
The many faces of GESIS


Peter Mutschke is deputy head of the department “Knowledge Technologies for the Social Sciences (KTS)" and leader of the team "FAIR Data" of KTS. His research interests include Information Retrieval, Network Analysis and Open Science. He worked in a number of national and international research projects such as:

  • DFG project "An integrated desktop for supporting high-level search activities in federated digital libraries (Daffodil)"
  • DFG project "Value-Added Services for Information Retrieval" (IRM I+II)
  • Leibniz project "Monitoring educational research (MoBi)"
  • EU project “Where eGovernment meets the eSociety (WeGov)"
  • EU project "Data Insights for Policy Makers & Citizens (SENSE4US)"
  • EUproject "Open Mining Infrastructure for Text and Data (OpenMinTeD)"
  • EU projct "TraininG towards a society of data-saVvy inforMation prOfessionals to enable open leadership Innovation (MOVING)"
  • COST action “Analyzing the dynamics of information and knowledge landscapes (KNOWeSCAPE)".

Peter Mutschke served as a member of the management committee of the Leibniz research alliance “Science 2.0/Open Science” from 2013-2021. He founded and coordinated the GO FAIR Implementation Network "Cross-Domain Interoperability of Heterogeneous Research Data (Go Inter)", and he is member of the steering commitee of the FAIR Digital Objects Forum ( where he also co-chairs a working group on semantics. 

Peter Mutschke is currently involved in three consortia of the National Research Data Infrastructure (NFDI):

  • Co-lead of the Task Area "Technical Solutions" of the consortium KonsortSWDructure (NFDI)
  • Co-Lead of the Task Area "Extraction, Linking, and Integration of Research Metadata (Research Knowledge Graphs)" of the consortiums NFDI4DataScience
  • Measure Lead of the consortium BERD@NFDI.


Journal article

Manola, Natalia, Peter Mutschke, Guido Scherp, Klaus Tochtermann, Peter Wittenburg, Kathleen Gregory, Wilhelm Hasselbring, Kees den Heijer, Paolo Manghi, and Dieter van Uytvanck. 2020. "Implementing FAIR data infrastructures: Dagstuhl perspectives workshop 18472." Dagstuhl Manifestos 8 (1): 1-34. doi: urn: urn:nbn:de:0030-drops-132376.

Manola, Natalia, Peter Mutschke, Guido Scherp, Klaus Tochtermann, and Peter Wittenburg. 2019. "Implementing FAIR Data Infrastructures (Dagstuhl Perspectives Workshop 18472): Dagstuhl Perspectives Workshop 18472." Dagstuhl Reports (8, 11): 91-111. doi: urn: urn:nbn:de:0030-drops-103577.

Mutschke, Peter, Andrea Scharnhorst, Nicholas J. Belkin, André Skupin, and Philipp Mayr. 2017. "Guest editors’ introduction to the special issue on Knowledge Maps and Information Retrieval (KMIR)." International Journal on Digital Libraries 18 (1): 1-3. doi:

Zapilko, Benjamin, Johann Schaible, Timo Wandhöfer, and Peter Mutschke. 2016. "Applying linked data technologies in the social sciences." Künstliche Intelligenz : KI (30): 159–162. doi:

Mutschke, Peter, and Philipp Mayr. 2015. "Science Models for Search: A Study on Combining Scholarly Information Retrieval and Scientometrics." Scientometrics 102 (3): 2323–2345. doi:

Wandhöfer, Timo, Steve Taylor, Harith Alani, Somya Joshi, Sergej Sizov, Paul Walland, Mark Thamm, Arnim Bleier, and Peter Mutschke. 2012. "Engaging politicians with citizens on social networking sites : the WeGov Toolbox." International Journal of Electronic Government Research : IJEGR 8 (3): 22-43.

Mutschke, Peter, Philipp Mayr, Philipp Schaer, and York Sure-Vetter. 2011. "Science models as value-added services for scholarly information systems." Scientometrics 89 (1) 349-364. doi:

Mayr, Philipp, Peter Mutschke, and Vivien Petras. 2008. "Reducing semantic complexity in distributed digital libraries: treatment of term vagueness and document re-ranking." Library Review 57 / 3 213-224.

Borbinha, José, John Kunze, Angela Spinazzé, Peter Mutschke, Hans-Jörg Lieder, Michael Mabe, Larry E. Dixson, Howard Besser, Becky Dean, and Warwick Cathro. 2005. "Reference models for digital libraries: actors and roles." International Journal on Digital Libraries : Special Issue "Towards the New Generation Digital Libraries: Recommendations of the NSF/EU-DELOS Working Groups" 5 (4): 325-330.

Mutschke, Peter, and Anabel Quan-Haase. 2001. "Collaboration and cognitive structures in social science research fields : towards Socio-cognitive analysis in information systems." Scientometrics Jg. 52, H. 3 487-502.

Grivel, Luc, Peter Mutschke, and Xavier Polanco. 1995. "Thematic mapping on bibliographic databases by cluster analysis: a description of the SDOC environment with SOLIS." Knowledge Organization 22 / 2 70-77.

Chapter in an edited book

Saldanha Bach, Janete, Claus-Peter Klas, and Peter Mutschke. 2023. " Use cases and benefits of persistent identifiers for dataset elements." In 3rd Workshop on Metadata and Research (objects) Management for Linked Open Science (DaMaLOS 2023), edited by Leyla Jael Castro, Danilo Dessi, Jens Dierkes, Dietrich Rebholz-Schuhmann, and Sonja Schimmler, doi:

Saldanha Bach, Janete, Claus-Peter Klas, and Peter Mutschke. 2023. "Breaking down hurdles of current data citation practices: use cases and benefits of persistent identifiers for dataset elements." In E-Science-Tage 2023: Empower Your Research – Preserve Your Data, edited by Vincent Heuveline, Nina Bisheh, and Philipp Kling, 41–55. Heidelberg: heiBOOKS. doi:

Saldanha Bach, Janete, Brigitte Mathiak, Claus-Peter Klas, Yudong Zhang, and Peter Mutschke. 2023. "Enhancing FAIR Compliance in Research Data Infrastructures: Insights from Applications of the RDA FAIR Data Maturity Model and the F-UJI Automated FAIR Data Assessment Tool." In 4th Open Science Fair 2023 Conference (OSFAIR2023), doi:

Saldanha Bach, Janete, Claus-Peter Klas, and Peter Mutschke. 2023. "Evaluating compliance with FAIR Principles in research data infrastructure service via the RDA FAIR Data Maturity Model [Paper]." In International Data Week's SciDataCon 2023: a Festival of Data (IDW2023), doi:

Saldanha Bach, Janete, Fidan Limani, Yudong Zhang, Atif Latif, Brigitte Mathiak, and Peter Mutschke. 2023. "FAIR assessment practices: experiences from KonsortSWD and BERD@NFDI [Paper]." In 1st Conference on Research Data Infrastructure (CoRDI) - Connecting Communities, edited by York Sure-Vetter, and Carole Goble, doi:

Sack, Harald, Torsten Schrade, Oleksandra Bruns, Etienne Posthumus, Tabea Tietz, Ebrahim Norouzi, Jörg Waitelonis, Heike Fliegl, Linnaea Söhn, Julia Tolksdorf, Jonatan Jalle Steller, Abril Az´ocar Guzm´an, Said Fathalla, Ahmad Zainul Ihsan, Volker Hofmann, Stefan Sandfeld, Felix Fritzen, Amir Laadhar, Sonja Schimmler, and Peter Mutschke. 2023. "Knowledge Graph Based RDM Solutions : NFDI4Culture - NFDI-MatWerk - NFDI4DataScience ." In 1st Conference on Research Data Infrastructure (CoRDI) - Connecting Communities , edited by York Sure-Vetter, and Carole Globe, doi:

Schimmler, Sonja, Bianca Wentzel, Arnim Bleier, Stefan Dietze, Judith Gilsbach, Peter Mutschke, Dr. Saurav Karmakar, Angelie Kraft, Tilahun A. Taffa, Ricardo Usbeck, Zeyd Boukhers, Sören Auer, Leyla Jael Castro, Marcel R. Ackermann, Thomas Neumuth, Daniel Schneider, Ziawasch Abedjan, Atif Latif, Fidan Limani, Raia Abu Ahmad, Georg Rehm, Sima Attar Khorasani, Matthias Lieber, and Russa Biswas. 2023. "NFDI4DS Infrastructure and Services." In INFORMATIK 2023 - Designing Futures: Zukünfte gestalten, Bonn: Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V.. doi:

Saldanha Bach, Janete, Claus-Peter Klas, and Peter Mutschke. 2023. "Research data infrastructure and services: Persistent identifiers for dataset elements." In International Data Week's SciDataCon 2023: A Festival of Data (IDW2023), doi:

Karmakar, Dr. Saurav, Matthäus Zloch, Fidan Limani, Benjamin Zapilko, Sharmila Upadhyaya, Jennifer D'Souza, Leyla Jael Castro, Georg Rehm, Marcel R. Ackermann, Harald Sack, Zeyd Boukhers, Sonja Schimmler, Peter Mutschke, and Stefan Dietze. 2023. "Research Knowledge Graphs in NFDI4DS." In INFORMATIK 2023 - Designing Futures: Zukünfte gestalten, edited by Maike Klein, Daniel Krupka, Cornelia Winter, and Volker Wohlgemuth, Lecture Notes in Informatics (LNI) - Proceedings P-337, 909-918. Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V.. doi:

Mutschke, Peter. 2023. "Zentralitäts- und Prestigemaße." online first. In Handbuch Netzwerkforschung, edited by Christian Stegbauer, and Roger Häußling, Netzwerkforschung. Wiesbaden: Springer VS. doi:

Saldanha Bach Estevao, Janete, Claus-Peter Klas, and Peter Mutschke. 2022. "The hurdles of current data citation practices and the adding-value of providing PIDs below study level." In JCDL '22: The ACM/IEEE Joint Conference on Digital Libraries in 2022 Proceedings, edited by Akiko Aizawa, Thomas Mandl, Zeljko Carevic, Annika Hinze, Philipp Mayr, and Philipp Schaer, 41. New York: ACM.

Hienert, Daniel, Dagmar Kern, Katarina Boland, Benjamin Zapilko, and Peter Mutschke. 2019. "A digital library for research data and related information in the social sciences." In Proceedings of 2019 ACM/IEEE Joint Conference on Digital Libraries (JCDL), 148-157. Piscataway, NJ: IEEE. doi:

Mutschke, Peter. 2018. "Freeman (1978/79): Centrality in Social Networks - Conceptual Clarification." In Schlüsselwerke der Netzwerkforschung, edited by Boris Holzer, and Christian Stegbauer, Wiesbaden: Springer VS.

Zielinski, Andrea, and Peter Mutschke. 2018. "Towards a Gold Standard Corpus for Variable Detection and Linking in Social Science Publications." In Proceedings of LREC 2018, 6-8.

Zielinski, Andrea, and Peter Mutschke. 2017. "Mining Social Science Publications for Survey Variables." In Proceedings of the Second Workshop on Natural Language Processing and Computational Social Science, Vancouver, Canada, August 3, 2017, edited by Dirk Hovy, Svitlana Volkova, and David Bamman, 47–52. Association for Computational Linguistics.

Hienert, Daniel, and Peter Mutschke. 2016. "A Usefulness-based Approach for Measuring the Local and Global Effect of IIR Services." In CHIIR '16 Proceedings of the 2016 ACM on Conference on Human Information Interaction and Retrieval , 153-162. New York: ACM. doi:

Hienert, Daniel, and Peter Mutschke. 2016. "Challenges for Measuring Usefulness of Interactive IR Systems with Log-based Approaches." In Proceedings of 1st International Workshop on System And User Centered Evaluation Approaches in Interactive Information Retrieval at CHIIR 2016, 1-4.

McCay-Peet, Lori, Anabel Quan-Haase, Dagmar Kern, and Peter Mutschke. 2015. "A matter of time and academic discipline? Exploring the use of resources." In Proceedings of CAIS/ACSI & LRI 2015 Conference,

Mayr, Philipp, Ingo Frommholz, Andrea Scharnhorst, and Peter Mutschke. 2015. "Bibliometric-Enhanced Information Retrieval: 2nd International BIR Workshop." In 37th European Conference on IR Research (ECIR 2015), 845-848. New York: Springer. doi:

Mayr, Philipp, Ingo Frommholz, and Peter Mutschke. 2015. "Editorial for the 2nd Bibliometric-Enhanced Information Retrieval Workshop at ECIR 2015." In Proc. of the 2nd Workshop on Bibliometric-enhanced Information Retrieval (BIR 2015), 1-4.

Haddou ou Moussa, Karima, Peter Mutschke, and Philipp Mayr. 2015. "Experimentelle Entwicklung eines Prototyps zum Monitoring von Entwicklungsverläufen in einem Forschungsfeld." In Monitoring Bildungsforschung: Befunde aus dem Forschungsprojekt „Entwicklung und Veränderungsdynamik eines heterogenen sozialwissenschaftlichen Feldes am Beispiel der Bildungsforschung“, edited by Alexander Botte, Ute Sondergeld, and Marc Rittberger, 259–282. Bad Heilbrunn: Klinkhardt.

Mutschke, Peter. 2015. "Kooperationsnetzwerke im Forschungsfeld Bildung." In Monitoring Bildungsforschung: Befunde aus dem Forschungsprojekt Entwicklung und Veränderungsdynamik eines heterogenen sozialwissenschaftlichen Feldes am Beispiel der Bildungsforschung“, edited by Alexander Botte, Ute Sondergeld, and Marc Rittberger, 245-258. Bad Heilbrunn: Klinkhardt. urn: urn:nbn:de:0111-pedocs-110811.

McCay-Peet, Lori, Anabel Quan-Haase, Dagmar Kern, and Peter Mutschke. 2015. "Research on serendipity: The methodological challenges of time and language." In Proceedings of CAIS/ACSI & LRI 2015 Conference,

Haddou ou Moussa, Karima, Ute Sondergeld, Philipp Mayr, Peter Mutschke, and Marc Rittberger. 2014. "Assessing educational research: an information service for monitoring a heterogeneous research field: Paper-Preprint." In LIDA 2014 conference proceedings, 8.

