
The many faces of GESIS


Journal article

Raijman, Rebeca, Oshrat Hochman, and Eldad Davidov. 2022. "Ethnic majority attitudes towards Jewish and non-Jewish migrants in Israel: The role of perceptions of threat, collective vulnerability, and human values." Journal of Immigrant & Refugee Studies 19 (4): 407-421. doi:

Breznau, Nate, Eike Mark Rinke, Alexander Wuttke, Hung H.V. Nguyen, Muna Adem, Jule Adriaans, Amalia Alvarez-Benjumea, Henrik K. Andersen, Daniel Auer, Flavio Azevedo, Oke Bahnsen, Dave Balzer, Gerrit Bauer, Paul C. Bauer, Markus Baumann, Sharon Baute, Verena Benoit, Julian Bernauer, Carl Berning, Anna Berthold, Felix S. Bethke, Thomas Biegert, Katharina Blinzler, Johannes N. Blumenberg, Licia Bobzien, Andrea Bohman, Thijs Bol, Amie Bostic, Zuzanna Brzozowska, Katharina Burgdorf, Kaspar Burger, Kathrin B. Busch, Juan Carlos-Castillo, Nathan Chan, Pablo Christmann, Roxanne Connelly, Christian S. Czymara, Elena Damian, Alejandro Ecker, Achim Edelman, Maureen A. Eger, Simon Ellerbrock, Anna Forke, Andrea Forster, Chris Gaasendam, Chris Gaasendam, Konstantin Gavras, Vernon Gayle, Theresa Gessler, Timo Gnambs, Amélie Godefroidt, Max Grömping, Martin Groß, Stefan Gruber, Tobias Gummer, Andreas Hadjar, Jan Paul Heisig, Sebastian Hellmeier, Stefanie Heyne, Magdalena Hirsch, Mikael Hjerm, Oshrat Hochman, Andreas Hövermann, Sophia Hunger, Christian Hunkler, Nora Huth, Zsófia S. Ignácz, Laura Jacobs, Jannes Jacobsen, Bastian Jaeger, Sebastian Jungkunz, Nils Jungmann, Mathias Kauff, Manuel Kleinert, Julia Klinger, Jan-Philipp Kolb, Marta Kołczyńska, John Kuk, Katharina Kunißen, Dafina Kurti Sinatra, Alexander Langenkamp, Philipp M. Lersch, Lea-Maria Löbel, Philipp Lutscher, Matthias Mader, Joan E. Madia, Natalia Malancu, Luis Maldonado, Helge Marahrens, Nicole Martins, Paul Martinez, Jochen Mayerl, Oscar J. Mayorga, Patricia McManus, Kyle McWagner, Cecil Meeusen, Daniel Meierrieks, Jonathan Mellon, Friedolin Merhout, Samuel Merk, Daniel Meyer, Leticia Micheli, Jonathan Mijs, Cristóbal Moya, Marcel Neunhoeffer, Daniel Nüst, Olav Nygård, Fabian Ochsenfeld, Gunnar Otte, Anna O. Pechenkina, Christopher Prosser, Louis Raes, Kevin Ralston, Miguel R. Ramos, Arne Roets, Jonathan Rogers, Guido Ropers, Robin Samuel, Gregor Sand, Ariela Schachter, Merlin Schaeffer, David Schieferdecker, Elmar Schlueter, Regine Schmidt, Katja M. Schmidt, Alexander Schmidt-Catran, Claudia Schmiedeberg, Jürgen Schneider, Martijn Schoonvelde, Julia Schulte-Cloos, Sandy Schumann, Reinhard Schunck, Jürgen Schupp, Julian Seuring, Henning Silber, Willem Sleegers, Nico Sonntag, Alexander Staudt, Nadia Steiber, Nils Steiner, Sebastian Sternberg, Dieter Stiers, Dragana Stojmenovska, Nora Storz, Erich Striessnig, Anne-Kathrin Stroppe, Janna Teltemann, Andrey Tibajev, Brian Tung, Giacomo Vagni, Jasper Van Assche, Meta van der Linden, Jolanda van der Noll, Arno Van Hootegem, Stefan Vogtenhuber, Bogdan Voicu, Fieke Wagemans, Nadja Wehl, Hannah Werner, Brenton M. Wiernik, Fabian Winter, Christof Wolf, Yuki Yamada, Nan Zhang, Conrad Ziller, Stefan Zins, and Tomasz Żółtak. 2022. "Observing Many Researchers Using the Same Data and Hypothesis Reveals a Hidden Universe of Uncertainty." PNAS Nexus 119 (44): e2203150119.

