
Die vielen Gesichter von GESIS


Seit 2008: Leitung des FDZ Internationale Umfrageprogramme und des Teams International Surveys/International Studies
Okt. 2008 bis Jul. 2012: Kommissarische Leitung der Abteilung Datenarchiv für Sozialwissenschaften.
2007: Abschluss der Dissertation zu Individualisierung und politischer Partizipation an der Universität zu Köln
Seit 2004: GESIS
1996-2004 wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter am Institut für Angewandte Sozialforschung und/oder am Zentralarchiv für empirische Sozialforschung der Universität zu Köln.
1989-1996: Studium der Volkswirtschaftslehre sozialwiss. Richtung an der Universität zu Köln


  • Co-Convenor der ISSP-Methodengruppe zur Demographie
  • Beratung von Datennutzern und Primärforschern komparativer Umfragen
  • Member of the Executive Committee and Methodology Group of the European Values Study (EVS)


  • Harmonisierung von Daten aus komparativen Umfragen;
  • Äquivalenz von Messinstrumenten;
  • politische und gesellschaftliche Partizipation;
  • nationale Identität und Religion



Quandt, Markus, and Peter Schmidt. 2024. "Introduction to the special issue of the International Journal of Comparative Sociology on “National identity, nationalism, patriotism, and globalization”." International Journal of Comparative Sociology 65 (2): 101-111. doi:

Biolcati Rinaldi, Ferrucio, Francesco Molteni, Markus Quandt, and Cristiano Vezzoni. 2020. "Church Attendance and Religious change Pooled European dataset (CARPE): A survey harmonization project for the comparative analysis of long-term trends in individual religiosity." Quality & Quantity online first. doi:

Schmidt, Peter, and Markus Quandt. 2018. "Editorial: National identity, nationalism, and attitudes toward migrants in comparative perspective." International Journal of Comparative Sociology 59 (5-6): 355-361. doi:

Quandt, Markus, and Vera Lomazzi. 2017. "“Faith, Love, and Hope, These Three”: On the (Non-) Effects of Christian Religiosity on Citizens’ Identification with Europe." Rassegna Italiana di Sociologia 58 (4): 831-860.

Ohr, Dieter, and Markus Quandt. 2012. "Parteiidentifikation in Deutschland: eine empirische Fundierung des Konzepts auf Basis der Theorie Sozialer Identität." Politische Vierteljahresschrift (45): 179-202.

Klein, Markus, Hermann Dülmer, Dieter Ohr, Markus Quandt, and Ulrich Rosar. 2004. "Response sets in the measurement of values: a comparison of rating and ranking procedures." International Journal of Public Opinion Research Jg. 16, H. 4 474-483. doi:

Quandt, Markus, and Dieter Ohr. 2004. "Worum geht es, wenn es um nichts geht? Zum Stellenwert von Niedrigkostensituationen in Rational-Choice-Modellierung normkonformen Handelns." Kölner Zeitschrift für Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie Jg. 56, H. 4 683-707. doi:

Jagodzinski, Wolfgang, and Markus Quandt. 1997. "Wahlverhalten und Religion im Lichte der Individualisierungsthese: Anmerkungen zu dem Beitrag von Schnell und Kohler." Kölner Zeitschrift für Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie Jg. 49, H. 4 761-782.

Beitrag im Sammelwerk

Singh, Ranjit K., and Markus Quandt. 2023. "Assessing and improving the comparability of latent construct measurements in ex-post harmonization." In Survey Data Harmonization in the Social Sciences, edited by Irina Tomescu-Dubrow, Christof Wolf, Kazimierz M. Slomczynski, and J. Craig Jenkins, 305-322. New York: Wiley. doi:

Quandt, Markus, and Vera Lomazzi. 2023. "Solidarity: A European Value?" In Values - Politics - Religion: The European Values Study, edited by Regina Polak, and Patrick Rohs, Philosophy and Politics - Critical Explorations, 249–280. Cham: Springer. doi:

Israel, Sabine, Jo Deakin, Renata Franc, Anna Markina, and Markus Quandt. 2021. "Bounded agency and social participation: How socioeconomic situation and experiences influence young people’s way of engaging in society." 1. In Young people's participation: revisiting youth and inequalities in Europe, edited by Maria Bruselius-Jensen, Ilaria Pitti, and E. Kay M. Tisdall, 53-76. Bristol: Policy Press.

