Survey Methodology Consulting on Study Planning and Data Collection

Social science research projects are highly complex and present researchers with specific challenges. As an institute for social sciences, we offer researchers individual consulting services throughout the course of the project. Our advice on survey methodology covers issues relating to survey instruments, survey design and fieldwork, as well as survey statistics. With our many years of experience and the institute's own basic research, we provide you with tailor-made advice at every stage of the research process. 

Survey Methodology Consulting - Our Services at a Glance

Consulting on Survey Instruments

We consult you on questionnaire design, question formulation, item and scale development, social structural characteristics as well as intercultural and international surveys.

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Consulting on Survey Design

We advise you on survey design, survey implementation, survey documentation and the collection of additional data.

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Consulting on Survey Statistics and Samples

We consult you on Probability Samples and Non-Probability Samples.

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Who is the Service aimed at?
We advise researchers who are planning a social science survey. We do not provide advice in the context of final theses.

What are the fees for the service?
Our advice to help you help yourself is free of charge. We are happy to support you with more in-depth services for which costs are incurred. You can find more information in our cost overview.

  • Neuert, Cornelia, Tanja Kunz, and Tobias Gummer. 2024. "An empirical evaluation of probing questions investigating question comprehensibility in web surveys." International Journal of Social Research Methodology online first. doi:
  • Repke, Lydia, Lukas Birkenmaier, and Clemens Lechner. 2024. Validity in Survey Research - From Research Design to Measurement Instruments. Mannheim, GESIS – Leibniz-Institute for the Social Sciences (GESIS – Survey Guidelines). doi:
  • Ell, Theresia, Lydia Repke, and Henning Silber. 2024. "Personal and Technology-Based Communication and Its Impact on Mental Health From a Network Perspective." Sunbelt Conference 2024, Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh, 2024-06-24.
  • Repke, Lydia, Theresia Ell, and Henning Silber. 2024. "Beyond Distancing - An Examination of Social Networks and Mental Health in the Covid-19 Era." Sunbelt Conference 2024, Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh, 2024-06-24.
  • Neuert, Cornelia. 2024 (Forthcoming). "How do alternative gendered linguistic forms affect response behavior in surveys?" Field Methods.