Hochman, Oshrat, and Rebeca Raijman. 2022. "The “Jewish Premium”: Attitudes towards Jewish and Non-Jewish immigrants arriving in Israel under the law of return." Ethnic and Racial Studies 45 (16): 144-167 . doi:

Müller, Nora, Klaus Pforr, and Oshrat Hochman. 2021. "Double Burden? Implications of indebtedness to general life satisfaction following negative life events in international comparison." Journal of European Social Policy 31 (5): 614–628. doi:

Müller, Nora, Klaus Pforr, and Oshrat Hochman. 2020. "The non-linear relationship between parental wealth and children’s post-secondary transitions in Germany." Soziale Welt 71 (3): 268-307. doi:

Hochman, Oshrat, and Gema Garcia Albacete. 2019. "Political Interest among European Youth with and without an Immigrant Background." Social Inclusion. doi:

Wasmer, Martina, and Oshrat Hochman. 2019. "„In Deutschland lebende Ausländer“ : Unterschiede im Begriffsverständnis und deren Konsequenzen ." Informationsdienst Soziale Indikatoren : ISI (61): 18-23.

Hochman, Oshrat, and Sibylle Heilbrunn. 2018. ""I am not a German Jew. I am a Jew with a German Passport":German-Jewish Identification among Jewish Germans and Jewish German Israelis." Identities: Global Studies in Culture and Power 25 (1): 104-123. doi:

Hochman, Oshrat, Anna Stein, Noah Lewin-Epstein, and Thomas Wöhler. 2018. "Emotional Integration across Immigrant Generations in Baden‐Württemberg, Germany: The Role of Discrimination." International Migration 56 (3): 186-202. doi:

Hochman, Oshrat, and Adi Hercowitz-Amir. 2017. "(Dis)Agreement with the implementation of humanitarian policy measures towards asylum seekers in Israel: does the frame matter?" Journal of International Migration and Integration 2017 (18(3)): 87-916. doi:

Hochman, Oshrat. 2017. "Perceived threat, Social Distance and Exclusion of Asylum Seekers from Sudan and Eritrea in Israel." Hagira - Israel Journal of Migration 2017 (7): 45-66.

Hochman, Oshrat, and Nora Skopek. 2016. "The Impact of Wealth on Subjective Well-Being: A Comparison of Three Welfare-State Regimes." Informationsdienst Soziale Indikatoren : ISI (56): 5-8.

Hochman, Oshrat. 2015. "Infiltrators or Asylum seekers? Framing and Attitudes towards Asylum seekers in Israel." Journal of Immigrant and Refugee Studies 13 (4): 358-378. doi:

Hochman, Oshrat, and Eldad Davidov. 2014. "Relations between Second Language Proficiency and National Identification." European Sociological Review 2014 (30, 3): 344-359.

Hochman, Oshrat, and Noah Lewin-Epstein. 2013. "Determinants of Retirement Preferences in Europe: the Role of Grandparenthood." The International Journal of Comparative Sociology 2013 (54, 1): 29-47.

Hochman, Oshrat, and Nora Müller. 2013. "The Impact of Wealth on Subjective Well-Being: A Comparison of Three Welfare State Regimes." Research in Social Stratification and Mobility 34 127-141. doi:

Hochman, Oshrat. 2011. "Determinants of Positive Naturalization Intentions among Germany's Labour Migrants." Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies 2011 (37, 9): 1403-1421.

Raijman, Rebeca, and Oshrat Hochman. 2011. "National Attachments, Economic Competition and Social exclusion of Non-ethnic Migrants in Israel: a Mixed Methods Approach." Quality & Quantity 2011 (45, 6): 1151-1174.

