Digital preservation seeks to ensure that research data can be discovered, accessed, used, and understood – now and in the future. This requires that we address technological change, changing user behavior and new requirements on the computer-aided processing of research data as well as evolving organisational frameworks (e.g. national and international research data infrastructures).
To meet these challenges, GESIS focuses on these topics with research informed by both social and information sciences questions and methods. This includes research on strategies to preserve the authenticity, integrity and interpretability of data, cost (planning) models, certification procedures, standards and their application (e.g. OAIS Reference Model, PAIMAS, PREMIS) as well as technological and organisational aspects of digital preservation.
- Soldner, Felix, Bennett Kleinberg, and Shane Johnson. 2022. Confounds and Overestimations in Fake Review Detection: Experimentally Controlling for Product-Ownership and Data-Origin.
- Netscher, Sebastian, and Oliver Watteler. 2020. "Was kosten FAIRe Daten." Der Archivar 73 (1): 38-43.
- Jensen, Uwe, Sebastian Netscher, and Katrin Weller, ed. 2019. Forschungsdatenmanagement sozialwissenschaftlicher Umfragedaten: Grundlagen und praktische Lösungen für den Umgang mit quantitativen Forschungsdaten. Opladen, Berlin, Toronto : Barbara Budrich. doi:
- Askitas, Nikos, Tito Castillo, Johan Fihn, Jon Johnson, Emma Melissa, Jonathan Tebbett, Joachim Wackerow, Catharina Wasner, and Wolfgang Zenk-Möltgen. 2014. "EDDI14 - 6th Annual European DDI User Conference (chair Joachim Wackerow)." IOE – Institute of Education, London, 2014-12-02 - 2014-12-03.
- Askitas, Nikos, Anne Sofie Fink, Denis Grofils, Jannik Vestergaard Jensen, Jon Johnson, Mogens Grosen Nielsen, Christian Lindgaard Olesen, Diana Ransgaard Sørensen, Joachim Wackerow, Catharina Wasner, Knut Wenzig, and Wolfgang Zenk-Möltgen. 2015. "EDDI15 – 7th Annual European DDI User Conference (chair Joachim Wackerow)." DST – Statistics Denmark, Copenhagen, 2015-12-02 - 2015-12-03.
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