
Die vielen Gesichter von GESIS


Studium der Anglistik und Erziehungswissenschaft mit den Schwerpunkten Linguistik und empirische Bildungsforschung an der Universität Mannheim (M.A. 2008). Promotion in Soziologie an der Universität Mannheim (2011). Seit 2008 wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter und seit 2012 Angebotsmanager "Kognitives Pretesting" bei GESIS.


  • Beratung und Durchführung von kognitiven Fragebogen-Pretests
  • Durchführung von Schulungsveranstaltungen (z.B. GESIS Summer School, Workshops)


  • Fragebogendesign (Effekte der Formulierung und des Layouts von Survey-Fragen)
  • Weiterentwicklung von kognitiven Pretestingmethoden (kognitive Interviews, Web Probing, Eye Tracking)
  • Neue Kommunikationsformen in Web Surveys (z.B. Sprachantworten, Video-Interviews)



Lenzner, Timo, Jan Karem Höhne, and Konstantin Gavras. 2024. "Innovating web probing: Comparing written and oral answers to open-ended probing questions in a smartphone survey." Journal of Survey Statistics and Methodology. doi:

Lenzner, Timo, Patricia Hadler, and Cornelia Neuert. 2023. "An experimental test of the effectiveness of cognitive interviewing in pretesting questionnaires." Quality & Quantity 57 3199-3217. doi:

Neuert, Cornelia, and Timo Lenzner. 2023. "Design of multiple open-ended probes in cognitive online pretests using web probing." Survey Methods: Insights from the Field (SMIF) 1 (1). doi:

Höhne, Jan Karem, Conrad Ziller, and Timo Lenzner. 2023. "Investigating respondents’ willingness to participate in video-based web surveys." International Journal of Market Research online first. doi:

Lenzner, Timo, and Jan Karem Höhne. 2022. "Measuring subjective social stratification: How does the graphical layout of rating scales affect response distributions, response effort, and criterion validity in web surveys?" International Journal of Social Research Methodology 25 (2): 269-275. doi:

Martin, Silke, Anouk Zabal, Sanja Kapidzic, and Timo Lenzner. 2022. "Optimizing Advance Letters: Findings From a Cognitive Pretest." Survey Methods: Insights from the Field 2020 (20.12.2022). doi:

Lenzner, Timo, and Jan Karem Höhne. 2022. "Who is willing to use audio and voice inputs in smartphone surveys, and why?" International Journal of Market Research 64 (5): 594-610. doi:

Neuert, Cornelia, and Timo Lenzner. 2021. "Effects of the number of open-ended probing questions on response quality in cognitive online pretests." Social Science Computer Review 39 (3): 456-468. doi:

Höhne, Jan Karem, Timo Lenzner, Cornelia Neuert, and Ting Yan. 2021. "Re-examining the middle means typical and the left and top means first heuristics using eye-tracking methodology." Journal of Survey Statistics and Methodology 9 (1): 25–50. doi:

Höhne, Jan Karem, Melanie Revilla, and Timo Lenzner. 2018. "Comparing the performance of agree/disagree and item-specific questions across PCs and smartphones." Methodology : European Journal of Research Methods for the Behavioral and Social Sciences 14 (3): 109-118. doi:

Höhne, Jan Karem, and Timo Lenzner. 2018. "New Insights on the Cognitive Processing of Agree/Disagree and Item-Specific Questions." Journal of Survey Statistics and Methodology 6 (3): 401-417. doi:

Lenzner, Timo, and Cornelia Neuert. 2017. "Pretesting Survey Questions Via Web Probing – Does it Produce Similar Results to Face-to-Face Cognitive Interviewing?" Survey Practice 10 (4): 1-11.

Neuert, Cornelia, and Timo Lenzner. 2016. "A Comparison of Two Cognitive Pretesting Techniques Supported by Eye Tracking." Social Science Computer Review (34(5)): 582-596. doi:

Neuert, Cornelia, and Timo Lenzner. 2016. "Incorporating Eye Tracking into Cognitive Interviewing to Pretest Survey Questions." International Journal of Social Research Methodology 2016 (19(5)): 501-519. doi:

Höhne, Jan Karem, and Timo Lenzner. 2015. "Investigating response order effects in web surveys using eye tracking." Psihologija 48 (4): 361-377. doi:

Ziegler, Matthias, Christoph J. Kemper, and Timo Lenzner. 2015. "The issue of fuzzy concepts in test construction and possible remedies: Editorial." European Journal of Psychological Assessment 31 (1): 1-4. doi:

Lenzner, Timo. 2014. "Are readability formulas valid tools for assessing survey question difficulty?" Sociological Methods & Research 43 (4): 677-698. doi:

Menold, Natalja, Lars Kaczmirek, Timo Lenzner, and Ales Neusar. 2014. "How do respondents attend to verbal labels in rating scales?" Field Methods 26 (1): 21-39. doi:

Lenzner, Timo, Lars Kaczmirek, and Mirta Galesic. 2014. "Left feels right: A usability study on the position of answer boxes in web surveys." Social Science Computer Review 32 (6): 743-764. doi:

Lenzner, Timo. 2012. "Effects of survey question comprehensibility on response quality." Field Methods 24 409-428. doi:

Lenzner, Timo, Lars Kaczmirek, and Mirta Galesic. 2011. "Seeing through the eyes of the respondent: an eye-tracking study on survey question comprehension." International Journal of Public Opinion Research 23 (3): 361-373. doi:

Lenzner, Timo, Lars Kaczmirek, and Alwine Lenzner. 2010. "Cognitive burden of survey questions and response times: a psycholinguistic experiment." Applied Cognitive Psychology 24 (7): 1003-1020. doi:

Beitrag im Sammelwerk

Neuert, Cornelia, and Timo Lenzner. 2019. "Die Ergänzung kognitiver Interviews um Eye Tracking: ein Methodenvergleich." In Qualitätssicherung sozialwissenschaftlicher Erhebungsinstrumente, edited by Natalja Menold, and Tobias Wolbring, Schriftenreihe der ASI - Arbeitsgemeinschaft Sozialwissenschaftlicher Institute. doi:

Thielsch, Meinald T., Timo Lenzner, and Torsten Melles. 2012. "Wie gestalte ich gute Items und Interviewfragen?" In Praxis der Wirtschaftspsychologie II: Themen und Fallbeispiele für Studium und Anwendung, edited by Meinald T. Thielsch, and Torsten Brandenburg, 221-240. Münster: MV Wissenschaft.


Lenzner, Timo. 2011. A Psycholinguistic Look at Survey Question Design and Response Quality: Dissertation. Mannheim: MADOC.

Arbeits- und Diskussionspapier

Lenzner, Timo, Patricia Hadler, and Cornelia Neuert. 2024. Conjoint-Experiment zu alternativen politischen Systemen : Kognitiver Online-Pretest. Version 1.0. GESIS Pretest-Datenbank. Mannheim: GESIS - Leibniz-Institut für Sozialwissenschaften. doi:

Hadler, Patricia, Timo Lenzner, Marisa Finzer, Joanna Scholl, and Cornelia Neuert. 2024. FReDA-W4 – Fragen zu den Themen Haushaltsgröße, Einkommen, idealer Erwerbsumfang von Eltern, Arbeitszeit und regionale Daseinsvorsorge: Kognitiver Online-Pretest. Version 1.0. GESIS Pretest-Datenbank. Mannheim: GESIS - Leibniz-Institut für Sozialwissenschaften. doi:

Hadler, Patricia, Timo Lenzner, and Cornelia Neuert. 2023. Fragen zur Erfassung der körperlichen Aktivität von Kindern und Jugendlichen: Kognitiver Pretest. Version 1.0. GESIS Pretest-Datenbank. Mannheim: GESIS - Leibniz-Institut für Sozialwissenschaften. doi:

Schick, Lukas, Timo Lenzner, Patricia Hadler, and Cornelia Neuert. 2023. FReDA-W3b – Fragen zu den Themen Partnerschaftsstatus, Ernährungsstile, globale Unsicherheit und Vertrauen in Institutionen: Kognitiver Online-Pretest. GESIS Pretest-Datenbank. Mannheim: GESIS - Leibniz-Institut für Sozialwissenschaften. doi:

Lenzner, Timo, Patricia Hadler, Joanna Scholl, Marisa Finzer, and Cornelia Neuert. 2023. FReDA-W4 - Fragen zu den Themen Anzahl der Kinder im Haushalt, Arbeitsteilung im Haushalt, Einstellung zum Erwerbsumfang von Eltern, Arbeit im Homeoffice und Fruchtbarkeit: Kognitiver Online-Pretest. GESIS Pretest-Datenbank. Mannheim: GESIS - Leibniz-Institut für Sozialwissenschaften. doi:

Lenzner, Timo, Patricia Hadler, and Cornelia Neuert. 2023. Impostor-Selbstkonzept-Fragebogen für Kinder und Jugendliche (ISF-JK) : Kognitiver Pretest. Version 1.0. GESIS Pretest-Datenbank. Mannheim: GESIS - Leibniz-Institut für Sozialwissenschaften. doi:

Hadler, Patricia, Timo Lenzner, Joanna Scholl, Marisa Finzer, and Cornelia Neuert. 2023. Projekt „Der Einfluss der Methodik auf das Vertrauen in Umfrageergebnisse“: Kognitiver Pretest. Version 1.0. GESIS Pretest-Datenbank. Mannheim: GESIS - Leibniz-Institut für Sozialwissenschaften. doi:

Lenzner, Timo, Lukas Schick, Patricia Hadler, and Cornelia Neuert. 2023. Projekt „LoneCovid“ – Fragen zu sozialen Beziehungen und deren Entwicklung im Verlauf der Covid-19-Pandemie: Kognitiver Pretest. GESIS Pretest-Datenbank. Mannheim: GESIS - Leibniz-Institut für Sozialwissenschaften. doi:

Schick, Lukas, Timo Lenzner, Patricia Hadler, Jan Behnert, and Cornelia Neuert. 2022. DEval – Meinungsmonitor Entwicklungspolitik: Kognitiver Online-Pretest. GESIS Pretest-Datenbank. Mannheim: GESIS - Leibniz-Institut für Sozialwissenschaften. doi:

Lenzner, Timo, Lukas Schick, and Patricia Hadler. 2022. Erwerbstätigenbefragung 2024: Kognitiver Pretest. GESIS Pretest-Datenbank. Mannheim: GESIS - Leibniz-Institut für Sozialwissenschaften. doi:

Hadler, Patricia, Timo Lenzner, Lukas Schick, Cornelia Neuert, Patricia Steins, and Jan Behnert. 2022. European Working Conditions Survey 2024: Cognitive Pretest. GESIS Pretest-Datenbank. Mannheim: GESIS - Leibniz-Institut für Sozialwissenschaften. doi:

Hadler, Patricia, Timo Lenzner, Lukas Schick, and Cornelia Neuert. 2022. European Working Conditions Survey 2024: Preparation and cognitive testing of the online questionnaire. Eurofound Working Paper WPEF22035.

