
Die vielen Gesichter von GESIS


Stefan Dietze is full professor for Data & Knowledge Engineering at Heinrich-Heine-University Düsseldorf (HHU), and scientific director of the department Knowledge Technologies for the Social Science (KTS) at GESIS. He also is deputy director at the Heine Center for Artificial Intelligence & Data Science (HeiCAD), and affiliated member at the L3S Research Center (Hannover, Germany). His research interests are at the intersection of information retrieval, knowledge graphs, NLP and machine learning, and his work is concerned with the extraction, fusion and search of knowledge and data, in particular, on the Web. Previous positions include the Knowledge Media Institute (KMI) of The Open University (UK) and the Fraunhofer Institute for Software and Systems Engineering (ISST, now part of Fraunhofer FOKUS). Stefan has obtained substantial research funding as PI and Co-PI (DFG, Leibniz, EC, BMBF) and frequently publishes at top tier conferences such as The WebConf, CIKM, SIGIR or ISWC and in high impact journals such as Neurocomputing, Semantic Web Journal or Expert Systems with Applications.


From an infrastructure and application perspective, Stefan Dietze's work is concerned with applying state-of-the-art research in the below mentioned areas for creating innovative research data infrastructures that support social scientists in answering interdisciplinary research questions. Some examples can be found through the KTS web page. An overview of Stefan's research community service activities, can be found here.


Stefan conducts research at the intersection of information retrieval, knowledge graphs, NLP and machine learning specifically focused on extraction, fusion and search of knowledge and data on the Web. Current focus areas are concerned with the construction of knowledge bases from web and online discourse data, the use of relational knowledge ingrained in large language models and their use for supporting social science research and research data infrastructures. Stefan frequently serves on programme and organisation committee for top-tier conferences in the aforementioned areas, including The Web Conf, ACL, SIGIR, WSDM, CIKM or ISWC, is editorial board member of the Journal of Web Semantics and serves as advisory board member to various national and international projects and initiatives.



Backes, Tobias, and Stefan Dietze. 2024. "Connected Components for Scaling Partial-Order Blocking to Billion Entities." ACM Journal of Data and Information Quality (JDIQ) 2024 (Band 16, Ausgabe 1): 1 - 29. doi:

Zhu, Xiaofei, Li Chenghong, and Stefan Dietze. 2023. "CNIM-GCN: Consensus Neighbor Interaction-based Multi-channel Graph Convolutional Networks." Expert Systems with Applications 226 (15 September 2023): 120178.

Zhu, Xiaofei, Gu Tang, Pengfei Wang, Chenliang Li, Jiafeng Guo, and Stefan Dietze. 2023. "Dynamic global structure enhanced multi-channel graph neural network for session-based recommendation." Information Sciences 624 (May 2023): 324-343. doi:

Zhu, Ling, Xiaofei Zhu, Jiafeng Guo, and Stefan Dietze. 2023. "Exploring rich structure information for aspect-based sentiment classification." Journal of Intelligent Information Systems 2023 (60): 97-117. doi:

Zhu, Xiaofei, Zhangwang Peng, Jiafeng Guo, and Stefan Dietze. 2023. "Generating effective label description for label-aware sentiment classification." Expert Systems with Applications 213, Part C (1 March 2023): 119194.

Momeni, Fakhri, Philipp Mayr, and Stefan Dietze. 2023. "Investigating the contribution of author- and publication-specific features to scholars` h-index prediction." EPJ Data Science 12 (06 October 2023): 45. doi:

Pan, Jeff Z., Simon Razniewski, Jan-Christoph Kalo, Sneha Singhania, Jiaoyan Chen, Stefan Dietze, Hajira Jabeen, Janna Omeliyanenko, Renwen Zhang, Matteo Lissandrini, Russa Biswas, Gerard de Melo, Angela Bonifati, Edlira Vakaj, Mauro Dragoni, and Damien Graux. 2023. "Large Language Models and Knowledge Graphs: Opportunities and Challenges, Transactions on Graph Data & Knowledge ." Transactions on Graph Data and Knowledge (TGDK) (Volume 1, Issue 1). doi:

Katsanidou, Alexia, Marianne Kneuer, Felix Bensmann, Dimitar Dimitrov, and Stefan Dietze. 2023. "Limitations of democratic rights during the Covid-19 pandemic—exploring the citizens’ perception and discussions on dangers to democracy in Germany." Zeitschrift für Vergleichende Politikwissenschaft 16 (2022) (4): 635–661. doi:

Chen, Zhuomin, Li Wang, Xiaofei Zhu, and Stefan Dietze. 2023. "TSNN: A Topic and Structure Aware Neural Network for Rumor Detection." Neurocomputing 531 (28 April 2023): 114-124.

Momeni, Fakhri, Stefan Dietze, Philipp Mayr, Kristin Biesenbender, and Isabella Peters. 2023. "Which factors are associated with Open Access publishing? A Springer Nature case study." Quantitative Science Studies 4 (2): 353–371. doi:

Boland, Katarina, Pavlos Fafalios, Andon Tchechmedjiev, Stefan Dietze, and Konstantin Todorov. 2022. "Beyond facts: a survey and conceptualisation of claims in online discourse analysis." Semantic Web 13 (1): 1-35. doi:

Roy, Arjun, Pavlos Fafalios, Asif Ekbal, Xiaofei Zhu, and Stefan Dietze. 2022. "Exploiting stance hierarchies for cost-sensitive stance detection of Web documents." Journal of Intelligent Information Systems 58 (1): 1-19. doi:

Zhu, Xiaofei, Zhangwang Peng, Jiafeng Guo, and Stefan Dietze. 2022. "Generating Effective Label Description for Label-aware Sentiment Classification." Expert Systems with Applications 213 (Part C): 119194. doi:

Backes, Tobias, and Stefan Dietze. 2022. "Lattice-based progressive author disambiguation." Information Systems 109 (November 2022): 102056. doi:

Momeni, Fakhri, Fariba Karimi, Philipp Mayr, Isabella Peters, and Stefan Dietze. 2022. "The many facets of academic mobility and its impact on scholars’ career." Journal of Informetrics 16 (2): 101280. doi:

Schindler, David, Felix Bensmann, Stefan Dietze, and Frank Krüger. 2022. "The role of software in science: a knowledge graph-based analysis of software mentions in PubMed Central." PeerJ Computer Science (8): e835.

von Hoyer, Johannes, Anett Hoppe, Yvonne Kammerer, Christian Otto, Georg Pardi, Markus Rokicki, Ran Yu, Stefan Dietze, Ralph Ewerth, and Peter Holtz. 2022. "The SAL Spaceship: Towards a comprehensive model of psychological and technological facets of search as learning (SAL)." Frontiers in Psychology, Section Human-Media Interaction 13 (15 March 2022). doi:

Tang, Gu, Xiaofei Zhu, Jiafeng Guo, and Stefan Dietze. 2022. "Time enhanced graph neural networks for session-based recommendation." Knowledge-Based Systems 251 (September 2022): 109204.

