
Die vielen Gesichter von GESIS


  • seit 2020: wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin der Abteilung "Data and Research on Society" (Reinhard Pollak)
  • 2016 & 2018/19: Leitung (interim) des Teams GESIS Training
  • 2015-20: wissenschafliche Koordination der GESIS Training Workshops
  • 2015: Promotion Soziologie, Bamberg Graduate School of Social Sciences (BAGSS), Otto-Friedrich Universität Bamberg
  • 2013-14: Forschungsaufenthalt am European University Institute (EUI) in Fiesole, Italien
  • 2012-15: wissenschaftliche Koordination des Schwerpunkprograms SPP1646 (DFG) “Education as a Lifelong Process”, Otto-Friedrich Universität Bamberg & European University Institute (EUI), Fiesole
  • 2004-10: Studium der Soziologie an der Otto-Friedrich-Universität Bamberg und der Universität Leipzig


Vermögensungleichheit, Bildungsungleichheit, subjektives Wohlbefinden, Familiensoziologie, Arbeitsmarktsoziologie, international vergleichende Forschung

abgechlossene Forschungsprojekte: The effect of parental wealth on educational decisons



Wicht, Alexandra, Nora Müller, and Reinhard Pollak. 2024. "Gendered Wage Returns to Changes in Non-routine Job Tasks: Evidence from Germany." Research in Social Stratification and Mobility (100963). doi:

Müller, Nora, Klaus Pforr, and Jascha Dräger. 2023. "Wealth stratification and the insurance function of wealth." Social Inclusion 11 (1): 128-134. doi:

Dräger, Jascha, Klaus Pforr, and Nora Müller. 2023. "Why Net Worth Misrepresents Wealth Effects and What to Do About It." Sociological Science 10 534-558. doi:

Müller, Nora, Klaus Pforr, and Oshrat Hochman. 2021. "Double Burden? Implications of indebtedness to general life satisfaction following negative life events in international comparison." Journal of European Social Policy 31 (5): 614–628. doi:

Müller, Nora, Nico Stawarz, and Alexandra Wicht. 2021. "Who experiences subjective job insecurity due to digital transformation in Germany?" Soziale Welt 72 (4): 384-414. doi:

Müller, Nora, Klaus Pforr, and Oshrat Hochman. 2020. "The non-linear relationship between parental wealth and children’s post-secondary transitions in Germany." Soziale Welt 71 (3): 268-307. doi:

Dräger, Jascha, and Nora Müller. 2020. "Wealth stratification in the early school career in Germany." Research in Social Stratification and Mobility 67 100483. doi:

Müller, Nora, and Jascha Dräger. 2019. "Economic roles and marriage timing: A cohort comparison between women and men in East and West Germany." Longitudinal and Life Course Studies 10 (3): 347-374. doi:

Wicht, Alexandra, Nora Müller, Simone Haasler, and Alexandra Nonnenmacher. 2019. "The interplay between education, skills and job quality." Social Inclusion 7 (3): 254-269. doi:

Skopek, Nora, and Jascha Dräger. 2017. "Erwerbseinstieg beschleunigt Erstheirat von Frauen auch in den neuen Bundesländern." Informationsdienst Soziale Indikatoren : ISI (58): 13-17.

Hochman, Oshrat, and Nora Skopek. 2016. "The Impact of Wealth on Subjective Well-Being: A Comparison of Three Welfare-State Regimes." Informationsdienst Soziale Indikatoren : ISI (56): 5-8.

Skopek, Nora, Sandra Buchholz, and Hans-Peter Blossfeld. 2014. "National patterns of income and wealth inequality." International Journal of Comparative Sociology 55 (6): 463-488. doi:

Skopek, Nora, Kathrin Kolb, Sandra Buchholz, and Hans-Peter Blossfeld. 2013. "Einkommensreich – vermögensarm? : Die Zusammensetzung von Vermögen und die Bedeutung einzelner Vermögenskomponenten im europäischen Vergleich." Berliner Journal für Soziologie 22 (2): 163-187. doi:

Hochman, Oshrat, and Nora Müller. 2013. "The Impact of Wealth on Subjective Well-Being: A Comparison of Three Welfare State Regimes." Research in Social Stratification and Mobility 34 127-141. doi:

Kolb, Kathrin, Nora Skopek, and Hans-Peter Blossfeld. 2013. "The two dimensions of housing inequality in Europe: Are high home ownership rates an indicator for low housing values?" Comparative Population Studies 38 (4): 1009-1040. doi:

Beitrag im Sammelwerk

Hochman, Oshrat, Nora Müller, and Klaus Pforr. 2019. "Debts, negative life events and subjective well-being: disentangling relationships." In Wealth(s) and subjective well-being, edited by Gäel Brulé, and Christian Suter, Social Indicators Research Series 76, 377-399. Cham: Springer. doi:

Müller, Nora. 2017. "Gender Wealth Gap in Germany." In Wealth and Gender in Europe. External report commissioned by and presented to the EU Directorate-General Employment and Social Affairs, Unit G1 'Equality between women and men', edited by Eva Sierminska, and Anastasia Girshina, 78-88. European Commission. doi:

Müller, Nora. 2016. "Sozialwissenschaftliche Methodenausbildung für Postgraduierte im deutschen und internationalen Kontext." In Human Resources: Qualitätsaspekte der Ausbildung in der empirischen Forschung, edited by Christian König, Matthias Stahl, and Erich Wiegand, Schriftenreihe der ASI - Arbeitsgemeinschaft Sozialwissenschaftlicher Institute, 153-166. Wiesbaden: Springer Fachmedien. doi:

Müller, Nora. 2014. "Vermögen in Europa." In Reichtum, Philanthropie und Zivilgesellschaft, edited by Wolfgang Lauterbach, Michael Hartmann, and Miriam Ströing, 47–76. Wiesbaden: Springer.


Müller, Nora, Klaus Pforr, and Jascha Dräger, ed. 2023. Wealth Stratification and the Insurance Function of Wealth. Social Inclusion 11, 1. Cogitatio Press.

Müller, Nora, ed. 2023. Wilfred Uunk: Does the gender-equality paradox hold on the micro level? An assessment of the effect of household wealth on gendered math intentions for 60 countries. Frontiers in Education 8: 1155492. doi:


Skopek, Nora. 2015. Wealth as a distinct dimension of social inequality. Bamberger Beiträge zur Soziologie 14. Bamberg: University of Bamberg Press.

Müller, Nora. 2010. Erwerbseintritt und "Timing" der Ehe: eine längsschnittliche Untersuchung der Bedeutung des Erwerbseintritts von Frauen für den Zeitpunkt der ersten Eheschließung. Diplomarbeit. Bamberg: Otto-Friedrich-Universität Bamberg. urn:

Arbeits- und Diskussionspapier

Bles, Per, Nora Müller, and Lynn-Malou Lutz. 2023. Do country-level characteristics affect adults’ level of ICT skills? A European comparison with a two-component measure of ICT skills. SocArXiv. doi:

Per, Bles, Nora Müller, and Lynn-Malou Lutz. 2023. Do country-level characteristics affect adults’ level of ICT skills? A European comparison with a two-component measure of ICT skills. SocArXiv. doi:

Wicht, Alexandra, Nora Müller, Reinhard Pollak, and Silke Anger. 2023. Gendered wage effects of changes in job tasks: Evidence from Germany. SocArXiv. doi:

Pietrolucci, Andrea, Jascha Dräger, Nora Müller, and Marco Albertini. 2023. Wealth gaps in post-secondary enrolment in Europe? A comparison across European countries and wealth components . SocArXiv. doi:

Bles, Per, Ineke Bijlsma, Marie-Christine Fregin, Tomas Korpi, Mark Levels, Lynn-Malou Lutz, Nora Müller, Giampiero Passaretta, Reinhard Pollak, Rolf Van der Velden, Heike Solga, and Raymond Montizaan. 2021. Preparing today's youths for tomorrow's labour market: Analysis of the relationship between initial education and skills acquisition accross countries and over time. Technequality Working Paper Series 2021/8.