Lenzner, Timo, Patricia Hadler, Lukas Schick, and Cornelia Neuert. 2022. FReDA-W2a – Fragen zur Infektion mit und Impfung gegen COVID-19: Kognitiver Online-Pretest. GESIS Pretest-Datenbank. Mannheim: GESIS - Leibniz-Institut für Sozialwissenschaften. doi:

Lenzner, Timo, Lukas Schick, Patricia Hadler, Jan Behnert, Marisa Finzer, and Cornelia Neuert. 2022. FReDA-W2b – Fragen zu den Themen Fruchtbarkeit von Frauen, affektives Berührungsverhalten, sexuelle Orientierung und transnationale Familien: Kognitiver Online-Pretest. GESIS Pretest-Datenbank. Mannheim: GESIS - Leibniz-Institut für Sozialwissenschaften. doi:

Nießen, Désirée, Patricia Hadler, Timo Lenzner, and Cornelia Neuert. 2022. Good practices in transitioning to an online mode in 3MC questionnaire design. Eurofound Working Paper WPEF22034.

Hadler, Patricia, Lukas Schick, Timo Lenzner, Patricia Steins, Jan Behnert, and Cornelia Neuert. 2022. ISSP 2022: Kognitiver Pretest. GESIS Pretest-Datenbank. Mannheim: GESIS - Leibniz-Institut für Sozialwissenschaften. doi:

Schick, Lukas, Timo Lenzner, Patricia Hadler, Jan Behnert, Patricia Steins, and Cornelia Neuert. 2022. Panelbefragung „Leben im Viertel (LiV)“ – Fragen zur sozialen Offenheit, Kontrolle und Diskriminierung in der Nachbarschaft: Kognitiver Online-Pretest. GESIS Pretest-Datenbank. Mannheim: GESIS - Leibniz-Institut für Sozialwissenschaften. doi:

Hadler, Patricia, Timo Lenzner, Lukas Schick, Marisa Finzer, Jan Behnert, and Cornelia Neuert. 2022. Projekt RISS – Fragen zu Selbstwirksamkeitsüberzeugungen von Jugendlichen im schulischen und politischen Kontext: Kognitiver Pretest. GESIS Pretest-Datenbank. Mannheim: GESIS - Leibniz-Institut für Sozialwissenschaften. doi:

Lenzner, Timo, Lukas Schick, Patricia Hadler, Jan Behnert, Patricia Steins, and Cornelia Neuert. 2022. Projekt „Best_FDM“ – Fragen zur Corona-Pandemie, Religionszugehörigkeit und zum Haushaltseinkommen: Kognitiver Pretest. GESIS Pretest-Datenbank. Mannheim: GESIS - Leibniz-Institut für Sozialwissenschaften. doi:

Lenzner, Timo, Lukas Schick, and Patricia Hadler. 2022. Projekt „Evaluierung neuer Kurz- und Langversionen soziodemographischer Standarditems“: Kognitiver Online-Pretest. GESIS Pretest-Datenbank. Mannheim: GESIS - Leibniz-Institut für Sozialwissenschaften. doi:

Lenzner, Timo, Lukas Schick, Patricia Hadler, Patricia Steins, and Jan Behnert. 2022. Projekt „Finanzielle Auswirkungen einer Tumorerkrankung“ (FIAT): Kognitiver Pretest. GESIS Pretest-Datenbank. Mannheim: GESIS - Leibniz-Institut für Sozialwissenschaften. doi:

Lenzner, Timo, Lukas Schick, Patricia Hadler, Jan Behnert, Patricia Steins, and Cornelia Neuert. 2022. Zusammenhaltspanel FGZ: Welle 2 – Fragen zum Klimawandel, Antisemitismus und zur Gleichstellung der Geschlechter: Kognitiver Online-Pretest. GESIS Pretest-Datenbank. Mannheim: GESIS - Leibniz-Institut für Sozialwissenschaften. doi:

Lenzner, Timo, Désirée Nießen, Patricia Hadler, Patricia Steins, Friederike Quint, and Cornelia Neuert. 2021. Projekt „StaRQ" - Fragen zur Qualitätssicherung von Gleichstellungsmaßnahmen in der Wissenschaft: Kognitiver Pretest. GESIS Pretest-Datenbank. Mannheim: GESIS - Leibniz-Institut für Sozialwissenschaften. doi:

Hadler, Patricia, Désirée Nießen, Timo Lenzner, Friederike Quint, Patricia Steins, and Cornelia Neuert. 2021. Die Lebenssituation von Frauen auf landwirtschaftlichen Betrieben in ländlichen Regionen Deutschlands: Kognitiver Pretest. GESIS Pretest-Datenbank. Mannheim: GESIS - Leibniz-Institut für Sozialwissenschaften. doi:

Hadler, Patricia, Désirée Nießen, Timo Lenzner, Patricia Steins, Friederike Quint, and Cornelia Neuert. 2021. Komplexität und intrinsische Motivation im Klimaschutz: Kognitiver Pretest. GESIS Pretest-Datenbank. Mannheim: GESIS - Leibniz-Institut für Sozialwissenschaften. doi:

Lenzner, Timo, Désirée Nießen, Patricia Hadler, and Cornelia Neuert. 2021. Projekt „Perceived Inequalities and Populism“ – Informationsgrafiken zur Verteilung von Einkommen und Vermögen in der Gesellschaft: Kognitiver Online-Pretest. GESIS Pretest-Datenbank. Mannheim: GESIS - Leibniz-Institut für Sozialwissenschaften. doi:

Hadler, Patricia, Désirée Nießen, Timo Lenzner, Patricia Steins, Friederike Quint, and Cornelia Neuert. 2021. Translation of established public health measurement instruments into Arabic and Dari (ENSURE): Cognitive pretest. GESIS Pretest-Datenbank. Mannheim: GESIS - Leibniz-Institut für Sozialwissenschaften. doi:

Lenzner, Timo, Patricia Hadler, Désirée Nießen, and Cornelia Neuert. 2021. Vignettenstudie zu Demokratiekonzeptionen von Bürger*innen und Eliten in Deutschland und den USA: Kognitiver Online-Pretest. GESIS Pretest-Datenbank. Mannheim: GESIS - Leibniz-Institut für Sozialwissenschaften. doi:

Nießen, Désirée, Timo Lenzner, Patricia Hadler, Friederike Quint, Patricia Steins, and Cornelia Neuert. 2020. German Longitudinal Election Study (GLES) 2021: Kognitiver Pretest. GESIS Pretest-Datenbank. Mannheim: GESIS - Leibniz institute for the Social Sciences. doi:

Lenzner, Timo, Désirée Nießen, Patricia Hadler, Patricia Steins, Friederike Quint, and Cornelia Neuert. 2020. PaCo - Mechanismen der Panelkonditionierung in Längsschnittbefragungen: Fragen zu den Themen soziale Erwünschtheit, Geschlechterrollen und Umwelt: Kognitiver Pretest. GESIS Pretest-Datenbank. doi:

Lenzner, Timo, Patricia Hadler, Désirée Nießen, Friederike Quint, Patricia Steins, and Cornelia Neuert. 2020. SHARE 9: Welle - Neue Items zu den Themen finanzielle Entscheidungsfindung, erfolgreiches Altern, Ess- und Schlafverhalten, langfristige Pflegeversicherung und Erwartungen an die Langzeitpflege. Kognitiver Pretest. GESIS Pretest-Datenbank. doi:

Hadler, Patricia, Timo Lenzner, Désirée Nießen, Friederike Quint, Patricia Steins, and Cornelia Neuert. 2020. Who cares? - Fürsorgearbeit für pflegebedürftige Personen: Kognitiver Online-Pretest. GESIS Pretest-Datenbank. GESIS - Pretestlabor. doi:

Hadler, Patricia, Timo Lenzner, Cornelia Neuert, Gina-Maria Unger, Patricia Steins, Friederike Quint, and Niklas Reisepatt. 2019. Bewertung der Einkommensverteilung: Kognitiver Pretest. GESIS Pretest-Datenbank. Mannheim: GESIS - Leibniz institute for the Social Sciences. doi:

Lenzner, Timo, Patricia Hadler, Cornelia Neuert, Matthias Klingler, Megan Wolf, and Andrea Sarafoglou. 2019. Demographische Standards: Kognitiver Pretest. GESIS Pretest-Datenbank . doi:

Lenzner, Timo, Cornelia Neuert, Patricia Hadler, Andrea Sarafoglou, and Natalja Menold. 2019. Falsche Konsensmeinungen in der Politik: Kognitiver Online-Pretest. GESIS Pretest-Datenbank. doi:

Lenzner, Timo, Patricia Hadler, Cornelia Neuert, Gina-Maria Unger, Patricia Steins, Friederike Quint, and Niklas Reisepatt. 2019. PIAAC Cycle 2 - Anschreiben Feldtest: Kognitiver Pretest. GESIS Pretest-Datenbank.

Neuert, Cornelia, and Timo Lenzner. 2019. Use of Eye Tracking in Cognitive Pretests. GESIS – Survey Guidelines. Mannheim: GESIS. doi:

Hadler, Patricia, Cornelia Neuert, Timo Lenzner, and Natalja Menold. 2018. European Working Conditions Survey (EWCS): Cognitive Pretest. GESIS Pretest-Datenbank. Mannheim: GESIS. doi:

Lenzner, Timo, Cornelia Neuert, Patricia Hadler, and Natalja Menold. 2018. Internet of Things: Cognitive Online-Pretest. doi:

Hadler, Patricia, Timo Lenzner, Cornelia Neuert, Simon Steiger, Andrea Sarafoglou, and Megan Wolf. 2018. Mikrozensus - Identifikation der nicht-erwerbstätigen Personen nach dem ILO-Erwerbskonzept: Kognitiver Pretest.