Backes, Tobias, Daniel Hienert, and Stefan Dietze. 2022. "Towards Hierarchical Affiliation Resolution: Framework, Baselines, Dataset." International Journal on Digital Libraries 23 (3): 267-288. doi:

Zloch, Matthäus, Maribel Acosta, Daniel Hienert, Stefan Conrad, and Stefan Dietze. 2021. "Characterizing RDF graphs through graph-based measures – framework and assessment." Semantic Web 12 (5): 789-812. doi:

Roy, Arjun, Pavlos Fafalios, Asif Ekbal, Xiaofei Zhu, and Stefan Dietze. 2021. "Exploiting stance hierarchies for cost-sensitive stance detection of Web documents." Journal of Intelligent Information Systems online first. doi:

Zhu, Xiaofei, Khoi Duy Vo, G. Jiafeng, Xiaojun Hu, and Stefan Dietze. 2021. "Exploring implicit and explicit geometrical structure of data for deep embedded clustering." Neural Processing Letters 2021 (53): 1–16. doi:

Zhu, Xiaofei, Jie Wu, Ling Zhu, Jiafeng Guo, Ran Yu, Katarina Boland, and Stefan Dietze. 2021. "Exploring user historical semantic and sentiment preference for microblog sentiment classification." Neurocomputing 2021 (464): 141-150. doi:

Zhu, Xiaofei, Ling Zhu, Jiafeng Guo, Liang Shangsong, and Stefan Dietze. 2021. "GL-GCN: Global and Local Dependency Guided Graph Convolutional Networks for aspect-based sentiment classification." Expert Systems with Applications 2021 (186): 115712. doi:

Yu, Ran, Rui Tang, Markus Rokicki, Ujwal Gadiraju, and Stefan Dietze. 2021. "Topic-independent modeling of user knowledge in informational search sessions." Information Retrieval Journal 2021 (24): 240–268. doi:

Tempelmeier, Nicolas, Stefan Dietze, and Elena Demidova. 2020. "Crosstown traffic - supervised prediction of impact of planned special events on urban traffic." Geoinformatica 2020 (24): 339–370. doi:

Zhu, Xiaofei, G. Jiafeng, Wolfgang Nejdl, L. Xiangwen, and Stefan Dietze. 2020. "Multi-view image clustering based on sparse coding and manifold consensus." Neurocomputing 2020 (403): 53-62.

Gadiraju, Ujwal, Gianluca Demartini, Ricardo Kawase, and Stefan Dietze. 2019. "Crowd anatomy beyond the good and bad: Behavioral traces for crowd worker modeling and pre-selection." Computer Supported Cooperative Work – The Journal of Collaborative Computing and Work Practices, Springer 2019 (28 (5)): 815-841.

Gadiraju, Ujwal, Gianluca Demartini, Ricardo Kawase, and Stefan Dietze. 2019. "Crowd anatomy beyond the good and bad: Behavioral traces for crowd worker modeling and pre-selection." Computer Supported Cooperative Work 2019 (28): 815-841 .

Yu, Ran, Ujwal Gadiraju, Besnik Fetahu, Oliver Lehmberg, Dominique Ritze, and Stefan Dietze. 2019. "KnowMore – Knowledge Base Augmentation with Structured Web Markup." Semantic Web Journal 2019 (10). doi:

Ben Ellefi, Mohamed, Zohra Bellahsene, John G. Breslin, Elena Demidova, Stefan Dietze, Julian Szymánski, and Konstantin Todorov. 2018. "RDF dataset profiling – a survey of features, methods, vocabularies and applications." Semantic Web Journal 2018 1-5. doi:

Gadiraju, Ujwal, Besnik Fetahu, Ricardo Kawase, Patrick Siehndel, and Stefan Dietze. 2017. "Using worker self-assessments for competence-based pre-selection in crowdsourcing microtasks." ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction 2017 (24 (4)): 1-26. doi:

Beitrag im Sammelwerk

Schmüser, Juliane, Harshini Sri Ramulu, Noah Wöhler, Christian Stransky, Felix Bensmann, Dimitar Dimitrov, Sebastian Schellhammer, Dominik Wermke, Stefan Dietze, Yasemin Acar, and Sascha Fahl. 2024. "Analyzing Security and Privacy Advice During the 2022 Russian Invasion of Ukraine on Twitter." In CHI '24: Proceedings of the CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, edited by Florian Floyd Mueller, Penny Kyburz, Julie R. Williamson, Corina Sas, Max L. Wilson, Phoebe Toups Dugas, and Irina Shklovski, 574, 1-16. New York: Association for Computing Machinery. doi:

Dietze, Stefan. 2024. "Archiving and Temporal Analysis of Behavioral Web Data-Tales from the Inside." In Companion Proceedings of the ACM Web Conference 2024, 1373-1374. doi:

Feger, Marc, and Stefan Dietze. 2024. "BERTweet’s TACO Fiesta: Contrasting Flavors On The Path Of Inference And Information-Driven Argument Mining On Twitter." In Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: NAACL 2024, 2256–2266. Association for Computational Linguistics.

Gangopadhyay, Susmita, Sebastian Schellhammer, Salim Hafid, Danilo Dessi, C. Koß, Konstantin Todorov, Stefan Dietze, and Hajira Jabeen. 2024 (Forthcoming). "Investigating Characteristics, Biases and Evolution of Fact-Checked Claims on the Web."

Mlodzian, Leon, Hendrik Berkemeyer, Sebastian Monka, Zixu Wang, Stefan Dietze, Lavdim Halilaj, and Juergen Lulettin. 2024 (Forthcoming). "nuScenes Knowledge Graph : A comprehensive semantic representation of traffic scenes for trajectory prediction." 2023. In Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV) Workshops, 42-52.

Feger, Marc, and Stefan Dietze. 2024. "TACO — Twitter Arguments from Conversations." In Proceedings of the 2024 Joint International Conference on Computational Linguistics, Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC-COLING 2024), 15522–15529. ELRA / ICCL.

Linzbach, Stephan, Dimitar Dimitrov, Laura Kallmeyer, Kilian Evang, Hajira Jabeen, and Stefan Dietze. 2024. "The Impact of Prompt Syntax and supplementary Information on Knowledge Retrieval from Pretrained Language Models." In Proceedings of the 2024 Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics (NAACL2024), Mexico City, Mexico, Association for Computational Linguistics.,

Linzbach, Stephan, Tim Tressel, Laura Kallmeyer, Stefan Dietze, and Hajira Jabeen. 2023. "Decoding Prompt Syntax: Analysing its Impact on Knowledge Retrieval in Large Language Models." In WWW '23 Companion: Companion Proceedings of the ACM Web Conference 2023, edited by Ying Ding, Jie Tang, Juan Sequeda, Lora Aroyo, Carlos Castillo, and Geert-Jan Houben, 1145–1149. New York: ACM. doi:

Otto, Wolfgang, Matthäus Zloch, Lu Gan, Dr. Saurav Karmakar, and Stefan Dietze. 2023. "GSAP-NER: A Novel Task, Corpus, and Baseline for Scholarly Entity Extraction Focused on Machine Learning Models and Datasets." In Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: EMNLP 2023, edited by Houda Bouamor, Juan Pino, and Kalika Bali, 8166-8176. Singapore: Association for Computational Linguistics.

