
The many faces of GESIS


Pablo Christmann studied Political Science and Sociology at the University of Mannheim (Germany). He graduated at the Universitat Pompeu Fabra (Barcelona, Spain), where he also received his PhD in 2017. Between 2011 and 2017 he also was a researcher at the Research and Expertise Centre for Survey Methodology (RECSM). Between 2017 and 2019 he worked as a research associate at GESIS, where he implemented the European Values Study (2017) and the World Values Survey (2017) in Germany. Since 2020 he works as project coordination manager for the panel study FReDA (Family Research and Demographic Analysis). His main research interests are political attitudes and survey methodology and methods.


Journal article

Hank, Karsten, Tobias Gummer, Martin Bujard, Franz J. Neyer, Reinhard Pollak, C. Katharina Spieß, Christof Wolf, Pablo Christmann, Tanja Kunz, Detlev Lück, Robert Naderi, Theresa Nutz, Lisa Schmid, and Carolin Thönnissen. 2024. "A new data infrastructure for family research and demographic analysis: The German Family Demography Panel Study (FReDA)." European Sociological Review online first 1-13. doi:

Christmann, Pablo, Tobias Gummer, Armando Häring, Tanja Kunz, Anne-Sophie Oehrlein, Michael Ruland, and Lisa Schmid. 2024. "Concurrent, Web-First, or Web-Only? How Different Mode Sequences Perform in Recruiting Participants for a Self-Administered Mixed-Mode Panel Study." Journal of Survey Statistics and Methodology online first. doi:

Stadtmüller, Sven, Henning Silber, Tobias Gummer, Matthias Sand, Stefan Zins, Christoph Beuthner, and Pablo Christmann. 2023. "Evaluating an alternative frame for address-based sampling in Germany: The address database from Deutsche Post Direkt." methods, data, analyses 17 (1): 29-46.

Gummer, Tobias, Pablo Christmann, and Tanja Kunz. 2023. "Gaining Consent to Survey Respondents’ Partners: The Importance of Anchors’ Survey Experience in Self-administered Modes." Comparative Population Studies 48 281-306. doi:

Schmid, Lisa, Pablo Christmann, Anne-Sophie Oehrlein, Annika Stein, and Carolin Thönnissen. 2023. "Life Satisfaction during the Second Lockdown of the COVID-19 Pandemic in Germany: The Effects of Local Restrictions and Respondents’ Perceptions about the Pandemic." Applied Research in Quality of Life online first. doi:

Bechert, Insa, Pablo Christmann, Andreas Franken, Fabio Franzese, Maarten Koomen, Kristina Krell, Tanja Kunz, Melissa Pflüger, Percy Scheller, Maximilian Trommer, and Christina von Rotz. 2023. "Plausibilisierung: eine Handreichung zum Umgang mit inkonsistenten Daten in den Sozialwissenschaften." Bausteine Forschungsdatenmanagement (1): 1-84. doi:

Stadtmüller, Sven, Christoph Beuthner, Pablo Christmann, Tobias Gummer, Rebekka Kluge, Matthias Sand, and Henning Silber. 2023. "The interplay of incentives and mode choice design in self-administered mixed-mode surveys." Bulletin of Sociological Methodology/Bulletin de Méthodologie Sociologique 159 (1): 49-74. doi:

Weih, Ulrich, Emily Lines, Detlev Lück, Carolin Thönnissen, and Pablo Christmann. 2022. "(Unter-) Repräsentation von Migrantinnen und Migranten in Umfragen und Panels." Ernährungs Umschau (5): M278–M279.

