, 413–442. Wiesbaden: Springer Fachmedien. doi:

Otto, Lukas, and Fabian Thomas. 2020. "Experience sampling und mulitivariate Wachstumsmodelle zur Erfassung kurzfristiger selbstverstärkender Dynamiken in der Kommunikationswissenschaft.." In Dynamische Prozesse in der Kommunikationswissenschaft: Methodische Herausforderungen, edited by Stefan Geiß, Christian Schemer, Teresa Naab, Christina Peter, and Philipp Müller, 281-304. Köln: Herbert von Halem.

Otto, Lukas, and Isabella Glogger. 2019. "Hard and Soft News." In The International Encyclopedia of Journalism Studies, edited by Tim P. Vos, and Folker Hanusch, Hoboken, NJ: Wiley-Blackwell. doi:

Otto, Lukas, Fabian Thomas, and Michaela Maier. 2018. "Everyday dynamics of media skepticism and credibility: An ambulatory assessment study.." In Trust in Media and Journalism. Empirical Perspectives on Ethics, Norms, Impacts and Populism in Europe, edited by Kim Otto, and Andreas Köhler, 111-133. Wiesbaden: VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften. doi:

Maier, Michaela, Lukas Otto, Katharina Disch, and Carlo Ruppert. 2017. "Deutschlandkette statt Sachkompetenz“: Führt die Rezeption des TV-Duells zu einer personalisierten Wahrnehmung von Politik?" In Merkel gegen Steinbrück: Analysen zum TV-Duell vor der Bundestagswahl 2013, edited by Thorsten Faas, Jürgen Maier, and Michaela Maier, 105-124. Wiesbaden: Springer Fachmedien.

Vogel, Ines, and Lukas Otto. 2017. "Die Bedeutung von Emotionen für die Rezeption der TV-Debatte 2013." In Merkel gegen Steinbrück: Analysen zum TV-Duell vor der Bundestagswahl 2013, edited by Thorsten Faas, Jürgen Maier, and Michaela Maier, 87-103. Wiesbaden: Springer Fachmedien.

Sonstiger Artikel

Beraldo, Davide, Stefania Milan, Jeroen de Vos, Claudio Agosti, Bruno Nadalic Sotic, Rens Vliegenthart, Sanne Kruikemeier, Lukas Otto, Susan A.M. Vermeer, Xiaotong Chu, and Fabio Votta. 2021. "Political advertising exposed: Tracking Facebook ads in the 2021 Dutch elections. ." In Internet Policy Review,

Schneider, Frank M., Anne Bartsch, and Lukas Otto. 2013. "Entertainment that matters: Unterhaltung in und mit politischen Themen." In-Mind Magazin 4 (3).


Thomas, Fabian, Lukas Otto, and Michaela Maier. 2023. "The appearance and duration of media effects on citizens' emotional states during the German federal elections 2021." Advanced Techniques for Longitudinal Data Analysis in Social Science, 2023-03-15.

Chu, Xiaotong, Rens Vliegenthart, Lukas Otto, Sophie Lecheler, Claes de Vreese, and Sanne Kruikemeier. 2022. " How are voters persuaded? The effects of online political ads on party preferences." Etmaal van de Communicatiewetenschap, 10-11 February 2022, Online, 2022-02-10.

Otto, Lukas, Mareike Wieland, Bernd Weiß, Henning Silber, and Carsten Schwemmer. 2022. "A Total Error Framework for digital sensor data." 3rd MASS (Mobile Apps and Sensors in Surveys) workshop, Utrecht, 2022-06-16.

Otto, Lukas, Fabian Thomas, Michaela Maier, and Sebastian Stier. 2022. "Angry and alerted, happy and informed? Investigating the (dynamic) relationship between perceived negativity, emotion, and attention towards campaign communication." Annual Meeting of the International Communication Association (ICA), 2022-05-26.

Otto, Lukas, Michaela Maier, Fabian Thomas, Felix Schmidt, and Sebastian Stier. 2022. "Capturing campaign communication in multiple media environments: A combination of screenshot data donations, mobile surveys, and web tracking approaches." Annual Meeting of the International Communication Association (ICA), 2022-05-26.

Stier, Sebastian, Felix Schmidt, Lukas Otto, Fabian Thomas, and Michaela Maier. 2022. "Erfassung von Wahlkampfkommunikation in multiplen Kommunikationskanälen: Eine Verknüpfung von Befragungen, Mobile Experience Sampling und Web Track." Frühjahrstagung der Sektion Methoden der empirischen Sozialforschung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Soziologie, 2022-03-25.

Chu, Xiaotong, Rens Vliegenthart, Lukas Otto, Sophie Lecheler, Claes de Vreese, and Sanne Kruikemeier. 2022. "How are voters persuaded? The effects of online political ads on party preferences." Annual Meeting of the International Communication Association (ICA), 2022-05-26.