Giraldo, Olga L., Danilo Dessi, Stefan Dietze, Dietrich Rebholz-Schuhmann, and Leyla Jael Castro. 2023. "Machine-Actionable Metadata for Software and Software Management Plans for NFDI." In 1st Conference on Research Data Infrastructure (CoRDI) - Connecting Communities, edited by York Sure-Vetter, and Carole Goble, 1-4. TIB Open Publishing. doi:

Schimmler, Sonja, Bianca Wentzel, Arnim Bleier, Stefan Dietze, Judith Gilsbach, Peter Mutschke, Dr. Saurav Karmakar, Angelie Kraft, Tilahun A. Taffa, Ricardo Usbeck, Zeyd Boukhers, Sören Auer, Leyla Jael Castro, Marcel R. Ackermann, Thomas Neumuth, Daniel Schneider, Ziawasch Abedjan, Atif Latif, Fidan Limani, Raia Abu Ahmad, Georg Rehm, Sima Attar Khorasani, Matthias Lieber, and Russa Biswas. 2023. "NFDI4DS Infrastructure and Services." In INFORMATIK 2023 - Designing Futures: Zukünfte gestalten, Bonn: Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V.. doi:

Ahmad, Raia Abu, Ekaterina Borisova, Georg Rehm, Stefan Dietze, Dr. Saurav Karmakar, Wolfgang Otto, Jennifer D’Souza, Fidan Limani, and Ricardo Usbeck. 2023. "NFDI4DS Shared Tasks." In INFORMATIK 2023 - Designing Futures: Zukünfte gestalten, edited by Maike Klein, Daniel Krupka, Cornelia Winter, and Volker Wohlgemuth, 931-935. Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V.. doi:

Karmakar, Dr. Saurav, Matthäus Zloch, Fidan Limani, Benjamin Zapilko, Sharmila Upadhyaya, Jennifer D'Souza, Leyla Jael Castro, Georg Rehm, Marcel R. Ackermann, Harald Sack, Zeyd Boukhers, Sonja Schimmler, Peter Mutschke, and Stefan Dietze. 2023. "Research Knowledge Graphs in NFDI4DS." In INFORMATIK 2023 - Designing Futures: Zukünfte gestalten, edited by Maike Klein, Daniel Krupka, Cornelia Winter, and Volker Wohlgemuth, Lecture Notes in Informatics (LNI) - Proceedings P-337, 909-918. Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V.. doi:

Ahmad, Raia Abu, Jennifer D’Souza, Matthäus Zloch, Wolfgang Otto, Georg Rehm, Allard Oelen, Stefan Dietze, and Sören Auer. 2023. "Towards FAIR Semantic Publishing of Research Dataset Metadata in the Open Research Knowledge Graph." In 3rd Workshop on Ontologies for FAIR and FAIR Ontologies (Onto4FAIR), Studies on Semantic Web Series, 23-31. IOS Press.

Dietze, Stefan, Hajira Jabeen, Laura Kallmeyer, and Stephan Linzbach. 2023. "Towards syntax-aware pretraining and prompt engineering for knowledge retrieval from large language models." In KBC-LM + LM-KBC 2023, Joint proceedings of the KBC-LM workshop and the LM-KBC challenge @ ISWC 2023, edited by Simon Razniewski, Jan-Christoph Kalo, Sneha Singhania, and Jeff Z. Pan, CEUR workshop proceedings 3577. Aachen: RWTH.

Gangopadhyay, Susmita, Katarina Boland, Danilo Dessi, Stefan Dietze, Pavlos Fafalios, Andon Tchechmedjiev, Konstantin Todorov, and Hajira Jabeen. 2023. "Truth or Dare: Investigating Claims Truthfulness with ClaimsKG." In D2R2 2023: Linked Data-driven Resilience Research 2023: Proceedings of the Second International Workshop on Linked Data-driven Resilience Research 2023 co-located with Extended Semantic Web Conference 2023 (ESWC 2023), edited by Sebastian Tramp, Ricardo Usbeck, Natanael Arndt, Julia Holze, and Sören Auer, CEUR workshop proceedings 3401. Aachen: RWTH.

Dimitrov, Dimitar, Dennis Segeth, and Stefan Dietze. 2022. "Geotagging TweetsCOV19: Enriching a COVID-19 Twitter Discourse Knowledge Base with Geographic Information." In Companion Proceedings of WWW '22: The ACM Web Conference 2022 Virtual Event, Lyon France April 25 - 29, 2022, edited by Frédérique Laforest, Raphaël Troncy, Lionel Médini, and Ivan Herman, 438-442. New York: ACM. doi:

Otto, Christian, Markus Rokicki, Georg Pardi, Wolfgang Gritz, Daniel Hienert, Ran Yu, Johannes von Hoyer, Anett Hoppe, Stefan Dietze, Peter Holtz, Yvonne Kammerer, and Ralph Ewerth. 2022. "SaL-Lightning Dataset: Search and Eye Gaze Behavior, Resource Interactions and Knowledge Gain during Web Search." In CHIIR '22: ACM SIGIR Conference on Human Information Interaction and Retrieval , edited by David Elsweiler, Udo Kruschwitz, and Bernd Ludwig, 347–352. New York: ACM. doi:

Hafid, Salim, Sebastian Schellhammer, Sandra Bringay, Konstantin Todorov, and Stefan Dietze. 2022. "SciTweets – A Dataset and Annotation Framework for Detecting Scientific Online Discourse." In CIKM '22: Proceedings of the 31st ACM International Conference on Information & Knowledge Management, edited by Mohammad Al Hasan, and Li Xiong, 3988–3992. New York: Association for Computing Machinery. doi:

Hövelmeyer, Alica, Katarina Boland, and Stefan Dietze. 2022. "SimBa at CheckThat! 2022: Lexical and Semantic Similarity-Based Detection of Verified Claims in an Unsupervised and Supervised Way." In CLEF Working Notes 2022, Proceedings of the Working Notes of CLEF 2022- Conference and Labs of the Evaluation Forum, edited by Guglielmo Faggioli, Nicola Ferro, Allan Hanbury, and Martin Potthast, CEUR Workshop Proceedings 3180, 511-531. Aachen: RWTH Aachen.

Maliaroudakis, Evangelos, Katarina Boland, Stefan Dietze, Konstantin Todorov, Yannis Tzitzikas, and Pavlos Fafalios. 2021. "ClaimLinker: Linking text to a knowledge graph of fact-checked claims." In WWW '21: Companion Proceedings of the Web Conference 2021, edited by Jure Leskovec, Marko Grobelnik, Marc Najork, Jie Tang, and Leila Zia, 669–672. New York: ACM. doi:

Tang, Rui, Ran Yu, Markus Rokicki, Ralph Ewerth, and Stefan Dietze. 2021. "Domain-Specific Modeling of User Knowledge in Informational Search Sessions ." In 2nd International Workshop on Investigating Learning During Web Search, collocated with CIKM2021.,

Otto, Christian, Ran Yu, Georg Pardi, Johannes von Hoyer, Markus Rokicki, Anett Hoppe, Peter Holtz, Yvonne Kammerer, Stefan Dietze, and Ralph Ewerth. 2021. "Predicting knowledge gain during web search based on multimedia resource consumption." In Artificial Intelligence in Education: AIED 2021, edited by Ido Roll, Danielle McNamara, Sergey Sosnovsky, Rose Luckin, and Vania Dimitrova, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 12748, 318-330. Cham: Springer. doi:

Schindler, David, Felix Bensmann, Stefan Dietze, and Frank Krüger. 2021. "SoMeSci - A 5 star open data gold standard knowledge graph of software mentions in scientific articles." In CIKM '21: Proceedings of the 30th ACM International Conference on Information & Knowledge Management, edited by Gianluca Demartini, Guido Zuccon, J. Shane Culpepper, Zi Huang, and Hanghang Tong, CIKM , 4574–4583. New York: Association for Computing Machinery. doi:

Stoffalette João, Renato, Pavlos Fafalios, and Stefan Dietze. 2020. "Better together – an ensemble learner for combining the results of ready-made entity linking systems." In SAC '20: Proceedings of the 35th annual ACM symposium on applied computing, edited by Chih-Cheng Hung, and Tomas Cerny, 851–858. New York: ACM.