Breznau, Nate, Eike Mark Rinke, Alexander Wuttke, Hung H.V. Nguyen, Muna Adem, Jule Adriaans, Amalia Alvarez-Benjumea, Henrik K. Andersen, Daniel Auer, Flavio Azevedo, Oke Bahnsen, Dave Balzer, Gerrit Bauer, Paul C. Bauer, Markus Baumann, Sharon Baute, Verena Benoit, Julian Bernauer, Carl Berning, Anna Berthold, Felix S. Bethke, Thomas Biegert, Katharina Blinzler, Johannes N. Blumenberg, Licia Bobzien, Andrea Bohman, Thijs Bol, Amie Bostic, Zuzanna Brzozowska, Katharina Burgdorf, Kaspar Burger, Kathrin B. Busch, Juan Carlos-Castillo, Nathan Chan, Pablo Christmann, Roxanne Connelly, Christian S. Czymara, Elena Damian, Alejandro Ecker, Achim Edelman, Maureen A. Eger, Simon Ellerbrock, Anna Forke, Andrea Forster, Chris Gaasendam, Chris Gaasendam, Konstantin Gavras, Vernon Gayle, Theresa Gessler, Timo Gnambs, Amélie Godefroidt, Max Grömping, Martin Groß, Stefan Gruber, Tobias Gummer, Andreas Hadjar, Jan Paul Heisig, Sebastian Hellmeier, Stefanie Heyne, Magdalena Hirsch, Mikael Hjerm, Oshrat Hochman, Andreas Hövermann, Sophia Hunger, Christian Hunkler, Nora Huth, Zsófia S. Ignácz, Laura Jacobs, Jannes Jacobsen, Bastian Jaeger, Sebastian Jungkunz, Nils Jungmann, Mathias Kauff, Manuel Kleinert, Julia Klinger, Jan-Philipp Kolb, Marta Kołczyńska, John Kuk, Katharina Kunißen, Dafina Kurti Sinatra, Alexander Langenkamp, Philipp M. Lersch, Lea-Maria Löbel, Philipp Lutscher, Matthias Mader, Joan E. Madia, Natalia Malancu, Luis Maldonado, Helge Marahrens, Nicole Martins, Paul Martinez, Jochen Mayerl, Oscar J. Mayorga, Patricia McManus, Kyle McWagner, Cecil Meeusen, Daniel Meierrieks, Jonathan Mellon, Friedolin Merhout, Samuel Merk, Daniel Meyer, Leticia Micheli, Jonathan Mijs, Cristóbal Moya, Marcel Neunhoeffer, Daniel Nüst, Olav Nygård, Fabian Ochsenfeld, Gunnar Otte, Anna O. Pechenkina, Christopher Prosser, Louis Raes, Kevin Ralston, Miguel R. Ramos, Arne Roets, Jonathan Rogers, Guido Ropers, Robin Samuel, Gregor Sand, Ariela Schachter, Merlin Schaeffer, David Schieferdecker, Elmar Schlueter, Regine Schmidt, Katja M. Schmidt, Alexander Schmidt-Catran, Claudia Schmiedeberg, Jürgen Schneider, Martijn Schoonvelde, Julia Schulte-Cloos, Sandy Schumann, Reinhard Schunck, Jürgen Schupp, Julian Seuring, Henning Silber, Willem Sleegers, Nico Sonntag, Alexander Staudt, Nadia Steiber, Nils Steiner, Sebastian Sternberg, Dieter Stiers, Dragana Stojmenovska, Nora Storz, Erich Striessnig, Anne-Kathrin Stroppe, Janna Teltemann, Andrey Tibajev, Brian Tung, Giacomo Vagni, Jasper Van Assche, Meta van der Linden, Jolanda van der Noll, Arno Van Hootegem, Stefan Vogtenhuber, Bogdan Voicu, Fieke Wagemans, Nadja Wehl, Hannah Werner, Brenton M. Wiernik, Fabian Winter, Christof Wolf, Yuki Yamada, Nan Zhang, Conrad Ziller, Stefan Zins, and Tomasz Żółtak. 2022. "Observing Many Researchers Using the Same Data and Hypothesis Reveals a Hidden Universe of Uncertainty." PNAS Nexus 119 (44): e2203150119.

