Forschungsgruppe Wahlen e.V. awards the Rudolf Wildenmann young researcher award for empirical electoral research for the first time.
Time series containing 84 selected variables for the entire period from 1977 to 2022 (ZA2391).
This cumulated data set comprises the results of all monthly polls conducted in one year. All variables used during that particular year are reflected in the data.
From 1990 through 1995 and since 1999 the Politbarometer surveys were conducted separately in the "New" and "Old" German States ("Politbarometer East" and "Politbarometer West" ).
Recent annual cumulation
The cumulative file Politbarometer 2022 (ZA7970) is the most recent Politbarometer data set.
At the moment the time series is available for the Politbarometer from 1977 (ZA2391). The data set comprises 84 selected variables for the entire period since 1977. With a total of more than 900.000 respondents and ideally over 500 survey dates an interesting product for further analysis is the result. The corresponding variable report documents the number of survey dates for each variable as well as any change of the question or answer text over the whole period.
As the data collection method of the Politbarometer switched from the initial face-to-face interview to telephone survey by midyear 1988, there is also a basis for an investigation into the methodical aspects of this change. As in some years more than twelve surveys were conducted a variable was added on request of our users. Now there is one variable that serially numbers the surveys of one year and another variable in which the surveys are coded by month of investigation.
Amongst others, the dataset contains the following topics:
Ref.: Recommendation on citation of research data:
Jung, Matthias; Schroth, Yvonne; Wolf, Andrea (2013): Politbarometer West 2011 (Cumulated Data Set, incl. Flash). GESIS Data Archive, Cologne. ZA5633 Data file Version 1.2.0, doi:10.4232/1.11616