Otto, Wolfgang, Andrea Zielinski, Behnam Ghavimi, Dimitar Dimitrov, Narges Tavakolpoursaleh, Karam Abdulahhad, Katarina Boland, and Stefan Dietze. 2020. "Knowledge extraction from scholarly publications: The GESIS contribution to the rich context competition." In Rich search and discovery for research datasets, edited by Julia Lane, Ian Mulvany, and Paco Nathan, 107-127. Los Angeles u.a.: Sage.

Bensmann, Felix, Andrea Papenmeier, Dagmar Kern, Benjamin Zapilko, and Stefan Dietze. 2020. "Semantic annotation, representation and linking of survey data." In Semantic systems. In the era of knowledge graphs. SEMANTICS 2020, edited by Eva Blomquist, Paul Groth, Victor de Boer, Tassilo Pellegrini, Mehwish Alam, Tobias Käfer, Peter Kieseberg, Sabrina Kirrane, Albert Meroño-Peñuela, and Harshvardhan Pandit, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 12378, 53-69. Cham: Springer. doi:

Davari, Masoud, Daniel Hienert, Dagmar Kern, and Stefan Dietze. 2020. "The Role of Word-Eye-Fixations for Query Term Prediction." In CHIIR '20 Proceedings of the 2020 Conference on Human Information Interaction and Retrieval, edited by Heather O'Brien, Luanne Freund, Ioannis Arapakis, Orland Hoeber, and Irene Lopatovska, 422–426. New York: ACM. doi:

Dimitrov, Dimitar, Erdal Baran, Pavlos Fafalios, Ran Yu, Xiaofei Zhu, Matthäus Zloch, and Stefan Dietze. 2020. "TweetsCOV19: A knowledge base of semantically annotated tweets about the COVID-19 pandemic." In CIKM '20: Proceedings of the 29th ACM international conference on information & knowledge management, edited by Mathieu d'Aquin, and Stefan Dietze, 2991–2998. New York: ACM. doi:

Zloch, Matthäus, Maribel Acosta, Daniel Hienert, Stefan Dietze, and Stefan Conrad. 2019. "A Software Framework and Datasets for the Analysis of Graph Measures on RDF Graphs." In The Semantic Web: 16th International Conference, ESWC 2019, Portorož, Slovenia, June 2–6, 2019, Proceedings, edited by Pascal Hitzler, Miriam Fernandez, and Krzysztof Janowicz, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 11503, 523-539. Cham: Springer.

Tchechmedjiev, Andon, Pavlos Fafalios, Katarina Boland, Malo Gasquet, Matthäus Zloch, Benjamin Zapilko, Stefan Dietze, and Konstantin Todorov. 2019. "ClaimsKG: A Knowledge Graph of Fact-Checked Claims." In The Semantic Web – ISWC 2019. ISWC 2019, edited by Chiara Ghidini, Olaf Hartig, and Maria Maleshkova, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 11779, 309-324. Cham: Springer. doi:

Tempelmeier, Nicolas, Yannick Rietz, Iryna Lishchuk, Tina Kruegel, Olaf Mumm, Vanessa Miriam Carlow, Stefan Dietze, and Elena Demidova. 2019. "Data4UrbanMobility: Towards holistic data analytics for mobility applications in urban regions." In WWW2019 Companion – Companion Proceedings of the Web Conference 2019, edited by Ling Liu, and Ryen White, 137-145. ACM. doi:

Gasquet, Malo, darlene brechtel, Matthäus Zloch, Andon Tchechmedjiev, Katarina Boland, Pavlos Fafalios, Stefan Dietze, and Konstantin Todorov. 2019. "Exploring Fact-checked Claims and their Descriptive Statistics." In ISWC 2019 Satellites: Proceedings of the ISWC 2019 Satellite Tracks (Posters & Demonstrations, Industry, and Outrageous Ideas) co-located with 18th International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC 2019), edited by Mari Carmen Suárez-Figueroa, Gong Cheng, Anna Lisa Gentile, Christophe Guéret, Maria Keet, and Abraham Bernstein, CEUR workshop proceedings, 289-292. Aachen: RWTH.

Yu, Ran, Ujwal Gadiraju, Besnik Fetahu, Oliver Lehmberg, Dominique Ritze, and Stefan Dietze. 2019. "KnowMore – Knowledge Base Augmentation with Structured Web Markup: 18th International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC19), journal track, Auckland, New Zealand ."

Boland, Katarina, Pavlos Fafalios, Andon Tchechmedjiev, Konstantin Todorov, and Stefan Dietze. 2019. "Modeling and Contextualizing Claims." In Proceedings of the Blockchain enabled Semantic Web Workshop (BlockSW) and Contextualized Knowledge Graphs (CKG) Workshop co-located with the 18th International Semantic Web Conference, BlockSW/CKG@ISWC 2019, CEUR Workshop Proceedings 2599.

Dietze, Stefan, Elena Demidova, and Konstantin Todorov. 2019. "RDF Dataset Profiling." In Encyclopedia of Big Data Technologies, edited by Sherif Sakr, and Albert Zomaya, doi:

Ewerth, Ralph, Stefan Dietze, Anett Hoppe, and Ran Yu. 2019. "SALMM'19: First International Workshop on Search as Learning with Multimedia Information." In MM '19: Proceedings of the 27th ACM International Conference on Multimedia, edited by Laurent Amsaleg, Benoit Huet, Martha Larson, Guillaume Gravier, Hayley Hung, Chong-Wah Ngo, and Wei Tsang Ooi, 2724-2725. New York: ACM.

João, Renato Stoffalette, Pavlos Fafalios, and Stefan Dietze. 2019. "Same but different: Distant supervision for predicting and understanding entity linking difficulty." In SAC '19 Proceedings of the 34th ACM/SIGAPP Symposium on Applied Computing, edited by Chih-Cheng Hung, and George A. Papadopoulos, 1019-1026 . New York: ACM. doi:

Davari, Masoud, Ran Yu, and Stefan Dietze. 2019. "Understanding the Influence of Topic Familiarity on SearchBehavior in Digital Libraries." In In Proceedings of SIGIR 2019 Workshop on ExplainAble Recommendation and Search(EARS’19), New York: ACM.

Tavakolpoursaleh, Narges, Johann Schaible, and Stefan Dietze. 2019. "Using word embeddings for recommending datasets based on scientific publications." In LWDA 2019 - Lernen, Wissen, Daten, Analysen 2019, edited by Robert Jäschke, and Matthias Weidlich, 365-370. Aachen: CEUR.