Cernat, Alexandru, Joe Sakshaug, Pablo Christmann, and Tobias Gummer. 2022. "The Impact of Survey Mode Design and Questionnaire Length on Measurement Quality." Sociological Methods & Research online first. doi:

Gummer, Tobias, Pablo Christmann, Sascha Verhoeven, and Christof Wolf. 2022. "Using a responsive survey design to innovate self-administered mixed-mode surveys." Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series A (Statistics in Society) 185 (3): 916-932. doi:

Wolf, Christof, Pablo Christmann, Tobias Gummer, Christian Schnaudt, and Sascha Verhoeven. 2021. "Conducting General Social Surveys as Self-Administered Mixed-Mode Surveys." Public Opinion Quarterly 85 (2): 623-648. doi:

Torcal, Mariano, and Pablo Christmann. 2021. "Responsiveness, performance and corruption: Reasons for the decline of political trust." Frontiers in Political Science (22.07.021). doi:

Luijxk, Ruud, Gudbjorg Jonsdottir, Tobias Gummer, Michele Ernst Staehli, Morten Frederiksen, Kimmo Ketola, Tim Reeskens, Evelyn Brislinger, Pablo Christmann, Stefan Gunnarsson, Arni Bragi Hjaltason, Dominique Joye, Vera Lomazzi, Angelica Maineri, Patricia Milbert, Michael Ochsner, Alexandre Pollien, Marlène Sapin, Ivet Solanes, Sascha Verhoeven, and Christof Wolf. 2021. "The European Values Study 2017: On the way to the future using mixed-modes." European Sociological Review 37 (2): 330-346. doi:

Christmann, Pablo, and Marta Kołczyńska. 2020. "Commentary on A Cross-National Design to Estimate Effects of COVID-Induced Non-Pharmacological Interventions." Survey Research Methods 14 (2): 215-216. doi:

Meitinger, Katharina, Sven Stadtmüller, Henning Silber, Roman Auriga, Michael Bergmann, Michael Blohm, Manuela S. Blumenberg, Pablo Christmann, Barbara Felderer, Corinna Frodermann, Florian Griese, Tobias Gummer, Achim Koch, Anita Kottwitz, Kristina Krell, Ulrich Krieger, Elisabeth Liebau, Silke Martin, Andre Müller-Kuller, Beatrice Rammstedt, Ines Schaurer, Annette Scherpenzeel, Claudia Schmiedeberg, Tobias Schmidt, Christian Schnaudt, Sascha Verhoeven, and Anouk Zabal. 2020. "Fieldwork monitoring in practice: Insights from 17 large-scale social science surveys in Germany." Survey Methods: Insights from the Field (SMIF) 2020 (18.05.2020). doi:

Gummer, Tobias, Claudia Schmiedeberg, Martin Bujard, Pablo Christmann, Karsten Hank, Tanja Kunz, Detlev Lück, and Franz J. Neyer. 2020. "The impact of Covid-19 on fieldwork efforts and planning in pairfam and FReDA-GGS." Survey Research Methods 14 (2): 223-227. doi:

Torcal, Mariano, and Pablo Christmann. 2019. "Congruence, National Context and Trust in European Institutions." Journal of European Public Policy. doi:

Christmann, Pablo. 2018. "Economic performance, quality of democracy and satisfaction with democracy." Electoral Studies. doi:

Christmann, Pablo, and Mariano Torcal. 2018. "The Effects of Government System Fractionalization on Satisfaction With Democracy." Political Science Research and Methods 6 (3): 593-611. doi:

Christmann, Pablo, and Mariano Torcal. 2017. "The political and economic causes of satisfaction with democracy in Spain – a twofold panel study." West European Politics 40 (6): 1241-1266. doi:

Chapter in an edited book

Torcal, Mariano, and Pablo Christmann. 2020. "Political Culture in Spain in the Twenty-First Century: Symptoms of a crisis of representation." In The Oxford Handbook of Spanish Politics, edited by Diego Muro, and Ignacio Lago, 315-330. Oxford University Press.

Torcal, Mariano, and Pablo Christmann. 2018. "El declive de la confianza en las instituciones de la UE en España." In Opinión pública y cambio electoral en España. Claves ante el reto europeo y la crisis política y económica, edited by Mariano Torcal, Madrid: Centro de Investigaciones Sociológicas.

Guillermo, Cordero, and Pablo Christmann. 2018. "¿Podemos? Crónica de Un éxito Inesperado En Las Elecciones Europeas de 2014." In Opinión pública y cambio electoral en España. Claves ante el reto europeo y la crisis política y económica, edited by Mariano Torcal, Madrid: Centro de Investigaciones Sociológicas.


