Regional Identity

People may feel different degrees of attachment to their town or village, to their region, to their country, [Eurobarometer 36: to the European Community; Eurobarometer 43.1bis: to the European Union] or to Europe [as a whole].
Please tell me how attached you feel to ...?

Starting with Eurobarometer 82.3

Please tell me how attached you feel to ...? Your city/town/village - (OUR COUNTRY) - The European Union - Europe

  1. very attached 
  2. fairly attached 
  3. not very attached 
  4. not at all attached
ZA Study Number Eurobarometer Fieldwork Month Fieldwork Year Question Number Variable Name (1)
0627 ECS71 7 1971 Q.1 (2) V6-V7
0628 ECS73 9-10 1973 Q.40/Q.41 (2) V34-V35
0990 6 11 1976 Q.115/Q.116 (2) V15-V16
1037 12 10 1979 Q.112/Q.113 (2) V9-V10
2081 36 10-11 1991 Q.64 V187
2639 43.1bis 5-6 1995 Q.34 V262
3086 50.1 11-12 1998 Q.57 (2)  
3171 51.0 3-4 1999 Q.13  
3387 54.1 11-12 2000 Q.8  
3635 56.3 1-2 2002 Q.47  
3640 57.2 4-6 2002 Q.25_1-5 (3)  
3693 58.1 10-11 2002 Q.31a-d  
3938 60.1 10-11 2003 Q.46 a-d  
3986 CCEB2003.4 10-11 2003 Q.11 a-d  
4229 62.0 10-11 2004 Q.47 a-d  
4411 63.4 5-6 2005 QA35  
4506 65.2 3-5 2006 QA35 (4)  
4529 67.1 2-3 2007 QA14 (5)  
4530 67.2 4-5 2007 QA33 (6)  
4565 68.1 9-11 2007 QA10 (6)   
4973 71.3 6-7 2009 QE4 (7)  
5233 73.3 3-4 2010 QB13 (8)  
5612 77.3 5 2012 QD2 (6)  
5875 79.5 6 2013 QP21  
5876 80.1 11 2013 QD2 (6)  
5932 82.3 11 2014 QD1  
6596 84.1 9 2015 QP19 (9)  
6643 84.3 11 2015 QD1  
6788 86.2 11 2016 QD1  
6861 87.1 3 2017 QA8  
6863 87.3 5 2017 QD1  
6928 88.3 11 2017 QD1  
6963 89.1 3 2018 QD1  
7489 90.3 11 2018 QD1  
7576 91.5 6-7 2019 QD1  
7601 92.3 11-12 2019 QC1  
7649 93.1 7-8 2020 QC1  
7780 94.3 2-3 2021 QC1  
7783 95.3 6-7 2021 QC1  
7848 96.3 1-2 2022 QC1  
7902 97.5 6-7 2022 QD1  
7953 98.2 1-2 2022 QD1  
7997 99.4 5-6 2023 QD1  
8779 100.2 10-11 2023 QC1  

(1) Please note that the variable names refer to the final ICPSR/ZA codebook editions, if available. 

(2) Different question: To which of these areas (ECS73: the following geographical groups) do you feel you belong most strongly (ECS73: would you say that you belong to first)? And which next? ECS71: city/locality, department, region, country, Europe, other; ECS73/EB 12: locality/town where you live, region/county where you live, [COUNTRY] as a whole, Europe, world as a whole; EB 50.1: city/town/village, region, country, Europe, whole world.

(3) Different question: I would like you to tell me how close you feel to the following groups of people. 1. The inhabitants of the the city or village where you live/have lived most of your life; 2. The inhabitants of the region where you life; 3. Fellow (Nationality); 4. European Union citizens; 5. Fellow Europeans; ... (very close - quite close - not very close - not at all close).

(4) Item 4 split: ... how attached you feel to ... (SPLIT A:) Europe ... (SPLIT B:) European Union

(5) Five items in accordance with Eurobarometer 50.1: Please tell me how attached you feel to a) your village, town or city; b) to your region; c ) to your country; d) to Europe or e) to the world.

(6) Three items:  a) city/town/village; b) OUR COUNTRY (TCC: our community); c) European Union 

(7) Modified items and question based on the one listed under (5): "to what extent do you personally feel you are..."

(8) Replicating items asked in EB 68.1 (QA10) and 67.1 (QA14). Some items are splitted and/or modified.

(9) Four items: a) Your city/town/village; b) Your region; c) OUR COUNTRY; d) The European Union