Meitinger, Katharina, Cornelia Neuert, Patricia Hadler, Timo Lenzner, Dorothée Behr, and Natalja Menold. 2018. PIAAC Cycle 2 - Validation of selected items from the draft PIAAC Background Questionnaire: Findings from the US, Germany, France, Poland, and Japan: Mixed-Methods Cognitive Online-Pretest. GESIS Pretest-Datenbank. Mannheim: GESIS - Leibniz-Institut für Sozialwissenschaften. doi:

Neuert, Cornelia, Patricia Hadler, Timo Lenzner, Andrea Sarafoglou, Patricia Bous, Angelika Stiegler, and Natalja Menold. 2017. Eingabenkultur und Diktaturerfahrungen in der DDR: Kognitiver Pretest. GESIS Pretest-Datenbank. doi:

Lenzner, Timo, Cornelia Neuert, Patricia Hadler, Angelika Stiegler, Clara Beitz, Robin Schmidt, Zeynep Umuc, Niklas Reisepatt, Andrea Sarafoglou, and Natalja Menold. 2017. Krankheitswissen und Informationsbedarfe – Diabetes mellitus. Fragebogen für Personen mit Diabetes: Kognitiver Pretest. GESIS Pretest-Datenbank. doi:

Lenzner, Timo, Cornelia Neuert, Patricia Hadler, Angelika Stiegler, Clara Beitz, Robin Schmidt, Zeynep Umuc, Niklas Reisepatt, Andrea Sarafoglou, and Natalja Menold. 2017. Krankheitswissen und Informationsbedarfe – Diabetes mellitus. Fragebogen für Personen ohne Diabetes: Kognitiver Pretest. GESIS Pretest-Datenbank. doi:

Hadler, Patricia, Cornelia Neuert, Timo Lenzner, Angelika Stiegler, Andrea Sarafoglou, Patricia Bous, Niklas Reisepatt, and Natalja Menold. 2017. RESPOND - Improving regional health system responses to the challenges of migration through tailored interventions for asylum-seekers and refugees.: Kognitiver Pretest.. GESIS Projektbericht. doi:

Lenzner, Timo, Cornelia Neuert, and Wanda Otto. 2016. Cognitive Pretesting. GESIS - Survey Guidelines. Mannheim: GESIS. doi:

Lenzner, Timo, Wanda Otto, Cornelia Neuert, Clara Beitz, Robin Schmidt, and Angelika Stiegler. 2016. Comparative Study of Electoral Systems (CSES) Module 5: Kognitiver Pretest. doi:

Lenzner, Timo, Cornelia Neuert, Clara Beitz, Stefanie Gebhardt, and Natalja Menold. 2016. ILLICID – Illegaler Handel mit Kulturgut in Deutschland 2016: Kognitiver Pretest. doi:

Neuert, Cornelia, Timo Lenzner, Clara Beitz, Stefanie Gebhardt, Wanda Otto, and Natalja Menold. 2016. Instrumententwicklung Partnerschaftsbeginn (pairfam): Kognitiver Online-Pretest. doi:

Lenzner, Timo, and Natalja Menold. 2016. Question Wording. GESIS Survey Guidelines. GESIS – Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences. doi:

Lenzner, Timo, Katharina Disch, Stefanie Gebhardt, and Natalja Menold. 2015. AUDITS - Methodological tools for the definition of local security policies: Kognitiver Online-Pretest. doi:

Lenzner, Timo, Cornelia Neuert, Wanda Otto, Uta Landrock, Franziska Adams, Katharina Disch, Stefanie Gebhardt, and Natalja Menold. 2015. Computer-assisted Measurement and Coding of Educational Qualifications in Surveys (CAMCES): Kognitiver Pretest. doi:

Lenzner, Timo, Wanda Otto, Franziska Adams, Katharina Disch, Cornelia Neuert, and Natalja Menold. 2015. Conceptions of democracy and preferences over democratic procedures: Kognitiver Online-Pretest. doi:

Lenzner, Timo, and Natalja Menold. 2015. Frageformulierung. GESIS Survey Guidelines. Mannheim: GESIS. doi:

Lenzner, Timo, Cornelia Neuert, Franziska Adams, Katharina Disch, Wanda Otto, and Natalja Menold. 2015. Household Inflation Expectations and Preferences: Kognitiver Pretest. doi:

Lenzner, Timo, Cornelia Neuert, and Wanda Otto. 2015. Kognitives Pretesting. Mannheim: GESIS. doi:

Lenzner, Timo, Cornelia Neuert, Franziska Adams, Katharina Disch, Wanda Otto, and Natalja Menold. 2015. The Role of Economic Preferences for Preventive Health Behavior: The Case of Skin Cancer Screening: Kognitiver Pretest. doi:

Lenzner, Timo, and Hannah Soiné. 2014. German Internet Panel (GIP) – Modul “Inflation” der November 2014 Welle: Kognitiver Online-Pretest. GESIS-Projektbericht 2014/05. Mannheim: GESIS. doi:

Lenzner, Timo, Cornelia Neuert, and Wanda Otto. 2014. GIP Reforms Monitor 2014: Kognitiver Pretest. GESIS-Projektbericht 2014/09. Mannheim: GESIS. doi:

Lenzner, Timo, Cornelia Neuert, and Wanda Otto. 2014. Healthcare-seeking in Germany (HEALSEE 2): Kognitiver Pretest. GESIS Pretest-Datenbank. doi:

Lenzner, Timo, Cornelia Neuert, and Wanda Otto. 2014. Healthcare-seeking in Germany (HEALSEE): Kognitiver Pretest. GESIS Pretest-Datenbank. doi:

Lenzner, Timo, Cornelia Neuert, and Wanda Otto. 2014. International Social Survey Programme (ISSP) 2015: Kognitiver Pretest. doi:

Lenzner, Timo, Cornelia Neuert, Wanda Otto, Uta Landrock, and Natalja Menold. 2014. PIAAC-Panel (PIAAC-L) 2014: Kognitiver Pretest. doi:

Neuert, Cornelia, and Timo Lenzner. 2014. Projekt „A Ranking Measure of Life Satisfaction (RankMe)“: Kognitiver Online-Pretest. doi:

Lenzner, Timo, Cornelia Neuert, Wanda Otto, Uta Landrock, and Natalja Menold. 2014. RiKo 2014: Kognitiver Pretest.

Lenzner, Timo, Cornelia Neuert, Wanda Otto, and Fabio Best. 2014. wb-Personalmonitor 2014. GESIS Pretest-Datenbank. doi:

Lenzner, Timo, Cornelia Neuert, and Wanda Otto. 2014. wb-Personalmonitor 2014 – Stufe 2: Kognitiver Pretest. GESIS Pretest-Datenbank. doi:

Lenzner, Timo, Cornelia Neuert, and Wanda Otto. 2013. BFI-K Kinder- und Jugendlichenversion: Kognitiver Pretest. GESIS Pretest-Datenbank. doi:

Lenzner, Timo, Cornelia Neuert, and Wanda Otto. 2013. International Social Survey Programme (ISSP) 2013/2014: Kognitiver Pretest. GESIS Pretest-Datenbank. doi:

Lenzner, Timo, Cornelia Neuert, and Wanda Otto. 2013. Optimizing Probing Procedures for Cross-National Web Surveys (CICOM 2): Kognitiver Pretest. doi:

Porst, Rolf, Timo Lenzner, and Lisa-Marie Bischof. 2012. Familienbezogene Leitbilder: Kognitiver Pretest. GESIS-Projektbericht 2012/01. Mannheim: GESIS. doi:

Porst, Rolf, Timo Lenzner, and Cornelia Neuert. 2012. Psygiene (Händedesinfektion im beruflichen Alltag): Kognitiver Pretest. GESIS-Projektbericht 2012/03. Mannheim: GESIS. doi:

Lenzner, Timo, Cornelia Neuert, and Rolf Porst. 2012. Strategies for Elderly People (STEP): Kognitiver Pretest. GESIS-Projektbericht 2012/02. Mannheim: GESIS. doi:

Sonstiger Artikel

Lenzner, Timo, Patricia Hadler, and Cornelia Neuert. 2021. "How to conduct cognitive interviews in times of COVID-19." GESIS Blog. GESIS - Leibniz institute for the Social Sciences. doi:


Höhne, Jan Karem, and Timo Lenzner. 2024. "API vs. human: Comparing the performance of speech-to-text transcription using voice answers from a smartphone survey." General Online Research Conference (GOR) 2024, Köln, 2024-02-21.

Hadler, Patricia, Timo Lenzner, Ranjit K. Singh, and Lukas Schick. 2024. "Clarification Features in Web Surveys: Usage and Impact of "On-Demand" Instructions." General Online Research Conference (GOR) 2024, Köln, 2024-02-21.

Lenzner, Timo, and Patricia Hadler. 2024. "Integrating LLMs into Cognitive Pretesting Procedures: A Case Study Using ChatGPT." General Online Research Conference (GOR) 2024, Köln, 2024-02-21.

Höhne, Jan Karem, and Timo Lenzner. 2023. "API vs. human coder: Comparing the performance of speech-to-text transcription using voice answers from a smartphone survey." BigSurv23 Conference, Quito (Ecuador), 2023-10-26.

Höhne, Jan-Karem, Timo Lenzner, and Konstantin Gavras. 2023. "Innovating web probing: Comparing written and oral answers to open-ended probing questions in a smartphone survey." 4th Mobile Apps and Sensors in Surveys (MASS) Workshop, University of Manchester, 2023-06-22.

Höhne, Jan Karem, Timo Lenzner, and Konstantin Gavras. 2023. "Innovating web probing: Comparing written and oral answers to open-ended probing questions in a smartphone survey." ESRA 2023 : 10th Conference of the European Survey Research Association, Milan (Italy), 2023-07-17.

Parent-Thirion, Agnes, Patricia Hadler, Timo Lenzner, Lukas Schick, and Cornelia Neuert. 2022. "EWCS 24 - Preparation and testing of the online questionnaire." CSDI: International Workshop on Comparative Survey Design and Implementation, 2022-04-04.

Lenzner, Timo, and Jan Karem Höhne. 2021. "Audio and voice inputs in mobile surveys: Who prefers these communication channels, and why?" GOR 21: General Online Research, Online, 2021-09-08.

Neuert, Cornelia, and Timo Lenzner. 2021. "What is the optimal design of multiple probes implemented in web surveys?" GOR 21: General Online Research, Online, 2021-09-08.