Quandt, Markus, and Ruud Luijkx. 2015. "Data Bases and Statistical Systems: International Comparative Research." 2. In International Encyclopedia of the Social & Behavioral Sciences, edited by James D. Wright, 5, 789–797. Oxford: Elsevier. doi:

Quandt, Markus, Christina Eder, and Ingvill Constanze Mochmann. 2014. "Editors’ introduction: Political trust and political disenchantment in a comparative perspective." In Political trust and disenchantment with politics: international perspectives, edited by Christina Eder, Ingvill Constanze Mochmann, and Markus Quandt, International studies in sociology and social anthropology 125, 1-18. Leiden: Brill.

Quandt, Markus, and Insa Bechert. 2013. "Assessing trends in religiosity with ISSP data: an addendum." In ISSP data report: religious attitudes and religious change, edited by Insa Bechert, and Markus Quandt, GESIS-Schriftenreihe 13, 89-96. Köln: GESIS.

Quandt, Markus, and Reiner Mauer. 2012. "Sozialwissenschaften." In Langzeitarchivierung von Forschungsdaten. Eine Bestandsaufnahme, edited by Heike Neuroth, Stefan Strathmann, Achim Oßwald, Regine Scheffel, Jens Klump, and Jens Ludwig, 61-81. Boizenburg: Hülsbusch.

Quandt, Markus. 2012. "Using the Mixed Rasch Model in the comparative analysis of attitudes." In Cross-cultural analysis: methods and applications, edited by Eldad Davidov, Peter Schmidt, and Jaak Billiet, European Association of Methodology Series, 433-459. London: Routledge.

Ohr, Dieter, Hermann Dülmer, and Markus Quandt. 2009. "Kognitive Mobilisierung oder nicht-kognitive De-Mobilisierung? eine längsschnittliche Analyse der deutschen Wählerschaft für die Jahre 1976 bis 2005." In Wahlen und Wähler: Analysen aus Anlass der Bundestagswahl 2005, edited by Oscar W. Gabriel, and Jürgen W. Falter, 536-558. Wiesbaden: VS Verl. für Sozialwiss..

Ohr, Dieter, Markus Quandt, and Hermann Dülmer. 2005. "Zur Funktion und Bedeutung der Parteibindung für den modernen Wähler." In Wahlen und Wähler. Analysen aus Anlass der Bundestagswahl 2002, edited by Jürgen W. Falter, Oscar W. Gabriel, and Bernhard Wessels, 434-458. Wiesbaden: VS Verl. für Sozialwiss..


Schmidt, Peter, and Markus Quandt, ed. 2018. Special Issue: National identity, nationalism, and attitudes toward migrants in comparative perspective. International Journal of Comparative Sociology 59, 5-6. Thousand Oaks: Sage Publications.

Edlund, Jonas, Insa Bechert, and Markus Quandt, ed. 2017. Social Inequality in the Eyes of the Public: A Collection of Analyses Based on ISSP Data 1987-2009. GESIS Schriftenreihe 17. Cologne: GESIS .

Eder, Christina, Ingvill Constanze Mochmann, and Markus Quandt, ed. 2014. Political trust and disenchantment with politics: international perspectives. International studies in sociology and social anthropology 125. Leiden: Brill.

Bechert, Insa, and Markus Quandt, ed. 2013. ISSP data report: religious attitudes and religious change. GESIS Schriftenreihe 13. Köln: GESIS.


Luijkx, Ruud, Loek Halman, Inge Sieben, Evelyn Brislinger, and Markus Quandt. 2017. European Values in Numbers: Trends and Traditions at the Turn of the Century. European Values Study 16. Leiden: Brill. urn: urn:nbn:nl:ui:12-9282281f-5792-44a2-a32f-e9967bee8c98.

Bechert, Insa, and Markus Quandt. 2010. ISSP Data Report: Attitudes towards the Role of Government. GESIS Schriftenreihe Bd. 6. Bonn: GESIS.

Quandt, Markus. 2008. Individualisierung, Individualismus, politische Partizipation und politische Präferenzen: eine theoretische und empirische Studie am Beispiel der Bundestagswahl 2002. Hamburg: Kovac.

Güllner, Manfred, Hermann Dülmer, Markus Klein, Dieter Ohr, Markus Quandt, Ulrich Rosar, and Hans-Dieter Klingemann. 2005. Die Bundestagswahl 2002: Eine Untersuchung im Zeichen hoher politischer Dynamik. Wiesbaden: VS Verl. für Sozialwiss..