Raijman, Rebeca, Eldad Davidov, Peter Schmidt, and Oshrat Hochman. 2008. "What does a Nation Owe Non-citizens? National Attachments, Perception of Threat and Attitudes towards Granting Citizenship Rights in a Comparative Perespective." International Journal of Comparative Sociology 2008 (49, 2-3): 195-220.

Chapter in an edited book

Hochman, Oshrat, Nora Müller, and Klaus Pforr. 2019. "Debts, negative life events and subjective well-being: disentangling relationships." In Wealth(s) and subjective well-being, edited by Gäel Brulé, and Christian Suter, Social Indicators Research Series 76, 377-399. Cham: Springer. doi:

Siegers, Pascal, Sonja Schulz, and Oshrat Hochman. 2019. "Einleitung: ALLBUS, IEDI und die Wiederaufnahme der Reihe „Blickpunkt Gesellschaft“." In Einstellungen und Verhalten der deutschen Bevölkerung: Analysen mit dem ALLBUS, edited by Pascal Siegers, Sonja Schulz, and Oshrat Hochman, Blickpunkt Gesellschaft, 1-11. Wiesbaden: Springer VS.

Hochman, Oshrat, Rebeca Raijman, and Peter Schmidt. 2016. "National Identity and Exclusion of Non-ethnic Migrants: Germany and Israel in Comparative Perspective." In Dynamics of National Identity: Media and Societal Factors of What We Are, edited by Peter Schmidt, Josef Seethaler, and Jürgen Grimm, Routledge.

Raijman, Rebeca, and Oshrat Hochman. 2012. "Minority Views of Competition: Attitudes of Israeli Arabs towards Labor Migrants and Noncitizen Palestinians." In Methods, Theories, and Empirical Applications in the Social Sciences, edited by Samuel Salzborn, 145-150. Wiesbaden: VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften.


Hochman, Oshrat, ed. 2023. Immigration and Integration in Israel and Beyond. Culture and Social Practice. Bielefeld: transcript.

Schulz, Sonja, Pascal Siegers, Bettina Westle, and Oshrat Hochman, ed. 2021. (In)Toleranz in der Einwanderungsgesellschaft? Einstellungen zu Migranten in Deutschland und Europa. Blickpunkt Gesellschaft. Wiesbaden: Springer VS.

Hochman, Oshrat, and Alice Ramos, ed. 2020. Attitudes towards asylum policy in a divided Europe: Diverging contexts, diverging attitudes? Frontiers in Sociology, section Migration and Society 5. Lausanne: Frontiers Media. doi:

Siegers, Pascal, Sonja Schulz, and Oshrat Hochman, ed. 2019. Einstellungen und Verhalten der deutschen Bevölkerung: Analysen mit dem ALLBUS. Blickpunkt Gesellschaft. Wiesbaden: Springer VS. doi:


Hochman, Oshrat. 2010. Ethnic identification preferences among Germany's immigrants and their descendants: A comprehensive perspective.

Working and discussion paper

Müller, Nora, Klaus Pforr, and Oshrat Hochman. 2017. The Effect of Parental Wealth on Children’s Educational Decisions in Germany: Compensation or Demotivation? SocArXiv. doi:


Müller, Nora, Klaus Pforr, and Oshrat Hochman. 2020. Code/Syntax: The non-linear relationship between parental wealth and children’s post-secondary transitions in Germany. doi:

Other article

Schnaudt, Christian, Oshrat Hochman, Sandra Ludwig, and Maila Mertens. 2020. "Deutschland in Europa 2002-2016: Zentrale Befunde auf Grundlage des European Social Survey."

Breznau, Nate, Eike Mark Rinke, Alexander Wuttke, Johannes N. Blumenberg, Kathrin B. Busch, Pablo Christmann, Tobias Gummer, Oshrat Hochman, Nora Huth, Jan-Philipp Kolb, Dafina Kurti, Reinhard Schunck, Henning Silber, Christof Wolf, Stefan Zins, and et al.. 2019. "The Crowdsourced Replication Initiative: Investigating Immigration and Social Policy Preferences. Executive Report." In SocArXiv papers, doi:

Presentation at a conference

Scholz, Evi, and Oshrat Hochman. 2021. "Adaptation from CASI to mail to field the ISSP module as stand-alone survey." ESRA 2021: 9th conference of the European Survey Research Association, Online, 2021-07-02.