Höhne, Jan Karem, Timo Lenzner, Cornelia Neuert, and Ting Yan. 2019. "Re-Examining the Left and Top Means First Heuristics using Eye-Tracking Methodology." ESRA 2019 : 8th Conference of the European Survey Research Association, Zagreb (Croatia), 2019-07-15.

Lenzner, Timo, Jan Karem Höhne, Cornelia Neuert, and Ting Yan. 2019. "Subgroup differences in the cognitive processing of rating scales: Two experiments on scale polarity." ESRA 2019 : 8th Conference of the European Survey Research Association, Zagreb (Croatia), 2019-07-15.

Lenzner, Timo, and Cornelia Neuert. 2019. "What makes a “good” web probing respondent." ESRA 2019 : 8th Conference of the European Survey Research Association, Zagreb (Croatia), 2019-07-15.

Neuert, Cornelia, Jan Karem Höhne, Timo Lenzner, and Ting Yan. 2018. "A Replication of the Experiment on Separating Scale Points from Non-Substantive Responses of Tourangeau, Couper, and Conrad 2004." XIX ISA World Congress of Sociology, Power, Violence and Justice: Reflections, Responses and Responsibilities, 2018-07-15.

Hadler, Patricia, Cornelia Neuert, Timo Lenzner, and Natalja Menold. 2018. "Considerations for cross-cultural questionnaire testing and lessons learned." International Workshop on "Comparative Survey Design and Implementation" (CSDI), 2018-03-26.

Lenzner, Timo, and Cornelia Neuert. 2018. "Effects of the number of open probing questions on response quality in cognitive online pretests." General Online Research (GOR 18), 2018-03-01.

Höhne, Jan Karem, Timo Lenzner, Cornelia Neuert, and Ting Yan. 2018. "Re-examining the "left and top means first" heuristic using eye-tracking methodology." General Online Research (GOR 18), 2018-03-01.

Höhne, Jan Karem, Timo Lenzner, Cornelia Neuert, and Ting Yan. 2018. "Re-examining the middle means typical heuristic using eye-tracking methodology." AAPOR 73rd Annual Conference, 2018-05-16.

Neuert, Cornelia, and Timo Lenzner. 2017. "A joint implementation of cognitive interviewing and eye tracking to pretest survey questions." ESRA 2017: 7th Conference of the European Survey Research Association, Lisbon, 2017-07-17.

Neuert, Cornelia, and Timo Lenzner. 2017. "Comparing Cognitive Interviewing and Web Probing for Pretesting Survey Questions." ESRA 2017: 7th Conference of the European Survey Research Association, Lisbon, 2017-07-17.

Höhne, Jan Karem, Melanie Revilla, and Timo Lenzner. 2017. "Comparing the Performance of Agree/Disagre and Item-Specific Questions across PCs and Smartphones." ESRA 2017: 7th Conference of the European Survey Research Association, 2017-07-17.

Höhne, Jan Karem, and Timo Lenzner. 2017. "Eye-Tracking Methodology: Investigating the Mental Processing of Question Formats in Web Surveys." 72nd Annual AAPOR Conference, 2017-05-18.

Lenzner, Timo, and Cornelia Neuert. 2016. "Can web probing be used to pretest survey questions? ." International Conference on Questionnaire Design, Development, Evaluation, and Testing (QDET2), 2016-11-09.

Höhne, Jan Karem, and Timo Lenzner. 2016. "New Insights on the Cognitive Processing of AD and IS Questions." International Conference on Questionnaire Design, Development, Evaluation, and Testing (QDET2).

Höhne, Jan Karem, and Timo Lenzner. 2016. "New Insights on the Cognitive Processing of Agree/Disagree and Item-Specific Questions." Annual PAPOR Conference.

Neuert, Cornelia, and Timo Lenzner. 2015. "A comparison of two eye-tracking supported cognitive pretesting techniques." GOR 15: General Online Research Conference.

Lenzner, Timo, and Hannah Soiné. 2015. "Pretesting Survey Questions via Web Probing: Does it Produce Similar Results to F2F Cognitive Interviewing?" Questionnaire Evaluation Standards Workshop (QUEST).

Neuert, Cornelia, and Timo Lenzner. 2014. "A comparison of two eye-tracking supported cognitive pretesting techniques." VI European Congress of Methodology.

Lenzner, Timo. 2013. "Are readability formulas valid tools for assessing survey question difficulty?" 68th Annual AAPOR Conference.

Neuert, Cornelia, and Timo Lenzner. 2013. "Combining eye tracking and cognitive interviewing to pretest survey questions." 5th Conference of the European Survey Research Association (ESRA).

Lenzner, Timo, Lars Kaczmirek, and Mirta Galesic. 2013. "Does left still feel right? The optimal position of answer boxes in web surveys - revisited." 5th Conference of the European Survey Research Association (ESRA).

Neuert, Cornelia, and Timo Lenzner. 2013. "Supplementing Cognitive Interviewing with Eye Tracking to Pretest Survey Questions." Quest Workshop.

Lenzner, Timo. 2012. "An Evaluation of Two Non-Reactive Web Questionnaire Pretesting Methods." GOR 12 : General Online Research Conference.

Lenzner, Timo. 2012. "Using Response Latencies and Eye Tracking to Pretest Survey Questions: A Comparative Analysis of Potentials and Challenges." 8th International Conference on Social Science Methodology (RC33).