Mayr, Philipp, Andrea Scharnhorst, Birger Larsen, Philipp Schaer, and Peter Mutschke. 2014. "Bibliometric-enhanced Information Retrieval." In Advances in Information Retrieval. 36th European Conference on IR Research, ECIR 2014, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, April 13-16, 2014, Proceedings, edited by Maarten de Rijke, Tom Kenter, Arjen P. de Vries, ChengXiang Zhai, Franciska de Jong, Kira Radinsky, and Katja Hofmann, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 8416, 798–801. Springer International Publishing.

Mayr, Philipp, Philipp Schaer, Andrea Scharnhorst, and Peter Mutschke. 2014. "Editorial for the Bibliometric-enhanced Information Retrieval Workshop at ECIR 2014." In Bibliometric-enhanced information retrieval: BIR 2014; proceedings of the First Workshop on Bibliometric-Enhanced Information Retrieval, co-located with 36th European Conference on Information Retrieval (ECIR 2014), edited by Philipp Mayr, Philipp Schaer, Andrea Scharnhorst, Birger Larsen, and Peter Mutschke, CEUR Workshop Proceedings 1143, 1-4. Aachen: RWTH Aachen. urn: urn:nbn:de:0074-1143-7.

Mutschke, Peter, Philipp Mayr, and Andrea Scharnhorst. 2014. "Editorial for the Proceedings of the Workshop "Knowledge Maps and Information Retrieval (KMIR 2014)" at Digital Libraries 2014." In Proceedings of the First Workshop on Knowledge Maps and Information Retrieval co-located with International Conference on Digital Libraries 2014, edited by Peter Mutschke, Philipp Mayr, and Andrea Scharnhorst, CEUR Workshop Proceedings 1311, 1-6. Aachen: RWTH Aachen.

Kern, Dagmar, Peter Mutschke, and Philipp Mayr. 2014. "Establishing an online access panel for interactive information retrieval research." In IEEE/ACM Joint Conference on Digital Libraries , 473–474. London, UK: IEEE. doi:

Mutschke, Peter, and Karima Haddou ou Moussa. 2014. "How can heat maps of indexing vocabularies be utilized for information seeking purposes?" In Proceedings of the First Workshop on Knowledge Maps and Information Retrieval (KMIR 2014) co-located with International Conference on Digital Libraries 2014, edited by Peter Mutschke, Philipp Mayr, and Andrea Scharnhorst, CEUR Workshop Proceedings vol-1311, 47-52 .

Kern, Dagmar, Peter Mutschke, and Philipp Mayr. 2014. "IIRpanel - An Online Access Panel for Interactive Information Retrieval Research." In Proceedings of the 16th LWA Workshops: KDML, IR and FGWM, edited by Thomas Seidl, Marwan Hassani, and Christian Beecks, 253-256.

Wandhöfer, Timo, Steve Taylor, Miriam Fernandez, Beccy Allen, Harith Allani, Somya Joshi, Paul Walland, Sergej Sizov, Catherine van Eeckhaute, Mark Thamm, Arnim Bleier, Peter Mutschke, and Vasilis Koulolias. 2014. "Supporting policy-makers with social media analysis tools to get aware of citizens’ opinions." In IT in the public sphere: applications in administration, government, politics, and planning, edited by Zaigham Mahmood, 121-156. Hershey, PA: Information Science Reference. doi:

Schaer, Philipp, Thomas Lüke, Philipp Mayr, and Peter Mutschke. 2013. "An OAI-PMH-based web-service for the generation of co-author-networks." In Informationswissenschaft zwischen virtueller Infrastruktur und materiellen Lebenswelten : Proceedings des 13. Internationalen Symposiums für Informationswissenschaft (ISI 2013), Potsdam, 19. bis 22. März 2013, edited by Hans-Christoph Hobohm, Schriften zur Informationswissenschaft 63, 461-465. Boizenburg: Hülsbusch.

Mayr, Philipp, and Peter Mutschke. 2013. "Bibliometric-enhanced retrieval models for big scholarly information systems." In Proceedings of the 2013 IEEE International Conference on Big Data, 6-9 October 2013, Santa Clara, CA, USA, edited by Xiaohua Hu, Tsau Young Lin, and Vijay Raghavan, 5-8. doi:

Mayr, Philipp, Peter Mutschke, Philipp Schaer, and York Sure-Vetter. 2013. "Mehrwertdienste für das Information Retrieval: das Projekt IRM." In Wissen – Wissenschaft – Organisation : 19. bis 21. Oktober 2009 ; Proceedings der 12. Tagung der Deutschen Sektion der Internationalen Gesellschaft für Wissensorganisation, edited by Heinz-Peter Ohly, Fortschritte in der Wissensorganisation ; Bd. 12, 131–139. Würzburg: Ergon-Verl..

Wira-Alam, Andias, Farag Saad, and Peter Mutschke. 2013. "Query expansion based on conceptual and contextual term relationships in Wikipedia." In Informationswissenschaft zwischen virtueller Infrastruktur und materiellen Lebenswelten : Proceedings des 13. Internationalen Symposiums für Informationswissenschaft (ISI 2013), Potsdam, 19. bis 22. März 2013, edited by Hans-Christoph Hobohm, Schriften zur Informationswissenschaft 63. Glückstadt: Hülsbusch.

Saad, Farag, Brigitte Mathiak, and Peter Mutschke. 2013. "Supporting literature review by searching, visualizing and navigating related papers." In Proceedings of the IEEE 3rd International Conference on Cloud and Green Computing, CGC 2013 and Proceedings of SCA 2013 ; Karlsruhe, Germany, 363-368. Los Alamitos: IEEE. doi:

Mutschke, Peter, and Mark Thamm. 2012. "Linking social networking sites to scholarly information portals by ScholarLib." In ACM Web Science 2012: Conference Proceedings; June 22-24, 2012 Northwestern University Evanston, IL, 315-320.

Thamm, Mark, Timo Wandhöfer, and Peter Mutschke. 2012. "ScholarLib: Ein Framework zur Koppelung von Sozialen Netzwerken mit wissenschaftlichen Fachportalen." In Social Media and Web Science: das Web als Lebensraum; Proceedings; 2. DGI-Konferenz ; 64. Jahrestagung der DGI; Düsseldorf 22.-23. März 2012, edited by Marlies Ockenfeld, Isabella Peters, and Katrin Weller, 205-212.

Mayr, Philipp, Philipp Schaer, and Peter Mutschke. 2011. "A science model driven retrieval prototype." In Concepts in context: proceedings of the Cologne Conference on Interoperability and Semantics in Knowledge Organization, July 19th-20th, 2010, edited by Felix Boteram, Winfried Gödert, and Jessica Hubrich, Bibliotheca academica, Reihe Informations- und Bibliothekswissenschaften 1, 111-122. Würzburg: Ergon-Verl..

Mayr, Philipp, Peter Mutschke, Vivien Petras, Philipp Schaer, and York Sure-Vetter. 2011. "Applying science models for search." In Information und Wissen: global, sozial und frei? : Proceedings des 12. Internationalen Symposiums für Informationswissenschaft (ISI 2011), Hildesheim, 9.-11. März 2011, edited by Joachim Griesbaum, Thomas Mandl, and Christa Womser-Hacker, Schriften zur Informationswissenschaft 58, 184-196. Boizenburg: Hülsbusch.

