Survey Statistics

In the field of survey statistics, we investigate different aspects of the quality of surveys. Sample design, in particular sample size and sample composition, have a direct impact on the representativeness of survey results. Unit nonresponse and item nonresponse pose further challenges to data quality. The research activities in the field of survey statistics therefore focus on problems and solutions associated with random sampling. These are also investigated in several third-party funded projects.

Our research on Survey Statistics

  • Drawing procedures for complex sample designs
  • Nonresponse (bias) analysis
  • Weighting procedures for survey designs
  • Imputation of missing values
  • Variance estimation under complex sample designs and imputation of missing values
  • Application of machine learning methods in survey statistics
  • Plath, Michaela, Matthias Sand, Maximilian Appel, Mark Praetorius, Peter K. Plinkert, Ingo Baumann, and Karim Zaoui. 2023. "Validierung des deutschsprachigen Menière’s Disease Patient-Oriented Symptom Severity Index: Validity of the German Menière’s Disease Patient-Oriented Symptom Severity Index." Laryngo-Rhino-Otologie 102 (11): 856-866. doi:
  • Schwarz, Susanne, and Matthias Sand. 2022. "Evangelischer Religionsunterricht in Rheinland-Pfalz: Erste Einblicke in die Ergebnisse einer Schüler*innenstudie." Theo-Web : Zeitschrift für Religionspädagogik 21 (2): 370-399. doi:
  • Kraemer, Fabienne, Henning Silber, Bella Struminskaya, Matthias Sand, Michael Bosnjak, Joanna Koßmann, and Bernd Weiß. 2024. "Panel Conditioning in a Probability-Based Longitudinal Study: A Comparison of Respondents with Different Levels of Survey Experience." Journal of Survey Statistics and Methodology online first.
  • Plath, Michaela, Matthias Sand, Kjell Behnen, Karim Zaoui, and Ingo Baumann. 2022. "Does a tonsillectomy indicated according to the German S2k guideline affect short-term quality of life in adults?" European Archives of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology online first. doi:
  • Felderer, Barbara, and Jessica M. E. Herzing. 2023. "What about the Less IT Literate? A Comparison of Different Postal Recruitment Strategies to an Online Panel of the General Population." Field Methods 35 (3): 219–235. doi:
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