Gadiraju, Ujwal, Ran Yu, Stefan Dietze, and Peter Holtz. 2018. "Analyzing Knowledge Gain of Users in Informational Search Sessions on the Web." In CHIIR '18 Proceedings of the 2018 Conference on Human Information Interaction & Retrieval , edited by Chirag Shah, Nicholas J. Belkin, Katriina Byström, Jeff Huang, and Falk Scholer, 2-11. New York: ACM. doi:

Hoppe, Anett, Peter Holtz, Yvonne Kammerer, Ran Yu, Stefan Dietze, and Ralph Ewerth. 2018. "Current Challenges for Studying Search as Learning Processes." In 7th Workshop on Learning & Education with Web Data (LILE2018), in conjunction with ACM Web Science 2018 (WebSci18), Amsterdam, NL, 27 May, 2018, edited by Stefan Dietze, Mathieu d'Aquin, Dragan Gasevic, Eelco Herder, and Joachim Kimmerle, ACM.

Yu, Ran, Ujwal Gadiraju, and Stefan Dietze. 2018. "Detecting, Understanding and Supporting Everyday Learning in Web Search." In 7th Workshop on Learning & Education with Web Data (LILE2018), in conjunction with ACM Web Science 2018 (WebSci18), Amsterdam, NL, 27 May, 2018, edited by Stefan Dietze, Mathieu d'Aquin, Dragan Gasevic, Eelco Herder, and Joachim Kimmerle, ACM.

Tempelmeier, Nicolas, Elena Demidova, and Stefan Dietze. 2018. "Inferring Missing Categorical Information in Noisy and Sparse Web Markup." In Proceedings of The Web Conference 2018 (WWW2018), 27th edition of the former WWW conference, research track, ACM, Lyon, France, 23-27 April 2018, edited by Pierre-Antoine Champin, Fabien Gandon, Lionel Médini, Mounia Lalmas, and Panagiotis G. Ipeirotis, doi:

Yu, Ran, Ujwal Gadiraju, Peter Holtz, Markus Rokicki, Philipp Kemkes, and Stefan Dietze. 2018. "Predicting User Knowledge Gain in Informational Search Sessions." In SIGIR '18 The 41st International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research & Development in Information Retrieval, edited by Kevyn Collins-Thompson, Qiaozhu Mei, Brian Davison, Yiqun Liu, and Emine Yilmaz, 75-84. New York: ACM. doi:

Dietze, Stefan, Nilamadhaba Mohapatra, Vasileios Iosifidis, Asif Ekbal, and Pavlos Fafalios. 2018. "Time-Aware and Corpus-Specific Entity Relatedness." In Proceedings of the First Workshop on Deep Learning for Knowledge Graphs and Semantic Technologies (DL4KGS) co-located with the 15th Extended Semantic Web Conference, CEUR Workshop Proceedings Vol. 2106, 33-39. urn:

Fafalios, Pavlos, Vasileios Iosifidis, Eirini Ntoutsi, and Stefan Dietze. 2018. "TweetsKB: A Public and Large-Scale RDF Corpus of Annotated Tweets [Nominee for ESWC2018 Best Resource Paper]." In 15th International Conference, ESWC 2018, Heraklion, Crete, Greece, June 3–7, 2018, Proceedings, edited by Aldo Gangemi, Roberto Navigli, Maria-Esther Vidal, Pascal Hitzler, Raphaël Troncy, Laura Hollink, Anna Tordai, and Mehwish Alam, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 10843, 177-190. Cham: Springer.

Gadiraju, Ujwal, Ricardo Kawase, Stefan Dietze, and Gianluca Demartini. 2015. "Understanding Malicious Behavior in Crowdsourcing Platforms: The Case of Online Surveys: Proceedings of the 33rd Annual ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI 2015), Seoul." 1631 - 1640. doi:


Rehm, Georg, Sonja Schimmler, Stefan Dietze, and Frank Krüger, ed. 2024 (Forthcoming). Proceedings of the 1st Workshop on Natural Scientific Language Processing and Research Knowledge Graphs (NSLP 2024). Springer.

Todorov, Konstantin, Pavlos Fafalios, and Stefan Dietze, ed. 2021. Proceedings of the 1st international workshop on knowledge graphs for online discourse analysis (KnOD 2021): co-located with the 30th The Web Conference (WWW 2021). CEUR workshop proceedings 2877. Aachen: RWTH.

Hotho, Andreas, Eva Blomquist, Stefan Dietze, Achille Fokoue, Ying Ding, Payam Barnaghi, Armin Haller, Mauro Dragoni, and Harith Alani, ed. 2021. The Semantic Web – ISWC 2021: 20th International Semantic Web Conference, ISWC 2021, Virtual Event, October 24–28, 2021. Proceedings, Lecture Notes in Computer Science Vol. 12922. Springer Nature. doi:

Koubarakis, Manolis, Harith Alani, Grigoris Antoniou, Kalina Bontcheva, John Breslin, Diego Collarana, Elena Demidova, Stefan Dietze, Simon Gottschalk, Guido Governatori, Aidan Hogan, Freddy Lecue, Elena Montiel Ponsoda, Axel-Cyrille Ngonga Ngomo, Sofia Pinto, Muhammad Saleem, Raphaël Troncy, Eleni Tsalapati, Ricardo Usbeck, and Ruben Verborgh, ed. 2020. ASLD 2020 – Advances in semantics and linked data: Joint proceedings of ISWC2020 workshops AI4LEGAL2020, NLIWOD, PROFILES 2020, QuWeDa 2020 and SEMIFORM2020. CEUR workshop proceedings 2722. Aachen: RWTH.

d'Aquin, Mathieu, Stefan Dietze, Claudia Hauff, Edward Curry, and Philippe Cudré-Mauroux, ed. 2020. CIKM '20: Proceedings of the 29th ACM international conference on information & knowledge management. New York: ACM.

Jaakonmäki, Roope, Jan vom Brocke, Stefan Dietze, Hendrik Drachsler, Albrecht Fortenbacher, Renè Helbig, Michael Kickmeier-Rust, Ivana Marenzi, Angel Suarez, and Haeseon Yun, ed. 2020. Learning analytics cookbook: How to support learning processes through data analytics and visualization. SpringerBriefs in business process management . Cham: Springer.

Acosta, Maribel, Tim Berners-Lee, Stefan Dietze, A. Dimou, J. Dominigue, L.-D. Ibáñez, Krzysztof Janowicz, Maria-Esther Vidal, and Amrapali Zaveri, ed. 2019. Linked Data on theWeb and its Relationship with Distributed Ledgers (LDOW/LDDL). WWW '19: Companion Proceedings of The 2019 World Wide Web Conference. New York: ACM.

Ewerth, Ralph, Stefan Dietze, Anett Hoppe, and Ran Yu, ed. 2019. Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Search as Learning with Multimedia Information. MM 19 The 27th ACM International Conference on Multimedia, Nice, France - October 21 - 25, 2019. New York: ACM.

Demidova, Elena, Stefan Dietze, John G. Breslin, Simon Gottschalk, Philipp Cimiano, Basil Ell, Agnieszka Lawrynowicz, Laura Moss, and Axel-Cyrille Ngonga Ngomo, ed. 2019. PROFILES-SEMEX 2019: Joint Proceedings of the 6th International Workshop on Dataset PROFlLing and Search & the 1st Workshop on Semantic Explainability co-located with the 18th International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC 2019), Auckland, New Zealand, October 27, 2019. CEUR workshop proceedings 2465. Aachen: CEUR.

Koesten, Laura, Elena Demidova, Vadim Savenkov, John Breslin, Óscar Corcho, Stefan Dietze, and Elena Simperl, ed. 2018. Proceedings of PROFILES-DATASEARCH2018 International Workshop on Profiling and Searching Data on the Web, as part of WWW2018 Companion Proceedings. New York: ACM.