Wandhöfer, Timo, Mark Thamm, and Peter Mutschke. 2011. "Extracting a basic use case to let policy makers interact with citizens on Social Networking Sites: a report on initial results." In CeDEM11 : proceedings of the international conference on e-democracy and open government ; 5-6 May 2011, Danube University Krems, Austria, edited by Peter Parycek, Manuel J. Kripp, and Noella Edelmann, 355-358. Krems: Ed. Donau-Univ..

Bleier, Arnim, Benjamin Zapilko, Mark Thamm, and Peter Mutschke. 2011. "Using SKOS to integrate social networking sites with scholarly information portals." In SDoW2011 - Social Data on the Web: workshop at the 10th International Semantic Web Conference, Bonn, October 23, 2011, edited by Alexandre Passant, Sergio Fernández, John Bresli, and Uldis Bojār,

Schaer, Philipp, Philipp Mayr, and Peter Mutschke. 2010. "Demonstrating a service-enhanced retrieval system." In Proceedings of ASIST 2010 conference, Pittsburgh, PA, USA, edited by Cathy Marshall, and Elain Toms,

Schaer, Philipp, Philipp Mayr, and Peter Mutschke. 2010. "Implications of inter-rater agreement on a student information retrieval evaluation." In LWA2010 : Lernen, Wissen & Adaptivität; Workshop Proceedings; Kassel, 4.-6. Oktober 2010, edited by Martin Atzmüller, Dominik Benz, Andreas Hotho, and Gerd Stumme,

Addis, Matthew, Stephen Taylor, Rachel Fletcher, Caroline Wilson, Freddy Fallon, Harith Alani, Peter Mutschke, and Timo Wandhöfer. 2010. "New ways for policy makers to interact with citizens through open social network sites - a report on initial results." In Internet, Politics, Policy 2010: an impact assessment (IPP2010), 16-17 September 2010, Oxford, UK, edited by Helen Margetts, Sandra Gonzalez-Bailon, Stephen Ward, and David Sutcliffe,

Mutschke, Peter. 2010. "Zentralitäts- und Prestigemaße." In Handbuch Netzwerkforschung, edited by Christian Stegbauer, and Roger Häußling, 365-378. Wiesbaden: VS Verl. für Sozialwiss..

Mutschke, Peter. 2010. "Zentralitätsanomalien und Netzwerkstruktur: ein Plädoyer für einen „engeren“ Netzwerkbegriff und ein community-orientiertes Zentralitätsmodell." 2. Aufl.. In Netzwerkanalyse und Netzwerktheorie : ein neues Paradigma in den Sozialwissenschaften, edited by Christian Stegbauer, 261-272. Wiesbaden: VS Verl. für Sozialwiss..

Bärisch, Stefan, Peter Mutschke, and Maximilian Stempfhuber. 2009. "Informationstechnologische Aspekte der Heterogenitätsbehandlung in Fachportalen." In Information: Droge, Ware oder Commons?: Wertschöpfungs- und Transformationsprozesse auf den Informationsmärkten; Proceedings des 11. Internationalen Symposiums für Informationswissenschaft (ISI 2009) ; Konstanz, 1. - 3. April 2009, Boizenburg: Hülsbusch.

Mutschke, Peter. 2008. "Zentralitätsanomalien und Netzwerkstruktur: ein Plädoyer für einen „engeren“ Netzwerkbegriff und ein community-orientiertes Zentralitätsmodell." In Ein neues Paradigma in den Sozialwissenschaften - Netzwerkanalyse und Netzwerktheorie, edited by Christian Stegbauer, 261-272. Wiesbaden: VS Verl. für Sozialwiss..

Mutschke, Peter, and Matthias Stahl. 2005. "Kooperationsnetzwerke und Akteurszentralität im Forschungsfeld Bildung." In Bildung und soziale Ungleichheit: methodologische und strukturelle Analysen, edited by Uwe Engel, Tagungsberichte Bd. 9, 121 - 140. IZ SozialwissenschaftenBonn.

Mutschke, Peter. 2004. "Autorennetzwerke: Netzwerkanalyse als Mehrwertdienst für Informationssysteme." In Information zwischen Kultur und Marktwirtschaft: Proceedings des 9. Internationalen Symposiums für Informationswissenschaft (ISI 2004), Chur, 6.-8. Oktober 2004, edited by Bernard Bekavac, Josef Herget, and Marc Rittberger, Schriften zur Informationswissenschaft Bd. 42, 141 - 162. Konstanz: UVK Verl.-Ges..

Mutschke, Peter. 2003. "Mining networks and central entities in digital libraries: a Graph theoretic approach applied to co-author networks." In Advances in Intelligent Data Analysis 5 : Proceedings of the 5th International Symposium on Intelligent Data Analysis, IDA 2003, Berlin, Germany, August 28 - 30, 2003, edited by Michael R. Berthold, Hans-Joachim Lenz, Elizabeth Bradley, Rudolf Kruse, and Christian Borgelt, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2810, 155 - 166. Berlin: Springer.

Fuhr, Norbert, André Schaefer, Claus-Peter Klas, and Peter Mutschke. 2002. "Daffodil: an integrated desktop for supporting high-level search activities in Federated Digital Libraries." In Research and Advanced Technology for Digital Libraries: 6th European Conference, ECDL 2002, Rome, Italy, September 16-18, 2002; Proceedings, edited by Maristella Agosti, and Costantino Thanos, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2458, 597-612. Berlin: Springer. doi:

Fuhr, Norbert, Claus-Peter Klas, André Schaefer, and Peter Mutschke. 2002. "Daffodil: an integrated desktop for supporting high-level search activities in Federated Digital Libraries." edited by Maristella Agosti, and Costantino Thanos, Lecture notes in computer science ; 2458, 597-612. Berlin: Springer. doi:

Mutschke, Peter. 2001. "Enhancing information retrieval in federated bibliographic data sources using author network based stratagems." In Research and Advanced Technology for Digital Libraries: 5th European Conference, ECDL 2001, Darmstadt, Germany, September 4-9, 2001, Proceedings, edited by Panos Constantopoulos, and Ingeborg T. Sölvberg, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2163, 287-299. Berlin: Springer.

Mutschke, Peter, Martin Endig, and Eike Schallehn. 2001. "Integration strukturierter und semi-strukturierter Datenquellen am Beispiel bibliographischer Referenzsammlungen." In Proceedings 5. Workshop "Föderierte Datenbanken" und GI Arbeitskreistreffen "Konzepte des Data Warehousing". TU Berlin, Fachbereich 13, Informatik, Bericht 2001-14, edited by Andreas Bauer, Ralf-Detlef Kutsche, and Wolfgang Lehner, Föderierte Datenbanken 2001, 2-15.

Mutschke, Peter, and Anabel Quan-Haase. 2000. "Cognitive and social structures in social science research fields and their use in information systems." In Social science methodology in the new millennium: proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Logic and Methodology, October 3 - 6, 2000, Cologne, Germany, edited by Jörg Blasius, Amsterdam: TT-Publikaties.