Christmann, Pablo. 2017. Satisfaction with democracy as the evaluation of institutional structure, democratic process and economic performance. PhD diss., Pompeu Fabra University.

Working and discussion paper

Lück, Detlev, Clara Englert, Felicitas Eigenbrodt, Pablo Christmann, and Robert Naderi. 2024. Documentation of the German Generations and Gender Survey, Round II – Wave 1. GGP Technical Paper Series. doi:


Bujard, Martin, Tobias Gummer, Karsten Hank, Franz J. Neyer, Reinhard Pollak, Norbert F. Schneider, C. Katharina Spieß, Christof Wolf, Irina Bauer, Simon Börlin, David Bretschi, Katja Brüggemann, Pablo Christmann, Rüdiger Edinger, Felicitas Eigenbrodt, Lena C. Frembs, Katharina Groß, Carolin Jost, Tanja Kunz, Emily Lines, Detlev Lück, Robert Naderi, Elias Naumann, Theresa Nutz, Anne-Sophie Oehrlein, Viktoria Oellers, Kerstin Ruckdeschel, Lisa Schmid, Almut Schumann, Nina Schumann, Annika Stein, Carolin Thönnissen, Emely Ullrich, Ellen von den Driesch, and Ulrich Weih. 2023. FReDA - The German Family Demography Panel Study (Study No. ZA7777; Data File Version 2.0.0). doi:

Bujard, Martin, Tobias Gummer, Karsten Hank, Franz J. Neyer, Reinhard Pollak, Norbert F. Schneider, C. Katharina Spieß, Christof Wolf, Irina Bauer, Simon Börlin, David Bretschi, Katja Brüggemann, Pablo Christmann, Rüdiger Edinger, Felicitas Eigenbrodt, Lena C. Frembs, Katharina Groß, Carolin Jost, Tanja Kunz, Emily Lines, Detlev Lück, Robert Naderi, Elias Naumann, Theresa Nutz, Anne-Sophie Oehrlein, Viktoria Oellers, Kerstin Ruckdeschel, Lisa Schmid, Almut Schumann, Nina Schumann, Annika Stein, Carolin Thönnissen, Emely Ullrich, Ellen von den Driesch, and Ulrich Weih. 2023. FReDA - The German Family Demography Panel Study (Study No. ZA7777; Data File Version 3.0.0). doi:

Christmann, Pablo, Tobias Gummer, Armando Häring, Tanja Kunz, Anne-Sophie Oehrlein, Michael Ruland, and Lisa Schmid. 2023. Replication Files: Concurrent, Web-First, or Web-Only? How Different Mode Sequences Perform in Recruiting Participants for a Self-Administered Mixed-Mode Panel Study. GESIS, Köln. Datenfile Version 1.0.0. doi:

Brüderl, Josef, Sonja Drobnič, Karsten Hank, Franz J. Neyer, Sabine Walper, Christof Wolf, Philipp Alt, Irina Bauer, Elisabeth Borschel, Christiane Bozoyan, Pablo Christmann, Rüdiger Edinger, Felicitas Eigenbrodt, Madison Garrett, Svenja Geissler, Tita Gonzalez Avilés, Nicolai Gröpler, Tobias Gummer, Kristin Hajek, Michel Herzig, Renate Lorenz, Katharina Lutz, Timo Peter, Richard Preetz, Julia Reim, Barbara Sawatzki, Claudia Schmiedeberg, Philipp Schütze, Nina Schumann, Carolin Thönnissen, Katharina Timmermann, and Martin Wetzel. 2023. The German Family Panel (pairfam). GESIS Data Archive, Cologne. ZA5678 Data file Version 14.0.0. doi:

Bujard, Martin, Tobias Gummer, Karsten Hank, Franz J. Neyer, Reinhard Pollak, Norbert F. Schneider, C. Katharina Spieß, Christof Wolf, Irina Bauer, Simon Börlin, David Bretschi, Katja Brüggemann, Pablo Christmann, Lena Frembs, Katharina Groß, Carolin Jost, Tanja Kunz, Rüdiger Lenke, Emily Lines, Detlev Lück, Robert Naderi, Elias Naumann, Theresa Nutz, Anne-Sophie Oehrlein, Viktoria Oellers, Kerstin Ruckdeschel, Lisa Schmid, Almut Schumann, Nina Schumann, Annika Stein, Carolin Thönnissen, Emely Ullrich, Ellen von den Driesch, and Ulrich Weih. 2022. FReDA - The German Family Demography Panel Study (Study No. ZA7777; Data File Version 1.0.0). doi:

Christmann, Pablo, and Mariano Torcal. 2021. Replication data: Responsiveness, performance and corruption: Reasons for the decline of political trust. doi:

Torcal, Mariano, and Pablo Christmann. 2018. "Replication data for: Congruence, national context and trust in European institutions" figshare. doi:

Christmann, Pablo, and Mariano Torcal. 2017. "Replication Data for: The Effects of Government System Fractionalization on Satisfaction with Democracy." Harvard Dataverse, V1. doi:

Other article

Breznau, Nate, Eike Mark Rinke, Alexander Wuttke, Johannes N. Blumenberg, Kathrin B. Busch, Pablo Christmann, Tobias Gummer, Oshrat Hochman, Nora Huth, Jan-Philipp Kolb, Dafina Kurti, Reinhard Schunck, Henning Silber, Christof Wolf, Stefan Zins, and et al.. 2019. "The Crowdsourced Replication Initiative: Investigating Immigration and Social Policy Preferences. Executive Report." In SocArXiv papers, doi:

Presentation at a conference

Schmid, Lisa, Pablo Christmann, Anne-Sophie Oehrlein, Annika Stein, and Carolin Thönnissen. 2024. "Life Satisfaction during the Second Lockdown of the Covid-19 Pandemic in Germany: The Effects of Local Restrictions and Respondents’ Perceptions about the Pandemic." European Population Conference (EPC) 2024, Edinburgh (UK), University of St Andrews, 2024-05-12.

Christmann, Pablo, Tobias Gummer, Armando Häring, Tanja Kunz, Anne-Sophie Oehrlein, Michael Ruland, and Lisa Schmid. 2023. "Concurrent, Web-first, Push-to-web or Web-only? How different mode choice sequences perform in recruiting participants into a self-administered mixed-mode panel study." ESRA 2023: 10th Conference of the European Survey Research Association, Milan (Italy), 2023-07-20.

Schanze, Jan-Lucas, Michael Blohm, Tobias Gummer, Pablo Christmann, Joss Roßmann, Christof Wolf, and Achim Koch. 2023. "Effects of Different Incentive Strategies on Response, Sample Composition, and Costs in Self-Completion Surveys." ESRA 2023 Conference, University of Milan-Bicocca, 2023-07-20.

Christmann, Pablo, Tobias Gummer, Tanja Kunz, Anne-Sophie Oehrlein, and Lisa Schmid. 2022. "Concurrent, Sequential or Web-Only? Evidence from a mixed-mode recruitment experiment in FReDA." CLOSER conference "Preparing for the future III: Tackling key challenges facing longitudinal population studies in a post-COVID world", Online, 2022-01-20.

Gummer, Tobias, Pablo Christmann, Tanja Kunz, Anne-Sophie Oehrlein, and Lisa Schmid. 2022. "Effects of different mode choice sequences in the recruitment of a probability-based mixed-mode panel in Germany: Insights from FReDA." General Online Research Conference (GOR) 2022, HTW Berlin, Berlin, 2022-09-08.

Gummer, Tobias, Pablo Christmann, Tanja Kunz, and Christof Wolf. 2022. "Experimental evidence on using a tailored incentive strategy to reduce attrition in a probability-based mixed-mode panel survey." Midterm Conference ESA Research Network 21 "Quantitative Methods", University of Salamanca, Salamanca, 2022-09-07.

Gummer, Tobias, Pablo Christmann, and Martin Bujard. 2022. "Repräsentation von Migrant:innen in FReDA." FReDA Methodenworkshop „(Unter-) Repräsentation von Migrantinnen und Migranten in Surveys und Panels“, Statistisches Bundesamt, Wiesbaden, 2022-03-31.