Hochman, Oshrat, and Rebeca Raijman. 2021. "The “Jewish premium”: Attitudes towards Jewish and non-Jewish migrants arriving in Israel under the law of return." ISPP virtual annual meeting: Recognition and (re) claiming spaces: Marginalization, colonization, and privilege, Online, 2021-07-11.

Hochman, Oshrat, and Alice Ramos. 2019. "Am I my brother’s keeper? Exclusionist attitudes among individuals with and without an immigrant background." 2019 IMISCOE Annual Conference: Understanding International Migration in the 21st Century: Conceptual and Methodological Approaches, 2019-06-27.

Müller, Nora, Klaus Pforr, and Oshrat Hochman. 2019. "Debts, negative life events and subjective well-being: disentangling relationships." ISA RC28 Spring Meeting: Long-term consequences of the Great Recession for stratification, mobility and inequality, 2019-03-22.

Hochman, Oshrat, and Gema Garcia Albacete. 2019. "Political interest among immigrants in four countries." Children in migrant or ethnic minorities: Tagung der DGS Sektion Migration und Ethnische Minderheiten , Max Plank Institue für Demographie, 2019-05-17.

Raijman, Rebeca, Oshrat Hochman, and Eldad Davidov. 2019. "Sources of opposition to immigration: The case of Israel." Fourth International ESS Conference, Universität Mannheim, Mannheim, 2019-04-16.

Blohm, Michael, Oshrat Hochman, Sebastian Stier, and Jessica Walter. 2019. "The Influence of Media Coverage on Political Knowledge over the Data Collection Period." ESRA 2019 : 8th Conference of the European Survey Research Association, Zagreb (Croatia), 2019-07-18.

Hochman, Oshrat. 2018. "Exclusion of Immigrants by Immigrants in Europe." XIX ISA World Congress of Sociology, Power, Violence and Justice: Reflections, Responses and Responsibilities, 2018-07-23.

Müller, Nora, Klaus Pforr, and Oshrat Hochman. 2018. "The effect of parental wealth on children’s educational decisions in Germany: Intellectual disadvantage compensation or educational demotivation? ." 1. Kongress der Akademie für Soziologie, 2018-04-05.

Müller, Nora, Klaus Pforr, and Oshrat Hochman. 2017. "The Effect of Parental Wealth on Educational Decisions." Pathways into, through and out of Higher Education: An International and Interdisciplinary Conference, 2017-09-10.

Müller, Nora, Klaus Pforr, and Oshrat Hochman. 2016. "Can Parental Wealth Explain the Low Rates of Intergenerational Educational Upward Mobility in Germany." 3rd ISA Forum of Sociology, 2016-07-11.

Hochman, Oshrat, Anna Stein, Noah Lewin-Epstein, and Thomas Wöhler. 2016. "Effects of Discrimination on Ethnic and National Identification: Italians and Turks in Germany." The Fourth Ruppin International Conference on Immigration and Social Integration, 2016-05-23.

Müller, Nora, Klaus Pforr, and Oshrat Hochman. 2016. "The Effect of Parental Wealth on Children’s Educational Attainment: Demotivation or Risk Minimization?" ISA RC28 Summer Meeting: "Economic inequalities, deprivation, and poverty", 2016-08-31.

Müller, Nora, Klaus Pforr, and Oshrat Hochman. 2016. "The Effect of Parental Wealth on Children’s Educational Attainment: Demotivation or Risk Minimization?" ECSR 2016 Conference "Stratification and Population Processes in European Societies", 2016-09-22.

Müller, Nora, Klaus Pforr, and Oshrat Hochman. 2016. "The Effect of Parental Wealth on Children’s Educational Attainment: Demotivation or Risk Minimization?" SLLS International Conference 2016 "Education and the Life Course: Determinants and Consequences of Unequal Educational Opportunities", 2016-10-08.

Hochman, Oshrat, and Sibylle Heilbrunn. 2015. ""I am an Israeli in Germany and a German in Israsel": Patterns of Identification." Annual Meeting of the Israeli Sociological Association, 2015-02-01.