Mutschke, Peter. 1996. "Uncertainty and Actor-Oriented Information Retrieval in -AKCESS. An Approach Based on Fuzzy Set Theory." In Data analysis and information systems : statistical and conceptual approaches ; University of Basel, March 8 - 10, 1995, edited by Hans-Hermann Bock, Gesellschaft für Klassifikation: Proceedings of the ... annual conference of the Gesellschaft für Klassifikation e.V ; 19, 126-138. Berlin: Springer.

Mutschke, Peter. 1994. "Processing Scientific Networks in Bibliographic Databases." In Information Systems and Data Analysis: PProspects — Foundations — Applications; proceedings of the 17th Annual conference of the Gesellschaft für Klassifikation e.V., University of Kaiserslautern, March 3-5, 1993, edited by Hans-Hermann Bock, Studies in classification, data analysis and knowledge organization, 127-133. Berlin: Springer.


Manola, Natalia, Peter Mutschke, Guido Scherp, Klaus Tochtermann, and Peter Wittenburg, ed. 2020. Implementing FAIR data infrastructures: Dagstuhl perspectives workshop 18472. 8, 1. doi: urn: urn:nbn:de:0030-drops-132376.

Mutschke, Peter, Andrea Scharnhorst, Nicholas J. Belkin, André Skupin, and Philipp Mayr, ed. 2017. Knowledge Maps and Information Retrieval (KMIR): Focused Issue of International Journal on Digital Libraries. 18 1. Springer Berlin Heidelberg.

Mayr, Philipp, Ingo Frommholz, and Peter Mutschke, ed. 2015. Proceedings of the Second Workshop on Bibliometric-enhanced Information Retrieval (BIR 2015) co-located with the 37th European Conference on Information Retrieval (ECIR 2015).

Mayr, Philipp, Philipp Schaer, Andrea Scharnhorst, Birger Larsen, and Peter Mutschke, ed. 2014. Proceedings of the First Workshop on Bibliometric-enhanced Information Retrieval (BIR 2014), Amsterdam, The Netherlands, April 13, 2014, co-located with 36th European Conference on Information Retrieval (ECIR 2014). CEUR Workshop Proceedings vol-1143. urn: urn:nbn:de:0074-1143-7.

Mutschke, Peter, Philipp Mayr, and Andrea Scharnhorst, ed. 2014. Proceedings of the First Workshop on Knowledge Maps and Information Retrieval co-located with International Conference on Digital Libraries 2014 - ACM/IEEE Joint Conference on Digital Libraries (JCDL 2014) and International Conference on Theory and Practice of Digital Libraries (TPDL 2014) (DL 2014). CEUR Workshop Proceedings Vol. 1311. urn: urn:nbn:de:0074-1311-6.

Working and discussion paper

Saldanha Bach, Janete, Claus-Peter Klas, Brigitte Mathiak, Yudong Zhang, Wolfgang Zenk-Möltgen, Sebastian Netscher, and Peter Mutschke. 2023. FAIRness assessment: a comparison of the RDA model and the F-UJI Automated tool report. 1.0. Köln: GESIS – Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences. doi:

Saldanha Bach, Janete, Claus-Peter Klas, and Peter Mutschke. 2023. KonsortSWD Measure 5.1: metadata schema extended report. doi:

Saldanha Bach, Janete, Claus-Peter Klas, and Peter Mutschke. 2023. KonsortSWD Measure 5.1: use cases description extended report. doi:

Klas, Claus-Peter, Matthäus Zloch, Janete Saldanha Bach, Erdal Baran, and Peter Mutschke. 2022. KonsortSWD Measure 5.1: PID Service for variables report. doi:

Limani, Fidan, Yousef Younes, Valentina Hiseni, Janete Saldanha Bach Estevao, Peter Mutschke, and Brigitte Mathiak. 2021. KonsortSWD Task Area 5 Measure 2 Report Scope: Milestones 1, 2, and 3.

Mutschke, Peter. 2004. Autorennetzwerke: Verfahren der Netzwerkanalyse als Mehrwertdienste für Informationssysteme. IZ-Arbeitsbericht Nr. 32. Bonn: IZ Sozialwissenschaften.


Zhang, Yudong, Erdal Baran, Matthäus Zloch, Alexander Mühlbauer, Peter Mutschke, and Claus-Peter Klas. 2022. KonsortSWD PID Registrator. doi:

Other article

Wolf, Christof, Maja Adena, Christian Aßmann, Doris Bambey, Katarina Blask, Andreas Blätte, Michael Bosnjak, Daniel Buck, Mathias Bug, Anja Busch, Anna Fräßdorf, Daniel Fuß, Jan Goebel, Betina Hollstein, Monika Jungbauer-Gans, Dagmar Kern, Claus-Peter Klas, Susanne Kretzer, Stefan Liebig, Nicole Mayer-Ahuja, Bernhard Miller, Peter Mutschke, Anja Perry, Regina T. Riphahn, Marc Rittberger, Daniel Schiffner, Silke Schneider, Jürgen Schupp, Pascal Siegers, Ranjit K. Singh, Heike Solga, Klaus Tochtermann, Ralf Toepfer, and Susanne Zindler. 2020. "Consortium for the Social, Behavioural, Educational, and Economic Sciences (KonsortSWD)." doi:

Presentation at a conference

Saldanha Bach, Janete, Claus-Peter Klas, and Peter Mutschke. 2023. "Breaking down hurdles of current data citation practices: use cases and benefits of persistent identifiers for dataset elements." E-Science Tage 2023: Empower Your Research – Preserve Your Data, Universität Heidelberg, Heidelberg, 2023-08-15. doi:

Saldanha Bach, Janete, Claus-Peter Klas, and Peter Mutschke. 2023. "Enhancing FAIR compliance: a controlled vocabulary for mapping Social Sciences survey variables [Presentation]." 2023 Vocabulary Symposium: FAIR Vocabularies for all, Australian Research Data Commons: ARDC, 2023-11-14. doi:

Saldanha Bach, Janete, Brigitte Mathiak, Claus-Peter Klas, Yudong Zhang, and Peter Mutschke. 2023. "Enhancing FAIR Compliance in Research Data Infrastructures: Insights from Applications of the RDA FAIR Data Maturity Model and the F-UJI Automated FAIR Data Assessment Tool [Presentation]." 4th Open Science Fair 2023 Conference, Reina Sophia, Madrid, 2023-09-26. doi:

Saldanha Bach, Janete, Claus-Peter Klas, and Peter Mutschke. 2023. "Evaluating compliance with FAIR Principles in research data infrastructure service via the RDA FAIR Data Maturity Model [Poster]." International Data Week's SciDataCon 2023: A Festival of Data, University of Salzburg, Salzbourg, 2023-10-23. doi:

Saldanha Bach, Janete, Fidan Limani, Yudong Zhang, Atif Latif, Brigitte Mathiak, and Peter Mutschke. 2023. "FAIR assessment practices: Experiences from KonsortSWD and BERD@NFDI [Poster]." 1st Conference on Research Data Infrastructure (CoRDI), Karlsruher Institut für Technologie , Karlsruhe, 2023-09-12. doi:

Klas, Claus-Peter, Janete Saldanha Bach, and Peter Mutschke. 2023. "GESIS Use case Variable publication and citation & Fine granular access to research data." 9th Conference on Social and Economic Data - KSWD 2023, dbb forum, Berlin, 2023-03-28. doi:

Saldanha Bach, Janete, Claus-Peter Klas, and Peter Mutschke. 2023. "Persistent identifiers for social science survey variables: an infrastructure developed to foster open science." Open Science Conference 2023, 2023-06-27. doi:

Saldanha Bach, Janete, Claus-Peter Klas, and Peter Mutschke. 2023. "Research data infrastructure and services: Persistent identifiers for dataset elements [Presentation]." International Data Week's SciDataCon 2023: A Festival of Data, University of Salzburg, Salzburg, 2023-10-23. doi:

Saldanha Bach, Janete, Claus-Peter Klas, and Peter Mutschke. 2023. "Use cases and benefits of persistent identifiers for dataset elements." 3rd Workshop on Metadata and Research (objects) Management for Linked Open Science - DaMaLOS 2023 (DaMaLOS 2023), 2023-05-29. doi:

Saldanha Bach, Janete, Claus-Peter Klas, and Peter Mutschke. 2023. "Use cases and benefits of persistent identifiers for dataset elements to foster reliable data citation." 9th Conference on Social and Economic Data - 2023, 2023-03-28. doi:

Saldanha Bach Estevao, Janete, Claus-Peter Klas, and Peter Mutschke. 2022. "Enhancing PID services towards a more fine-grained granularity level as a base for a FAIR data infrastructure (Poster)." International Data Week 2022 (IDW2022) / RDA 19th Plenary, Online, 2022-06-21.

Saldanha Bach, Janete, Peter Mutschke, and Claus-Peter Klas. 2022. "PID Registration Service Demo Application (video)." ACM/IEEE Joint Conference on Digital Libraries 2022, Online, 2022-07-04. doi:

Mutschke, Peter. 2021. "FDO-SEM: Motivation, Objectives, Use Cases." FAIR Festival 2021: Joint GO Inter & FDO-SEM Session, GESIS (online), Munich, 2021-06-21.

Mutschke, Peter. 2020. "Cross-domain Interoperability of Heterogeneous Research Data (GO Inter): Poster." RDA Deutschland Tagung 2020, GeoForschungsZentrum Potsdam, Nürnberg, 2020-02-26.

Mutschke, Peter. 2020. "Introduction to the Session on FAIR Digital Objects for Cross-domain Data Searching & Linking and Semantic Interoperability, Session Chair." International FAIR Convergence Symposium 2020 (GO FAIR, CODATA), Virtuell, 2020-12-01.

Mutschke, Peter. 2020. "Panelist at the Session on Report of Presymposium Workshops creating FAIR Implementaion Profiles and the Convergence Matrix." International FAIR Convergence Symposium 2020 (GO FAIR, CODATA) , Virtuell, 2020-11-30.

Hienert, Daniel, Dagmar Kern, Katarina Boland, Benjamin Zapilko, and Peter Mutschke. 2019. "A digital library for research data and related information in the social sciences." 2019 ACM/IEEE Joint Conference on Digital Libraries (JCDL), 2019-06-04.

Mutschke, Peter. 2017. "Knowledge Maps and Information Retrieval. A Review." KnoweScape 2017, 2017-02-23.

Mutschke, Peter. 2017. "Mining Data References from Social Science Publications to Enhance Information Discovery and Linking." Digital Infrastructures for Research 2017, 2017-12-01.

Zielinski, Andrea, and Peter Mutschke. 2017. "Mining Social Science Publications for Survey Variables." Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics, 2017-08-10.

Hienert, Daniel, and Peter Mutschke. 2016. "A Usefulness-based Approach for Measuring the Local and Global Effect of IIR Services." 1st ACM SIGIR Conference on Human Information Interaction and Retrieval, CHIIR 2016, 2016-03-16.

Mutschke, Peter. 2016. "Invited Participant at Roundtable LREC2016 - eInfrastructures: crossing boundaries, discovering common work, achieving common goals ." LREC2016.

Mutschke, Peter. 2016. "Invited talk: Making sense of unstructured textual data to enhance information discovery and linking. Challenges and potential of text mining in scholarly IR." 5th International Workshop On Mining Scientific Publications at JCDL 2016, 2016-06-23.

Mutschke, Peter. 2016. "Invited talk: OpenMinTeD – An open text mining infrastructure to uncover hidden information and relationships from unstructured textual data." 6th International Conference on Integrated Information, 2016-09-21.

Hienert, Daniel, and Peter Mutschke. 2016. "­­­­­Challenges for Measuring Usefulness of Interactive IR Systems with Log-based Approaches." System and User Centered Evaluation Approaches in Interactive Information Retrieval (SAUCE 2016) @ CHIIR 2016, 2016-03-17.

Mutschke, Peter. 2015. "Evaluating Usefulness of Knowledge Maps as Visual Search Interfaces." Third Annual Knowescape Conference of the TD1210 COST action KnowEscape, 2015-10-07.

Mutschke, Peter. 2015. "Heat maps and their usefulness in interactive IR." The role of knowledge maps for access to Digital Archives (satellite event of the 19th ElPub conference), 2015-09-03.

Mutschke, Peter, and Oliver Hopt. 2015. "PIDs4SOM. Persistence of Scholarly Content on the Social Web." Science 2.0 Conference.

Mutschke, Peter, and Birgit Fingerle. 2015. "Towards a road map of the Leibniz Research Alliance Science 2.0 within the ERA: Science 2.0 road map." Interactive Session at Science 2.0 Conference, 2015-03-25.

Klas, Claus-Peter, and Peter Mutschke. 2015. "Usefulness of interactive IR systems." Workshop Proposal for CHIIR 2016.

Mutschke, Peter, and Karima Haddou ou Moussa. 2014. "How can heat maps of indexing vocabularies be utilized for information seeking purposes?" Knowledge Maps and Information Retrieval (KMIR), Workshop at Digital Libraries 2014, 2014-09-11.

Mutschke, Peter. 2014. "Knowledge Maps and Information Retrieval: Introduction to the KMIR Workshop." Knowledge Maps and Information Retrieval (KMIR), Workshop at Digital Libraries 2014, 2014-09-11.

Mutschke, Peter, Andrea Scharnhorst, Christophe Guéret, Philipp Mayr, Preben Hansen, and Aida Slavic. 2014. "Knowledge Maps and Information Retrieval (KMIR): workshop proposal accepted for Digital Libraries 2014." Workshop at Digital Libraries 2014.

Mutschke, Peter. 2014. "ScholarLib: a framework for bidirectional coupling of social networking sites with scholarly portals (Poster)." International Conference on Science 2.0, 2014-03-26.

Mutschke, Peter, and Karima Haddou ou Moussa. 2014. "Using heat maps for search term recommendations." 2nd Annual KnowEscape Conference – KnowEscape2014, 2014-11-24.

Mutschke, Peter. 2013. "Anomaly detection in centrality computations." XXXIII Sunbelt Social Networks Conference of the International Network for Social Network Analysis (INSNA).