Gummer, Tobias, Claudia Schmiedeberg, Martin Bujard, Pablo Christmann, Karsten Hank, Tanja Kunz, Detlev Lück, and Franz J. Neyer. 2021. "Adjustments to the FReDA-GGS design in response to the COVID-19 pandemic." ESRA 2021: 9th Conference of the European Survey Research Association, online, 2021-07-09.

Christmann, Pablo, Tobias Gummer, Anne-Sophie Oehrlein, and Lisa Schmid. 2021. "Concurrent, sequential or web-only: Evidence from a large-scale mixed-mode (web, paper) recruitment experiment in FReDA." Jahrestagung "Paneldaten: Methodische Qualitätsansprüche, praktische Datenanforderungen und politische Informationsbedarfe" der Arbeitsgemeinschaft sozialwissenschaftlicher Institute (ASI) und der DGS-Sektion Methoden der empirischen Sozialforschung, Online, 2021-11-18.

Stadtmüller, Sven, Henning Silber, Tobias Gummer, Matthias Sand, Stefan Zins, Christoph Beuthner, and Pablo Christmann. 2021. "Die Adressdatenbank der Deutschen Post Direkt als Ziehungsrahmen für Bevölkerungsumfragen in Deutschland." Jahrestagung der Arbeitsgemeinschaft sozialwissenschaftlicher Institute (ASI) und der DGS-Sektion Methoden der empirischen Sozialforschung, Virtual Conference, 2021-11-17.

Stadtmüller, Sven, Henning Silber, Tobias Gummer, Matthias Sand, Stefan Zins, Christoph Beuthner, and Pablo Christmann. 2021. "Die Adressdatenbank der Deutschen Post Direkt als Ziehungsrahmen für Bevölkerungsumfragen in Deutschland." 57. Jahrestagung der AG Süd des Verbandes Deutscher Städtestatistiker (VDSt), Virtual Conference, 2021-11-26.

Gummer, Tobias, Pablo Christmann, and Christof Wolf. 2021. "Effects of mixing modes in general population surveys: Insights from the European Values Study 2017." 10th International Conference on Social Science Methodology (RC33), Virtual, Munich, 2021-09-07.

Beuthner, Christoph, Sven Stadtmüller, Gummer Tobias, Pablo Christmann, Rebekka Kluge, Matthias Sand, and Henning Silber. 2020. "Increasing response rates in self-administered mixed-mode surveys : An experiment on incentives and mode sequence." 75th annual conference of the American Association for Public Opinion Research (AAPOR), Virtual Conference, 2020-06-11.

Torcal, Mariano, and Pablo Christmann. 2020. "Process, performance and probity: Reasons for the decline of political trust in Spain." Political Trust in Crisis, Virtuell, 2020-10-22.

Gummer, Tobias, Pablo Christmann, Christof Wolf, and Sascha Verhoeven. 2020. "Using responsive survey design to implement a probability-based self-administered mixed-mode survey in Germany." General Online Research Conference (GOR 2020).

Christmann, Pablo, Tobias Gummer, Sascha Hähnel, and Christof Wolf. 2019. "Does the mode matter? An experimental comparison of survey responses between face-to-face and mixed-mode surveys." ESRA 2019 : 8th Conference of the European Survey Research Association, Zagreb (Croatia), 2019-07-17.

Gummer, Tobias, Pablo Christmann, Sascha Hähnel, and Christof Wolf. 2018. "Conducting a survey under unclear outcome conditions by using a responsive survey design." Midterm Conference ESA Research Network 21 "Quantitative Methods", 2018-10-03.

Christmann, Pablo. 2018. "How people evaluate democracy: An assessment of the effects of economic performance and quality of democracy on satisfaction with democracy." WAPOR 71st Annual Conference, 2018-06-27.

Gummer, Tobias, Pablo Christmann, Sascha Hähnel, and Christof Wolf. 2018. "Using a Responsive Design to Conduct a Survey under Unclear Outcome Conditions." CSDI Workshop, 2018-03-26.

Christmann, Pablo. 2016. "Economic Performance, Quality of Democracy and Satisfaction with Democracy." World Association for Public Opinion Research (WAPOR) Regional Conference, 2016-11-24.