Kruikemeier, Sanne, Xiaotong Chu, Marlis Stubenvoll, Sabrina Noetzel, Lukas Otto, Jörg Matthes, and Sophie Lecheler. 2022. "The differential effects of data-driven campaigning: a literature review." Annual Meeting of the International Communication Association (ICA), 2022-05-26.

Otto, Lukas, Fabian Thomas, Isabella Glogger, and Claes de Vreese. 2020. "An update for the gold standard of news media effects – Mobile Intensive Longitudinal Linkage Analysis." Annual Meeting of the International Communication Association (ICA).

Kruikemeier, Sanne, Lukas Otto, Sophie Lecheler, and Jörg Matthes. 2020. "Political profiling: Citizens’ Perceptions Towards Data-driven Targeting in India, Netherlands, and United States.." Annual Meeting of the International Communication Association (ICA), 2020-05-29.

Kruikemeier, Sanne, Lukas Otto, and Sophie Lecheler. 2020. "The perceptions of political microtargeting in three countries: A factorial survey experiment." Etmaal van de Communicatiewetenschap.

Glogger, Isabella, Lukas Otto, Jennifer Bast, and Jürgen Maier. 2020. "“I spy with my eye”: Influences of camera shots and voters’ party affiliation on candidate evaluation in televised debates. ." Annual Meeting of the International Communication Association (ICA), 2020-05-27.

Otto, Lukas, Sophie Lecheler, and Andreas Schuck. 2019. "Is Context the Key? The (Non-)Differential Effects of Mediated incivility in Three European Countries." Annual Meeting of the International Communication Association (ICA).

Thomas, Fabian, Lukas Otto, Michaela Maier, and Charlotte Ottenstein. 2019. "Measuring Reciprocal Relationships between Media Exposure and Media Selection in Distinct Growth Sequences. A Methodological Approach to the Reinforcing Spirals Model. ." Annual Meeting of the International Communication Association (ICA).

Glogger, Isabella, and Lukas Otto. 2019. "Personalization as attention strategy on twitter? Investigating the relationship between personalization and likes/re-tweets in an election campaign." Personalization, personality and representation in the study of politics and political communication.

Glogger, Isabella, Lukas Otto, Jennifer Bast, and Jürgen Maier. 2019. "Seeing is believing? Effects of visual and technical characteristics in televised debates on real-time evaluation of candidates." Annual Meeting of the International Communication Association (ICA).

Thomas, Fabian, Lukas Otto, and Yariv Tsfati. 2018. "annual meeting of the International Communication Association (ICA." WAPOR Annual Conference.

Glogger, Isabella, and Lukas Otto. 2018. "Journalistic views on hard and soft news: A factorial survey on journalists’ understanding of a popular concept." Annual Meeting of the International Communication Association (ICA).

Otto, Lukas, and Fabian Thomas. 2018. "Short-Term Reinforcing Spirals? Investigating the Dynamic Relationship Between Emotional Reactions and Attention Towards Political News." Annual Meeting of the International Communication Association (ICA).

Otto, Lukas, Sophie Lecheler, and Andreas Schuck. 2017. "Same same, but different? Understanding the differential effects of conflict and incivility on political cynicism." Annual meeting of the International Society for Political Psychology (ISPP).

Otto, Lukas, and Fabian Thomas. 2017. "Short-term reinforcing spirals: An ambulatory assessment study of emotions and political news attention." Annual Meeting of the International Communication Association (ICA).

Thomas, Fabian, and Lukas Otto. 2017. "Spirals of political trust. Analyzing everyday dynamics of individual trust in politicians and political cynicism." Annual meeting of the International Society for Political Psychology (ISPP), .

Otto, Lukas, and Michaela Maier. 2016. "A reinforcing spiral of cynicism? Investigating the relationship between soft and alternative news consumption and trust." 6th European Communication Conference (ECC).

Otto, Lukas. 2016. "Beyond simple valence. The role of discrete emotions for judgments of trust in politicians." Jahrestagung der Fachgruppe Politische Kommunikation der Gesellschaft für Publizistik- und Kommunikationswissenschaft (DGPuK).

Otto, Lukas. 2016. "Beyond simple valence: Discrete emotions as mediators of political communication effects on trust in politicians. ." Annual Meeting of the International Communication Association (ICA).

Otto, Lukas. 2016. "Beyond simple valence: The role of discrete emotions for judgments of trust in politicians." Annual Meeting of the International Society of Political Psychology (ISPP).

Schuck, Andreas, and Lukas Otto. 2016. "The effect of different types of political conflict in the news on cynicism and participation." Annual Meeting of the International Communication Association (ICA).

Otto, Lukas, Isabella Glogger, and Mark Boukes. 2016. "The softening of journalistic political communication - A critical review and a comprehensive framework model." Annual Meeting of the International Communication Association (ICA).