Mayr, Philipp, and Peter Mutschke. 2013. "Bibliometric-enhanced Retrieval Models for Big Scholarly Information Systems." IEEE BigData 2013, Workshop on Scholarly Big Data: Challenges and Ideas.

Mayr, Philipp, Philipp Schaer, Peter Mutschke, Andrea Scharnhorst, and Howard D. White. 2013. "Combining Bibliometrics and Information Retrieval." Workshop proposal accepted for 14th International Society of Scientometrics and Informetrics Conference (ISSI).

Mutschke, Peter. 2013. "Innovative Knowledge Technologies for the Social Sciences." Keynote held at Future Research Information Forum (FRIF), Korea Chamber of Commerce and Industry (KCCI).

Wira-Alam, Andias, Farag Saad, and Peter Mutschke. 2013. "Query expansion based on conceptual and contextual term relationships in Wikipedia." 13. Internationalen Symposiums für Informationswissenschaft (ISI 2013).

Mutschke, Peter. 2013. "ScholarLib: ein Framework zur bidirektionalen Koppelung von Sozialen Netzwerken mit wissenschaftlichen Fachportalen." Science 2.0 in Bibliotheken – Ein neues Arbeitsfeld erfordert neue Kompetenzen!, 2013-11-20.

Saad, Farag, Brigitte Mathiak, and Peter Mutschke. 2013. "Supporting Literature Review by Searching, Visualizing and Navigating Related Papers." 3rd International Conference on Social Computing and Its Applications. doi:

Mutschke, Peter. 2012. "Forschungsdatenmanagement bei GESIS im Kontext von Social und Semantic Web." Zweiter Leibniz-Workshop zum Strategischen Forschungsverbund "Science 2.0", 2012-06-21.

Mutschke, Peter, Mark Thamm, and Timo Wandhöfer. 2012. "ScholarLib: ein Framework zur Koppelung von Sozialen Netzwerken mit wissenschaftlichen Fachportalen.." 64. Jahrestagung der DGI und 2. DGI-Konferenz, Social Media and Web Science – Das Web als Lebensraum.

Mutschke, Peter. 2012. "Science 2.0 im Kontext sozialwissenschaftlicher Forschungsstrukturen - laufende Arbeiten bei GESIS." Erster Leibniz-Workshop zum Strategischen Forschungsverbund "Science 2.0".

Mutschke, Peter. 2012. "SOFISwiki: a Wiki based collection of research projects." SMWCon Fall 2012.

Mayr, Philipp, Peter Mutschke, Vivien Petras, Philipp Schaer, and York Sure-Vetter. 2011. "Applying science models for search." ISI 2011: 12. Internationales Symposium der Informationswissenschaft.

Mutschke, Peter. 2011. "Centrality anomalies and network structure." 7th UK Social Networks Conference.

Wandhöfer, Timo, Mark Thamm, and Peter Mutschke. 2011. "Digital monitoring of societal discussions in online social networks." International Association for Social Science Information Services and Technology - IASSIST.

Wandhöfer, Timo, Mark Thamm, and Peter Mutschke. 2011. "ScholarLib: sharing resources and data by linking scientific information portals with online social networks." International Association for Social Science Information Services and Technology - IASSIST.

Quandt, Markus, and Peter Mutschke. 2011. "The research data cycle (and more): A guiding vision for structuring research infrastructures." Towards an Optimal Infrastructure for the Social Sciences: Symposium on Occasion of the 150th Anniversary of German-Japanese Relations.

Schaer, Philipp, Philipp Mayr, and Peter Mutschke. 2010. ""Demonstrating a service-enhanced retrieval system" (Poster)." ASIS&T 2010 "Navigating streams in an information ecosystem".

Mutschke, Peter, and York Sure-Vetter. 2010. "Author centrality as a value-added service for scholarly information systems." 6th UK Social Networks Conference.

Mutschke, Peter, and Timo Wandhöfer. 2010. "Connecting social networking sites with social science information portals." IASSIST 2010 Conference "Social Data and Social Networking: Connecting Social Science Communities Across the Globe".

Mayr, Philipp, Peter Mutschke, Philipp Schaer, and York Sure-Vetter. 2010. "Search term recommendation and non-textual ranking evaluated." Networked Knowledge Organization Systems and Services: the 9th European NKOS workshop at the 14th ECDL conference.

Bärisch, Stefan, Peter Mutschke, and Maximilian Stempfhuber. 2009. "Informationstechnologische Aspekte der Heterogenitätsbehandlung in Fachportalen." Information: Droge, Ware oder Commons?: Wertschöpfungs- und Transformationsprozesse auf den Informationsmärkten; ISI 2009 - IuK 2009.

Mayr, Philipp, Peter Mutschke, Philipp Schaer, and York Sure-Vetter. 2009. "Mehrwertdienste für das Information Retrieval : das Projekt IRM." Wissensorganisation '09 "Wissen - Wissenschaft - Organisation"; 12. Tagung der Deutschen Sektion der Internationalen Gesellschaft für Wissensorganisation (ISKO).

Mutschke, Peter, Philipp Mayr, Philipp Schaer, and York Sure-Vetter. 2009. "Value-added services for scholarly information systems: the IRM project." Workshop on Modeling Science – understanding, forecasting, and communicating the science system.

Mutschke, Peter. 2008. "Centrality anomalies and network structure: towards a community-oriented centrality model." International Sunbelt Social Network Conference, Sunbelt XXVIII : Centrality measures in social networks.

Poster presentation

Mutschke, Peter. 2019. "Cross-domain Interoperability of Heterogeneous Research Data (GO Inter)." 2nd Open Science FAIR conference, Porto, 2019-10-16.

Mutschke, Peter, Guido Scherp, Klaus Tochtermann, and Peter Wittenburg. 2019. "Implementing FAIR Data Infrastructures: Dagstuhl Perspectives Workshop, Nov. 2018." RDA Deutschland Tagung, 2019-02-19.

Mutschke, Peter, and Mandy Neumann. 2016. "OpenMinTeD: Mining Scientific Publications." Science 2.0 Conference.

Mutschke, Peter. 2014. "PIDs4SOM - Persistence of Scholarly Content on the Social Web." International Conference on Science 2.0, 2014-03-26.

Mutschke, Peter. 2013. "Persistenz von wissenschaftlichem Content im Social Web." Science 2.0 in Bibliotheken – Ein neues Arbeitsfeld erfordert neue Kompetenzen!, 2013-11-20.

Presentation not at a conference

Saldanha Bach, Janete, Peter Mutschke, and Claus-Peter Klas. 2023. "Workshop on PIDs within NFDI: KonsortSWD PID registration Service." NFDI4 PID Working Group , 2023-01-27. doi:

Saldanha Bach, Janete, Claus-Peter Klas, and Peter Mutschke. 2022. "Application of ‘RDA FAIR Data Maturity Model’ to assess the PID registration service in terms of FAIRness ." CESSDA Metadata Office: Webinar on user experience with FAIR evaluation tools and services, Online, 2022-10-11. doi:

Saldanha Bach, Janete, Claus-Peter Klas, and Peter Mutschke. 2022. "Benefits of persistent identifiers (PIDs) for dataset elements." Forum Data Publication and Availability #5: Persistent Identifiers, Online, 2022-11-17. doi:

Saldanha Bach, Janete, Claus-Peter Klas, and Peter Mutschke. 2022. "Breaking down hurdles of current data citation practices : Use cases and benefits of persistent identifiers for dataset elements." NFDI Science Slam at Berlin Science Week 2022 , Fraunhofer-Institut für Offene Kommunikationssysteme FOKUS, Berlin, 2022-11-07. doi:

Wittenburg, Peter, Luiz Olavo Bonino da Silva Santos, Abu Ibn Bayazid, Oya Beyan, and Peter Mutschke. 2022. "FAIR Digital Objects within NFDI4DataScience and Beyond." NFDI-InfraTalk, Online, 2022-06-20.