Hochman, Oshrat, and Adi Hercowitz-Amir. 2014. "Attitudes of the Israeli Public towards Asylum Seekers: Humanitarianism and its Consequences for exclusionist Attitudes." XVIII ISA World Congress of Sociology.

Hochman, Oshrat. 2014. "Effects of the Framing of Asylum Seekers in Israel as 'Infiltrators' on the Public Attitudes of Jewish Israelis toward them." Annual Meeting of the Israeli Sociological Association.

Hochman, Oshrat. 2014. "Infiltrators into the Country, Infiltrators into the Mind? Framing of Asylum Seekers in Israel and its Consequences for Attitudes towards them." 17th ISA World Congress of Sociology.

Hochman, Oshrat, and Nora Skopeck. 2012. "Economic well-being and life satisfaction in Older Age: a German Israeli Comparison." Research Committee 28 on Social Stratification and Mobility, Spring Meeting.

Skopeck, Nora, and Oshrat Hochman. 2012. "Money is not Enough: Can Wealth Explain Differences in the Quality of Life of Aging Immigrants and Natives?" Second Ruppin International Conference on Immigration and Social Integration.

Hochman, Oshrat, and Eldad Davidov. 2012. "Relations between Emotional and Cultural Integration: the Case of Germany." Second Ruppin International Conference on Immigration and Social Integration.

Müller, Nora, and Oshrat Hochman. 2012. "Wealth and subjective well-being: a German-Israeli comparison." Spring 2012 Meeting of the ISA RC28: Economic transformation and social stratification in comparative perspective, 2012-05-11.

Hochman, Oshrat, and Noah Lewin-Epstein. 2011. "Determinants of Retirement Preferences in Europe: the Role of Grandparenthood." 19th Meeting of the Israeli Gerontology Association.

Hochman, Oshrat. 2011. "Second Language skills and Ethnic Identification in the Context of Immigrants' Integration into Receiving Societies: the case of Germany." Annual Meeting of the Israeli Forum for German History and Culture.

Hochman, Oshrat. 2009. "Ethnic-Identification and Naturalization Motivations among Germany's Labour Migrants." International Society of Political Psychology.

Hochman, Oshrat. 2009. "Explaining Self-identification Patterns among Germany's Labour Migrants." Fifth International Young scholars German socioeconomic Panel Symposium.

Hochman, Oshrat. 2008. "Group Identifications as a Rational Investment: Social Self-identification Patterns among Youth in Germany." Sociology Meets Social Psychology.

Hochman, Oshrat. 2008. "National Identity and Exclusionary Attitudes towards Immigrants in Two Ethno-National States: Germany and Israel in Comparative Perspective." Annual Meeting of the International Society of Political Psychology.

Hochman, Oshrat. 2007. "The Allocation of rights to Non-Ethnic Migrants in Ethno-national States: Public Attitudes in Israel and in Germany." Annual Meeting of the Israeli Sociological Association.

Raijman, Rebeca, Eldad Davidov, Peter Schmidt, and Oshrat Hochman. 2006. "What does a Nation Owe Non-citizens? National Achievements, Perception of Threat and Attitudes towards Granting Citizenship Rights in a Comparative Perspective." RC28 Spring Meeting.

Presentation not at a conference

Hochman, Oshrat. 2020. "„In Deutschland lebende Ausländer“ Unterschiede im Begriffsverständnis und deren Konsequenzen für die Einstellungsmessung." DDR-PSYCH Fall Academy 2020, Universitätsmedizin der Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz, Mainz, 2020-10-07.

Hochman, Oshrat. 2014. "Melting Pot Israel? Identities in Israel's multicultural Society." German Federal Agency for Civic Education, 2014-10-01.

Hochman, Oshrat. 2013. "Attitudes towards Ayslum seekers in Israel: the Consequences of Framing." Canada-Israel Forum at the Ruppin Academic Centre.

Hochman, Oshrat. 2013. "Effects of the Framing of Asylum Seekers in Israel as "Infiltrators" on Public Attitudes towards them." 2013-12-01.

Hochman, Oshrat. 2013. "Israel: a Multicultural Society." 2013-10-01.