Fessl, Angela, Stefan Thalmann, Mathieu d'Aquin, Peter Holtz, and Stefan Dietze, ed. 2018. Proceedings of the 1st Workshop on Analytics for Everyday Learning co-located with 13th European Conference on Technology Enhanced Learning (EC-TEL 2018): CEUR Workshop Proceedings 2209.

Dietze, Stefan, Mathieu d’Aquin, Dragan Gasevic, Eelco Herder, and Joachim Kimmerle, ed. 2018. Proceedings of the 7th International Workshop on Learning and Education with Web Data (#LILE2018) in conjunction with the 10th ACM Conference on Web Science (WebSci18), WebSci’18 Linked Learning 2018, 27 May 2018, VU Amsterdam, The Netherlands.

Berners-Lee, Tim, Sarven Capadisli, Stefan Dietze, Aidan Hogan, Krzysztof Janowicz, and Jens Lehmann, ed. 2018. Proceedings of the WWW2018 Workshop on Linked Data on the Web (LDOW-18), Lyon, France, April 23rd, 2018 . Vol. 2073. urn: urn:nbn:de:0074-2073-7.


Jaakonmäki, Roope, Jan vom Brocke, Stefan Dietze, Hendrik Drachsler, Albrecht Fortenbacher, Renè Helbig, Michael Kickmeier-Rust, Ivana Marenzi, Angel Suarez, and Haeseon Yun. 2020. Learning analytics cookbook : How to support learning processes through data analytics and visualization. 1. SpringerBriefs in Business Process Management. Cham: Springer.

Sonstiger Artikel

Limani, Fidan, Renat Shigapov, Auriol Degbelo, Sonja Schimmler, Benjamin Zapilko, Lozana Rossenova, Stefan Dietze, Konrad U. Förstner, Dr. Saurav Karmakar, and Andreas Czerniak. 2023. "Who is using Knowledge Graphs in NFDI? An overview by the Working Group "Knowledge Graphs"." In Conference on Research Data Infrastructure (CORDI),

Roy, Arjun, Pavlos Fafalios, Asif Ekbal, Xiaofei Zhu, and Stefan Dietze. 2020. "Exploiting stance hierarchies for cost-sensitive stance detection of Web documents." CoRR abs/2007.15121 (2020).


Schmüser, Juliane, Harshini Sri Ramulu, Noah Wöhler, Christian Stransky, Felix Bensmann, Dimitar Dimitrov, Sebastian Schellhammer, Dominik Wermke, Stefan Dietze, Yasemin Acar, and Sascha Fahl. 2024. "Analyzing Security and Privacy Advance During the 2022 Russian Invasion of Ukraine on Twitter." ACM CHI conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems 2024 (CHI2024, Honolulu, Hawaii) [ CHI2024 Honorable Mention Award ] , 2024-05-11. doi:

Dietze, Stefan. 2024. "Archiving and Temporal Analysis of Behavioral Web Data-Tales from the Inside." ACM Web Conference 2024, 2024-05-13. doi:

Feger, Marc, and Stefan Dietze. 2024. "BERTweet’s TACO Fiesta: Contrasting Flavors On The Path Of Inference And Information-Driven Argument Mining On Twitter." NAACL 2024, Mexico City, Mexico, Association for Computational Linguistics, 2024-06-16.

Gangopadhyay, Susmita, Sebastian Schellhammer, Salim Hafid, Danilo Dessi, C. Koß, Konstantin Todorov, Stefan Dietze, and Hajira Jabeen. 2024. "Investigating Characteristics, Biases and Evolution of Fact-Checked Claims on the Web." ACM Hypertext & Social Media (HT2024), Poznan, Poland, 2024-09-10.

Feger, Marc, and Stefan Dietze. 2024. "TACO — Twitter Arguments from Conversations." The 2024 Joint International Conference on Computational Linguistics, Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC-COLING 2024), Turin, Italy, 2024, 2024-05-20.

Linzbach, Stephan, Dimitar Dimitrov, Laura Kallmeyer, Kilian Evang, Hajira Jabeen, and Stefan Dietze. 2024. "The Impact of Prompt Syntax and supplementary Information on Knowledge Retrieval from Pretrained Language Models." The 2024 Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics (NAACL2024), Mexico City, Mexico, Association for Computational Linguistics., 2024-06-16.

Linzbach, Stephan, Tim Tressel, Laura Kallmeyer, Stefan Dietze, and Hajira Jabeen. 2023. "Decoding Prompt Syntax: Analysing its Impact on Knowledge Retrieval in Large Language Models: In Companion Proceedings of the ACM Web Conference 2023." ACM Web Conference 2023, 2023-04-30. doi:

Otto, Wolfgang, Matthäus Zloch, Lu Gan, Dr. Saurav Karmakar, and Stefan Dietze. 2023. "GSAP-NER: A Novel Task, Corpus, and Baseline for Scholarly Entity Extraction Focused on Machine Learning Models and Datasets: Poster Presentation." EMNLP 2023, 2023-12-06.

Mlodzian, Leon, Zhigang Sun, Hendrik Berkemeyer, Sebastian Monka, Zixu Wang, Stefan Dietze, Lavdim Halilaj, and Juergen Lulettin. 2023. "nuScenes Knowledge Graph – A comprehensive semantic representation of traffic scenes for trajectory prediction." IEEE/CVF 17th International Conference on Computer Vision, 2023-10-02.

Gangopadhyay, Susmita, Katarina Boland, Danilo Dessi, Stefan Dietze, Pavlos Fafalios, Andon Tchechmedjiev, Konstantin Todorov, and Hajira Jabeen. 2023. "Truth or dare: Investigating claims truthfulness with claimskg." D2R2’23-Second International Workshop on Linked Data-driven Resilience Research, co-located with 20th Extended Semantic Web Conference 2023, 2023-05-28.

Breuer, Johannes, Felix Bensmann, Katarina Boland, Ran Yu, and Stefan Dietze. 2022. "All public opinions are not equal – Developing and testing a method for assessing the relationship between survey data and Twitter data as measures of public opinion." 12th International Conference on Social Media & Society, 2022-07-18.

Dimitrov, Dimitar, Dennis Segeth, and Stefan Dietze. 2022. "Geotagging TweetsCOV19 : Enriching a COVID-19 Twitter Discourse Knowledge Base with Geographic Information." TheWebConf2022, ACM, 2022-04-25.

Dietze, Stefan. 2022. "Keynote : An interdisciplinary journey with the SAL spaceship – results and challenges in the emerging field of Search As Learning (SAL) ." HELMeTO2022 conference, Palermo/Italy, 2022-09-22.

Otto, Christian, Markus Rokicki, Georg Pardi, W. Gritz, Daniel Hienert, Ran Yu, Johannes von Hoyer, Anett Hoppe, Stefan Dietze, Peter Holtz, Yvonne Kammerer, and Ralph Ewerth. 2022. "SaL-Lightning Dataset: Search and Eye Gaze Behavior, Resource Interactions and Knowledge Gain during Web Search." ACM SIGIR Conference on Human Information Interaction and Retrieval (CHIIR2022), Online, 2022-03-15.