Mutschke, Peter. 2020. "Cross-Domain Interoperability of Heterogeneous Research Data (Go Inter): Flash Presentations." International GO FAIR IN Meeting, ZBW, Hamburg, 2020-01-23.

Mutschke, Peter. 2020. "Introduction: Why this Hackathon." Hackathon on Implementing the FAIR Digital Object Concept: Workshop des GO FAIR Implementation Network on "Cross-Domain Interoperability of Heterogeneous Research Data (GO INTER)", Virtuell, 2020-05-18.

Mutschke, Peter. 2019. "Cross-Domain Interoperability of Heterogeneous Research Data (Go Inter): Flash Presentations." International GO FAIR IN Meeting, GO FAIR Office, Leiden, Nürnberg, 2019-01-15.

Mutschke, Peter. 2019. "Cross-Domain Interoperability of Heterogeneous Research Data (Go Inter)." Third Germany GOes FAIR workshop, GESIS - Leibniz-Institut für Sozialwissenschaften, Köln, 2019-05-15.

Mutschke, Peter. 2019. "Cross-domain Interoperability of Heterogeneous Research Data (GO Inter)." GO FAIR Workshop on “Semantic Interoperability of Metadata for Cross-Domain Research of the Future”, ZBW, Hamburg, 2019-11-11.

Mutschke, Peter. 2019. "Dagstuhl Perspectives Workshop on "Implementing FAIR Data Infrastructures": Presentation in front of the Scientific Advisory Board and the Industrial Curatory Board of Schloss Dagstuhl - Leibniz-Zentrum für Informatik." 2019-03-21.

Mutschke, Peter. 2019. "Introduction: Why this Implementation Network." Kick-Off-Workshop of the GO FAIR Implementation Network on Cross-domain Interoperability of Heterogeneous Research Data (GO Inter), GESIS - Leibniz-Institut für Sozialwissenschaften, Köln, 2019-10-01.

Mutschke, Peter. 2016. "OpenMinTeD – An open text mining infrastructure to foster knowledge extraction from unstructured textual data." ITOC Workshop on "Text and Data Mining". Eingeladener Vortrag, 2016-02-20.

Mutschke, Peter. 2015. "ScholarLib. Ein Framework zur bidirektionalen Koppelung von Sozialen Netzwerken mit wissenschaftlichen Fachportalen." DIMDI, Workshop "Soziale Aspekte der Technologiebeschreibung", 2019-02-11.

Mayr, Philipp, Philipp Schaer, Peter Mutschke, Andrea Scharnhorst, and Howard White. 2013. "Combining bibliometrics and information retrieval: workshop proposal."

Mutschke, Peter. 2013. "Innovative Knowledge Technologies for the Social Sciences." Eingeladener Vortrag. Korea Institute of Science and Technology Information (KISTI).

Mutschke, Peter. 2013. "Wissenstechnologien in den Sozialwissenschaften." Eingeladener Vortrag. Europäische Akademie zur Erforschung und Beurteilung von Folgen wissenschaftlich-technischer Entwicklungen.


Lorenz, Anna-Lena, Sören Auer, Stefan Dietze, Oliver Karras, Peter Mutschke, Allard Oelen, and Markus Stocker. 2022. "Research Knowledge Graphs in NFDI4Ing and NFDI4DataScience." NFDI Satellite Event @ JCDL 2022, 2022-06-23.

Mutschke, Peter, and Yann Le Franc. 2021. "Towards a semantic model for FDO: Joint GO Inter & FDO-SEM Session." FAIR Festival 2021, Online, 2021-06-21.

Bonino, Luiz Olavo, Barbara Magagna, João Moreira, Maria Luiza Machado Campos, Peter Mutschke, and Robert Pergl. 2020. "2nd Workshop on Conceptual Modeling, Ontologies and (Meta)data Management for Findable, Accessible, Interoperable and Reusable (FAIR) Data (CMOMM4FAIR)." 39th International Conference on Conceptual Modeling (ER 2020), 2020-11-04 - 2020-11-04.

Mutschke, Peter, Yann Le Franc, Claus-Peter Klas, Barbara Magagna, Andrea Scharnhorst, and Daniel Schiffner. 2020. "FAIR Digital Objects for Cross-domain Data Searching & Linking and Semantic Interoperability." International FAIR Convergence Symposium 2020 (GO FAIR, CODATA) , 2020-12-01 - 2020-12-01.

Mutschke, Peter. 2020. "FAIRsemantics/FDO Hackathon." Workshop des GO FAIR Implementation Network on "Cross-Domain Interoperability of Heterogeneous Research Data (GO INTER)", 2020-07-01 - 2020-07-02.

Mutschke, Peter. 2020. "Hackathon on Implementing the FAIR Digital Object (FDO) Concept." Workshop des GO FAIR Implementation Network on "Cross-Domain Interoperability of Heterogeneous Research Data (GO INTER)", 2020-05-18 - 2020-05-19.

Mutschke, Peter. 2019. "Kick-Off-Workshop of the GO FAIR Implementation Network on Cross-domain Interoperability of Heterogeneous Research Data (GO Inter)." GESIS - Leibniz-Institut für Sozialwissenschaften, Köln, 2019-10-01 - 2019-10-02.

Mutschke, Peter. 2018. "Dagstuhl Perspectives Workshop on Implementing FAIR Data Infrastructures (Coordination)." 2018-11-18 - 2018-11-21.

Mayr, Philipp, Ingo Frommholz, Peter Mutschke, and Andrea Scharnhorst. 2015. "Bibliometric-enhanced Information Retrieval (BIR2015): 2nd International Workshop at ECIR 2015." 37th European Conference on Information Retrieval (ECIR), Wien, 2015-03-29.

Mayr, Philipp, Andrea Scharnhorst, Birger Larsen, Philipp Schaer, and Peter Mutschke. 2014. "Bibliometric-enhanced Information Retrieval." Workshop at ECIR 2014, Amsterdam.

Mutschke, Peter, Andrea Scharnhorst, Christophe Guéret, Philipp Mayr, Preben Hansen, and Aida Slavic. 2014. "Knowledge Maps and Information Retrieval (KMIR)." Workshop at Digital Libraries 2014, London, UK, 2014-09-11 - 2014-09-11.

Mayr, Philipp, Philipp Schaer, Peter Mutschke, Andrea Scharnhorst, and Howard D. White. 2013. "Combining bibliometrics and information retrieval." Workshop at ISSI 2013, Vienna.