Menold, Natalja, Lars Kaczmirek, and Timo Lenzner. 2011. "Cognitive processes in answering questions: Are verbal labels in rating scales attended to?" 4th Conference of the European Survey Research Association (ESRA).

Lenzner, Timo. 2011. "Effects of Survey Question Clarity on Data Quality." GOR 11 : General Online Research Conference.

Lenzner, Timo, Lars Kaczmirek, Mirta Galesic, and Mona Merkert. 2011. "Left feels right! The optimal position of answer boxes in web surveys." 4th Conference of the European Survey Research Association (ESRA).

Lenzner, Timo. 2011. "Question Comprehensibility and Satisficing Behavior in Web Surveys." 64th Annual WAPOR conference.

Lenzner, Timo. 2010. "A psycholinguistic look at survey question design and data quality." 17th ISA World Congress of Sociology.

Lenzner, Timo. 2010. "Effekte der Fragenformulierung auf die Datenqualität in Web Surveys." 2. Unipark-Netzwerktreffen (Globalpark AG).

Lenzner, Timo, Lars Kaczmirek, and Mirta Galesic. 2010. "Good or bad? That is the question! Identifying poor survey question wording using eye tracking." GOR 10 : General Online Research Conference.

Lenzner, Timo, Lars Kaczmirek, and Mirta Galesic. 2010. "Seeing through the eyes of the respondent: an eye-tracking study on survey question comprehension." 65th Annual AAPOR Conference.

Lenzner, Timo, Lars Kaczmirek, and Mirta Galesic. 2010. "Seeing through the eyes of the respondent: an eye-tracking study on survey question comprehension." 4th MESS Workshop.

Kaczmirek, Lars, Timo Lenzner, and Mirta Galesic. 2009. "Is this e-mail relevant? An eye-tracking experiment on how potential respondents read e-mail invitations." 4th Internet Survey Methodology (ISM) Workshop.

Lenzner, Timo. 2009. "Verständlichkeit von Survey-Fragen in Web Surveys: Determinanten und Konsequenzen." 10th anniversary of the Globalpark AG.

Beitrag nicht auf Konferenz

Lenzner, Timo. 2024. "Integrating ChatGPT into Cognitive Pretesting Procedures." CS3 Meeting for Computational Survey and Social Science, CS3 lab, DZHW, 2024-06-12.

Lenzner, Timo. 2021. "Kognitive Interviews & ihre praktische Durchführung." Meet the Experts - Best-Practice-Methoden in der Umfrageforschung, Online, 2021-01-14.

Lenzner, Timo, and Cornelia Neuert. 2018. "How many open-ended probing questions can we ask in cognitive online pretests?" Questionnaire Evaluation Standards Workshop (QUEST), 2018-10-28.


Neuert, Cornelia, and Timo Lenzner. 2023. "GESIS Summer School in Survey Methodology: Pretesting Survey Questions." Online.

Lenzner, Timo, Cornelia Neuert, and Silke L. Schneider. 2022. "GESIS Workshop Fragebogenentwicklung und -pretesting." Online.

Neuert, Cornelia, and Timo Lenzner. 2021. "GESIS Summer School in Survey Methodology: Pretesting Survey Questions." Online.

Lenzner, Timo, Cornelia Neuert, and Silke L. Schneider. 2020. "GESIS Workshop Fragebogenentwicklung und -pretesting."

Lenzner, Timo, and Cornelia Neuert. 2019. "GESIS-Workshop Grundlagen der Fragebogenentwicklung."

Lenzner, Timo, and Cornelia Neuert. 2018. "Cognitive Pretesting: Workshop."

Lenzner, Timo, Cornelia Neuert, and Patricia Hadler. 2018. "Cognitive Pretesting Methods: Talk given at the MZES Social Science Data Lab."

Meitinger, Katharina, and Timo Lenzner. 2018. "Pretesting Survey Questions: GESIS Summer School in Survey Methodology."

Lenzner, Timo, Cornelia Neuert, and Wanda Otto. 2016. "GESIS-Workshop Pretesting."

Lenzner, Timo, Cornelia Neuert, and Wanda Otto. 2014. "GESIS-Workshop Pretesting."

Lenzner, Timo. 2014. "Questionnaire Design: International Research Workshop (IRWS)." Hamburg. HS: 1 SWS.

Lenzner, Timo. 2014. "Questionnaire pretesting via cognitive interviewing and eye tracking: Lecture "The Essentials of Survey Design and Data Collection" (Prof. Dr. Blom)."

Lenzner, Timo. 2014. "Questionnaire testing via probing techniques: CIDER Spring Workshop 2014 „Survey Methodology and Modern Microeconometrics“."

Lenzner, Timo. 2013. "Fragebogen-Pretesting: Seminar "Praxis der Umfrageforschung" (Prof. Dr. Andreß)."

Lenzner, Timo. 2013. "Questionnaire design: International Research Workshop (IRWS)."

Lenzner, Timo, and Cornelia Neuert. 2012. "GESIS-Workshop Pretesting." Mannheim.

Bandilla, Wolfgang, Dorothée Behr, Lars Kaczmirek, and Timo Lenzner. 2010. "Online Umfragen." Mannheim.

Bandilla, Wolfgang, Lars Kaczmirek, and Timo Lenzner. 2009. "Online Umfragen." Mannheim.