Arbeits- und Diskussionspapier

Bechert, Insa, Evelyn Brislinger, Boris Heizmann, Markus Quandt, Evi Scholz, Ivet Solanes Ros, and Slaven Zivkovic. 2021. Forschungsdatenzentrum Internationale Umfrageprogramme: Jahresbericht 2017-2018. Berichtszeitraum 01.01.2017 - 31.12.2018. GESIS Papers 2021/09. Köln: GESIS - Leibniz-Institut für Sozialwissenschaften.

Bechert, Insa, Evelyn Brislinger, Boris Heizmann, Markus Quandt, Evi Scholz, Ivet Solanes Ros, and Slaven Zivkovic. 2021. Forschungsdatenzentrum Internationale Umfrageprogramme: Tätigkeitsbericht 2019-2020. Berichtszeitraum 01.01.2019 - 31.12.2020. GESIS Papers 2021/15. Köln: GESIS - Leibniz-Institut für Sozialwissenschaften.

May, Antonia, Katharina Werhan, Insa Bechert, and Markus Quandt. 2021. ONBound-Harmonization User Guide (Stata/SPSS), Version1.1. GESIS Papers 2021/04. Cologne: GESIS - Leibniz-Institute for the Social Sciences. doi:

Bechert, Insa, Evelyn Brislinger, Kathrin B. Busch, Boris Heizmann, Dafina Kurti, Meinhard Moschner, Markus Quandt, Evi Scholz, and Ivet Solanes Ros. 2017. Forschungsdatenzentrum Internationale Umfrageprogramme. Jahresbericht 2015. Berichtszeitraum 01.01.2015 – 31.12.2015. GESIS Papers 2017/05.

Bechert, Insa, Evelyn Brislinger, Meinhard Moschner, Markus Quandt, Evi Scholz, and Ivet Solanes Ros. 2014. Forschungsdatenzentrum Internationale Umfrageprogramme. Jahresbericht 2013. Berichtszeitraum 01.01.2013 – 31.12.2013. GESIS-Technical Reports 2014/21.

Quandt, Markus, Meinhard Moschner, Evi Scholz, and Insa Bechert. 2013. Forschungsdatenzentrum Internationale Umfrageprogramme: Jahresbericht 2012 Berichtszeitraum 01.01.2012 – 31.12.2012.

Quandt, Markus, Meinhard Moschner, Evi Scholz, Evelyn Brislinger, and Insa Bechert. 2013. Forschungsdatenzentrum Internationale Umfrageprogramme: Jahresbericht 2011. Berichtszeitraum 01.01.2011 – 31.12.2011. GESIS - Technical Reports 2013/15.

Quandt, Markus, Meinhard Moschner, Evi Scholz, Evelyn Brislinger, and Insa Bechert. 2011. Forschungsdatenzentrum Internationale Umfrageprogramme Jahresbericht 2010: Berichtszeitraum 01.01.2010 - 31.12.2010. GESIS Technical Reports 2011/02.

Bechert, Insa, and Markus Quandt. 2009. ISSP Data Report: Attitudes towards the Role of Government. GESIS-Arbeitsbericht 7. Bonn: GESIS.


Biolcati Rinaldi, Ferrucio, Vera Lomazzi, Francesco Molteni, Markus Quandt, and Cristiano Vezzoni. 2020. Church attendance and religious change pooled European dataset (CARPE). doi:

Markina, Anna, Sabine Israel, Markus Quandt, Renata Franc, Rein Murakas, and Jo Deakin. 2020. H2020 PROMISE Ten-Country Youth Participation Survey. doi:

Bechert, Insa, Antonia May, Markus Quandt, and Katharina Werhan. 2020. ONBound - Old and new boundaries: National Identities and Religion: Customized dataset. GESIS Data Archive, Cologne.


Bechert, Insa, Markus Quandt, and Antonia May. 2021. "ONBound – a database for answering research questions concerning national identities and religion." ISA RC-22 Mid Term Conference, Online, 2021-11-13.

Quandt, Markus, Insa Bechert, Antonia May, Katharina Werhan, and Annette Schnabel. 2021. "Scaling Up Cross-National Surveys to a Global Societal Observatory – the ONBound Data Cumulation and Linkage Project." RC33 Online conference, Online, 2021-09-10.

Quandt, Markus, and Mónica Méndez Lago. 2021. "Using comparative survey data to describe the 'ethnic' composition of populations - more pitfalls or more opportunities?" RC33 Online conference, Online, 2021-09-07.

