
Die vielen Gesichter von GESIS


Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter bei der Abteilung Survey Design and Methodology. Seit Mai 2016 Mitglied des Core Scientific Teams vom European Social Survey - European Research Infrastructure (ESS ERIC) zuständig für Qualitätsicherung der Feldarbeit über Länder hinweg. Seit Mai 2019 Leiter des Arbeitsbereiches zum Interviewer-Verhalten. Master of Arts im Bereich empirischer Politik- und Sozialforschung an der Universität Stuttgart, 2014, und Studium der Soziologie an der Universidad Central de Venezuela, 2010. Seine Forschungsinteresse liegen im Bereich internationale und interkulturelle Vergleichbarkeit und Datenerhebung.



Briceno-Leon, Roberto, Roberto Briceno-Rosas, and Alberto Camardiel. 2024 (Forthcoming). "Beyond the Law: Poverty and crime as youth violence regulators in Venezuela." Aggresive behavior.

Hanson, Tim, Roberto Briceno-Rosas, Hanna-Kerstina Kartau, and Mare Ainsaar. 2024 (Forthcoming). "Live Online Video Interviewing as a Complementary Mode to In-Person Interviews: Evidence from the European Social Survey." mda: methods, data, analyses.

Briceno-Rosas, Roberto, and Roberto Briceno-Leon. 2023. "The Legitimacy of the 'Colectivos' and the Police in Venezuela: A Comparative Public Opinion Study." Espacio Abierto 32 (2): 55-79. doi:

Briceno-Rosas, Roberto, Joost Kappelhof, and Sarah Butt. 2020. "Improving Central Monitoring of Fieldwork in Cross-national Surveys: The Case of the Fieldwork Management System in the European Social Survey." Survey Methods: Insights from the Field (SMIF) 18.05.2020 1-18. doi:

Beitrag im Sammelwerk

Briceno-Rosas, Roberto, and Roberto Briceño León. 2023. "Legitimidad y opinión pública de los colectivos en Venezuela: Una comparación entre las fuerzas armadas estatales y no estatales." In La gobernanza criminal y el Estado: Entre la rivalidad y la complicidad, edited by Roberto Briceño León, and Olga Avila, 91-122. Caracas: Editorial Alfa.

Schneider, Silke L., Roberto Briceno-Rosas, Verena Ortmanns, and Jessica M. E. Herzing. 2018. "Measuring Migrants’ Educational Attainment: The CAMCES Tool in the IAB-SOEP Migration Samples." In Surveying the Migrant Population: Consideration of Linguistic and Cultural Issues, edited by Dorothée Behr, GESIS Schriftenreihe 19, 43-74.

Arbeits- und Diskussionspapier

Koch, Achim, and Roberto Briceno-Rosas. 2023. Assessment of socio-demographic sample composition in ESS Round 10. Mannheim: European Social Survey, GESIS.

Kessler, Georg, Niccolò Ghirelli, Peter Lynn, Brita Dorer, Joost Kappelhof, Jannine van de Maat, Roberto Briceno-Rosas, and Linn-Merethe Rød. 2022. Overall Fieldwork and Data Quality Report for the European Social Survey, Round 9. Mannheim: GESIS.

Koch, Achim, and Roberto Briceno-Rosas. 2021. Assessment of socio-demographic sample composition in ESS Round 8 and 9. Mannheim: European Social Survey, GESIS.

Stoop, Ineke A. L., Roberto Briceno-Rosas, Achim Koch, and Caroline Vandenplas. 2018. Data falsification in the European Social Survey? London: European Social Survey.

Briceno-Rosas, Roberto, Elisabeth Liebau, Verena Ortmanns, Lisa Pagel, and Silke L. Schneider. 2018. Documentation on ISCED Generation using the CAMCES tool in the IAB-SOEP Migration Samples M1/M2. SOEP Survey Papers: Series D – Variable Descriptions and Coding 579. Berlin: DIW/SOEP.


Kappelhof, Joost, Paulette Flore, May Doušak, and Roberto Briceno-Rosas. 2024. "Data quality management in the ESS at the data and post-data collection stage." 5th International ESS Conference, ICS - University of Lisbon, Lisbon, 2024-07-08.

Kappelhof, Joost, Paulette Flore, May Doušak, and Roberto Briceno-Rosas. 2024. "Increasing respondent engagement in self-completion surveys." 5th International ESS Conference, ICS - University of Lisbon, Lisbon, 2024-07-08.

Doušak, May, Joost Kappelhof, and Roberto Briceno-Rosas. 2023. "Detecting interview location without recording it: introducing Virtual Surrounding Impression." ESRA 2023: 10th Conference of the European Survey Research Association, Milan, 2023-07-19.

Flore, Paulette, Roberto Briceno-Rosas, and Joost Kappelhof. 2023. "Effective ways to detect and minimize undesirable interviewer behaviour in a decentralized cross national comparative survey. Findings from the Europeans Social Survey R9 and R10." ESRA 2023: 10th Conference of the European Survey Research Association, Milan, 2023-07-20.

