Research in the area of data sharing addresses the reasons, incentives or disincentives, as well as the conditions for and results of openly available research data. One aspect of this is that primary investigators make their data available for other projects, so that the data can be used more than once.
In addition, the secondary use of available data can be very effective and create valuable new research questions. Another aspect covers research transparency, making it possible to proof scientific insights by inspecting the data both in primary and secondary usage of research data.
- Gauly, Britta, Jessica Daikeler, Tobias Gummer, and Beatrice Rammstedt. 2020. "What’s my wage again? Comparing survey and administrative data to validate earning measures." International Journal of Social Research Methodology 23 (2): 215-228. doi:
- Jensen, Uwe, Sebastian Netscher, and Katrin Weller, ed. 2019. Forschungsdatenmanagement sozialwissenschaftlicher Umfragedaten: Grundlagen und praktische Lösungen für den Umgang mit quantitativen Forschungsdaten. Opladen, Berlin, Toronto : Barbara Budrich. doi:
- Wackerow, Joachim, and Thomas Bosch. 2014. "PHDD – An RDF Vocabulary for the Physical Data Description." North American Data Documentation Initiative Conference (NADDI) 2014.
- Olsson, Olof, Thomas Bosch, Benjamin Zapilko, Arofan Gregory, and Joachim Wackerow. 2012. "DDI-RDF - Trouble with Triples." IASSIST Conference 2012.
- Orten, Hilde, and Joachim Wackerow. 2011. "The ISCED Standard for Coding of Education and DDI-Lifecycle." EDDI11 - 3rd Annual European DDI Users Group Meeting.
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