Quandt, Markus, and Antonia May. 2019. "Classifying a Large Number of Countries by their Populations’ Shares of Ethnic and Civic Types of National Identification." European Survey Research Association conferences, University of Zagreb, Zagreb.

Quandt, Markus, and Antonia May. 2019. "Using Latent Class Analysis for testing the equivalence of multi-item scales across data from different survey programs. The example of National Identity types." Conference of the ‘Survey Data Recycling Project’: Building Multi-Source Databases for Comparative Analyses, Institute of Philosophy and Sociology of the Polish Academy of Sciences Warsaw, Poland, 2019-12-16.

Lomazzi, Vera, and Markus Quandt. 2017. "Is There A Religious Base for Feelings of European Identity?" ESRA 2017: 7th conference of the European Survey Research Association, 2017-07-21.

Quandt, Markus. 2016. "European Identity and the Role of Religiosity - An Explorative Analysis." ESA RN32 Meeting, 2016-10-28.

Quandt, Markus. 2016. "National Identity – Isolating the Ethnic and Civic Types in a Comparative Setting." Expert Workshop National Identity in International Surveys, Workshop held at GESIS Cologne with support by the Fritz Thyssen foundation, 2016-11-03.

Quandt, Markus, Ferrucio Biolcati Rinaldi, and Cristiano Vezzoni. 2014. "Estimating societal trends from heterogeneous cross-sectional time series surveys: some challenges demonstrated on the example of church attendance trends in Europe." ESA Research Network on 'Quantitative Methods' (ESA RN21), 2014-10-24.

Quandt, Markus, Ferrucio Biolcati Rinaldi, and Cristiano Vezzoni. 2014. "Estimating societal trends from heterogeneous cross-sectional time series surveys: some challenges demonstrated on the example of church attendance trends in Europe." XVIII ISA World Congress of Sociology, 2014-07-13.

Quandt, Markus, and Christof Wolf. 2014. "Using survey data to describe societies at global level: is there still a hidden treasure?" XVIII ISA World Congress of Sociology.

Quandt, Markus, and Reiner Mauer. 2013. "Archiving and disseminating research data of the NORFACE migration programme." Final Conference of NORFACE Migration Programme.

Quandt, Markus, and Insa Bechert. 2013. "Building society level time series with ISSP survey data: investigating practical and conceptual challenges on the cxample of church attendance." ISSP Research Session 2013.

Quandt, Markus. 2013. "Does measurement stop at borders? : A latent class IRT scale analyses of political participation items from EVS 2008." ESRA 2013: 5th Conference of the European Survey Research Association.

Betz, Dirk, Claudia Biniossek, Ulrich Hamenstadt, Alexia Katsanidou, Markus Quandt, Oliver Watteler, Dennis Wegener, and Harald Wypior. 2012. "Aufbau einer Infrastruktur zur multidisziplinären Nachnutzung experimenteller Primärdaten der Wirtschafts- und Sozialforschung mit Forschungsschwerpunkt Große Gruppen." Gesellschaft für experimentelle Wirtschaftsforschung - Jahrestagung 2012.

Quandt, Markus. 2012. "Comparative political science data sources as infrastructures: some examples and general considerations." Political Representation in Europe: Methods and Data Workshop.

Katsanidou, Alexia, and Markus Quandt. 2011. "Data Sharing in DASISH." IASSIST 2011 : Data Science Professionals: a Global Community of Sharing.

Quandt, Markus. 2011. "Discovering official statistics’ (meta)data: how the data without boundaries project helps researchers find the data they need." IASSIST 2011.

Quandt, Markus. 2011. "Integrating research data access at an European level: the CESSDA-ERIC." Towards an optimal infrastructure for the social sciences - symposium on occasion of the 150th anniversary of German-Japanese relations.

Quandt, Markus, and Peter Mutschke. 2011. "The research data cycle (and more): A guiding vision for structuring research infrastructures." Towards an Optimal Infrastructure for the Social Sciences: Symposium on Occasion of the 150th Anniversary of German-Japanese Relations.

Quandt, Markus. 2009. "An example of Rasch analysis in a comparative setting – scaling national pride with ISSP data." Third Conference of the European Survey Research Association (ESRA).

Quandt, Markus. 2009. "Beehives and harmonisation routines, or: how to make the unpublishable public. The approach of the CESSDA survey data harmonisation platform." Third Conference of the European Survey Research Association (ESRA).