Briceno-Rosas, Roberto. 2023. "How Reliable is the Educational Measurement in Surveys? An International Test-retest Study." ESRA 2023: 10th Conference of the European Survey Research Association, Milan, 2023-07-18.

Hanson, Tim, Roberto Briceno-Rosas, and Jasmine Mitchell. 2023. "Video interviewing on the European Social Survey." ESRA 2023: 10th Conference of the European Survey Research Association, Milan, 2023-07-19.

Kappelhof, Joost, Roberto Briceno-Rosas, Daniela Ackermann-Piek, May Doušak, Jasmine van de Maat, and Paulette Flore. 2021. "How to Avoid Undesirable Interviewer Behaviour in the ESS." ESRA 2021: 9th Conferecen of the European Survey Research Association, Virtual, Munich , 2021-07-16.

Schneider, Silke L., Verena Ortmanns, Roberto Briceno-Rosas, and Jessica M. E. Herzing. 2019. "Messung und Kodierung von Bildungsabschlüssen in computergestützten interkulturellen Umfragen: Eine Bilanz." Gemeinsame Tagung der Arbeitsgemeinschaft sozialwissenschaftlicher Institute (ASI) und der DGS-Sektion „Methoden der empirischen Sozialforschung“: Empirische Sozialforschung in Zeiten der Digitalisierung – Methodische Konsequenzen neuer Technologien, GESIS - Leibniz-Institut für Sozialwissenschaften, Köln, 2019-11-16.

Schneider, Silke L., Roberto Briceno-Rosas, and Verena Ortmanns. 2018. "Computer-Assisted Measurement and Coding of Education in Surveys (CAMCES): Experiences from the LISS Panel." General Online Research Conference (GOR 2018), 2018-03-02.

Briceno-Rosas, Roberto. 2018. "The Cognitive Process of Reporting Educational Qualifications in Cross-cultural Surveys: A Comparison between Immigrant and Non-immigrant Respondents in Germany." International Workshop on Comparative Survey Design and Implementation (CSDI), 2018-03-26.

Ortmanns, Verena, Silke L. Schneider, Roberto Briceno-Rosas, and Jessica M. E. Herzing. 2017. "Die Messung von Bildung bei Migrantinnen und Migranten der ersten Generation: ein neues adaptives Instrument für Umfragen." LERN 2017, Wissenschaftliche Jahrestagung, 2017-04-26.

Briceno-Rosas, Roberto. 2016. "Asking about education in multinational, multiregional and multicultural contexts: results from cognitive pretesting in two countries." 3MC International Conference 2016, 2016-07-26.

Briceno-Rosas, Roberto. 2016. "Challenges of measuring the attitudes towards the scope of government cross-nationally: Evidences from international surveys in Venezuela." 3MC International Conference 2016, 2016-07-28.

Schneider, Silke L., Roberto Briceno-Rosas, Jessica M. E. Herzing, and Verena Ortmanns. 2016. "Overcoming the shortcomings of long list showcards: Measuring education with an adaptive database lookup." 9th International Conference on Social Science Methodology (RC33 Conference), 2016-09-13.

Ortmanns, Verena, Silke L. Schneider, Jessica M. E. Herzing, and Roberto Briceno-Rosas. 2015. "Computer-assisted measurement and coding of educational qualifications in surveys (CAMCES)." International Workshop on Comparative Survey Design and Implementation (CSDI), 2015-03-28.

Briceno-Rosas, Roberto. 2015. "Is the concept of attitudes towards the welfare state fitted for measurement in both europe and non-european countries?" 6th Conference of the European Survey Research Association (ESRA).

Beitrag nicht auf Konferenz

Briceno-Rosas, Roberto, and Joost Kappelhof. 2020. "Promoting Desirable Interviewer Behaviour in the European Social Survey ." Webinar: Survey Methodology Series, 2020-10-28.

Briceno-Rosas, Roberto. 2018. "Undesirable Interviewer Behaviour: Consultation with ESS National Coordinators & Insights from Discussion." ESS Fieldwork Directors’ Meeting, 2018-05-25.

Schneider, Silke L., Verena Ortmanns, Roberto Briceno-Rosas, and Jessica M. E. Herzing. 2017. "Computer Assisted Measurement and Coding of Educational Qualifcations in Multicultural Surveys (CAMCES): A new set of survey tools." Symposium on „Surveying the migrant population: Consideration of linguistic and cultural aspects“, 2017-03-14.


Briceno-Rosas, Roberto. 2023. "Research Session: New Developments and Challenges in Measuring Socioeconomic Status." ESRA 2023: 10th Conference of the European Survey Research Association, Milan, 2023-07-18.

Briceno-Rosas, Roberto, Silke L. Schneider, Verena Ortmanns, and Jessica Herzing. 2016. "3rd CAMCES Expert Workshop." Mannheim, 2016-05-24 - 2016-05-25.

Schneider, Silke L., Roberto Briceno-Rosas, and Verena Ortmanns. 2016. "Session: Innovative tools in computer-assisted survey measurement: opportunities and challenges." 3MC International Conference 2016, Chicago, IL, 2016-07-26.