Hafid, Salim, Sebastian Schellhammer, Sandra Bringay, Konstantin Todorov, and Stefan Dietze. 2022. "SciTweets – A Dataset and Annotation Framework for Detecting Scientific Online Discourse." 31st ACM International Conference on Information & Knowledge Management (CIKM2022), 2022-10-17.

Hövelmeyer, Alica, Katarina Boland, and Stefan Dietze. 2022. "SimBa at CheckThat! 2022: Lexical and Semantic Similarity Based Detection of Verified Claims in an Unsupervised and Supervised Way." CLEF 2022- Conference and Labs of the Evaluation Forum, 2022-09-05.

Breuer, Johannes, Felix Bensmann, Stefan Dietze, Ran Yu, and Katarina Boland. 2021. "Assessing the relationship between survey data and Twitter data as measures of public opinion ‑ A methodological pilot study." ESRA 2021: 9th Conference of the European Survey Research Association, Online, 2021-07-16.

Maliaroudakis, Evangelos, Katarina Boland, Stefan Dietze, Konstantin Todorov, Yannis Tzitzikas, and Pavlos Fafalios. 2021. "ClaimLinker: Linking Text to a Knowledge Graph of Fact-checked Claims." TheWebConf2021, ACM, 2021-04-19.

Dietze, Stefan. 2021. "Domain-Specific Modeling of User Knowledge in Informational Search Sessions." 2nd International Workshop on Investigating Learning During Web Search, CIKM2021, 2021-11-01.

Otto, Christian, Ran Yu, Georg Pardi, Johannes von Hoyer, Markus Rokicki, Anett Hoppe, Peter Holtz, Yvonne Kammerer, Stefan Dietze, and Ralph Ewerth. 2021. "Predicting Knowledge Gain during Web Search based on Multimedia Resource Consumption." AIED 2021 : Artificial Intelligence in Education, Online, 2021-06-16.

Schindler, David, Felix Bensmann, Stefan Dietze, and Frank Krüger. 2021. "SoMeSci—A 5 Star Open Data Gold Standard Knowledge Graph of Software Mentions in Scientific Articles." 30th ACM International Conference on Information & Knowledge Management (CIKM2021), ACM 2021, Online, 2021-11-01.

Stoffalette João, Renato, Pavlos Fafalios, and Stefan Dietze. 2020. "Better Together – An Ensemble Learner for Combining the Results of Ready-made Entity Linking Systems." The 35th ACM SIGAPP Symposium on Applied Computing, SAC2020, Knowledge and Language Processing track, Brno, Czech Republic, 2020-03-30.

Davari, Masoud, Daniel Hienert, Dagmar Kern, and Stefan Dietze. 2020. "Poster on The Role of Word-Eye-Fixations for Query Term Prediction." Conference on Human Information Interaction and Retrieval (CHIIR 2020), 2020-03-15.

Bensmann, Felix, Andrea Papenmeier, Dagmar Kern, Benjamin Zapilko, and Stefan Dietze. 2020. "Semantic Annotation, Representation and Linking of Survey Data." SEMANTiCS Video Forum 2020, Virtuell, 2020-09-09.

Davari, Masoud, Dagmar Kern, and Stefan Dietze. 2020. "The Role of Word-Eye-Fixations for Query Term Prediction, ACM SIGIR Conference on Human Information Interaction & Retrieval." CHIIR 2020, Virtuell, 2020-03-14.

Dimitrov, Dimitar, Erdal Baran, Pavlos Fafalios, Ran Yu, Xiaofei Zhu, Matthäus Zloch, and Stefan Dietze. 2020. "TweetsCOV19 : A Knowledge Base of Semantically Annotated Tweets about the COVID-19 Pandemic." 29th ACM International Conference on Information & Knowledge Management (CIKM2020), ACM 2020, Virtuell, 2020-10-19.

Zloch, Matthäus, Maribel Acosta, Daniel Hienert, Stefan Dietze, and Stefan Conrad. 2019. "A Software Framework and Datasets for the Analysis of Graph Measures on RDF Graphs." 16th Extended Semantic Web Conference (ESWC2019), 2019-06-02.

Tchechmedjiev, Andon, Pavlos Fafalios, Katarina Boland, Malo Gasquet, Matthäus Zloch, Benjamin Zapilko, Stefan Dietze, and Konstantin Todorov. 2019. "ClaimsKG: A Live Knowledge Graph of Fact-Checked Claims." 18th International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC19), Auckland, New Zealand, University of Auckland, Nürnberg, 2019-10-28.

Tempelmeier, Nicolas, Yannick Rietz, Iryna Lishchuk, Tina Kruegel, Olaf Mumm, Vanessa Miriam Carlow, Stefan Dietze, and Elena Demidova. 2019. "Data4UrbanMobility: Towards holistic data analytics for mobility applications in urban regions." The Web Conference 2019, 2019-05-13.

Tempelmeier, Nicolas, Yannick Rietz, Iryna Lishchuk, Tina Kruegel, Olaf Mumm, Vanessa Miriam Carlow, Stefan Dietze, and Elena Demidova. 2019. "Data4UrbanMobility: Towards Holistic Data Analytics for Mobility Applications in Urban Regions." The Web Conference 2019.

Dietze, Stefan. 2019. "Keynote at LWDA2019 on “Beyond research data infrastructures: exploiting artificial & crowd intelligence towards building research knowledge graphs“." LWDA 2019 conference, Humboldt University Berlin, 2019-10-02.

Yu, Ran, Ujwal Gadiraju, Besnik Fetahu, Oliver Lehmberg, Dominique Ritze, and Stefan Dietze. 2019. "KnowMore – Knowledge Base Augmentation with Structured Web Markup." 18th International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC19), journal track, Auckland, New Zealand, 2019-10-26.

Boland, Katarina, Pavlos Fafalios, Andon Tchechmedjiev, Konstantin Todorov, and Stefan Dietze. 2019. "Modeling and Contextualizing Claims, in Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Contextualised Knowledge Graphs, collocated with 18th International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC2019), Auckland.." ISWC2019, 2019-10-27.

Stoffalette João, Renato, Pavlos Fafalios, and Stefan Dietze. 2019. "Same but Different: Distant Supervision for Predicting and Understanding Entity Linking Difficulty." ACM/SIGAPP Symposium on Applied Computing (ACM SAC2019), 2019-04-10.

Davari, Masoud, Ran Yu, and Stefan Dietze. 2019. "Understanding the Influence of Topic Familiarity on Search Behavior in Digital Libraries." SIGIR 2019 Workshop on ExplainAble Recommendation and Search (EARS’19), 2019-09-25.

Tavakolpoursaleh, Narges, Johann Schaible, and Stefan Dietze. 2019. "Using word embeddings for recommending datasets based on scientific publications." In LWDA 2019 - Lernen, Wissen, Daten, Analysen 2019.

Gadiraju, Ujwal, Ran Yu, Stefan Dietze, and Peter Holtz. 2018. "Analyzing Knowledge Gain of Users in Informational Search Sessions on the Web." Conference on Human Information Interaction & Retrieval 2018 , 2018-03-12.

Hoppe, Anett, Peter Holtz, Yvonne Kammerer, Ran Yu, Stefan Dietze, and Ralph Ewerth. 2018. "Current Challenges for Studying Search as Learning Processes." 7th Workshop on Learning & Education with Web Data (LILE2018), in conjunction with ACM Web Science 2018 (WebSci18), 2018-05-27.

