Research with ALLBUS

ALLBUS data has been collected at regular intervals for over 40 years. The comprehensive list of existing research literature based on this data can be found in the ALLBUS biography. On this page we would like to supplement this by presenting selected research papers that demonstrate the range of topics covered by the ALLBUS.

Use of ALLBUS data in various disciplines

The wide range of topics covered by the ALLBUS makes the data interesting for many different academic disciplines. For example, articles that use ALLBUS data are located in sociology, political science, religious studies or criminology. A word cloud based on the journal names of all entries in the ALLBUS bibliography shows this diversity:


Linking ALLBUS data with georeferenced regional data

Since 2013, researchers have the opportunity to analyze ALLBUS data together with detailed regional data. This is made possible by the GESIS Secure Data Center, where users can access the protected, sensitive data in a controlled environment. This linking of survey and geodata enables the exploration of many new topics, including the analysis of spatial differences and inequalities and research into the impact of historical events on the attitudes and behaviors of the German population today. The publications below are examples of the two subject areas.

Spatial differences and inequalities

Jünger, S. (2022). Land use disadvantages in Germany: A matter of ethnic income inequalities? Urban Studies, 59(9), 1819-1836.
Zu diesem Artikel gibt es auch einen ausführlichen Beitrag im GESIS-Blog.

Schmidt-Catran, A. W., & Spies, D. C. (2016). Immigration and Welfare Support in Germany. American Sociological Review, 81(2), 242-261.

Stroppe, A. K. (2023). Left behind in a public services wasteland? On the accessibility of public services and political trust. Political Geography, 105, 102905.

Impact of historical events

Cantoni, D., Hagemeister, F., & Westcott, M. (2019). Persistence and activation of right-wing political ideology. Rationality & Competition CRC TRR 190, Discussion Paper No. 143.

Francesco D’Acunto, Marcel Prokopczuk, Michael Weber, Historical Antisemitism, Ethnic Specialization, and Financial Development, The Review of Economic Studies, Volume 86, Issue 3, May 2019, Pages 1170–1206,

Homola, J., Pereira, M. M., & Tavits, M. (2020). Legacies of the Third Reich: Concentration Camps and Out-group Intolerance. American Political Science Review, 114(2), 573–590.

Book series Focus on Society

Several books based on ALLBUS data have already been published as part of the Blickpunkt Gesellschaft series. Among other things, these focus on attitudes towards migrants in Germany and Europe, the attitudes and behavior of the German population and social and political change in Germany.

The latest volume on 40 Jahre ALLBUS - Die Deutsche Gesellschaft im Wandel (40 years of ALLBUS - German society in transition) will be published in autumn 2024.

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