Presentation not at a conference

Christmann, Pablo, Pedro C. Magalhães, and Sofia Vasilopoulou. 2023. "Changes in political trust in Greece, Portugal, and Spain (1997-2021)." The Makeover of Southern Europe: Fifty years after Portugal, Spain, and Greece’s Transitions to Democracy, 2023-05-25.

Christmann, Pablo, Tobias Gummer, Tanja Kunz, Anne-Sophie Oehrlein, and Lisa Schmid. 2022. "Concurrent, Sequential or Web-Only? Evidence from a mixed-mode recruitment experiment in FReDA." RECSM Seminar, 2022-01-25.

Christmann, Pablo, and Schumann Nina. 2022. "Das familiendemografische Panel (FReDA): Nutzungspotenziale für die Forschung." Meet the Experts! – GESIS Online-Vorträge, 2022-09-15.

Vasilopoulou, Sofia, Pablo Christmann, and Pedro C. Magalhães. 2022. "Political Trust and Satisfaction with Democracy in Greece in Comparative Perspective (1986-2020)." London School of Economics and Political Science, Hellenic Observatory, Research Seminar Series, 2022-11-08.

Gummer, Tobias, Pablo Christmann, Sascha Verhoeven, and Christof Wolf. 2020. "Conducting general social surveys in self- administered mixed-mode." Research Colloquium in Sociology, University of Bern.

Christmann, Pablo, Tobias Gummer, Sascha Verhoeven, and Christof Wolf. 2019. "Einsatz eines responsiven Umfragedesigns in selbst-administrierten Mixed-Mode Befragungen." Unipark-Communitytreffen 2019, 2019-11-29.

Christmann, Pablo, Tobias Gummer, Sascha Hähnel, and Christof Wolf. 2019. "Responsive mixed-mode and face-to-face surveys: An experimental comparison in the context of the European Values Study." Mannheim Survey Infrastructures Research Colloquium, Universität Mannheim, Mannheim, 2019-02-05.

Gummer, Tobias, Pablo Christmann, Sascha Hähnel, and Christof Wolf. 2019. "Responsive mixed-mode experiences of European Values Study (EVS) Germany." 4th SERISS Survey Experts Network Workshop ‘Survey fieldwork cost’, 2019-05-17.

Christmann, Pablo, Tobias Gummer, Sascha Hähnel, and Christof Wolf. 2018. "Conducting probability based mixed-mode surveys: Experimental evidence from the European Values Study." NatCen-ESS ERIC-City methodology seminar series, 2018-09-06.

Hähnel, Sascha, Pablo Christmann, Tobias Gummer, and Christof Wolf. 2018. "Einsatz eines responsiven Mixed-Mode Designs: Ergebnisse eines Experiments im Rahmen der European Values Study." Panelworkshop zum Thema Erhebungskosten und Strategien zur Steigerung der Kosteneffizienz, 2018-10-15.

Christmann, Pablo, Tobias Gummer, Sascha Hähnel, and Christof Wolf. 2018. "Mixed-Mode und Face-to-Face Umfragen: Ein experimenteller Vergleich im Rahmen der European Values Study." Panelworkshop zum Thema Erhebungskosten und Strategien zur Steigerung der Kosteneffizienz, 2018-10-15.

Christmann, Pablo, Tobias Gummer, Sascha Hähnel, and Christof Wolf. 2018. "Mixed-Mode und Face-to-Face Umfragen: Ein experimenteller Vergleich im Rahmen der European Values Study." Gemeinsame Sitzung von Vertreterinnen und Vertretern des ADM Arbeitskreis Deutscher Markt- und Sozialforschungsinstitute, der Arbeitsgemeinschaft Sozialwissenschaftlicher Institute (ASI) und des Statistischen Bundesamtes (Destatis), 2018-10-30.


Christmann, Pablo. 2017. "PhD best paper prize, Department of Political and Social Sciences, Universitat Pompeu Fabra (ES). Dotation: 300 Euro."

Christmann, Pablo. 2013. " Beca de Formación de Profesorada Universitario, Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte (ES). Award number: FPU12/05193. Dotation: 71,234.16 Euro."