Hochman, Oshrat, and Daan Broeder. 2012. "Wealth and Subjective-Wellbeing in Older age: A German Israeli Comparison." Doctoral Colloquium.

Hochman, Oshrat. 2011. "Emotional integration of immigrants and immigrant offspring in young adulthood: the case of Germany." 2011-11-01.


Hochman, Oshrat. 2014. "Introduction to Statistics for Social Work."

Hochman, Oshrat. 2012. "Introduction to statistics using SPSS."

Hochman, Oshrat. 2012. "Sociological dimensions of the Israeli society."


Hochman, Oshrat. 2016. "Attitudes towards Foreigners."

Hochman, Oshrat. 2016. "Forschungsseminar."

Hochman, Oshrat. 2014. "Immigration in the cinema and in other media."

Hochman, Oshrat. 2013. "Immigrants and the receiving society: Attitudes and their consequences."


Hochman, Oshrat. 2012. "Ethnic identity in the context of immigration."

Expert report

Hochman, Oshrat. 2021. "International Migration Review." Anzahl: 1.

Hochman, Oshrat. 2021. "Journal of Immigrant and Refugee Studies." Anzahl: 1.

Hochman, Oshrat. 2020. "Frontiers in Sociology, section Migration and Society." Anzahl: 2.

Hochman, Oshrat. 2020. "International Journal of Comparative Sociology." Anzahl: 1.

Hochman, Oshrat. 2020. "Journal of international Migration and Intgeration." Anzahl: 1.

Hochman, Oshrat. 2020. "Research in Social Stratification and Mobility." Anzahl: 1.

Hochman, Oshrat. 2020. "Social Forces Mar-20-128." Anzahl: 1.

Hochman, Oshrat. 2020. "Social Science Research." Anzahl: 1.

Hochman, Oshrat. 2019. "European Sociological Review." Anzahl: 1.

Hochman, Oshrat. 2019. "Journal of Family Research/Zeitschrift für Familienforschung." Anzahl: 1.

Hochman, Oshrat. 2019. "Sociology of Health and Illness." Anzahl: 1.

Hochman, Oshrat. 2017. "International Journal of Comparative Sociology." Anzahl: 1.

Hochman, Oshrat. 2017. "International Sociology." Anzahl: 1.

Hochman, Oshrat. 2017. "Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies." Anzahl: 1.

Hochman, Oshrat. 2017. "Research in Social Stratification and Mobility." Anzahl: 1.

Hochman, Oshrat. 2016. "Eurpean Sociological Review." Anzahl: 1.

Hochman, Oshrat. 2016. "International Journal of Comparative Sociology." Anzahl: 1.

Hochman, Oshrat. 2016. "International Journal of Public Opinion Research." Anzahl: 1.

Hochman, Oshrat. 2016. "Research in Social Stratification and Mobility." Anzahl: 1.

Hochman, Oshrat. 2015. "European Union Politics." Anzahl: 1.

Hochman, Oshrat. 2015. "Journal of International Migration and Integration." Anzahl: 1.

Hochman, Oshrat. 2014. "Political Psychology." Anzahl: 1.

Hochman, Oshrat. 2013. "European Sociological Review." Anzahl: 1.


Wirth, Heike, and Oshrat Hochman. 2019. "6th EU User Conference for EU-Microdata." 6th EU User Conference for EU-Microdata, 2019-03-07 - 2019-03-08.

Hochman, Oshrat, and Caroline Hahn. 2019. "Turbulent times in Europe: Instability, insecurity and inequality." Fourth International ESS Conference, 2019-04-15 - 2019-04-17.

Wirth, Heike, and Oshrat Hochman. 2017. "5th Europen User Conference for EU-Microdata: 2-3 March 2017, Mannheim, Germany." 5th European User Conference for EU-Microdata. Organized by German Microdata Lab in cooperation with Eurostat, 2017-03-02 - 2017-03-03.

Hochman, Oshrat, Michael Blohm, and Martina Wasmer. 2017. "Session: Challenges of long-term repeated cross-sectional attitude surveys." ESRA 2017: 7th Conference of the European Survey Research Association, 2017-07-20.