Dräger, Jascha, Klaus Pforr, and Nora Müller. 2021. Wealth 2D – An alternative approach to explore wealth effects. SocArXiv. doi:

Müller, Nora, Klaus Pforr, and Oshrat Hochman. 2017. The Effect of Parental Wealth on Children’s Educational Decisions in Germany: Compensation or Demotivation? SocArXiv. doi:


Wicht, Alexandra, Nora Müller, and Reinhard Pollak. 2024. Code/Syntax: Gendered Wage Returns to Changes in Non-routine Job Tasks: Evidence from Germany. doi:

Müller, Nora, Klaus Pforr, and Oshrat Hochman. 2020. Code/Syntax: The non-linear relationship between parental wealth and children’s post-secondary transitions in Germany. doi:


Müller, Nora, Hao Ting Chan, and Theresa Nutz. 2024. "Generational trends and predictors of hormonal contraceptive use in Germany: A machine learning approach." Frühjahrstagung der Sektion Familiensoziologie der DGS, Staatsinstitut für Familienforschung an der Universität Bamberg (ifb), 2024-05-16.

Müller, Nora, Alexandra Wicht, Reinhard Pollak, and Silke Anger. 2023. "Gendered wage effects of changes in job tasks: Evidence from Germany." Knowledge Societies – 4th Conference of the Academy of Sociology, Universität Bern, Bern, 2023-08-28.

Wicht, Alexandra, Nora Müller, Reinhard Pollak, and Silke Anger. 2023. "Gendered wage effects of changes in job tasks: Evidence from Germany." RC 28 Summer Meeting, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Ann Arbor, 2023-08-14.

Pollak, Reinhard, Alexandra Wicht, Nora Müller, and Silke Anger. 2023. "Gendered wage effects of changes in job tasks: Evidence from Germany." ECSR Annual Conference 2023, Prague, 2023-09-19.

Müller, Nora, Alexandra Wicht, Reinhard Pollak, and Silke Anger. 2023. "Gendered wage effects of changes in job tasks: Evidence from Germany." New Work – New Problems? Gender Perspectives on the Transformation of Work, Hochschule Luzern, Luzern, 2023-09-07.

Müller, Nora, and Klaus Pforr. 2022. "Labor supply effects of inheritances among the rich and the super-rich ." Reichtum – historische und soziologische Perspektiven, Max-Planck-Institut für Gesellschaftsforschung (MPIfG) Köln, Munich, 2022-03-03.

Müller, Nora, Klaus Pforr, and Jascha Dräger. 2022. "Wealth Gaps in Education in Germany." 41. Kongress der DGS "Polarisierte Welten", Universität Bielefeld, Bielefeld, 2022-09-27.

Anger, Silke, Nora Müller, Reinhard Pollak, and Alexandra Wicht. 2021. "ICT-related training and changes in job tasks." LERN-Jahrestagung 2021, Online, 2021-03-11.

Dräger, Jascha, Klaus Pforr, and Nora Müller. 2021. "Wealth 2-D – a new approach to explore wealth stratification." 3rd AS Conference 2021 Cohesive Societies, Online, 2021-09-30.

Dräger, Jascha, Klaus Pforr, and Nora Müller. 2021. "Wealth 2-D – a new approach to explore wealth stratification." ECSR Annual Conference 2021, Online, 2021-10-07.

Dräger, Jascha, Klaus Pforr, and Nora Müller. 2021. "Wealth 2-D: What we can learn if we do not collapse wealth to net worth." ISA RC28 Spring Meeting 2021, Universität of Turku, Finland, Virtual, Munich, 2021-06-03.

Müller, Nora. 2020. "Surveying private wealth." GESIS Symposium “Social Structural Characteristics in Surveys: Collection, Coding, Harmonization”, Mannheim, Munich, 2020-09-28.

Müller, Nora, Klaus Pforr, and Oshrat Hochman. 2019. "Debts, negative life events and subjective well-being: disentangling relationships." ISA RC28 Spring Meeting: Long-term consequences of the Great Recession for stratification, mobility and inequality, 2019-03-22.

Dräger, Jascha, Klaus Pforr, and Nora Müller. 2019. "How money buys skills – Testing the mediators between parents’ wealth and children’s competence among pre-schoolers in Germany." SLLS Annual Conference 2019, Universität Potsdam, 2019-09-25.

Dräger, Jascha, and Nora Müller. 2019. "Parental Wealth and Cognitive Skills in the Early School Career in Germany." ISA RC28 Spring Meeting: Long-term consequences of the Great Recession for stratification, mobility and inequality, Goethe University of Frankfurt, Munich, 2019-03-21.