Otto, Lukas, Andreas Schuck, and Sophie Lecheler. 2016. "What makes them cynical? Effects of different types of conflict on political cynicism." Annual meeting of the German Peace Psychology Association.

Schuck, Andreas, and Lukas Otto. 2015. "Afraid of climate change but don't know why? How implicit negative affect mediates the effect of threat framing on individual risk perceptions and behavioral intentions." Etmaal van de Communicatiewetenschap.

Glogger, Isabella, Lukas Otto, and Michaela Maier. 2015. "Personalization 2.0? – A traditional concept of political communication in the new setting of social media." Annual meeting of the International Association for Media and Communication Research (IAMCR).

Schuck, Andreas, and Lukas Otto. 2015. "The mediating role of implicit and explicit affect in climate change communication." Annual Meeting of the International Communication Association (ICA).

Otto, Lukas, Andreas Schuck, and Sophie Lecheler. 2014. "A conflict? How interesting! The effect of conflict and incivility framing on EU attitudes." Campaigning for Europe.

Otto, Lukas, and Andreas Schuck. 2014. "Afraid of climate change but don't know why? How implicit negative affect mediates the effect of threat framing on individual risk perceptions and behavioral intentions." MPSA Annual Conference.

Schneider, Frank M., and Lukas Otto. 2014. "Das ist doch kein Zustand! Zur Messung von Traits und States in der Kommunikationswissenschaft." Jahrestagung der Fachgruppe Methoden der Publizistik- und Kommunikationswissenschaft der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Publizistik- und Kommunikationswissenschaft (DGPuK).

Schuck, Andreas, and Lukas Otto. 2014. "Framing climate change – Emotions as mediators for the effect of threat framing on climate change beliefs and political behavior." Annual Meeting of the International Communication Association (ICA).

Otto, Lukas, Michaela Maier, and Isabella Glogger. 2014. "Image or issue-orientation – a question of mode of information processing in televised debates?" Annual Meeting of the International Communication Association (ICA).

Otto, Lukas, and Andreas Schuck. 2014. "Implicit negative affect as mediator of threat framing on risk perception and pro-environmental behavioral intentions." Annual meeting of the International Society for Political Psychology (ISPP).

Otto, Lukas, Isabella Glogger, and Michaela Maier. 2014. "Personalizing Twitter – political online communication in the 2013 German election campaign." GESIS Computational Social Science Winter Symposium.

Otto, Lukas, Isabella Glogger, and Michaela Maier. 2014. "Personalizing Twitter – the personalization of political online communication in the German election campaigns 2013." Annual Meeting of the International Communication Association (ICA).

Otto, Lukas, and Michaela Maier. 2013. "Any Good News in Personalized News? Effects of Personalized Political Communication on Attention and Knowledge." MPSA Annual Conference.

Schuck, Andreas, and Lukas Otto. 2013. "Framing climate change - emotional responses as mediators for the effect of threat framing on individual risk perceptions and behavioral intentions." Etmaal van de Communicatiewetenschap.

Schuck, Andreas, and Lukas Otto. 2013. "Framing climate change - emotional responses as mediators for the effect of threat framing on individual risk perceptions, issue knowledge and behavior." MPSA Annual Conference.

Otto, Lukas, and Andreas Schuck. 2013. "Framing climate change - emotional responses as mediators for the effect of threat framing on individual risk perceptions, issue knowledge and behavior." WAPOR Conference.

Schneider, Frank M., Lukas Otto, Daniel Alings, and Manfred Schmitt. 2013. "Measuring Traits and States in Public Opinion Research: A Latent State–Trait Analysis of Political Efficacy." Annual Meeting of the International Communication Association (ICA).

Otto, Lukas, and Michaela Maier. 2013. "Mediated and Moderated Effects of Personalized Political Communication on Political Trust." Annual Meeting of the International Communication Association (ICA).

Maier, Michaela, and Lukas Otto. 2013. "Personalization of Political Communication – Theory and Empirical Findings." Media Logic and Electoral Democracy.

Gleich, Uli, Frank M. Schneider, Anne Bartsch, Lukas Otto, and Timon Gebbers. 2013. "The closer the better - Parasocial Interactions with Politicians in Talkshows." Tagung der Fachgruppe Medienpsychologie der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie (DGPs).

Otto, Lukas. 2012. "Politicians’ uniquely simple personalities: Cross-cultural replication and explanation of the political simplification effect." Annual Meeting of the International Society of Political Psychology (ISPP).

Otto, Lukas, Michaela Maier, and Silke Adam. 2012. "Remembering more but believing less? Effects of personalized media coverage on memory and trust." Annual Meeting of the International Society of Political Psychology (ISPP).

Otto, Lukas, and Patrick Bacherle. 2011. "Politisches Interesse Kurzskala (PIKS) – Entwicklung und Validierung." Fachtagung der Sektion Politische Psychologie im Berufsverband Deutscher Psychologinnen und Psychologen (BDP).