Quandt, Markus, Alexandru Agache, and Martin Friedrichs. 2009. "How to make the unpublishable public: the approach of the CESSDA survey data harmonisation platform." NCeSS, Fifth International Conference on e-Social Science.

Quandt, Markus. 2009. "Key objectives of the CESSDA harmonisation platform – tapping into distributed resources with CHARMCATS." NCeSS Fifth International Conference on e-Social Science, Workshop on Cross-National Analyses.

Quandt, Markus, Alexandru Agache, and Martin Friedrichs. 2009. "Using and adapting classifications in a comparative research community." COST Action 31, Workshop: "The cognitive basis of classification".

Quandt, Markus. 2009. "WP9 recommendations and requirements." Workshop of the CESSDA-PPP.

Quandt, Markus. 2008. "3CDB / CHARMCATS: data requirements and user roles." CESSDA-PPP Coordination Workshop.

Quandt, Markus. 2008. "Architecture for QDB and 3CDB servers." CESSDA-PPP Coordination Workshop.

Quandt, Markus. 2008. "Demands of a data harmonisation platform on a question database." CESSDA-PPP Workshop on Question Database Priorities, DANS.

Quandt, Markus. 2008. "Elements of a data harmonisation infrastructure." Data Harmonisation Experts Workshop of the CESSDA-PPP.

Beitrag nicht auf Konferenz

Quandt, Markus. 2021. "Die „European Values Study“ als Langzeitvorhaben." Workshop Herausforderungen der Langzeitforschung in der Kommunikationswissenschaft, Online, 2021-11-10.

Quandt, Markus. 2021. "Solidarity, trust, social contract: Indicators from the ISSP surveys." UN ESCAP expert group meeting on understanding solidarity, trust and the social contract, GESIS (online), Munich, 2021-12-16.

Quandt, Markus. 2021. "Squaring circles that aren't even round? Experiences from ex post-harmonizing multi-purpose social surveys across space and time." InGRID expert workshop „The Identification and Monitoring of Vulnerable Groups in the Labour Market”, Online, 2021-01-28.

Quandt, Markus. 2020. "Zivilgesellschaftsforschung in vergleichenden Umfrageprogrammen." 7. TREFFEN ZUM FORUM ZIVILGESELLSCHAFTSDATEN.

May, Antonia, and Markus Quandt. 2019. "Developing an Empirical Typology for National Identity (Attitudes) using Data from Multiple Sources." ONBound Project Workshop II, Universität Mailand, Nürnberg, 2019-11-27.

Quandt, Markus. 2014. "European Identity and the Role of Religiosity: An Explorative Analysis." NASP/GSSPS International Workshop: RELIGIONS, SECULARIZATIONS AND MODERNITIES, 2014-12-11.

Quandt, Markus. 2008. "Scaling general national pride. An example of Rasch analysis in a comparative setting." Research Session of the ISSP General Assembly 2008.


ISSP Demographic Methods Group, DMG, Insa Bechert, Markus Quandt, and Evi Scholz. 2012. "ISSP background variable guidelines (BVG): version of 2012-06-26."

ISSP Demographic Methods Group, DMG, Insa Bechert, Markus Quandt, and Evi Scholz. 2012. "ISSP background variables questionnaire (BVQ): version of 2012-06-26."

Krejic, Jindrich, Hilde Orten, and Markus Quandt. 2008. "Strategy for collecting conversion keys for the infrastructure for data harmonisation."


Lomazzi, Vera, and Markus Quandt. 2017. "Report on values of the young and according participation behaviours: European Report level 2: D7 (D4.1) PROMISE project- H2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement no. 693221." Anzahl: 1.


Quandt, Markus, Peter Schmidt, and Malina Voicu. 2016. "Expert Workshop National Identity in International Surveys." Köln, 2016-11-03 - 2016-11-04.

Moschner, Meinhard, Markus Quandt, and Kerstin Beck. 2015. "Eurobarometer Symposium @ GESIS: Four Decades of Surveying Europe – Perspectives on Academic Research with the European Commission’s Eurobarometer Surveys." Eurobarometer Symposium (60 Teilnehmer, 9 Vorträge, 10 Poster), Köln, 2015-07-10 - 2015-07-10.

Eder, Christina, Ingvill Constanze Mochmann, and Markus Quandt. 2012. "Organisor Authors conference Declining political trust, disenchantment with politics, and methods of political participation." Köln.