Müller, Nora, and Dräger Jascha. 2018. "Economic Independence and Marriage Timing: A Cohort Comparison between East and West Germany." SLLS Conference 2018: Qualitative and Quantitative Longitudinal Research and Its Impact, 2018-07-09.

Müller, Nora. 2018. "Parental wealth and children's education in Germany ." ESCR Thematic Workshop "Wealth Inequality and Mobility", 2018-12-06.

Dräger, Jascha, and Nora Müller. 2018. "Primary and secondary effects of parental wealth in the early school career in Germany." 3rd International NEPS User Conference , 2018-11-22.

Dräger, Jascha, and Nora Müller. 2018. "Primary and secondary effects of parental wealth in the early school career in Germany." 3rd International NEPS User Conference, LIfBi, Munich, 2018-11-22.

Müller, Nora, Klaus Pforr, and Oshrat Hochman. 2018. "The effect of parental wealth on children’s educational decisions in Germany: Intellectual disadvantage compensation or educational demotivation? ." 1. Kongress der Akademie für Soziologie, 2018-04-05.

Müller, Nora, Klaus Pforr, and Oshrat Hochman. 2017. "The Effect of Parental Wealth on Educational Decisions." Pathways into, through and out of Higher Education: An International and Interdisciplinary Conference, 2017-09-10.

Müller, Nora, Klaus Pforr, and Oshrat Hochman. 2016. "Can Parental Wealth Explain the Low Rates of Intergenerational Educational Upward Mobility in Germany." 3rd ISA Forum of Sociology, 2016-07-11.

Müller, Nora, Klaus Pforr, and Oshrat Hochman. 2016. "The Effect of Parental Wealth on Children’s Educational Attainment: Demotivation or Risk Minimization?" ISA RC28 Summer Meeting: "Economic inequalities, deprivation, and poverty", 2016-08-31.

Müller, Nora, Klaus Pforr, and Oshrat Hochman. 2016. "The Effect of Parental Wealth on Children’s Educational Attainment: Demotivation or Risk Minimization?" ECSR 2016 Conference "Stratification and Population Processes in European Societies", 2016-09-22.

Müller, Nora, Klaus Pforr, and Oshrat Hochman. 2016. "The Effect of Parental Wealth on Children’s Educational Attainment: Demotivation or Risk Minimization?" SLLS International Conference 2016 "Education and the Life Course: Determinants and Consequences of Unequal Educational Opportunities", 2016-10-08.

Müller, Nora. 2015. "Parental wealth and children’s educational attainment in Germany." GIF Young Scientists' Workshop: Globalization, mobility, immigration and inequality in a comparative perspective, 2015-12-01.

Müller, Nora. 2015. "Sozialwissenschaftliche Methodenausbildung für Postgraduierte im deutschen und internationalen Kontext." "Human Resources"-Tagung des Statistischen Bundesamtes: Qualitätsaspekte der Ausbildung in der empirischen Forschung, 2015-06-19.

Müller, Nora. 2015. "Trends in the relationship between labour market entry and marriage timing: East and West Germany in comparison." ESA 2015: 12th Conference of the European Sociological Association , 2015-08-26.

Beitrag nicht auf Konferenz

Müller, Nora, Jascha Dräger, and Klaus Pforr. 2024. "The Keys to the House - How Wealth Transfers Stratify Homeownership Opportunities." SEMILUX, University of Luxembourg, 2024-05-15.


Skopek, Nora. 2017. "Current Issues in Social stratification - Wealth Inequality: Elective Seminar, Module Sociological Research Fields." Spring 2017: 2 SWS.

Skopek, Nora. 2016. "Current Issues in Social stratification - Wealth Inequality: Advaced Seminar for Undergraduates." Fall 2016: 2 SWS.


Wenz, Sebastian E., Nora Müller, Klaus Pforr, and Lynn-Malou Lutz. 2021. "AS Workshop: Causality in the Social Sciences III." AS Workshop: Causality in the Social Sciences III, Online, 2021-10-14 - 2021-10-15.

Müller, Nora, and Klaus Pforr. 2021. "Session 326: Consequences of wealth (inequality)." 4th ISA forum of sociology, Porto Alegre, Brazil, Virtuell, 2021-02-23 - 2021-02-28.