In the area of Survey Operations, basic and application-oriented research is carried out on various questions of data collection and survey design. Topics include the design of online and mixed-mode surveys, data linkage, use of geo and paradata, field control and interviewer effects as well as interview training.
Our research on Survey Operations
- Panel recruitment
- Sample refreshment
- Incentives and response rates
- Nonresponse
- Machine learning
- Push-to-web strategies in mixed-mode surveys
- Responsive and adaptive designs
- Performance-related motivation of interviewers
- Determinants of successful interviewer training
- Identification of counterfeits in surveys
- Determinants of Interview Effects
- Mobile Surveys
- Data Linkage
- Response behavior and social desirability
- Gauly, Britta, Jessica Daikeler, Tobias Gummer, and Beatrice Rammstedt. 2020. "What’s my wage again? Comparing survey and administrative data to validate earning measures." International Journal of Social Research Methodology 23 (2): 215-228. doi:
- Felderer, Barbara, Antje Kirchner, and Frauke Kreuter. 2019. "The effect of survey mode on data quality: Disentangling nonresponse and response bias." Journal of Official Statistics 35 (1): 93-115. doi:
- Daikeler, Jessica, Michael Bosnjak, and Katja Lozar Manfreda. 2020. "Web versus other survey modes: An updated and extended meta-analysis comparing response rates." Journal of Survey Statistics and Methodology 8 (3): 513–539. doi:
- Gummer, Tobias, and Jessica Daikeler. 2020. "A Note on How Prior Survey Experience With Self-Administered Panel Surveys Affects Attrition in Different Modes." Social Science Computer Review 38 (4): 490-498. doi:
- Ackermann-Piek, Daniela. 2018. Interviewer effects in PIAAC Germany 2012: Dissertation, Universität Mannheim.
Title | Start | End | Funder |
Kompetenzzentrum Datenqualität in den Sozialwissenschaften
2023-11-15 | 2026-11-14 | Bund |

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Cognitive Pretesting
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Cognitive Pretesting
Research tested items or get advice from our experts on cognitive pretesting.
Survey Design
Consulting services related to survey design, implementation, documentation and collection of additional data.