In the area of Survey Operations, basic and application-oriented research is carried out on various questions of data collection and survey design. Topics include the design of online and mixed-mode surveys, data linkage, use of geo and paradata, field control and interviewer effects as well as interview training.
Our research on Survey Operations
- Panel recruitment
- Sample refreshment
- Incentives and response rates
- Nonresponse
- Machine learning
- Push-to-web strategies in mixed-mode surveys
- Responsive and adaptive designs
- Performance-related motivation of interviewers
- Determinants of successful interviewer training
- Identification of counterfeits in surveys
- Determinants of Interview Effects
- Mobile Surveys
- Data Linkage
- Response behavior and social desirability
- Silber, Henning, Patricia Moy, Timothy P. Johnson, Rico Neumann, Sven Stadtmüller, and Lydia Repke. 2022. "Survey participation as a function of democratic engagement, trust in institutions, and perceptions of surveys." Social Science Quarterly 103 (7): 1619-1632. doi:
- Felderer, Barbara, Jannis Kück, and Martin Spindler. 2023. "Using Double Machine Learning to Understand Nonresponse in the Recruitment of a Mixed-Mode Online Panel." Social Science Computer Review 41 (2): 461-481. doi:
- Friedel, Sabine, Barbara Felderer, Ulrich Krieger, Carina Cornesse, and Annelies Blom. 2023. "The Early Bird Catches the Worm! Setting a Deadline for Online Panel Recruitment Incentives." Social Science Computer Review 41 (2): 370-389. doi:
- Daikeler, Jessica, Henning Silber, and Michael Bosnjak. 2022. "A meta-analysis of how country-level factors affect web survey response rates." International Journal of Market Research 64 (3): 306–333. doi:
- Felderer, Barbara, Jessica M. E. Herzing, Christian Bruch, Ulrich Krieger, and Annelies G. Blom. 2021. "How does switching a probability-based online panel to a smartphone-optimized design affect response rates and smartphone use?" Survey Methods: Insights from the Field (SMIF) (30/08/21). doi:
Title | Start | End | Funder |
Kompetenzzentrum Datenqualität in den Sozialwissenschaften
2023-11-15 | 2026-11-14 | Bund |

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Cognitive Pretesting
Research tested items or get advice from our experts on cognitive pretesting.
Cognitive Pretesting
Research tested items or get advice from our experts on cognitive pretesting.
Survey Design
Consulting services related to survey design, implementation, documentation and collection of additional data.