In the field of survey statistics, we investigate different aspects of the quality of surveys. Sample design, in particular sample size and sample composition, have a direct impact on the representativeness of survey results. Unit nonresponse and item nonresponse pose further challenges to data quality. The research activities in the field of survey statistics therefore focus on problems and solutions associated with random sampling. These are also investigated in several third-party funded projects.
Our research on Survey Statistics
- Drawing procedures for complex sample designs
- Nonresponse (bias) analysis
- Weighting procedures for survey designs
- Imputation of missing values
- Variance estimation under complex sample designs and imputation of missing values
- Application of machine learning methods in survey statistics
- Felderer, Barbara, Matthias Sand, and Christian Bruch. 2022. Sample Size Calculation For Complex Sampling Designs. GESIS- Survey Guidelines. Mannheim: GESIS.
- Axenfeld, Julian, Christian Bruch, and Christof Wolf. 2022. "General-purpose imputation of planned missing data in social surveys: Different strategies and their effect on correlations." Statistics Surveys 16 182-209. doi:
- Trüdinger, Eva-Maria, Achim Hildebrandt, Matthias Sand, and Anja Rieker. 2022. "A calamitous connection: Declining political trust amplifies the negative effect of growing concerns about democracy on the acceptance of anti-pandemic policies." International Journal of Public Opinion Research 34 (2): edac018. doi:
- Felderer, Barbara, Jannis Kück, and Martin Spindler. 2023. "Using Double Machine Learning to Understand Nonresponse in the Recruitment of a Mixed-Mode Online Panel." Social Science Computer Review 41 (2): 461-481. doi:
- Friedel, Sabine, Barbara Felderer, Ulrich Krieger, Carina Cornesse, and Annelies Blom. 2023. "The Early Bird Catches the Worm! Setting a Deadline for Online Panel Recruitment Incentives." Social Science Computer Review 41 (2): 370-389. doi:
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Find out more about our consulting and services:
Data harmonization
Tools and topic-specific harmonized data for your research project
Consulting on the harmonization of content elements and social-structural characteristics
Harmonizing and synthesizing partnership histories
A tool for harmonization and synthesis of couple biographical data.
Harmonizing substantive instruments
Consultation on harmonization of latent construct measurement instruments.
Imputation of Missing Values
We perform imputation of missing values for your complete data set or even selected variables
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