Information linking develops models which allow for linking heterogenous types of information through semantic web technologies. Information retrieval develops models which improve digital information search.
Our research on Information Linking and Retrieval
- User studies and logfile analyses to analyze the information behavior of social scientists
- Linking different types of information as well as combining survey data with research data from other academic domains
- Making information retrieval easier and more personal
- Integrated access to information via linked information (“link retrieval”)
- Developing domain specific recommender and ranking services
- Novel logfile based metrics for evaluating interactive retrieval systems
- Saldanha Bach, Janete, Brigitte Mathiak, Valentina Hiseni, and Fidan Limani. 2022. Enhancing data findability: how scientists and repositories can improve their data visibility. GESIS – Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences. doi:
- Soldner, Felix, Bennett Kleinberg, and Shane Johnson. 2021. "Data confounds lead to performance overestimations in fake review detections." IC2S2 2021 - 7th International Conference on Computational Social Science, ETH Zürich, 2021-07-27.
- Dimitrov, Dimitar, Dennis Segeth, and Stefan Dietze. 2022. "Geotagging TweetsCOV19: Enriching a COVID-19 Twitter Discourse Knowledge Base with Geographic Information." In Companion Proceedings of WWW '22: The ACM Web Conference 2022 Virtual Event, Lyon France April 25 - 29, 2022, edited by Frédérique Laforest, Raphaël Troncy, Lionel Médini, and Ivan Herman, 438-442. New York: ACM. doi:
- Kroneberg, Clemens, Sven Lenkewitz, André Ernst, Maike Meyer, and Kai Seidensticker. 2022. "Using police data to measure criminogenic exposure in residential and school contexts: experiences from a data linkage project in Germany." Police Practice and Research 23 (4): 473-488. doi:
- Soldner, Felix. 2021. "Counterfeits on darknet markets." University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam. WS: 2 SWS.
Title | Start | End | Funder |
Kompetenzzentrum Datenqualität in den Sozialwissenschaften
2023-11-15 | 2026-11-14 | Bund |
NFDI for Data Science and Artificial Intelligence
2021-10-01 | 2026-09-30 | DFG |
NFDI for Business, Economic and Related Data
2021-10-01 | 2026-09-30 | DFG |
Variable Detection, Interlinking and Summarization
2021-09-01 | 2024-08-31 | DFG |

Knowledge Technologies for the Social Sciences
Stellvertretender Abteilungsleiter
Stellvertretender Abteilungsleiter

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