Yu, Ran, Ujwal Gadiraju, and Stefan Dietze. 2018. "Detecting, Understanding and Supporting Everyday Learning in Web Search." 7th Workshop on Learning & Education with Web Data (LILE2018), in conjunction with ACM Web Science 2018 (WebSci18), 2018-05-27.

Tempelmeier, Nicolas, Elena Demidova, and Stefan Dietze. 2018. "Inferring Missing Categorical Information in Noisy and Sparse Web Markup." The World Wide Web Conference 2018, 2018-04-23.

Dietze, Stefan. 2018. "Panelist on 'Do we need a Google for data search?'." Joint panel with Paul Groth, Natasha Noy, Aidan Hogan, Jeni Tenison at PROFILES & DATASEARCH2018, in conjunction with The Web Conference 2018 (WWW2018), 2018-04-24.

Dietze, Stefan. 2018. "Panelist on “Do we need a Google for data search?”, joint panel with Paul Groth, Natasha Noy, Aidan Hogan, Jeni Tenison at PROFILES & DATASEARCH2018, in conjunction with The Web Conference 2018 (WWW2018), Lyon, France, 24 April 2018.." PROFILES & DATASEARCH2018, in conjunction with The Web Conference 2018 (WWW2018), 2018-04-24.

Yu, Ran, Ujwal Gadiraju, Peter Holtz, Markus Rokicki, Philipp Kemkes, and Stefan Dietze. 2018. "Predicting User Knowledge Gain in Informational Search Sessions." The 41st International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research & Development in Information Retrieval, 2018-07-09.

Dietze, Stefan, Nilamadhaba Mohapatra, Vasileios Iosifidis, Asif Ekbal, and Pavlos Fafalios. 2018. "Time-Aware and Corpus-Specific Entity Relatedness." Workshop on Deep Learning for Knowledge Graphs and Semantic Technologies 2018 (DL4KGS), co-located with the 15th Extended Semantic Web Conference, 2018-06-04.

Fafalios, Pavlos, Vasileios Iosifidis, Eirini Ntoutsi, and Stefan Dietze. 2018. "TweetsKB: A Public and Large-Scale RDF Corpus of Annotated Tweets." 15th Extended Semantic Web Conference (ESWC18), 2018-06-05.

Beitrag nicht auf Konferenz

Dietze, Stefan. 2022. "Podiumsdiskussion: Re-Kalibrierung – Wissenschaftskommunikation im digitalen Wandel." Württembergische Landesbibliothek, Stuttgart, 2022-07-15.

Dietze, Stefan. 2020. "Knowledge graphs for research data in the social sciences." AIFB – Institute of Applied Informatics and Formal Description Methods, 2020-02-22.

Dietze, Stefan. 2020. "Zukunft der Digitalisierungsforschung." Panelist at CAIS – Center for Advanced Internet Studies, Düsseldorf, 2020-02-11.

Dietze, Stefan. 2019. "Beyond research data infrastructures: exploiting artificial & crowd intelligence towards building research knowledge graphs." Keynote at LWDA2019, 2019-09-30.

Dietze, Stefan. 2019. "From (Web) Data to Knowledge: on the Complementarity of Human and Artificial Intelligence." Inaugural lecture at Heinrich-Heine-University Düsseldorf, Heinrich-Heine-University Düsseldorf, Düsseldorf, 2019-05-28.

Dietze, Stefan. 2019. "Invited research seminar on “Research knowledge graphs” at College of Computer Science and Engineering, Chongqing University of Technology (China)." 2019-11-01.

Dietze, Stefan. 2018. "Using AI to understand everyday learning on the Web." DigEnlight Workshop at the Digital Enlightenment Forum: Skills for Jobs in the Digital Era , 2018-11-08.


Dietze, Stefan. 2024. "Advances in Data Science." Heinrich-Heine-Universität, Düsseldorf. Sommersemester 2024: 2 SWS.


Dietze, Stefan. 2022. "Beyond Facts – 2nd International Workshop on Knowledge Graphs for Online Discourse Αnalysis (KnOD 2022)." 2022-04-26.

Lorenz, Anna-Lena, Sören Auer, Stefan Dietze, Oliver Karras, Peter Mutschke, Allard Oelen, and Markus Stocker. 2022. "Research Knowledge Graphs in NFDI4Ing and NFDI4DataScience." NFDI Satellite Event @ JCDL 2022, 2022-06-23.

Dietze, Stefan. 2021. "Beyond Facts – 1st International Workshop on Knowledge Graphs for Online Discourse Αnalysis (KnOD 2021)." Beyond Facts – 1st International Workshop on Knowledge Graphs for Online Discourse Αnalysis (KnOD 2021).

Dietze, Stefan. 2021. "Resource Track Chair, 20th International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC2021)." 20th International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC2021).

Dietze, Stefan. 2020. "17th Extended Semantic Web Conference (ESWC2020), Machine Learning track chair." ESWC2020, 2020-05-21 - 2020-06-04.

Dietze, Stefan. 2020. "29th International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM2020), General Co-Chair." CIKM2020, 2020-10-19 - 2020-10-23.

Dietze, Stefan. 2020. "Beyond Facts : Knowledge Graphs for Online Discourse (KnOD2020)." Extended Semantic Web Conference 2020, 2020-05-31 - 2020-06-04.

Dietze, Stefan. 2019. "16th Extended Semantic Web Conference (ESWC2019), Machine Learning track chair." ESWC2019, 2019-06-02.

Dietze, Stefan. 2019. "ACM Web Science 2019 (WebSci19), Workshops and Tutorials Chair." WebSci19, 2019-06-30.

Dietze, Stefan. 2019. "LDOW/LDDL -Linked Data on the Web and its Relationship with Distributed Ledgers (LDOW/LDDL)." Workshop collocated with WWW2019/The Web Conference 2019, 2019-05-13.

Dietze, Stefan. 2019. "PROFILES2019 – The 6th International Workshop on Dataset PROFlLing and Search, collocated with the 18th International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC2019), Auckland, NZ.." ISWC2019, 2019-10-26.

Dietze, Stefan. 2019. "SALMM2019 – First Workshop on Search As Learning with Multimedia Information, collocated with ACM Multimedia2019." ACM Multimedia2019, 2019-10-21.

Dietze, Stefan. 2018. "15th Extended Semantic Web Conference (ESWC2018), Social Web & Web Science Track Chair." ESWC2018, 2018-06-03 - 2018-06-07.

Dietze, Stefan. 2018. "Co-Chair of the Web Science Trust Web Science Summer School (WWSSS2018): Hannover Germany, 30 July - 4 Aug, 2018 presented by SoBigData and WSTNet." Web Science Trust Web Science Summer School (WWSSS2018), 2018-07-30 - 2018-08-04.

Dietze, Stefan. 2018. "LDOW2018 – Linked Data on the Web (LDOW2018), collocated with The Web Conference 2018 (27th edition of the former WWW conference), April 2018." 2018-04-23.

Dietze, Stefan. 2018. "LILE2018 – Learning & Education with Web Data, collocated with the 10th ACM Conference on Web Science." 2018-05-27.

Dietze, Stefan. 2018. "PROFILES & DATA:SEARCH ’18 – International Workshop on Profiling and Searching Data on the Web, collocated with The Web Conference 2018 (27th edition of the former WWW conference), April 2018." 2018-04-24.